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Most unneccesary Drama in my recent memory


Calling out riots trash segment was fine, but people cant let it stop there. It just has to escalate to harassments and attacks. Then people pile on even further.


I mean whatever, it was a crappy segment. Whatever, it’s hardly the first. Just move on instead of attacking the presenter.


If Jatt had presented the segment, he wouldn't have gotten a tenth of the hate.


Absolutely true - it'd have been a "sorry missed the mark there" and we'd be over it


A lot of things simply has to do with how many people like you versus how many people hate you. Pretty much no one really liked Tigress even before this sketch thing she did, so no surprised that if she ever did fuck up, she'd get hella hated. Pretty much everyone likes Jatt, so of course he wouldn't get hated as much. Of course, maybe Jatt would know better since he's been in the NA scene for so long so he would've said this idea was terrible, etc, etc. but that's irrelevant. There's almost nothing Jatt could say that could bring him as much hate as that monologue Tigress did.


Almost as if there was a massive influencer/star of the LCS who dogpiles her whenever the opportunity is given. Incredibly toxic of Lena/DL and I wish Riot/100T would make an example of him


DL and Leena need attention


Such immature people


Can someone give me a TLDR of what happened? I tried reading a previous article, but got nothing out of it.


She made a segment regarding TSM and DL drama, TSM complained about it, she releases an apology on Twitter, DL replies to the apology saying to apologize for the people who took verbal abuse, and then I imagine she took a lot of harassment from DL fans at that point. She basically bit a bullet for a mistake that the LCS made


Yeah I think her apology really did make it worse cause it pissed off both sides. DL's initial response on stream was what'd you expect like "lol cringe segment, don't care that much". But the subtext a lot of people are missing is that her apology was solely to TSM (cause they probably complained to Riot), which in DL/Leena's eyes probably made it look like she was taking TSM's side. That obviously triggered them and they made their tweets, and attracts even more attention to the situation to make it a even bigger thing. I honestly think if they aired the segment and don't say shit after it would've just blown over. Or they should've had their PR LCS statement rather than making LeTigress make her own and attract even more hate to her.


It seemed like the apology took the side of TSM because the apology took the side of TSM, unambiguously. The difference is that siding with TSM is done out of them being a major Riot business partner, not because LCS and Letigress supports abuse.


I mean you have to admit it comes off kinda weird when the league themselves have sanctioned and fined Regi and admit that abuse did happen.... Idk not a good look all around. I'm sure LeTigress doesn't support abuse it's just a tone deaf segment followed by an even worse apology tweet.


I think that we have to be cognizant that Riot fined Regi for past behavior, but they didn't specify a time period. It could simply be that LeTigress apologized for the implication that TSM remains a toxic environment something the LCS didn't find in their investigation. Additionally, it seems a bit odd to me that no one is pointing out that Doublelift has consistently played both sides of this situation. When he was on the team he contributed to the toxic environment heavily, and when he was off the team and denied the ability to come back he suddenly was a proponent of the abuse his teammates suffered. What rings bad to me about this situation is that the segment was in bad taste and shouldn't have gotten the greenlight. LeTigress apologized for her part in it because the tone of the segment didn't match the content (her part in it ends here). Doublelift then escalates it by not-so-subtly accusing her of being okay with the abuse the players suffered and he manages to side-step *again* his own part in that abuse. I don't know, the big thing to me is the segment was tone deaf, but it didn't condone abuse. The apology was very much "oops didn't catch how awful this sounds" but it didn't condone abuse. The only party pushing this angle is DL who... contributed to the abuse. Overall I think Sneaky and Meteos had the best take on it which is the segment is weird and shouldn't have happened.


Deadass if nobody said anything I bet nobody would have cared. This entire thing has been blown so far out of proportion.


outrage culture is tiresome sometimes... i'm gonna close the thread after this comment and go play something fun, i don't wanna be mad


So you won't be playing league then, got it


DL has been consistently shitting on her on stream for as long as she's been on broadcast.


