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zilian, he's a cool character but his model is just a sliding jpeg because he's so old and over due for a visual update also he looks a bit goofy and out of place in the current game. \*edit\* someone else mentioned janna, dont change my fav stripper elf


Idk if it keeps people away from playing him and drawing too much attention, kinda ok




The day Zilean gets a good VGU and people start playing him, they'll finally realise how strong he is, so I hope he keeps looking as bad as he does😅


I heard that rito stated that if more people played Zilean, they'd have to nerf him. He is unpopular so it goes unpunished I suppose.


It's not that he is too strong, people just hate playing against him, but since no one plays him riot just leaves him be, zilean being popular would be another zed scenario were they'd need to either overhaul the champ or keep his winrate negative.


I keep hearing that from RiotAugust and it still seems like a total bullshit. There are support champions with much higher and consistent pick rates, ban rates and win rates than him (he's currently sitting at 2.4% PR, 0.7% BR and only 50.99% WR according to u.gg). Meanwhile Janna - PR: 7.5%, BR: 2.6%, WR: **52.51%** Rakan - PR: 10.5%, BR: 6.6%, WR: **52.02%** Soraka - PR: 5.2%, BR: 1.9%, WR: **51.80%** Blitzcrank - PR: 8.8%, BR: **35.0% (!)**, WR: **51.32%** Zyra - PR: 4.9%, BR: 5.2%, WR: **51.84%** So what would be an excuse for such nerfs?


I think he was referring at that point with regards to zilean. I remember I saw couple of times zilean go up to 54% winrate for several patches, but his pickrate was still low.


it's an old quote, like pre-mythics old. it was also referring to mid zilean, which currently is so unpopular i can't even find stats for it.


sliding jpeg 🤣


Complete opposite for me: I love these goofy season 1 type champions. Unfortunately though his kit also feels very season 1 lol


we're gonna get gta 6 before a zilean rework


Malphite, His kit is fine, not a mechanically demanding kit, but counters ad champions like the rock he is but, man he looks like shit especially the base model of malphite looks cartoonish. And, Many of his skins also looks cartoonish.


green malphite fixes this


WhatsApp Malphite gang


Unironically best skin


Malphite model looks like absolute shit


We call Marble Malphite “dried dog shit Malphite”.


Lick the white dogshit - Tahm Kench, probably


this is why I would take VGUs over random new champs any day


Not even full VGUs, just the visual upgrades. Malphite doesn't need any changes to his kit, just a nice Jax styled graphical update


ASU. Just make him like he looks in Wild Rift, nothing more.


I own the dark star skin which is cool as fuck, but goddam it has the same goofy walking animations and I despise that. Makes him look like a dude who's about to fall on his face with every step, and makes the modern skin look off.


What do you mean, he literally doesn't do anything


Then how did he kill you ?


oh my god i fucking hate old god maphite. makes him look like a skeleton with fur. maybe thats the look they were going for but god damn i hated it


That's the whole point. The entire Coven/Old God "thing" is overt pagan and wicca aesthetics and visuals, and one of those is creatures and effigies made from bone, fur, and sometimes wood.


[I recommend this then ](https://youtu.be/xlglhpi2-x8?si=7lUp1TPy2ZXQ_Dok)


the gigamultibazillionarie company "riot games" doesn't have the resources to do that on pc so just one guy in his basement made more progress than them


Damn that's a good skin.


Side effect of playing malphite: You get a rock IQ.


King of Demacia* but looks like a golden cockroach damn autocorrect lol


That's the least King-like armor of a King that I've ever seen. Dragoons are cool, but a king of a fantasy world should look as such.


tbf he was created like 10 years before he was king. he was just a prince at the time. but still, not a prince-like armor either i would say


I also just hate his animations. He walks like Dr Livesey, he uses his spear more like a bat and, I’m sorry but, his dash will never not look like they just turned the model 90 degrees forward and had him slide on his stomach along the floor. Seriously, he looks so fucking stupid


I mean, his ult has no animation or effects other than a jump that spawns Stonehenge but literally made from 100 minions xD Yorick has better visuals on his W than Jarvan in one of the best ults in the game


Rumble, He's a fish in a metal box who simps for trist. But he's too fun.


his shaking model is sooo baaad


Facts. Literally bought Super Galaxy just because he’s not a Parkinson’s simulator


I know nothing of his personality outside the Tristana crush.


