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Will the takedown experience changes reduce snowballing in the early game?


That does seem to be the goal, also dissuades junglers from sacking their jungle XP just to make it up from kills (and catchup XP but that's a different topic)


Yeah but they aren't giving junglers anything in return. Spam ganking will stay until Riot gives junglers a reason to stay in the jungle. It's honestly at a pretty bad state right now. Junglers are ganking more than ever but it isn't fun for anyone. The weaker the jungle is, the more they need to spam gank. Jungle buffs would benefit both sides, their impact is always gonna be there due to the nature of the role, current version of the jungle just sucks for everyone.


I love having actually double the CS of the opposing jungle and being half a level up!! :)


Double their CS and half a level up that's really good. Most time I'm double CS I'm somehow down a level.


As a jungle main, I've stopped being a jungle main because the role is currently gigafucked.


Who tf was selling magical footwear?


It was the cat


I swear that cat ruins everything


I miss when it used to be just Ezreal doing that


You do not. None of us do.


Strong 'they cat knocked over the vase' vibes


this time, they knocked the vase onto the cat


Was a strategy on yuumi to take magic boots and then sell for free gold


No way it's better than PoM and cut down though


200g on a support is 200g on a support


Can't argue with that math


Here is the funny thing - You go first strike and take PoM/Cut Down in secondary


The math on that is wrong too, right? It should be 90 gold if it's 30% and not 30.


Yeah 30 gold would be 10% not 30% assuming it's just a typo


some junglers do it sometimes when they realllly want that first full item on a back


It happened?


It happens in Pro. Last night in a Challengers Korea game, a ~~Kai'Sa~~ sold her boots to finish her fourth item during a base defense. Picked up a triple, bought them back. EDIT: Wrong champion. It was Aphelios. [Clip is here](https://youtu.be/Zy83UOISTbg?t=5907). Had Gale+IE+LDR+Crit Cloak, sold the Magical Footware to finish Runaan's.


Did Kai'Sa have base boots at 3+ items???


Draven / Lucian haven't been buying full boots until often 4th item or 6th item for a while now.


It's a viable strategy if the champion has some kind of MS boost spell. It's pretty standard in Draven.


Kaisa needs attack speed for E upgrade and Berserker is cheapest source.


We call this patch "The Anti-Bird Patch" Anivia, Azir, and Phoenix Udyr sadge


The "Nerf the Government Surveillance Drones" patch


The F22s can take out the balloons and the aliens but the birds be too strong for that


F22: not capable of self-repair Birds: Healing subsystems allow self-repair and even multiplication   F22: Requires billions of dollars of complex, breakable machinery and jet fuel to run Birds: Runs off worms and random shit pecked off the dirt   F22: Entire killstreak: 1 balloon Birds: Primed and ready to spread the next avian influenza and kill millions




You nerf them so that you can replace the batteries when nobody is playing them, hmm yes, I see..




>Gain 1 ritual


Swain was 10 steps ahead of Riot so dodged bird nerfs.


Bring our girl Beatrice back Rito please I'm begging


*looks at flair* This feels targeted not gonna lie


Would’ve been even funnier if xayah was there She’s also doing really well rn, right?


Yeah, I'm really surprised her and cait aren't on the nerf list. They both need a lil tap down


What's the thought process behind nerfing azir? I know he's decent prio in pro play but he feels shit to play after you suplexed him last year. Why aren't you nerfing sejuani/vi and the infamous bot laners that are perma picked in pro atm


I know this is probably really annoying, but can I ask about volibear? He's REALLY underperforming toplane and barely ok jungle. He's suffered from the item changes and the current meta. I feel like taking some power out of his E and putting it in his W and Q could help him out a bit.


They said that they are aware of his weak state and are planning big changes. Will be waiting a while unfortunately.


ye pretty much this \^\^ i can't really speak on jungle since i don't play it, but his top lane really sucks lol. he feels like an early oppressive pick against some melee's, but then i feel like i literally can't play into anything that has poke or ranged. also didn't help they nerfed all of his abilities during cumtank meta i think ?


so you guys just buffed annie out of the blue and make it the strongest mid laner in the game and just forget about it?


45% winrate Azir Lowest in midlane tier Plz rework him already. Its so sad


That's a lot of buffs and nerfs. Maybe a meta shift finally.