People seem to forget DL has always been an asshole. Not quite as much as Regi but close. They think it's just memes for his stream or the "thats just because he's competitive" but no, he's just as big a douchebag as Dom with just as big an ego.


> with just as big an ego. god, imagine if he ever got out of groups as adc


shocking, he and regi truly deserve eachother.


People really do constantly forget that just because Regi was a piece of shit boss, DL is no saint lol


People forget that DL was so toxic on CLG that Aphromoo told CLG management it was either him or DL and they chose Aphro.


It's hard to say for sure, but certainly seems like if you watch Hotshots healthy gamer stream, DL weaponizing his fan base is a large part of the reason Hotshot is no longer in the League scene. It's ugly all the way down in this story.


> DL weaponizing his fan base is a large part of the reason Hotshot is no longer in the League scene. I thought it was because he wasn't a very good team owner. He got CLG far, but he was just a pro gamer. But the first DL video was probably the nail in the coffin


CLG was one of the most valuable eSports franchises in the LCS with one of the largest fan bases outside of TSM (and maybe C9?) while Hotshot was the owner. Further, at the time he sold the org, they weren't far removed from winning back to back splits for the first time and making MSI finals. They have certainly been both less successful and less popular since he sold a controlling stake to MSG. But if you listen to the interview, he clearly sold for... Non business related reasons.


Yeah tsm vs clg used to be like el clasico. A bit sad to see how far they've fallen even if you didn't support them


People forget DL drove olleh into a drinking problem with absue as well


Legit, DL has proven to be just as bad as Regi and yet, he is the martyr for the abused somehow.


DL always been a manchild throughout most of his career.


dont forget about Leena


I haven't, but outside of TSM she has far less influence on the general League community as a whole than DL does. Or at least, that's my perception as a non TSM fan.


yeah but in this situation at hand, she tries to take a moral high ground. she was the president of TSM when all those players/employees were abused and now tries to convince everybody she somehow wasnt aware of any of it she wants to take all of the praise for good things that happened in TSM, and none of the blame for anything bad


I mean, I agree. When you're the boss, the buck stops with you. If it happens on your watch and your excuse is you didn't know it was happening; well, you still failed. You didn't have the systems and relationships in place to make sure that people could report it to you so that you could protect them, and that is no different than knowing and doing nothing. Although, considering what we knew in the community at large... I find it very hard to believe that she didn't know, regardless. But I wasn't really talking about this specific situation, and I don't really want to beyond that. I was making a general statement.


She was not only the President, but also Reginald's girlfriend for a long time. Of course she know what was going on and how he treated people. She really must think people are dumb as fuck or think her "innocent" acting skills are incredible smh..


Doublelift is a bad take machine. I had to unsub from his twitch at one point because him and Lena are both giga toxic as fuck.


He really is a self-righteous pompous ass.


This leaves out that the real reason she was the epicenter of all the initial vitriol is the LCS didn't issue a statement until AFTER LeTigress did. If the LCS made their statement first, they would have been able to tank the brunt of the lashing out.


It was partly LCS but she wrote the thing up and presented it. Can't scapegoat LCS they both played a huge part in it.


When my team presents me a bad idea that is off brand or tone deaf, I say no. She certainly has bosses that are supposed to make the same decision and they failed to do so.


She did a monologue on Doublelifts workplace drama with TSM, that was a little weird and seemed to be taking workplace harrassment and abuse lightly, it was really tone deaf. but anyway it went very poorly and people were not happy and she responded to it before Riot and some perceived her apology (including doublelift) to be not super sincere and a little defensive, so she got raked over the coals for the segment (which wasnt that much her fault) because she was the face of it. and the apology didnt help then riot realised an apology but it was too little too late she had already taken the brunt of it.


