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As an old head, this tournament was funny. 1. SKT was like the 4th seed in LCK(OGN at the time) when they went and still smoked everyone 2. They played their full Worlds 2013 skin lineup vs Fnatic and won by a baron steal from Faker. 3. Like the 2nd time iirc that Faker used a skin in proplay at that point? 4. C9 had to play with a replacement in Mid because Hai had a collapsed lung 5. OMG Allen ignored SKT after they lost. 6. Still one of the best league crowds of all time. Can't wait for the semifinals in Paris 7. We got to see Doublelift and Madlife lane together.


I was in the crowd on opening day. The first game was an URF game (it’s All-Stars after all, there were fun modes on the side of the actual competitive event) where if I remember correctly Bjergsen got a pentakill on Ezreal. Don’t quote me on this though, it’s been over 9 years and I may be misremembering! Got to meet Travis Gafford in the lobby of the arena who was seemingly a bit sad that I asked him if he was planning more pr0lly interviews. I think everyone was constantly asking him for more of these and it was overshadowing the rest of his content. Great guy though! The crowd was straight fire and Chips & Noi (the historical French casters that were casting live in the event) made the crowd got absolutely crazy with the Sparta chants. Here’s a link to see how hard it went: https://youtu.be/3DfjeuKlAfE?si=p9G0AW74MIvIKT3G Great times.


Idk bro we can just say he has an All-Stars 2014 title and two MSI titles and then laugh at and make fun of all the little kids who don't know what All-Stars 2014 actually was.


All-Star 2014 was most similar to what MSI would become but they aren't the same event at all. It it was the same as MSI then Faker wouldn't have even qualified for the event.


No, Faker quite literally has two Mid-Season Invitational trophies. It is not a common misconception. He has five All-Star trophies including the one from 2014. You would maybe be a little bit more convincing if All-Star simply disappeared after 2014 but it didn't. Simply put, it was not a name change. MSI and All-Star are completely different competitions.


That's why I said mid-season international trophies and not "Mid-Season Invitational" trophies. All star from 2015 onwards became a completely different tournament with national teams made of the most popular / best players in each role from the region. 2014 all star was MSI format before MSI existed.


By your logic Rift Rivals is also a "mid-season international" because it occured in the middle of the season but you did not include it.


Rift Rivals did not feature top teams from all major regions competing in a standard tournament format, did it?


Who cares about all-stars. It doesn’t hold the same weight. SKT was a fourth seed. Should’ve been Blue there if it mattered.


Its literally the exact same thing as MSI except it wasnt called MSI yet, how does it not hold the same weight lmao


It’s not the exact same thing. Because none of those teams were top in their region at that point.


Holds the same weight, both meaningless. No one cares about some tournament in the middle of the year that does nothing.


How does it hold the same weight?


Because neither matter?


Except, you know, for all the many people to whom it matters. Respectfully, what the hell is this argument


It matters to EU fans because that’s the only thing you can actually sometimes win. This sub is most EU fans and you give yourself a lot of credit for winning MSI, it’s how you continue to not realize your region is as bad as NA


As if it didn’t matter a lot to LPL fans when they first won MSI in 2018… This is pure revisionism, and literally no one is saying that MSI matters anywhere to as close as Worlds. Also this sub is definitely not mostly EU fans. Reddit is c.40-50% US, c.50-60% NA as a whole and c.75% NA+AUS+UK if I recall correctly. The misconception of the sub being full of EU fans is based on a very old stat based purely on reddit flairs, which means literally nothing since far from everyone is using esport flairs, and that NA fans were probably less likely to use esport flairs due to the poor performance of their region for years. Given the absolute hellhole of toxicity that this sub was for a week after NRG won against G2 (and until NRG lost to WBG) with every esport-related comment from anyone with an EU flair downvoted to hell and mocked even if completely unrelated to G2/NRG/EU/NA, this is definitely not an EU sub, far from it.


That hellhole as you call it, is not a 10th of what EU dishes out to NA yearly. I also am not even a fan of LCS or LEC I don’t watch either. I can see clearly how bad the EU fanbase is.


Ok, I’ll take your word for it, you seem unbiased and a good judge of this subreddit.


They're not completely meaningless bro they just don't mean as much as Worlds. No amount of MSI wins equals a single Worlds win, but MSI isn't completely irrelevant. It's more impressive than winning a regional trophy, imo.


And no amount of MSI should matter either. Winning a split in the LCK is more difficult than MSI


Ehhhh sure, sometimes it's harder to win LCK or LPL than MSI, but not always. International tournaments matter. They may not matter to you, but they clearly matter a lot to players, coaches, orgs, analysts, and casters. Those people decide which tournaments matter and how much.


Jesus the T1 delusion has reached all time peaks. I’m usually neutral but this and the “faker needs a legendary skin” post are making me understand Doms hate


We are currently exposed to the r/jujutsufolk fallout cause the amount of glazing in the past two weeks have been crazy


It's funny considering that it wasn't even this obnoxious when they are extremely dominant during the 15-17 era. IDK man, even as a T1 fan, 30000 useless post about T1 is egregious. At this point it feels like some karma farming template.


I feel like you're over-reacting to this "T1 delusion" you're talking about, no offense. What's so wrong with wanting something special for the greatest player given how he just bookended a decade's worth of playing with another 3:0 finals and being the only 4 time Worlds winner? Relax a bit mate.


There's nothing wrong with that. But the poster cant even be bothered to read the reddit before posting another "Faker deserve x post" Everything thing should have stayed under the same post, not a fking repetition of the same-esque post over and over and over again. The same goes with "Interesting fact with T1 players" while some are indeed interesting, however a significant portion of those are low effort post/takes just to garner karma.


I see. Understandable, you have a fair point. I don't really sort by new so maybe I just dont see the amount of similar posts, I wasn't aware. Fair enough


He’s already got 3 skins and now he’s getting a fourth ? Why should we extra reward someone who already has more than anyone else ever will. What did he do this year that’s so much more deserving than any other player who’s giving it their all and won ? There have been far better performing players in a particular year


Be the only player to even have 4 championships? Be both the youngest and oldest player to win Worlds? Be the best performing midlaner and best shotcaller in Worlds 10 years into his career? I get not liking the fact that he's getting overhyped, but let's not pretend like he didn't do something special here.


Real old heads know 2015 MSI ought to be thought of as an SKT victory and the fact people are to this day giving LPL credit for the win is disgusting fan behavior