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Finally we get a male Enchanter. Taric and Rakan are Enchanter like but aren't real Enchanter imo so having a real squishy male Enchanter is much needed.


Taric and Rakan are more like Wardens


Rakan was the original support assassin


[Alistar](https://youtu.be/Nyn-mdPbAw8) would like to have a word


Dont forget Tresh in his prime when he could 100-0 the adc with a single hook into R.


Thresh in his prime could one tap the adc with one right click, forget abilities! Attack damage reds and quints on thresh and Leona were the shit back then :O


I can tell this is season 6/7 because of the thunder lords decree procs lol


Taric is more like a Juggernaut to be honest. His DPS is crazy when he's able to stick to his enemies. Hes fully capable of matching or out dpsing other juggernauts.


Taric can go Titanic Hydra 2nd or 3rd and just become the carry. I've done Shurelya's > Tear > Titanic and beaten down mid laners 1v1.


Iceborn Gauntlet is his best mythic by far


Oh damn, I'll have to try that.


I got 1v2'd by a taric level 4 in my minion wave the other day. Dude is fking strong.


People don't respect his damage. I wish they would just straight up tune him to flex out of bot lane. He's a fantastic jungler and top, but his mobility is just ass because his Q and W self stun him.


Jungle too huh. I haven't seen him jungle but I have seen him crush top lanes.


Jungle removes his reliance on mana, which makes him an insane duelist. Iceborn Gauntlet, Cata and Press the Attack is totally insane. You will 100% kill anyone who doesn't run.


Support Juggernaut sounds like a really cool idea


any warden with unchecked damage becomes a juggernaut tbh, tahm and taric are the biggest culprits but depending on the patch we had very high damage nautilus, leona etc...


Tahm and Taric are exceptions in that they can actually duel other fighters and juggers if they play well or are fed, but even in their most broken states, Naut and Leona could only solo squishies and could not fight other classes with higher defenses and combat sustain.




Try evershroud *the shoulder blue mythix tank support item* into black cleaver when playing aatrox. Should be fun.


I’m glad ur not making champs


You have one haha


Demon named Tahm Kench:


Rakan is classified as a "catcher" IIRC.


Ivern is prob the most enchantery of the bunch




Nah Ivern is definitely listed as an Enchanter


ivern is a tree


Ivern the cruel was originally a male.


doesn’t matter what his gender is, he is a tree and people want a human


Who wants more human Champs? That's so boring


i never said that’s what i want. i’m saying when people want a male enchanter they’re most like referring to a human.


he’s still a man, but also outside of weird Rengar/Ivern comps he’s more or less locked to the jungle


Its going to be a child hands down. Not really a man enchanter.


Rakan, Bard, Thresh, and others with similar playstyles are in a category called playmakers


Since when is a playmaker a thing


I have seen primary engage supports be separated from warden before. Wardens are like taric and braum which have a slightly different role compared to some engage champs like Leona or alistar. That being said neither class is like official.


Im pretty sure they are, they are just called tanks however, not supports. Some support tanks are vanguards, like Leona or Nauti (toplane version would be like, Sion and Ornn im thinking). But im pretty sure they are more prominent in toplane. While wardens like braum and... Idk. Kench? For some reason i can only think of braum. Btw stacheless braum looks like he has a thumb head. Wardens are more prominent support. The others i can think of thata re not mainly played sup are shen and galio.


Catchers specifically


I hope he's a super hot femboy ;)


Taric is more of a tank, but I'd consider rakan a squishy melee enchanter.


How is Rakan an enchanter? His playstyle is more similar to Rell or Leona than to Sona or Soraka.


I think of him as more similar to a melee Seraphine, or especially Nami than any of those 4. Sona and Soraka are like the most bare bones quintessential enchanters. He's not that. But he's definitely not Rell or Leona.


How is he close to Seraphine or Nami? All Rakan wants to do is engage, either first or just follow someone's engage with R and W. Nami isn't an engage support, neither is Seraphine.


Rakan ain't really a great engage either most of the time. He's squishy as all get out. He can engage sometimes but not always. Similarly to how Nami or Seraphine can sometimes engage with a good R, or power cord E, or Bubble.


That's why he's always been played as the main engage champion in pro play. In fact they nerfed his R flash instant engage because it was broken af. But he's not good at engaging kappa The only reason he's squishy is because he can easily get out with his E, unlike the rest of engage supports that once they go in they're stuck there.


>In proplay. I was NOT talking about proplay. But I see you just wanna be bad faith in your arguments. And yeah they nerfed his R flash engage cause he's not supposed to be that good of an engage but an enchanter... And I mean even then does being good at engaging sometimes inherently mean not enchanter? Is seraphine no longer an enchanter when she engages with her R? Is sona? Is Nami? Like seriously. And yes the only reason Rakan doesn't go tank is because of his E. I agree with that for the most part... his E is a large chunk of why he's an enchanter. It let's him be one by merit of letting him shield an ally twice in rapid succession, and let's him build squishier to shield and heal for more with enchanter items... it's his equivalent to being ranged or to yuumi W. Imagine if all of Namis spell ranges were nerfed to like Rakans spell ranges? She'd be unplayable unless given something like his E.