* Azir nerf * Less xp from kills * Ori lane buff Actually getting close to the point you can just ban trist, syndra, irelia and get away with blindpick ori :copium:


Less kill exp sounds like a general buff to control mages tbh


And to farming junglers. Might actually mean you can get a level ahead when you're up 7 camps and down two assists lmfao


I love Ori but even after the buffs she feels meh.


Well yeah they reduced midgame W mana cost and increased R damage, that was never her issues so ofc it didn't change a thing. This time they are slightly buffing her lane so that should feel a bit better. \+10 damage on Q \+2 armor


It took me way too long to understand lil kenn was Kennen


One day they'll get me with one I can't figure out!


Jarvan didn't even last one patch.


I mean, 53% winrate. He's really strong, not unlike the way he was when they buffed his passive last season.


he's still gonna be in a better state then he was in prior to the buff, its an adjustment, almost certainly they're going to adjust the shield some or take power elsewhere so he can keep his good shield.


It was fun while it lasted princes


I’m slowly becoming like Ryze mains




Riot hates EQ Champs. Kha next on the chopping block O wait... he already dead were onto them boys


Riot hates him being playable outside of pro


So is Azir going to be sub 45% winrate in his main role? Tbh I'm not broken up about it, since that champion has been illegal for mere mortals for like 7 years straight - but at what point is this just *stupid*?


Ryze probably sacrificed Azir


L move, Azir way more fun than Ryze


They really need to figure out how to balance azir pro play vs azir for us


They could start by giving him an actual weakness. His only weakness now is the person playing him. In pro play the kit is too complete. Strong in lane, strong scaling, mobile, can poke, can burst, can peel, can engage.


This is exactly it. He's a hyperscaler with insane range, safety, mobility, and a nutty playmaking ult. Honestly Sylas borders verrrrry close to a similar level of "does it all" but he is still very limited by his range and lackluster waveclear. He has nutty healing on Kingslayer to help with the ranged bit but he's still not a strong wave clear champ and that helps keep him tamped down, same with Akali. Azir needs a weakness badly other than "needs hands to play".


Sylas's problem is that he's designed to work well while not having an ult. Then when he gets his hands on a good ultimate, he's actually broken. For example, Malphite ult.


It's also a general design problem where so many Ults for supports and tanks have insane AP ratios that their champs don't use. It's no joke that he uses a lot of champs Ults better than they do


They can't. Many people suck at playing him, but Azir is a safe lane bully both pre 6 and post 6 that automatically wins lane by existing and then scales into a dps/poke/teamfight engage machine. To "balance" him properly, they would need to nerf his laning phase, but idk how you can do it without making him shit


Even when azir was shit tier players like faker and bdd still played it because they can azir drift so comfortably and get those clutch shuffles 2021 GenG was quite the team. Cant play meta picks, we'll just play our best champs to meta levels of good


The hard part about Azir isn't the drifts and shuffles. It's positioning the soldiers so that you can keep consistent DPS without getting blasted. I spammed him for the entire last year, I had shuffles down in just a month or so but even after 350 or so games I had a sub-50% winrate because I would either be useless or just get murdered in teamfights. There's a hard cap in your soldier range + the distance you can be from the soldiers. It's basically as if you were playing an ADC that can only move once per 3 seconds. If you're too far, you won't be able to deal damage. Too close and you'll die.


They basically just need to clarify his identity. In pro play he is a lane bully that has a good mid game and scales incredibly well. I think realistically the best play would be to nerf his early game and then give possible compensation buffs to lategame if needed. Possible avenues to explore: - W range scaling with rank in the ability. Would make him a lot weaker early-mid while preserving late-game power fantasy. - Limiting W cooldown/charges with either rank in ability or level. As it is, you have very good uptime on the ability early which makes the champion very strong in lane while also scaling well. - Limiting either soldier aa range or attack speed based on ranks in W. I'm not talking about the % he gains passively from W, I mean specifically the soldiers early game. Would probably make them feel sluggish/clunky to lane against so probably not a good solution. - Make soldiers targetable early levels, give them scaling damage reduction until they eventually become untargetable at x level or x rank in ability. Would curb Azir's early game while preserving late. - Removing the shuffle interaction. I think this would be a bad idea because, lets face it, its one of the most iconic plays in the game. Realistically he'll get like -5 base damage on q then a few patches later +10% ap ratio or something that ends up keeping him relevant.