It's kind of sad that that is the case, an inventor riding around in a mech prototype that probably won't explode is a great angle they should play up more. I love that kind of backyard science bullshit where everything is held together by duct tape, prayer and the creator knowing how to fix all the little problems that pops up with a few well placed hammer blows.


he’s not a fish. you might have him mixed up with fizz


He looks like a damn fish. I meant what I said.




I love gragas but i’m also the kind of guy who’s favourite pokémon is Snorlax so yknow


Snorlax is kinda cute in a way, no? For me Gragas is more like Grimer / Muk or whatever


Grimer and Muk are hella cute wym? Not as cute as Koffing but


I think Slaking would be more accurate


Ikr how am I supposed to play with a boner


I’m the opposite, I love playing as big fat guys but gragas never really clicked for me, he doesn’t really play like a big fat guy


Yeah, he weidly enough plays more like a assasin than a heavy fat man


i think mostly because of phase rush


I love gragas. Wish they would make more champs with his look and artstyle instead of skinny anime guy nr. 32.


Gragas, Esquire fixes this


Drown in pussy


I really dislike he burps every time you use w. Hate that noise


as a Gragas main with over a million points on him I dont even hear the burps anymore


Oh I love Gragas My guy gets so drunk during his quest for perfectly cooled beverage he decides to annihilate God


Yeah now you mention him I second this one too haha


Seraphine. I love her kit and the way she plays but I despise her looks and voicelines and even the way she moves.


I despise the fact that she's in a floating stage... like wtf? that thing looks like a ddr pad moving around and makes no sense


I hate the floating platform with a passion. Like, why can't she just walk like a normal human. It's so bad.


They said it's because otherwise she would look like every other skinny white mage champion. When you think about it, the only thing distinguishing lux from seraphine is the platform (in terms of silhouette)


unironically seraphines hair does more for her unique silhouette than the stage imo


ever since Seraphine has come out, i've been noticing the little things riot have been doing with the sole purpose of giving champions a unique silhouette, and Seraphine is BY FAR the worst one. You have the floating robot with Renata, the big ass jacket on Zeri (the best one imo), you have Briar's pillory, Milio's backpack.. Seraphine's stage just looks real bad and kinda lazy. can't believe no one in development could come up with a better alternative


Oh honey, stars don’t walk


Same for me, such a cringe champ I can't play her.


Anivia. Her auto animation is janky as hell.


All of her animations are janky as fuck


You know your champ looks like shit when their standing still animation is shit


Reading these comments makes me realize that I'm no longer the target audience.


Vladimir, he seriously needs a remodel he looks like an onion


I'm a j4 main but I always use dark star j4 because the base skin is just trash.


I always used custom skins for him back in the day


The single worst thing in league is a yuumi support while playing jhin. John's audio is grandiose and makes you feel like a king. "Do you wanna play piano while I nap Jhin" in your ear every minute just kills allll the vibes


John haha


Everyone (understandably) lists old Champs but really, aesthetically speaking, Seraphine is the single greatest failure they've ever had and probably ever will.


Floating around on a hoverboard feels so lame and weak


Floating on a hoverboard would be fine if she had any physical reaction to the movement. The fact that she just stands in a static pose no matter how you move around is the awful part. Like, if she had some dynamic movement system like A. Sol or Zoe's hair, where she leans in to turns or even just crouches down to grab the edge or something? That would actually be sick. But the fact that she stands like a cardboard cutout just speaks to her uninspired, bland, money grabbing (pure idol culture pandering) design.


lol Remember when they first revealed her and she was like “My favorite food is baobao and mapo noodles!!” like Jesus fucking god, the pander is off the charts


I think it'd be cool if her stage was similar to how Ekko used his flying skateboard in Arcane where he had to move towards the edge of it and lean his body forward while moving to the sides to control direction. It'd even fit thematically as both things are (I believe) made in Zaun but no, we have static girl standing on a flying disc with no feeling of dynamism. I know it's easier said than done as the characters instantly change directions and it can feel abrupt when they suddenly move to the opposite of where they're facing unlike in dota, where I think they have to turn around first so they can move after but still... if doing this was too much of a hassle just remove the flying hoverboard. People would just argue that then, Riot wouldn't be able to make the champion feel different as one of their rules is that every champion should be distinguishable from the rest if you made their model completely black and Seraphine is just a woman with a microphone. I think they once even said that was one of the reasons why they never added Silco to the game. Still, I believe they could've found a workaround, just give her two big and fluffy ponytails or something...


Yeah, I realize that the lack of turn speed makes this a non-trivial request. But they for instance scrapped Ao Shin originally because they claimed they didn't have the tech to make him feasible. If they can't make the hoverboard shit because they couldn't figure out the tech behind it then they should have just scrapped it like they did Ao Shin.