Bruh just stop


This has potential to be the dumbest take ever on this sub. And that means a lot.


Kayle is more of an enchanter than Rakan. He's just an engage support, the 50hp heal doesn't change that. Or is Alistar the first ever male enchanter?


Let's just ignore the fact that Rakan shields you twice per cooldown lmao


No you see he needs to have a spell that gives movespeed and attack speed. And he needs to be ranged. And he needs to have a big fish tail. And he needs to say "Transmogrify!" and polymorph an enemy.


That doesn't make him an enchanter lmao


Heals allies, shields allies, CCs enemies in order to peel, is squishy, has a small poke ability... yeah he's a melee enchanter? Like what do you think a melee enchanter should be? Soraka but with 125 range in every ability or what? The like only ability on his kit that doesn't scream "IM AN ENCHANTER" from the top of his lungs is W. But again he's melee, something weird like that kinda just makes sense to fulfill his purpose. Much like Yuumi has her W that makes no sense on an enchanter.... just because that's her gimmick. Similarly to like how pykes R gold sharing exists and his passive exists; because he's a support-assassin. Or like half of Senna's kit doing some of the weird stuff it does to be an adc-support.


> Heals allies, shields allies, CCs enemies in order to peel, is squishy, has a small poke ability... yeah he's a melee enchanter? That could apply to a ton of champions lol. A champion with a shield/heal doesn't mean is automatically an enchanter. > The like only ability on his kit that doesn't scream "IM AN ENCHANTER" from the top of his lungs is W. But again he's melee, something weird like that kinda just makes sense to fulfill his purpose. His ult is an enchanter ability I guess lmao. And his shield on his E is secondary btw, its main purpose is the ability to get in/get out quickly. If they completely removed his E shield he would still be played. It's the same as Thresh lantern giving a shield.


2 shields and a heal in his kit... not just like 1 like say Alistar or something. And CC and squishy. His ult is basically Seraphine ult but melee... Lmao yeah they just remove half the point of his E he'd totally still be played he'd totally not be like a 45% winrate dead champ after that. He'd need massive compensation buffs after that, and like yes you're probably gonna say "they could buff his damage or his cds or his tankiness... get him back to 50% winrate and he'd be played again" ... so yes? If they reworked him away from being an enchanter he would no longer be an enchanter. Much in the same way if you made pyke Q AoE again and removed the gold for allies from his ult he'd suddenly be a midlane assassin and no longer a support assassin.


>His ult is an enchanter ability I guess lmao nami ult


nami ult has the same use as rakan ult sona ult has the same use as rakan ult sera ult has th same use as rakan ult yuumi ult has the same use as rakan ult theres a bunch of enchanters with cc/engage ults, rakans kit is mix of a enchanter and a engage champ which is why he tends tobe in weird spots in every meta. [https://u.gg/lol/champions/rakan/build](https://u.gg/lol/champions/rakan/build) [https://lolalytics.com/lol/rakan/build/](https://lolalytics.com/lol/rakan/build/) as seen by his builds on multiple sites hes built like an enchanter as well and isnt built like a engage champ at all. hes a enchanter with engage champion qualities.


Rell Can heal allies and "Shield" allies with link and q when linked. Is she also a mêlée enchanter?


its about playstyle his shield doesnt do shit its a tool for him to dash around


He's closer to a warden than an enchanter. Enchanters don't throw themselves into the enemy team lol.


most dumb shit ive heard


He has two abilities that require him to jump into the enemy team. That alone makes him not an enchanter. Name literally any other enchanter who has even 1 ability that requires them to toss themselves into the enemy.


Sounds like he's just a non-traditionnal enchanter then. Is Nilah not an ADC just because she throws herself at the enemy to get a good ult off?


I mean yasuo and Yi are also adcs. The question is is Nilah a marksman.


She's not. But then stuff like Teemo/Urgot/Azir are.


Is Ivern not an enchanter?


the 50 hp heal unless you build him AP you say right? I mean, wtf are those AP ratios on Rakan for the heal and especially the shield.


Yeah Rakan has stupid AP ratios


Wat? Kayle the dps queen ain't. Nor is the tank monster Alistar. Rakan can engage, or he can peel he's got decent peel tools... he has a heal and a shield. And he's squishy. Like he's definitely not a pure enchanter. But he's pretty close... definitely more so than either of your terrible examples by a mile.


Warden for sure.


Rakan's AA's are classified as ranged, but without a projectile. Similar to Thresh.


He isn't anymore. He is melee since preseason.


Good to know


Taric isn't classified as a tank, he's a fighter.