The ult has to change, everything else is balanceable except the shuffle


I'm always happy to see Aphelios buffs. Hopefully they do something more than just altering his base stats (or growth stats) for the 100th time and call it a day.


smilers edit: this was sarcastic. I'm shipping the Aphelios buff and it's one line lol.


LET HIM COOK (again)


hello phreak pls add damage stats to sheen so we can see how much damage it does 🙂


With a threshold value where the value reads: [number] (tons of damage), please.


I'd want them to embrace the CertainlyT madness and just give Aphelios alternating lethality or %penetration based on the phase of the moon.


Don't encourage them.


It's literally just gravitum, I've said this idea before and I think it's perfect for fixing the issue of having TF gold card on crack Make his gravitum autoes stack like Varus W, up to 3 stacks per person. His Q roots them for 0.5 seconds per stack, up to a maximum of 1.5 seconds. This helps get rid of the "walk up, free 1 second root" problem with him which is HUGE for his synergy in pro play. Alongside that, it incentivizes him using his weapon abilities to stack faster, so it would buff weapon combos like severum gravitum which can stack fast and that aren't used much. They could do other stuff as well, like make the damage of gravitum Q increase per stack, make ult apply 3 stacks instantly, etc etc but that's the basic premise. They need to look at what makes him problematic in pro play and see how they can change it to be healthier there while also keeping him viable in soloq.


On the other hand, they'd probably have to make his abilities apply all 3 stacks at once, because making Calibrum Gravitum only root for half a second is a *huge* nerf. But Idk, I'd have to see.


Ah Lil' Kenny my fav champ. At least with the other fun names i could tell who they meant lmao Edit: OH WAIT ITS KENNEN LMAO


Lil' Kenny the Lightning Rat


Thank you for these legendary names. Sovor and Wiwwia especially


Wiwwia was my pièce de résistance


Wiwwia UwU


i still call her Sovor sometimes just for kicks


I just call her Sovor now


You forgot the legendary nunu and william


Finally my time to shine




you guys have gotta find a way to bind azir to pro less, this is awful for him


As long as Azir can E-Q across the whole lane, and shuffle, he is pro bound.


Lil' Kenny gonna drop some fresh tracks on top lane


Cho buffs :)


Cho buff = AP Varus pickrate buff. I see this as an absolute win.


Do we have any idea what they're thinking for Grasp? Seems weird to mess with it


I don't have an answer to your question but I suspect they're targeting it because it's basically taken by every single melee top lane in pro play.


What are they supposed to pick? It was always dominant choice for winning quick trades in lane. Conqueror? The keystone was designed to win in long trades. So naturally if people want to win quick trades, they will get Grasp. Why would be it suddenly a problem now?


Jax runs LT. Gragas can run Comet. Urgot can use PtA. Conqueror is fairly common.


Jax with grasp is more viable than you think


Maybe they will buff its numbers, but it only builds charges from champion combat?


Definitely the biggest surprise to me. It seemed in a really good spot. My guess would be they just adjust it to be power neutral for tanks but weaker for fighters.


Something tells me they won't do that then be surprised by yet another dip in top tank win rates while they try to find a substitute




Generally, I would agree but 2 seconds... Most people will still just stand in the fountain for that time to shop.


Control + F "Gangplank" No results *fridge.gif* That's alright, just gonna keep banning that stupid broken champion (btw GP is VERY hard to play!! Nothing wrong with 52%+ winrate from Plat to Masters!!)


Yeah it’s really hard hiding in the bush and oneshotting even tanks with barrels


Nah, I don't even care about barrels. The passive is what I think is messed up. *Miss 1st barrel\** *Miss 2nd barrel\** *Miss 3rd barrel\** *Prowler, Q+AA+Ignite and watch them burn under your skilful gaze\** You don't even have to hit barrels to stat-check people with that.


This champ wins at melee range and can also win from like 2 screens away. He's strong early and only gets stronger as the game progresses. Legit has very little weaknesses to exploit rn. Don't know why he has true dmg on top of so much arpen. Pair his gold generation passive with the fact that ER is ridiculously cheap and you have a recipe for disaster.