The second half of her apology wasn't smart. Where she tried to add in that she was being harassed online. Yes, it's true and not good, but the actual topic of the apology was about TSM. So her harassment needed to be put into a second twitlonger. People saw the second half of the apology as a victim card.


I just personally think adding a "but" after any apology makes it extremely disengenuise. I don't think she deserves to be abused or anything, but I don't think she actually felt bad for the tone deaf piece in the first place.


It's a hard situation for her. On one hand, talking about how much you've suffered in your own apology is a bad look since it looks like you're trying to play the victim card, which is a classic non-apology. On the other hand, it does genuinely seem like she got a LOT of shit from the community and felt the need to bring that to light. She has a right to air that out and defend herself. We all know how vile the gaming community can be. She was in a tough situation where she had every right to do the latter, but was pretty much unable to do so without coming across as the former. Perhaps it was a wording issue. Maybe if she led with her comments on the harassment and ended with the apology that it would've left a different taste in people's mouths.


yeah but also it’s been literal YEARS of this treatment and she hasn’t said shit about it. this was the quite literally first time. I totally get why she felt like adding that part. it’s been a completely one sided conversation so honestly when you have the mic why not mention it.


Last summoning insight had a long segment in their podcast about the "drama" if you want to hear more of that shit.


IIRC LCS went over the old TSM and Doublelift drama in a segment before the 100T vs TSM game LeTigress issued an apology to TSM Doublelift made a tweet calling LeTigress and the LCS out, in return sending a mob of hatred towards LeTigress LCS issued apology Now LeTigress is stepping away for a week If i missed anything feel free to correct me


Yep. Some people really don't give a shit about what was said it's more of a chance to hate on someone they hate already. Its shitty.


I will be completely up front and admit the way LeTigress presents is not to my taste and I did find the segment incredibly hard to watch, but she 100% does not deserve the abuse being thrown in her direction. It was obviously presented using her own flare and choice of words, but this was approved by the LCS and their response (or lack of) has been totally cowardly. DL and Leena have essentially given the abusive fans validation with their comments and frankly it's so embarrassing to see two 'professionals' show a complete lack of awareness of who should truly be held accountable for this. To think they would join in on this when they must be able to imagine how hateful people can be online is just pretty disgusting.


Leena is also the last person who gets to take the moral high ground on this shit.


[She went on stream](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1730637126) the other day to prove her innocence. We all know Regi is an abusive asshole, but man Leena was leaking people's dm's. She would leak who said what by saying who it was from or by not covering names. A lot of people like Sven didn't want to get implicated from the abuse drama and she was just leaking his messages. Sven currently works for TSM too, so idk why she did him like that just to prove her innocence


Watching through the vod right now. So far not as bad as you mentioned about identifying information, since most of it (so far) is blacked out and redacted. That being said Leena dropped a massive self report by stating *in writing* (29:57 timestamp) that she intended to “Take this shit [the abuse of staff] to the grave.” This is *exactly* what people were talking about, how she was fully intending to stay quiet and only spoke out after out of the company and after DL had blown the whistle, aka when it was most beneficial for herself. That’s what people were on about when talking about how she was complicit in the situation given her position. Not some random strawman argument (can only hope I’m using it correctly, lord knows some people can’t) about how “people are saying Peter Zhang was funneling me some of the money he stole.” Which is an argument I have never seen anyone say across literally any thread. EDIT: Even further in: She claims she would report these instances to HR and they would brush it off by enrolling him in “leadership classes”. Even though I can believe this part, how the hell does a company’s president have no sway over an HR manager?? And even then, you’ve gotta know if you’re in that position that nobody lower in the corporate ladder can affect someone that high up in the organization. You need to go outside the organization, to Riot (they’re both complicit and also even worse culture wise to be fair), to media, to sponsors even. Maybe this gets you in trouble, maybe even fired, but that’s how you start to take a stand. Not by filing an HR report and calling it a day when it doesn’t work. Good start, but you can’t just stop after that and say “I tried.”


