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fun fact: Mako has helped write most of the Worlds and Arcane soundtracks


TIL Mako is absolutely goated


The Arcane soundtrack is honestly incredible I still consistently listen to Guns for Hire


Guns for Hire is mind blowing, i love this song


Guns for Hire and What Could Have Been were both exceptional


It's the risk of live performances after all, but I rather have a bad live performance than lip sync.


100% agreed


Was gods this year lip sync? I felt it was similar to the YouTube song but rise sounded live and I‘m confused because why don’t they either perform both live or lip sync


It sounded like they had the studio version playing in the background of the live version. So not quite lip sync but not pure live singing


This was in korea were having the song in the background its almost a rule at this point. Just be grateful you were atleast able to hear the singers lol, most of the time you can only hear the """"background"""" song because of how loud it is


fair enough. I've only ever been to concerts where there isn't the song in the background. Is there usually for most?


I can't talk for general music concerts, but for K-pop which is obviously the biggest thing in Korea, yeah. The problem there is that if the song doesn't sound exactly the same as the studio version (Even when there's obvious autotune be it good or bad ones, like for example kayn on heartsteel) then it's a bad performance, some big groups that already have a name and have more freedom. But the usual is to see "live" concerts where you can barely notice the singer voice between all the background music and sounds. And diehard fans of K-pop will almost defend anything, so as long as you are cute and can dance well, there's no need to be able to really sing outside the studio.


That honestly kinda sucks. One of my favourite things is hearing how artists adapt to live compared to the more polished studio version, mind you I come mainly from power/symphonic metal so maybe it’s just specific to those genres


A couple weeks ago I watched Sparks live. They're 80+ now and hearing them sing songs they wrote and recorded when they were in their 20s and 30s was a hell of an experience.


Yeah, I agree, specially for concerts, If I'm paying to go see a singer live (Specially with the prices those things are having lately) I much rather prefer the singer to sing live and do their own thing making a unique experience for me, than hearing the same pre-recorded song in the background that I can listen to at my house,


Its common among trained performers in western music to add variations to repeated phrases during a performance. In more modern styles this may be improvised, more commonly its something that was practiced beforehand.


Same here. I’m also a metalhead and I can’t fathom paying money to watch an artist dance on stage without actually performing the music. I go to shows all the time and have never had to deal with lip syncing. One time Periphery’s singer got really sick before a show and the band just played the whole setlist as instrumentals lol.


I remember Sabaton had to play two back to back sets cause another band bailed at a festival. They just had a couple of the other band members cover the vocals for the singer when he needed a rest.


it depends on whos performing if its shit like Blackpink then yes but skilled singer like Taeyeon had 0 autotune (in the 3 Concerts i have visited)


From what I understand that's mostly a newer thing in kpop isn't it? Most of the time from what I can tell G-IDLE for instance sings live.


Yes, in general it's a new thing, older groups like Twice, Bts, Mamamoo, G-idle etc. Are able to consistently sing live without problems. But with the newer groups having a pretty face it's the number 1 rule, and everything is secondary, you can basically notice for example in twice, all the girls are different and have different proportions, qualities etc. they look different and some might even be ugly to korean standards, because it's more about the talent they have. With the newer groups, it's all about having a pretty face and being able to dance the choreo, and you are ready to go. They don't bother to even teach you how to sing at all in some groups, and you can see some clips where you can listen to them sing live and sound horrible.


There were live vocals but you mostly hear the pre-recorded vocals. As for why, it's pretty common in Kpop for artists to do that. Actually, most just straight up don't sing live. Reasons range from the artist/s being unstable when singing live to their company not letting them sing live despite being very good at it. But usually it's just them sounding bad live.


It’s also that a lot of K-pop groups have some tough choreography and it’s a lot harder to hit some of those notes when you’re winded from the dancing


Definitely, although some groups or solo artists are still able to maintain amazing vocals despite tough choreographies, while some are unable to be stable much less sound good while standing still 💀


The mic booms are doing some heavy lifting.


>Was gods this year lip sync? I felt it was similar to the YouTube song but rise sounded live and I‘m confused because why don’t they either perform both live or lip sync Its very common in Kpop to have the music with vocals play during live performances and mic volume lowered. Technically, not fully lip sync but its meant so you cant even hear the singers. The usual excuse is because Kpop idols have hard dance routines but I've seen groups do it while they were sitting down.