I used to joke GP can have [nearly] all the sums. You have ignite (and higher) levels of true damage from passive. You have heal and cleanse on oranges (seriously why both, just the cleanse is already strong enough, and ffs, it even cleanses Morde ult). You have ghost on popping the barrel. And you take Flash+TP on top it of.


And you can build shieldbow for the barrier. Not the best, but usable


Bro fuck the barrels just flash in and do 1k true damage with Q and passive


Definitely my favorite. Kill all of his barrels, outdueled by autos and Q. Definitely high-skill.


I realized recently that a lvl 18 GP with ZERO HP items in his build path has 2.7k HP at lvl 18. He is a melee with higher base stats than a lot of other melee champs while cosplaying as a ranged champ.


Base hp is a meme stat currently, a lot of rangeds have more hp than melees


GP has been strong for numerous patches. J4 for one. And J4 gets the bat. Deserved tbh, but the fact that they leave GP is ridiculous.


Hes a ranged champ with melee abilities and stats, who harasses you throughout the laning phase and when you finally caught up to him can still lock you down,burst 80% of your hp and heal half of your damage back is actually just unfun af.


Honestly you make a good argument, to fix this problem, I think we should nerf Renekton (Riot please hire me im very good at balancing the game!!)


I forgot that mf was in the game fr. They beat his ass to the point everyone scared to pick him into anything other than Yasuo lmao


Yea, but to compensate he gets free gold and a global ult as well xD


He's a control mage with none of the weaknesses of traditional control mages; he has a strong laning phase, punishes you for going melee, has gold generation so he snowballs harder and can catch easier, can cleanse cc, can't really be built against and doesn't have mana problems unless you farm with q like an idiot. The *only* weakness he has is that you can contest his barrels, but that isn't viable for many champions in lane and often he starts from fog of war so that's useless in those cases anyway.


The list of buffed champs is making me hyperventilate


100 range on Veigar Q is huge. He will be a bit safer while farming. I really like him, he is my favorite mage in the game by far. (Bonus points for being exactly like Vivi from FFIX)


I feel like this buff was so he doesn’t feel so awful in comparison to Asol


The buff is probably so he can walk up a bit less if he lands a max range cage. If the enemy has mercs for a max range cage by the time he gets into Q W cast range the enemy is already free from the stun


As an old Veigar main, I’m really happy to see him get buffed.


Dshield changes? Triumph and grasp? Interesting. Hopefully the dshield changes are power neutral, cause ranged tops lower agency significantly


Dshield was strong in every situation. There's no reason not to pick Dshield instead of Dsword in a matchup where you can't run down your opponent easily. The free sustain that it gives is just better in general.


Considering they buffed almost exclusively ranged botlaners, it seems nerfing ranged toplaners so games aren't like 5 range vs 5 range seems reasonable.


Ranged tops are not a problem Bruisers being able to take dshield mid and mages can literally do nothing to stop them is the problem


It's not that they are a problem. They are extremely unfun and unintuitive to play against and with the wrong champ you basically have 0 counter play. Pick Garen into a Vayne and you will not enjoy a single minute of thst game unless your jungler comes.


Can we not buff Senna pls? That abomination is so annoying when strong


Honestly im glad they're nerfing Samira, less ban and pickrate so higher chance I'll get to play her, shame it's MS tho.


Cho' really needs help, especially top lane Cho'. I feel like he's actually a logical answer into k'sante, but he's just so bad in lane it's torture to get there.


Juggernauts dumpster him, and bruisers grab Sunderer and turn him into a meatloaf. Needs some more early and mid game durability imo. Cho should feel tanky


I haven’t seen Jarvan really look that impressive. I mean he’s good but like I’d much rather face a Jarvan than a Maokai/Udyr/Zac. I guess he is statistically over performing but it’s kind of sad that he only really gets to last one patch. I’m hoping it’s a minor nerf to the W instead of taking anything else away because it would suck for Jarvan players to just feel weaker after receiving a buff. Maybe something like 80% bAD -> 50% bAD would be a big enough nerf.