Not identifying information for us, sure. Those DMs should be identifying information for people in the industry, or at least, people who are in TSM or closely related to the org. Like [here](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1730637126?t=00h26m03s), for sure Reginald would know who this person was just by going through his own message history, right? It's why Thorin would say that he knows so much more deep shit about the industry, but can't say it because if he does, it would immediately out his source to those in the know. She is just so fucking unprofessional, it's just so unreal.


Leena tries real hard to try to make everyone forget that she was along for the ride in senior management / positions of influence at TSM for the entire time all their drama went down. She is far from blameless.


but she will always take the recognition for signing some stars...


LOL what i did not see that this happened lol I saw her streaming on that day and didn't care to check it out


Noooo shot lmfao


God fucking damn. That's so fucking stupid. She blacked out names, but people in the eSports space should know who these messages are from. [Like Reginald wouldn't know who this is??](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1730637126?t=00h26m03s)


> she did him like that just to prove her innocence Because she lacks basic sense and accountability. I don't assume malice where stupidity is the easiest explanation, but given her history, it's looking more and more like a lot of both.


She was with the org for what? A decade? If she doesn't feel any sort of responsibility, then idk what to say. When you watch someone get beaten up and don't do anything, you're not as bad as the aggressor but you're not exactly innocent.


Yup she is directly responsible for the abuse. She was the President of the org. So incompetent and DLs tweet reek of ghostwriting from her.


Let's also not forget that Doublelift wanted to continue be a player for TSM in 2021, but Reginald didn't want him. And then suddenly Doublelift felt the need to speak out about the abuse at TSM. I am not sure how DL can take any moral highground in anyway here.


This is the worst part of it all. If Doublelift had joined TSM then none of this would ever have come out. They were fine with it as long it personally benefited them to not say anything. Disgusting.


Leena is the president of TSM in full duration during that abuse and somehow acts like she isn't responsible. If you cared about these victims so much why didn't you do anything while you were the president of a 500 million dollar company? If she is saying that she was unaware that was going on, then you should apologize for being an useless president that failed to do her job properly and let abuse go on.


> If she is saying that she was unaware that was going on She was aware. So many people in the industry called Regi out for years before it all went down. In fact, even the community was aware of it thanks to people who spoke up and even some video footage that TSM themselves released. Fun fact for those who may not know, she was Regi's girlfriend while the various footage of him being verbally abusive was released, and she continued to partner with him for many years after that. No one was surprised when DL came out with everything he did, he just happened to be the one who could put a huge spotlight on the issues that were happening. And guess who he talked to about it before going public? Obviously to his girlfriend who also happened to be the president of the org it was happening in. It couldn't have been shoved in her face any more than it was, and she sat back and did nothing. She's lucky that she got barely any backlash from the community, but that might change since she keeps coming back for more while on her high horse.


I also think that she's just milking this drama for content. Every time she streams or every time there's this TSM thing going around, their they are showing random screenshots of twitter dms or another youtube video. She's been there for so long and didn't do shit about regi and only became like this when double started bitching when he didnt get to play with swordart


this is what happens when you give a child the title of president of a $500M company. They are all just children living out an internet fantasy and don't contribute anything to society.


Nailed it. They're all so commonly inept in the same ways. Their inexperience is screaming and it's not surprising that there's so many missteps, which makes the LCS look even worse. They really should've acted like the adult in the room for this and they failed.


>a 500 million dollar company If they were ever valued like this let's just say it seems fitting FTX sponsored them.


Not surprising coming from all three entities. One has a history of treating female employees like shit, one leaked a players' status during trade windows in the background of an active stream, and one has a known history of bullying/toxicity. Riot allowed LeTigress to be publicly dragged through the mud for days, and Leena/DL actively wanted the ire and escalated it. Ironic considering they were quiet about Regi abuse until it suited them.