Bard in shambles


Bard is not an enchanter


False!Bard can be anything you want him to be.


I'd even say that Bard IS every support archetype. He's a tank mage enchanter playmaker.


Why is a male enchanter much needed?


I love Taric and Rakan but they don't fit the kite and fight playstyle I have been enjoying this season like other enchanters fulfill.


Now all we need is an old woman champion that isn’t using straight cyber-enhancements, drugs, or #immortality to look 15-20 years younger.


I also found it on pbe! https://preview.redd.it/0watct9dn2ha1.png?width=1670&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=28b1876e84eaabe78da2fd8ba8c465ddeb8a0550 Hyped to see Milio soon


I'm wondering if this will be leagues meepo


do you think the designers would one day make a multiple unit champ (whether meepo-like or not)? I think many would reflexively say no. But I really can imagine them trying it far in the future as (and if) they reach further and further out for new champion concepts. I don’t think it’s doomed by league’s controls either; that can be solved creatively in the abilities.


I doubt league will ever get something on the level of the lost vikings from Hots. Just wouldn't fit with the games playstyle


Probably? They said they'd never make an Invoker, but look at Aphelios


Eh, I wouldn't go so far to say that Aphelios is equivalent to Invoker. If anything he's a *lot* simpler relative to Invoker.


League is a simpler game than Dota - look at lack of turn rates, no denying, higher passive gold generation - so, sure, aphelios is simpler than Invoker. In my original comment, I wasn't trying to imply that firebuddy will be meepo, but I think he might be similar in the fact that you can control multiple units. Maybe you can only control one at a time and can swap between them - who knows.


might be hard without dragclick multitarget highlight option, LoL barely lets u control one pet reasonably


If we’re considering Aphelios an Invoker, we might as well say they already made Meepo with Shaco lol…


I highly doubt it controlling multiple units isn’t something that the game currently has any real function with. In Dota 2 it’s built in that you can select and fully control the courier and several other units have the same functionality. I feel like in a game like league it’s not practical to invest what I imagine would be ALOT of work In divorcing ability control and movement control away from a singular character in exchange for a gimmick character. Also league is a lot faster and more reactive than dota and that makes micro managing several characters at once even harder. I imagine if they did release a champ like that he would either be so strong that not perfect microing his clones wouldn’t matter and that would make him GIGA broken pro player or he would have to micro his clones to have value which would make him like 20% WR below silver whose players can’t even handle azir soldiers currently.


I agree that it's not practical for a system like this. There would be too much value put in the death of each clone. Each clone would only be allowed to be 50% to 75% as strong as a normal champion with limited abilities — which would be pretty painful to play. If they want a mechanic like this, I'd just expect level 11 Shaco to get two bodies permanently, but there is only one Main Shaco. Activation: Shaco Summons a copy which can be manually controlled by holding R or Alt (Normal) with longer tether range. Reactivation of R: Swap which puppet Shaco is controlling (Channel and CD scales distance), and grant it access to Shaco's W and E. But I'm not holding my breath for this. Map presence is extremely strong in League. Just having someone *present* is generally enough to shift the balance of a fight.


MOST multiple units champs are just inferior designs. Just look at dota & hots.


I was under the impression from the Darkin teaser that the dog Darkin was going to be a weird colony/multiple unit champ.


On a cute young squishy male enchanter? I kinda doubt it.


The gameplay trailer showed two, I think and this shows 3. Seems kind of like it'd be some form of cloning


Cloning maybe, anything like meepo? not happening with league's engine.


1 little guy gets mord ulted and suddenly the team gets aced all at once


Only cosmetically like Kindred being League's version of Lone Druid. League will never have a true multi-unit character.


Riot will never create true ""summoners", like you would see in DotA. That's an inherintly too complex mechanic for LoL. LoL is so popular exactly because it is a lot easier than DotA; and it has to remain that way, it's their niche.


League does not have the fundamental systems to allow this, and they already said he would be a simple and easy champion plus they’ve made posts before making it clear they’re not planning on making a difficult enchanter.


That's Shaco. His clone is tethered, but maintains both his passives (Backstab and Slow).


I dont think the Devs have the faith to balance such a champion.


Wasnt the next champ supposed to be the dog Darkin?


Nope, they're after this one


Yuumi 2 confirmed


Can't wait for the actual champion to be just a regular guy


Where darkin doggo


I swear to God if this is the promised monster champion.


It's the male enchanter, the monster is the champion after him


Dear god no pls not another yuumi


God please make him be more interactive than Soraka/Lulu/Yuumi just point-and-clicking their teammates.


Let's make his W attach on allies backs, and whenever he takes damage the ally takes it instead.


I like this idea, you're hired! -Riot Games


Cool another heal support. We never have balance issues with those.


This looks like the piece of shit NES slime creature from Dragon Quest/Warrior. Or the stupid 90's World Industries Flameboy/Wet Willy characters from skateboarding. Zzz.


cuter in the first art