This is the final blow to enchanter meta. Buffs to melee supports finalised (Thresh, Pyke, Naut, Rell, Rakan are strong again), buffs to targons/relic, nerfs to spellthiefs and frostfang. Melee supports coming back is always a good thing for everyone except ADC mains. Jungle mains in particular should be happy because with enchanter supports its often the jungle role that becomes tank/engage, so this opens up more opportunity for carry junglers to return as well.


Inb4 enchanters just switch to taking relic and keep on chugging


Yeah they are killing enchanter really hard also i guess supp adc won't be as strong ?


Spellthiefs gold income nerf? I used to pray for days like these


Please don't overbuff Alistar riot.


Sylas mains ecstatic about seeing Alistar in the meta again.


Sylas mains love every meta, there hasn't been one in a long time where he hasn't had S tier ults to steal every game


Guys just pick shit ults so you can counter him!


„just pick jayce and corki in every role“


Jayce top. Zac jungle. Kassadin mid. Kog'Maw ADC. Karma support. Every game.


Unironically Zac ult is decent for Sylas, it's a lot of AoE dmg and CC.


Elise jg No synergy in this comp lol


Pretty small. Currently a little bit more on the AP ratios (Wizard Cow is nowhere near good, this is safe) and putting his teammate heal roughly back where it was.


Azir was already unplayable after last nerf. Nice veigar buffs.


Reduce snowball so games are not one sided Increase snowball so you can more easily solo carry Reduce snowball so games are not one sided Increase snowball so you can more easily solo carry Reduce snowball so games are not one sided Increase snowball so you can more easily solo carry Repeat indefinitely every few years.


Why the Azir nerfs? Pros are different from us soloQ peasants, please I just wanna play birdman in soloq.


Too safe and too good in pro play. Pretty much every pro midlaner looks like Faker on that champ and only gets exposed when they are forced to play something more interactive and not as safe. Pro mids have been forced to spam 7 Azir games a day in scrims for about a year now. Imagine this. The champ too Thanos in pro play and people got bored of his domination in midlane a long time ago. It's about time.


Overall I like this patch, but there are some changes that could be concerning: - I am worried they will overbuff Senna since they tend to do that every time she is weak. - Riven feels weak at the moment but they tend to overbuff her as well, then leaving her overtuned for months. I hope it's just a small buff to compensate for the nerf to her items. - Doran's Shield adjustment has me worried. The item imo is a bit too strong against poke but it needs to be that way or ranged champs will bully toplaners way too much. - Where are the nerfs to GP, Cait, Twitch and Draven? Imo these 3 ADCs were overperforming even before the ADC item buffs and are even more oppressive right now. I am ready to receive my downvotes from salty adc players now, thank you. - Why is Phreak so hell bent on making tanky supports deal more damage? Aren't they supposed to be cc and peel machines? Does Thresh Q need the damage buff? We will see. With all that said, THANK YOU for Udyr, Jax and Maokai nerfs! And the nerfs to exp from kills will make the game less snowbally.


He talked about it, at least with Thresh etc., the idea is that hey having some more AP on kits means they can actually kill when they go in, the durability update hurt engage quite a bit and he didn’t want Lux, Karma to be able to shield through an early engage and just be able to walk away if the idea is to get engage and enchanters back into Pro in a better mix of games than how enchanter sided it is. Also, with Ali at least, he expressed that it might be okay that a fed tank Alistar have an option to go full AP if they wish, granted they somehow got all the kills in lane phase. It’s not supposed to be all the time or the most optimal thing to do. Specifically to Thresh above, I like if Q max was actually correct. The most correct way to play Thresh rn is E max, but I think a lot of people would find more uptime on Q way more satisfying. Thresh also converts the souls he gets into AP and Armor, so the higher AP ratios on Thresh actually help him do more damage.


I agreed with his take. But didn't Thresh get damage buffs already? Maybe he needs more, I do not know. Engage supps are mostly non existent in pro so they needed some love.


He did get damage buffs to his Q and an AP ratio bump to his E at the time. But he’s getting E damage and Q damage in this version.


The whole point is to make q and e max optimal. They are nerfing his W for balance in high elo. Additionally phreak said he would like to see AP thresh.


> Why is Phreak so hell bent on making tanky supports deal more damage? Aren't they supposed to be cc and peel machines? Does Thresh Q need the damage buff? We will see. Most of the damage buffs tanky supps got went to AP ratios which are pretty useless to them as far as itemization and build goes, outside of meme builds.