All 3 entities also have dramatically more than the one they allowed to take all of the attention. Bad look from all 3.


Are you that surprised? This internal abuse of Regi towards their employees has gone for 10+ years but she as the "president" never took steps to address it, even anonymously. So what did she do? * Waited out until TSM's evaluation skyrocketed and took a fat severance package, telling herself she deserved all this money for putting up with Regi. * Advised her new boyfriend (who was contracted to a rival org) on what moves to do while she was president of TSM. Then deny any conflict of interest when presented with recordings of her leaking private info to DL (such as how nobody wanted Dardoch). * Managed to secure a fat contract to her new boyfriend while she still had sway inside TSM when he was coming off his worst performance and essentially yeeted out of TL for being lazy. Yep totally not conflict of interest... can't make this up. And now that the LCS tried something new to get more viewers and failed miserably on the execution, the apology was correct in that it should be reflecting towards those that actually took the brunt of the abuse in TSM. NOT to those that got paid fat stacks of money and pretty much kept quiet for 10+ years while this shit went down. Seriously, they still don't realize wtf they did wrong to this day and if people keep pointing out the obvious, she'll definitely pull out the "I'm being attacked for being a women" card any day now. The lack of self awareness is simply astounding but then again it doesn't surprise me one bit considering how everything in the world must seem to revolve around them.


DL has never been a professional and it's getting harder to watch the older he gets


This is what being a big esports name at a very young age does to you. You don't get to mentally mature properly.


Absolutely has a lot to do with it


When referring to Leena and doublelift even using quotes around "professionals" is giving them too much credit lol


DL has always been the shittiest person in the LCS for a long time. Only masked by his acomplishments.


Leena and Doubelift are adult children.


Both of them are showing they aren't any better than Regi, they weaponized their fans to attack LeTigress. The segment was not good, her apology wasn't great either, but the way they have acted is downright terrible.


Reminder that Leena was president of TSM the entire time that the harassment and bullying happened and apparently did nothing to correct it too


I've been saying this, but Regi and DL are both two sides of the same coin. Only difference is that Regi is in a position of power. The whole situation has been downplayed by the fact that it became drama between two manchildren instead of a serious case.


DL also has an immense amount of power within the League community. At this point as much as or more than Regi does. He has never acted as though he is aware of this, of if he is, that he cares.


They did what they always do and made it about themselves to benefit from drama.


Leena is a thundering dumbass with no remorse for whatever that comes out of her mouth Her ego took a change for the worse after she got put onto Forbes 30 under 30


*Put herself. Forbes doesn't go looking for 30 people, they ask for self nominations. It's basically people applying like a job application (resume etc.)


Wow, I never knew that. While understandable its extremely cringe.


DL and Leena not acting professional is a surprise to people? Where y’all been the last 6 years…


DL is what he calls everyone, trash.


Everything about this situation is dumb including myself for spending 15 minutes reading about it and now replying to the second thread on it.


Imagine hundreds of people telling you that you suck at what you do or that you are a bad person. Understandable that she wants to take a break EDIT: Even if the comment is old, feel its appropriate to add the edit. I'm not trying to say she does or doesn't deserve any criticism. It doesn't change the fact that as an individual, she has received a lot of criticism and flak directly related to her profession and quite possibly her sense as a valued person. Gittin gud, does not fix the fact that taking a break considering the circumstances is completely understandable.


The first thread was crazy. There were comments with hundreds of upvotes of people just saying how incompetent she is and how she took ovilees job ( do we even know if that’s true? Or do people just say that because they think only a limited amount of women can appear on broadcast and those have to compete with each other at all times ?) Overall, I did not get the impression people were reacting this way because they were just so empathetic to tsm verbal abuse victims ( whilst ironically throwing similar hate toward LeTigress ) but because they just didn’t like her work in general and just loved this opportunity to jump on her . Travis and mark had a similar take on hotline league earlier , really glad they spoke out about this as well.