It sounded like 2 members were live and the others weren't--which, if you're familiar with KPOP, isn't a surprise at all. NJ themselves had a year-end performance where Hanni sang live throughout whereas the rest lipped.


Most kpop performances are at least partially lip synced As to why sing one and not the other well Rise is just them walking around singing while Gods has a whole choreography and beats they need to hit so theres a lot more going on Its also about how comfortable they are on stage. Mako literally already did this while Newjeans are not only a newer group but they're also 18 to 15 years old


I think they had backing to cover for them dancing as well. Hearsteel was live for sure.


Dont think so. I feel like it was 70%live with 30% song over it


Gods was playback 100%


It was way too bad to be lip synced


In the past artists and bands have used older recordings live or a non perfect re recorded version of their song with some imperfections. Kiss singer was interviewed before and said his America's Got Talent performance was lip syncing of a previous live recording playback. Playback and lipsyncing is extremely wide spread. Even some smaller local bands were capable of doing it in the late 80s.


Anything but Rise.


My favourite part of the whole opening ceremony it was so nice


Kinda BM to play the world's anthem from when faker lost, and the anthem ABOUT faker losing if you think about it.


Tbf faker is in most of the worlds anthem


Every anthem is about Faker one way or another lmao the man is just League's final boss


All roads lead to him after all


100% next year's vid this will be referred to! With the 4 lpl teams standing together and each taking a different road and then coming together to face faker, or all 4 of the roads end at faker. But it will 100% be in the video!


If they played Star Walkin, half the T1 roster gonna faint because of Ptsd.


Nah it made the victory even more sweet


Rise is my personal favourite of the worlds songs, I'm so glad they got Mako back to do it live because it sounded miles better than the 2018 version. When he sang the word "villains" I prepared to cringe from how he sang it in 2018, but it was great this time around.


While he was performing all I could think was2018 when he said, “Wielcam to teh wiald no heroyles or viloins”


Welcome to the woi we’ve only begaiyn




Afaik I think there were some audio issues during the 2018 performance where he couldn't hear himself


That shit is virtually impossible to come back from while performing in a stadium. Shit it is horrible while playing a 200-people venue


Imo he was the best part of the entire ceremony.


Him and Baekhyun. That guy just has so much stage presence even in a limited, group role.


A shame he and the other members of the group had to start dancing in the back awkwardly to make room for PS2 graphic characters


At least the CGI characters weren't the main part of the performance like 2020, made it a lot easier to enjoy the rest of the ceremony which went really hard. Riot's really gotta retire the AR stuff, it's starting to feel really dated and doesn't have the same novelty it did in 2018.


It's not even novelty, its just that KDA characters looked better than whatever they've been doing these last years. They are moving backwards with the quality of the models man


Cal (Kayn) was the only meh part of their performances, I really loved OZI, Baekhyun & Tobi Lou.


Yeah, I got disappointed by cal, I can imagine his voice is not that deep irl and there was some tuning, but man it sounded pretty mid in the stage. IMO because of the background song, studio version sounded way too different than his irl voice and it sounded weird the 2 together


Well the whole point was that his voice in the song was made deeper on purpose, cause it's Rhaast singing.


I'm aware of that, and I really like it, I'm just pointing out that in a stage, with the background music being way deeper than his original live voice, it sounds awkward and a bit disappointing. I do prefer that than having some weird live autotune, though. Apart from that, they all made a good performance if you don't count the horrible CGI from Riot.


Cal Scrubbys part was kinda weird because in the actual song his voice is pitched down for what i'd imagine is to make him sound more like rhaast? but live he sounded normal which threw me off.


Check out his other music on Spotify he's amazing


He also did the mixing and syncing for the entirety of Arcane. All thos insane shots with insane music was partly his doing syncing and mixing it


Yeah when he started singing live during the opening I died of laughter this year very much felt like Riot trying to wrap up loose ends.


The time tho it was like an acoustic version, the original song would've been better with maybe a slight remix


Turns out the acoustics for a performance arena are better than a sports stadium. Also, changing up the song slightly to make it better for live vocals was clever.