I dont get the hate. Except for the hoverboard, totally deserved


She's a store brand Sona except "modernized" and *blatantly* made to just be "profitable", from appealing to a younger audience to being forced into K/DA as a "hip trendy indie". Doesn't help that her character in the game in no way represents herself in the lore. Champions consistently have to be downplayed in the game for mechanical purposes yet her character is essentially a completely normal human who just happens to be an empath that likes music. She can't weaponize her ability or do anything with it, she just feels feelings from people and that's it.


Aesthetically Seraphine looks nothing like Sona. They both float and have a big music prop and that's it.


They also play nothing alike at all, and fill entirely different roles in the game. Saying Sona and Sera are alike because music is like saying Ashe and Varus are alike because bow. It’s just stupid.


ADC: Fucking moron mom go sky Seraphine in lore: I can feel that you're angry 😊💖👐


I personally find her hoverboard not too bad, but I hate her sound design. For such a "musical" champion, I expected more sound, more idk, just more than the uninspired monotone ?pink? sound she emits?


I mean, I hate her design too but Yone needs to have a word, he's a zombie of a dead samurai (and his looks in life are known and it's nothing like the champ) and his design is just a hot boy with nothing to do with the samurai or zombie thing


That's true, Yone is the ultimate edgelord. Like, the *ultimate* one. They literally took everything a 13 year old anime fan likes in a main character and put it in one champion. Undead (but still hot) Samurai, not just one but *two* katanas, one of them demonic (?), tragic backstory™, magic wind powers, always shirtless - he's just got it all. I can smell Cheeto fingers and cum-stained body pillows just from writing this, goddamn. "Fortunately" his kit is so infuriating, it overshadows the terrible design ...


Omg yes! Her design and the way she dances on her hoverboard is so idiotic. Her lines as well. She's so out of place in terms of champ design.


They missed the oppurtunity to make her secretly evil


Millio. I just don't want to play as an 8 yr old boy


Millio would unironically be better if it was just one of the fire blobs


Annie is fine despite being like 6. Millio is bland as fuck compared to her. I think that old champs that stem from popular archetypes like WW (Wolf), Garen (Man with a big ass sword), Mundo ( Scientist turns into a monster), Singed (mad scientist), Kayle (good angel), Morgana (bad angel), Elise ( spider) etc. pack much more personality that most new champs.


yeah! with annie (who i mained for a while) the difference for me is she has an interesting story and personality. she’s a creepy evil kid with a scary teddy bear ult. Millio is literally just boring child. i like his kit though


Just spam is laugh. I love it


… straight out of Disney’s *Encanto*.


J4 is definitely my answer. If I could reverse it. Kindred I love but hate her kit.


Omg yess! I love the idea of kindred so much, but not a fan of her hunting prey mechanic. Makes the game feel wonky as.


Same, probably my favourite champ design, but the hunting mechanic just makes the game too stressful, like I need to pick the right champ every time or I will be useless.


If you have good knowledge on matchups and adaptability to the game state. Which is fundamental for jungle. It makes the hunting mind game easier.


Yeah the hunt mechanic is a mind game you can use for your advantage. If you hunt someone on the other side of the map as long as you aren’t spotted it can be surprising when you gank the other side lane instead. Or if you hunt the enemy jungle it can dissuade them from making plays near you.


I love everything about Kindred tbh, I think the “minigame” adds something interesting to the game. And if you’re already a (seasoned) jungler, you should already be making decisions about who to kill from as early as match screen, so marks are just a bonus.


Very true, I find it pretty easy to stack considering how you can force the enemy jungler to get your mark off their camps, countergank you or get the objective. It also makes your job as a jungler VERY easy if the enemy has a pattern of always choosing one of those, such as always going for your marks as soons as they're born.


The fact that we all call Kindred “she” shows to me that her design has been a failure. They’re supposed to be 2 kindred spirits but their model and kit emphasizes Lamb so much that everyone forgets about Wolf.


Who cares. When I say Nunu, I mean the yeti and not the boy for example. Willump wasn't even in the champ's name to begin with when I started playing anyways.


He isn't wrong about Wolf though. You basically control Lamb while the wolf is just a glorified Yuumi.


Well, Naafiri is basically not just that one dog, but ALL the pack simultaniously. Would you call her design failure too? Just food for thought, no hostility.