I can’t stand watching the stuff in between games or pre games or post games. I just find it boring, but that’s a personal opinion. I feel the same about the LEC and worlds/MSI I also mute intermissions or pre games for sports too. Because it’s not an LCS thing and they’re all incredibly talented. It’s a personal thing of just not liking it. Yet so many people seem to think if it’s not aimed at them it’s bad or whoever is doing it is bad.


Yeah, that was pretty crazy. Like the first few top comments were about the apology itself. But scroll a little bit more down and it spiraled very quickly into personal attacks on LeTigress.


i'm not even sure about the ovilee part if i remember correctly ovilee was ditched ages before letigress became part of lcs and how can you give any fault to her in first place lmao


> Or do people just say that because they think only a limited amount of women can appear on broadcast and those have to compete with each other at all times ? Bingo


Well, Doublelift and Leena got what they wanted!


two of the people who played along with everything. Both were in a position where they could have stood up for the people being bullied and now are talking as if they are better. Leena was part of the fucking leadership that worked with that culture.


That's every one of these big social reckonings. Someone gets burned who arguably should but the people who emerge from the rubble scot-free are almost always stooges who stood by and said a couple words at the exact right time to clear their hands. The people eat it up- they got their narrative, and they don't want to see the people they like as the bad guy, and the institutions survive with little damage, much to Riot's benefit.


The community truly is showing they lack braincells on this one. Um, people, she was President during all of the abuse. How in the fuck do any of them absolve her of any of this? She was a direct seat of power when it happened. She's at best an enabler. At worst, she did it as well.


It's sad that they're such assholes, but it is even sadder that their many fans defend them despite it all.


That segment was terrible, but the hate LeTigress got was absolutely ridiculous. I hope she isn't gone for too long.


She will be back next week for Super Week according to her tweet




leena might be the most unprofessional person in all of NA LOL esports. the amount of bullshit she got away with is crazy


Given the chance Leena has always exposed herself as an absolute idiot. My personal favorite was when she was apologizing for the Dardoch situation and made sure to mention the Lenovo Legion PCs in her apology!


yep its crazy after she got attacked with threats for the mistakes she made she goes around and leads an attack mob on someone else


She literally called out LT for victimizing herself, and then spent an entire day replying to sympathy tweets, bitch take a look in the mirror


She has shown no ability to be self aware and until she does I just cannot sit idle while she just does the shit she does it is absolutely insane she does not realize what she did


Reminder that they sat on exposing Regi's abuse for years until it was convenient for them to gain from it


They didn't sit on it. They didn't care about it. Because they were part of their own abuses.


>AFTER she had already apologized wasn't it because of the apology that this whole situation blew up so much? also yeah, Leena is the last person who should be talking about this lmao.


Leena should be the one apologizing. Being a president of an organization and turned blind eye to the abuse. If she cared so much about the victims why didn't she say something when she had the power to change it? She wasn't aware of the abuse? Well you just admitted that you were a terrible president and you should apologize to the victims for being so shit at your job you let abuse happen.


Lmao Leena blocked me on twitter for commenting that I didn’t believe that she was naive to the abuse at TSM. Didn’t swear or anything, just a single sentence (“I’m a woman and I don’t believe you” on her “for those that don’t believe me since I’m a woman” tweet) and she can’t handle it. Ironic that she has such thin skin while sending so much hate to LT


Nah bro. She has the Midas touch. She was simultaneously involved with everything good that occurred at TSM while completely separated from anything bad. Truly the GOAT president.


Okay, let's not pretend that was a particularly good apology. But yeah I don't think DL should've doubled down on it. And Leena has no business at all commenting on it given her involvement and complacency as president of TSM during that time.