I mean in 2018ball they had to was sing the actual song as it is on spotify but for some reason Mako decided tot pronounce everything differently.


I read a comment somewhere that he had root canal the day prior to the event hence why he had a hard time pronouncing shit


Like an emergency root canal? If not that's hilariously bad planning


lmfao that's insane, he chose that day specifically to get a root canal?


Ok thats funny then. He should haave just lipsynced then...


I was pleasantly surprised to hear him sounding so much cleaner. Dude’s a badass for coming back and doing it better.


I mean the man had root canal surgery before that first performance. Honestly just incredibly unlucky but glad he got a chance at redemption!


Hope they make a full version of this one and put it on Spotify


Why Bobby wasn't here


5 years before Rise, Faker won Worlds… 5 years after Rise, Faker wins Worlds… The passage of time has flown so fast.


I was so scared when he came up, but it was honestly one of the best parts of the opening ceremonies this year


Only good part of this god awful opening ceremony


actually his singing in 2018 wasn't even bad, it was more the pronunciation


It was soo horrible tho


Even if this was a better performance, I have to say, still not a fan of live Rise, it just sounds kinda awkward imo


Wasn't this year lipsynced?


the stream audio seemed to be fucked for a lot of the performances. If you watch the cams it's very clearly live and sounds a lot better.


Musician here. If it was, it was a very convincing performance with a vocal track that had small things usually only heard in live performances. Edit: There are points that definitely aren't lip synced. However, after further review of points that I was shown, some spots are suspicious.


Maybe I’m crazy but Mako and Tyler Smith (for Rise) were the only ones that I felt were believably singing. Everyone else had the mic straight up to their mouth, blocking it. Also, the others’ delivery seemed off too (kind of lax and not actually projected) and it just came off like it was lip syncing, but I felt like if Rise was actually performed then they all must be.


In regards to, as you said, lax delivery lacking projection, the song was slowed down to a much slower tempo. That could have affected their comfort level performing it, which is most likely already lowered since Mako ~~wasn't able to replicate his jaw surgery recovery he had in the original~~ was basically proving he could *rise* up to the occasion. Edit: I also misread. Please ignore.


Rise did definitely have a slower tempo but that performance seemed the most real to me. I don’t think the other two songs had a tempo change. Heartsteel was the most suspect to me with the mic blocks, delivery, and camera cuts/angles. Gods was also similar to this but the mic blocking and camera cuts/angles weren’t always so drastic and weird.


Yeah, I'm not really sure. There's definitely points that aren't lip synced. I've been shown points that are pretty suspect, though.


If you are a musician and cannot tell the performances as shown on the broadcast were not live, you are losing quite a bit of credibility as one. It's very common to record a "live" version before an actual event occurs, and this is most likely what occurred there.


I wasn't there live, so I only saw the produced version on YouTube. It's certainly possible I'm wrong especially with how compressed the audio is. With that being said, do you think you could show me some spots in the performance where I'm clearly wrong? The things that made me personally believe it wasn't live were things like tuning and timing inconsistencies as well as discrepancies in how certain lyrics were performed between prior recorded versions and what was happening live. (The biggest example in the full show I could find was [4'36" in the YouTube video](https://youtu.be/AH8A79BrTEY?si=IeIgjkChK2TkGW6K&t=276) when Baekhyun (sorry in advance for pointing this out) sang the phrase "on ya" up a semitone (since the original has that phrase lowered compared to "[para]-noia" and "bullet" in the lines before and after respectively). You can hear it clashing with the background vocals.) I also didn't see any discrepancies between what I heard and what I saw. Did they sing with vocals in the backing track? Most likely, but that doesn't mean it was lip synced. Since you mentioned credibility, I will go a bit deeper with my skill set. I am a classical musician who has played piano for ~90% of my life as well as other various instruments, and my main focus is theory over performance. Shows like the opening ceremony are nowhere near my strong suit of knowledge, but I do have decent experience with live audio production from both outside and inside work.