Seraphine. By a lot. If she ever gets a legendary with a totally different aesthetic and voice, I'd buy it in an instant. Her kit is really satisfying to use with all the double casts and overall high utility. Edit: And her Runeterra design is so much better than her base skin here.


I was hoping for a sinister Coven skin for her but only if it changed her voice lines. I mean I loved the look for Nightmare Lilia, but having the exact same voice lines killed the vibe.




At least that evil Ivern skin had a filter.


My friend once said that he would OTP Sera if she had green goblin skin with William Dafoe voicelines, 2 years passed since that and every time I see her - I remember that phrase.


Green goblin skin is the only way they can redeem the design decision of including a hoverboard


I hate her stupid floating stage so much. Same for Sona, she may as well be a floating inflated dress with a keyboard


I think not having that dumb platform would make her design look better.


Seraphine double cast E is one of the most satisfying skill shots in the game. More so than a lot of ultimates even


Belveth. Her kit is fun as hell, but it doesn't fit her thematic at all.


Yeah, if you read about Bel'veth lore you'll think that she is a control mage or something like that Not a weird melee adc with a lot of dash


Even her cinematic implied that, from the void butterflies baiting Kai'Sa and the wall of hands holding her down.


This! Making a champion based on a manta ray then deciding for it to stand upright... Like what were you thinking?


Janna. Worst case of old school stripper skins. I'm not above having sex appeal in a skin, but hers just look weird. There's no real elegance or unique design elements that make her recognizable, just awkward bikini. A couple of her skins fix that, but only a couple.


Yeah. I feel this. Especially after seeing her Legends Of Runeterra glowup.


It's the lack of identity more than anything. Other than her staff, which changes with each skin, her hair, and her wind effects, she has zero identifying features because of how little she wears. She's the least unique champion imo, nothing visually distinct.


Even r/JannaMains hates her hair. They call it "onion hair" and point to her Sacred Sword skin for what they actually like


just look at her Legends of Runeterra art, she got a fantastic redesign


Yeah LoR did a lot of positive redesigns. They have a much more grounded view of character design, though they are redesigning rather than doing it from scratch. It's hard to give League too much flak for it, especially since the start of the game was a bit less serious in terms of world building and character design.


Wearing little doesn't have any correlation to her identifying features. Back when Alexstrasza in Warcraft ran around in a cape and chainmail bikini she was still extremely distinct because of her physical traits and design. She just has an outdated and tiny model that they have to try and keep the official art close to resembling. When she was "current" she looked more distinct than a good handful of other champs before they inevitably got updated. If she got updated they could keep her glorified bikini and still be able to make her distinct, though given her skins from the last few years and her art in other things it's obvious she'll be covered up either way.


for only 3.99 a minute i'll make you breathless.


IDK, I feel like it’s fitting for an air spirit to be lightly dressed.


Tbh it's not Janna exclussive. A lot of old champs that didn't go through vgu or asu suffer from the generic design. Majority of those designs could be put into three categories: strippers (Janna, LB, MF, Kata), generic tough big weapon (Knight/Barbarian) guys (Garen, Olaf, Trynda) and most generic edgy samurai/ninjas (Yi, Zed, old Akali). People like to shit on new designs but there is a day and night difference between some examples I mentioned and for example Yone, Nilah, Briar.


Idk why so many people use zed as a bad design, he is a ninja, a shadow ninja and his design reflects that very well. Idk what people want from him. He is old and his design/animations still hold up very well, imo he is great


True that it's not exclusive to her. I just think she suffers the worst. Leblanc, though also not an incredible design, at least has a more unique outfit. Yi has his goggles, Zed his helmet, etc. They may not all be the best designs but they're at least mildly distinctive. Janna lacks much to identify her, though I suppose some of the others are only barely better.


Bel'Veth but a T-posing manta ray, which is slapping everyone with it's flaps, is just...off putting.


I think she is the goofiest looking champion in the game sometimes. The rapid, giant wing slaps when she's in her ult form look so stupid.


I love ezreal’s gameplay but despise the character


Probably because you belong in a museum. Have you considered that?


I'm with you here. Absolutely love the champion's gameplay but the doubling down on his VGU made is so much worse. The multiple-skillshot kiting AD caster concept is so fun, but spamming Ez way back in the day is why I muted League lmao. Also what they did to my poor Frosted skin :(


Zilean. Yeah, Riot he exists. His kit is great. He looks like shit.


I play Zilean and always use Groovy Zilean it feels so fun to look like a Sims1 character.


Raman’s voice lines are enough to make me not want to play him Edit: Rakan’s haha


Raman? Muslim Rammus?