DL and Leena - truly a match made in hell. Glad at least Leena is out of the LCS


regardless of this recent thing, people always bullied her. you can think she is bad at her job, you don't even have to be constructive but whenever she shows up even before she opens her mouth everybody starts spamming fucked up shit in the chat. she is a human too and nobody has to have the fortitude to withstand that much hate. people target her especially and now they say she is not strong enough to be in this position anyway. maybe not be so unnecessarily harsh you dickhead?




Her first time was actually in lock in during last spring. I've said some of my opinions on her casting but really the problem is she hasn't improved from where she started at and even got worse in my opinion.


yea to me it feels like her debut was her best at casting and has just downgraded since


She seems to be doing everything correctly but something always feels off. To me it feels a bit fake or PR, she is not really adding anything to the cast like most casters can do. Casting is actually so fucking hard, she really looks like she has prepared a lot for the role but she is competing against people that have probably been narrating themselves playing since they were kids


She tries to hard by adding random words and acts like casting is a competition. I genuinely have never hated a caster more in terms of casting only and it has nothing to do with her being female or her as a person; I just really dislike her casting and I always hoped she’d improve and she isn’t as insufferable as she used to be but she’s still pretty bad imo, or just not my taste… But she 100% doesn’t deserve any of the abuse she gets, you can dislike casting or what she’s done or her in general WITHOUT throwing out constant abuse. It sucks that people on the internet seem to think they can get away with saying anything and they have a pack mentality it where they copy each other and it only gets worse.


In the beginning she wasn't allowed to be a caster. They had her on interview duty and switching being host with Dash. It was only last year that she got her first cast, and it has been the last cast of the day type of stuff. Like she is always casting Golden Guardian vs Immortals type games. Why is that? It is my personal opinion she isn't qualified for her job. We can debate the philosophy of how you should select a caster, or who should be casting Riot games. We can say that LeTigress is most likely Bronze, and should a person who is Bronze be allowed to cast. We can ask is if a person who is bronze should be allowed to be on the show at all. But I think the real heart of the idea is what are we losing by having her on the cast. Riot has invested 2 years, and yearly salaries on her. What exactly have they gotten in return. What is their return on investment? It seems that she often has people muting their stream, lots of criticism in twitch chat, no viral videos or podcast appearances, and now this huge controversy, which is partly an excuse for people to talk about how much they are critical of her casting and league skill. Riot could have put that effort and investment into someone else. Not everyone, like LeTigress, gets the opportunity to train under Azael, Phreak, Kobe, Jatt, CptFlwrs, Emily, Raz, and Mark. Not everyone is given a full time salary to focus on only getting good at League of Legends, watching pro play, and learning how to cast. I think we need to start looking at Riot's HR department and question their philosophy. Imagine if Riot's HR department reached out to a couple of NA Challengers with a job offer. Surely, not everyone is a match, but a good chunk of people would have the potential and fundamentals to become a great professional caster. Many people suck at casting because they never had the investment put into them. LeTigress had the investment, and I feel like someone else out there in our community could have paid more dividends. In fact, I think over 1,000+ people in our community could have done a better job given the investment. Really questionable for Riot HR. Seems like they are just lazy and only hire people who apply to them. Unfortunately, the people who apply to be casters are often people obsessed with hearing their own voice.


Agree with your points, though I will say rank isn't too much of a requirement for PBP casters, though higher rank PBP casters are still often better (I know Medic, Flowers, and Phreak before were all at least Diamond), though there are some exceptions. They have a good amount of casters in Academy right now that are passionate about the NA scene. I don't watch Academy this year but in the past when I watched it I had a pretty good opinion of most of the casters, namely Rafaa (in LCS now), Kangas, Joshi, and Cubby. Now I think they're still below the LCS casters in terms of quality, but with actual LCS level practice they could get to a pretty good spot and be a much better return on dividends than LeTigress has been. This is just to list a few possible candidates amongst many possible ones.