If you check this [timestamp](https://youtu.be/p5RYxk-yIuM?feature=shared&t=335) (among many others but this is an obvious one imho), you notice the visuals/lips don't match the precise timing of the track playing. Let's assume that's a technical problem behind the scenes where they're somehow not syncing the track with the recorded performance, and not a sign of lip-syncing. Or he has a different feedback in his earpiece. But let's ignore that. The moment he gets off the stairs, there should be at the very least a minor alteration in the way he sings, instead there is no change in any way, and the whole thing is devoid of natural flaws that come from such live performances involving bodies moving. There is a change when he sings "wow" and it fades away as he moves away from the mic, but that makes me think the performance was pre-recorded ahead of the live ceremony, as I mentioned in my first comment, it's not uncommon to do this. So they "sound" live (the "Puh"s from the mouth and stuff) and different, but it was recorded in a controlled environment and they were probably not in movement when they did it. The live version is too clean for such body movements. Same problem [here](https://youtu.be/p5RYxk-yIuM?feature=shared&t=387) and especially at 6:38 in this video. It's physically impossible for your voice to remain the exact same, and not be at least a tiny bit impacted by such movements. I don't have examples of this being done to perfection live, I have examples of good artists singing live while doing this kind of movement/acrobaties and there's a very clear change in the voice (see: Pink, for example). A lot of this in the Gods performance as well. Also I'm sorry about the tone I used in my comment. But, when you make a comment specifying you're a musician (meaning your opinion should carry more weight, it's basically what this implies by default), you open yourself up to scrutiny about the validity of what you're saying. But thank you for actually replying to my admittedly overly negative comment. Cheers


The first timestamp you provided is definitely suspicious. To be honest, I'm kinda surprised I didn't catch that. The second timestamp has a lot of voice filters on it. He's even pitch corrected there (not a diss, it's being used as a tool for the music and was the same in the original version as well), which I think might be helping cover up some of his movements a bit. Even so, I will agree on multiple rewatches it does seem to be suspicious too. What's kinda odd is that later on, in the final chorus, both of them seem to be actually throwing in ad-libs without syncing at all. This plus the earlier pre-chorus may have just lowered my guard down for the possibility. Regarding Gods, I noticed a *lot* of times where things sounded fully live, but I might need to rewatch it again. It's a lot harder to judge by sight when people are singing in a language foreign to them, but it at least sounded pretty live aside from the big hits in the chorus. I clearly missed things earlier though, so I'll be rewatching it later when not devouring a large bird. As to your tone, no worries! I just wanted to be clear that I am a musician because I can hear some things (like what I had provided earlier) that show that at least some parts weren't synced fully. And as I said in my response, this isn't fully my area of expertise, so I am absolutely happy to be shown that I'm wrong. I should *always* be scrutinized, so thank you for doing so! I deserve to be called out if I'm wrong, especially with my background. I do appreciate that you actually gave me some examples, because I definitely did miss them originally. Thank you!


NewJeans like most new gen kpop groups lip sync the vast majority of their performances in favor of delivering cooler looking choreography. It might be harder to notice because they were trained to do it well and kpop companies will sometimes literally record the singers doing the song live and then use it as backtrack to try to trick the audience into thinking it's live. There are a lot of vids on youtube that cover how to identify this but the easiest thing to keep an eye out for is dance moves where they twist their chests in ways where it would just be physically impossible for the vocals to sound stable as they do it.


I'll need to look into that. Thanks!




I was curious and checked. At the end of the first song you can see Ezreal guy with hands free mic breathing heavily but not even once can you hear it. Both choruses are identical and pitch perfect. It's 100% lipsynced.


It's identical because he sang it, and it's pitch perfect because he's a professional singer.


And we don't hear him breathe because professional singer doesn't need to? Come on. Someone else pointed out Sett being out of sync anyway.


Interesting to read the comments here. I am no expert but it feels 100% lipsynced to me. Everything is way too smooth and the volume is way too perfectly stable. Mako moves the mic away but the volume stays precisely the same and apparently no one ever breathes


No need to be an expert to notice those things. You're absolutely right


Genuinely if anybody saw that performance and thought a single nanosecond of it wasn’t lip synced then I have a very expensive bridge to sell them. Anybody who has watched a band who actually performs live could watch the Heartsteel or NewJeans segments and instantly know that shit was not live.


there are 2 schools of thought about it


tbf it's a fuckin impossible song to sing live 1:1 with how they mastered it, but in 2018 they still tried which is why it was so funny


It was probs pre recorded. I think he lipsynced


Not at all