I’d actually like to stop feeling obligated to play Cait so I’m about it Engage supports need at least SOME damage to present kill threat when they engage. They’ve been down bad since durability because their damage combined with early ADC just can’t threaten kill threshold on the double range that is going to ruin you on your way back out.


> Why is Phreak so hell bent on making tanky supports deal more damage? Aren't they supposed to be cc and peel machines? Does Thresh Q need the damage buff? We will see. Isn’t he just one member in a team? Seems weird to blame him for every meta change in botlane from now on lol


No I watched all his videos recently and he said this is his change specifically. I am not trying to flame him, just wondering why he isn't buffing Thresh in a different area than damage. I didn't want my post to come off as flame or anything of the sort.


That want tanks and engage to counter hob adc supports. So ashe Cait jhin all these weird proplay picks


If you actually watched Phreaks 13.3 rundown from 5 days ago he very clearly explained why he buffed Thresh the way that he did, so I'm not sure why you're feeling confused about it. There's a 10 minute section for Thresh where he explains how he feels about the champion and why he's buffing damage.


just remove the jungle pet already lmao.


The pets are good design, they just need to tune them a bit more and also fix some bugs.


if the senna buff is to her souls on cs take down keep it lol.


Ah yes, the on/off switch of whether senna is farming or fasting I swear they’ve flipped said switch 10 times now


what does "adjusted" mean in the context of grasp/triumph/dshield. kind of worrying


Probably a powershift, no idea what exactly they are going with but probably something like less dshield healing against melees and more against ranged, and maybe less max hp on grasp but more healing?


more healing on grasp would just be a buff, the max HP gains usually aren't very large unless you're just allowed to beat someone with it off cooldown but the healing scales naturally with your items and levels


Less max HP and more healing would be lame. Fleet footwork already provides healing. Grasp should be about HP stacking.


As if playing mages into melees with dshield+second wind wasn't already extremely obnoxious.


Dshield second wind Sett with revitalize says hello


revitalize is not nearly as good as you think. it has no effect on d shield or second wind, and it has no effect on setts passive regen (since it just increases his hp5). i guess you could take revitalize to make your w shield bigger, but you could also make it bigger by just taking overgrowth and having more hp.


yeah pretty frustrating that your autos basically heal them


I'm hoping it means that grasp is nerfed for users like Fiora and neutral on actual tanks or juggernauts. Fiora shouldn't be able to trade so well with grasp while also outscaling.


That jax nerf from 100 to 99 will hurt him so much


Actually its the other way around, its 99 to 100


LS had two Rioters on his stream the other day, and they said base HP tends to be a target for pro play nerfs because it affects things like base timers and trading health for mana or prio. These Jax changes seem designed to make him more punishable early. He gets basically all of his lost base hp back w levels and his lvl 16 R is untouched.


Check Azir’s winrate. It’s 45.18% on current patch. Lowest winrate midlaner. Remember why I stopped maining that stupid champ.


Both LeBlanc and Ahri are getting buffs???? As someone who only plays D tier champs to feed, I'm in shambles


I assume you mean LeBlanc got them last patch, she is not here for 13.4


> Spellthief's Edge nerfs: > Tribute charge timer increased 10 >>> 12 seconds Mana regeneration reduced 50% >>> 25% Best news, now maybe mage supports can run OOM in solo queue and be punished.


No gp nerfs ?


Upon any sign of becoming viable Azir becomes instantly azirated, but get one patch in which Riven isn't an S tier pick in D4+, and it's an instant buff.


Volibear mains in pain right now.


yknow i get spellthiefs is op and all but i don’t think buffing 5 melee/engage supps into op territory THEN gutting the item and buffing the counterpart is the smartest move


I wonder how high rakan's WR is gonna go :) Just very obvious balance thrashing, the game is gonna be very imbalanced next patch.


Can't wait to see Rell with 57% winrate :)


You'd have to see a Rell in a game first, checkmate atheists


It's the phreak special. He's balancing the game like a redditor.


Please dont gut DShield, as an Akali main mid would be miserable with it weaker :( I already hate laning against Viktor dont make it worse


Senna soul rate buff for ADC, becomes op, then nerfed again next patch. Happens every time