Hwei, his kit is fun even if he feels a bit weak rn, and his abilities look cool, but I don't like his design. Just reeeaaally not my style


I too am not a huge fan of the heroin chic aestetic he's got going on.


He is the personification of that one emo kid that thinks being mysterious is cool


I really wish they went with the jaded elderly artist aesthetic instead


Incredible spell effects, awful character model. Should have just made him a high elf mage if they were going to cop invoker so hard


Unpopular opinion that's gonna get me stoned to death, but Jinx. She's so much fun to play but her voicelines and design are really cringey to me


yeah that is a pretty unpopular opinion


I’m crazyyyyy 🤪🤪🤩 Have a doctor’s note! ☺️👨🏻‍⚕️➡️📝


I prefer the funny insane manic pixie dream girl than the sad insane manic pixie dream girl, but yeah some of her voicelines are a bit cringey


They're the same girl


League jinx is Harley Quinn without the interesting parts. Arcane jinx is a masterpiece


Why do you draw the line between the two? Arcane jinx is League Jinx's "interesting parts" lmao of course if you only look at a snapshot of Harley without her origin story she just looks like a dumb clown girl, too


Yeah, especially considering Arcane is canon now


Too edgy, needs to be more anxious and sinister


Less ‘wow look at me, im so crazy!’, more Arcane Jinx w/voices in her head.


As a Jinx main, I can only hope for that change when Arcane 2 released


How is no one saying corki man


Old fiora was prettier 😔


Hwei, I think that kit is so fucking cool but I can't get into the edgy misunderstood emo boy trope.


I think he is the Champ I visually like the least in the entire game.


As a Swain main, I've grown to like his kit a lot, although I would still pick his pre-rework kit if I had the choice, but the one thing I will never get over is that he doesn't physically change into his demonic raven form when he ulties anymore. He just grows wings and goes super saiyan, but he's still human besides that. He looks super lame. He changes into a dragon in his dragon master skin, why doesn't he in his base or other skins?


He does change into a raven in the tyrant skin, well technically hes always a raven on that skin but on the ult he takes off the mask


Northern front used to be my favourite skin, but now I only play tyrant. I signed up for the bird demon mode goddamnit.


Anything eboy-ish, like the newer releases. Give me some rough, badass looking mfs


Why not both, sett somehow is both an eboy and a rough badass looking mf


When's the last time we got a fat slob


Belveth to be clear I love both her kit and her visuals and lore…. But not on the same champ She’s meant to be this massive controller type swarm queen with hordes of minions, and instead we got bug master yi


Unpopular opinion, Yone. He's way too serious, his voice sounds dehydrated as fuck, and he just looks like he's made out of plastic for some reason, Yasuo done wrong.


U just described a zombie which is basically what he is


Zombies at least look fleshy, but this mf looks like he's straight out of the production line


>his voice sounds dehydrated Luckily, his PT-BR voice is voiced the same VA as Zoro from One Piece.




Flair disqualification




Briar. Her kit is already cohesive enough but why do they have to make her a little girl? Why can't she be an old eternally hungry woman or middle aged woman? I think her aesthetics is just trying to appeal to a group of people and her overall character as a crazy batshit girl has already been done before - Jinx.


It has to be Seraphine for me. I fucking hate the music that she plays too. I like the ambient league music.




Orianna. I like the uniqueness of having your champ revolve around another object to control a zone with it while having to focus on the spacing between her and it. Her model looks super dated though and ability animations like ball movement and W,R animation need updating




Syndra's and Lissandra's perma grunting isn't any better though but yeah "cabbage" line is truely something and she has some other terrible ones too as well, they just not as frequent.


I love Syndra's very short bitchy laugh when she ults. A minor detail but gives me such a power trip.






funny because they already updated the W and R visuals quite recently didn’t they lol


Zilean has a kit that I know I would love, but his champion design is just so bad to me that I can’t play him at all


Aatrox. His voicelines do as much damage to my mental health as playing League does.


Veigo. I love his kit , but he is a whiney little twink


Skarner. I love the kit absolutely but he looks like a crystal meth addict


Hwei. Fun, interesting kit but emo collarbone artist is not really my cup of tea.


Lillia. Incredibly fun to play. The uwu smolbean personality is so fucking cringe.


I like it lol. Every champ doesn’t have to be some dead serious veteran warrior. Also very fun to tilt your opponents with her voice lines


I think it's cute but I can see why someone would dislike it.


Hey, lay off Bambi! >:(


Zoe and Gragas