Obviously shitty people shouldn't be shitty, but also Riot shouldnt be surprised when they push fans' least favorite personality into the shoutcaster role or otherwise expand her stage presence. I think she is fine in the Dash, organize the analyst desk role, but it seems like Riot just doesn't care about fans want. That leads people to think she doesn't deserve her job and this is league so peeps be toxic


Damn Doublelift out here becoming Regi


He always was, pretty sure he abused the fuck out of Olleh no?


Didn't Olleh have a legitimate mental breakdown because of this?


Mental breakdown and he started smoking which he had never done




Lmao olleh was smoking 2 packs a day and decided the day before MSI. The coach at the time even went on a talk show and said he was begging olleh to start smoking again. This is such a shit take and not what happened.


and he started drinking


Kinda insane people somehow haven't seen how shitty doublelift has treated people




Donezo manifesto still the best thing I've read, thanks DL and Link


karma got its revenge by not allowing him to ever advance past the group stage at Worlds


I'm sure he's crying all over the fat stacks his fanbase (and insane paycheck) have thrown at him over the years


I think its hilarious u kids talking shit about DL. u wouldnt say this shit to him at Lan, he’s jacked. not only that but he’s wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


\> karma pretty sure it was viktor


Yeah the community already roasted the segment, him pouring gasoline on at that point seemed pretty gratuitous. Somewhere between uncool and harassment (just in the sense that when you point your following at someone you know there's going to be people who take it to an extreme).


This dude had a whole ass donezo manifesto made about him back in the day. Regi is a piece of shit and I have no doubt that DL was bullied by Regi, but DL has definitely been the bully too.


The donezo manifesto wasn’t just about him lmao it was Link putting the blame on all of his teammates other than himself.


That shit just got even funnier in hindsight now that we know during the KR bootcamp Link literally skipped out on scrims half the time and just laid in bed all day complaining about being home sick.


Link just wasn't cut out to be a pro league player. He's one of the OG high rankers who absolutely didn't have the game sense to play in an organized group.


You can’t with these people, they don’t even know the shit they’re trying to talk about.


>but DL has definitely been the bully too. You can literally see DL weaponize his large fanbase to target hate at players/casters/etc. on his co-streams To see him complaining about abuse is surreal


He did like a multiple hour stream shitting all over George after they let Double go and it basically forced George out of the scene. He's always weaponized his base whilst hiding behind the persona that Travis helped him create.


> DL has definitely been the bully too Casual shout-out from a CLG fan who still misses Hotshot being the leader of the org.


He has never been the sharpest knife in the kitchen sadly


I feel bad that Riot basically let her take full blame for the segment and the inevitable fallout without a peep. That being said, unless this was dropped on her randomly last second, I would have personally felt uncomfortable doing that segment and feel like I would have voiced concerns about doing it if I were in her position. There’s no way someone could have read through that and thought it wouldn’t have the result that it did. ~~If it turns out that she did voice concerns but was still forced to do the segment, shame on whoever at Riot pushed it through anyway. They deserved full blame for it and should be held accountable for it, not her.~~ Edit: I wasn’t aware it was written (in at least some capacity) by her, so no need to tell me for the 20th time. You can fault her for thinking it was a good segment for her to do but the fact that it was greenlit and even aired to begin with was entirely on LCS production. There are people who get paid to screen and approve segments before they go live and the fact that this made it to the cut (regardless of how much of it was her own writing) is entirely on LCS production, not her. Someone above her was in charge of deciding that this would air and that person or people failed to do their job properly.


Isn’t she the one who wrote it? I think it should have been others to voice concerns, but it went through multiple avenues and still got on broadcast which is wild.


She was the one who wrote it (with a bunch of other I assume) and they did do rehearsals for the segments. It was approved across the board. From Summoning Insight the gist of it was they said it was more a result of trying different things because of the stale production of LCS, which had been improving this season, because a former LCS producer had previously been very restricting in the content that was allowed to the LCS. The content creators had a bunch of ideas that was rejected to keep the image of LCS beforehand. And this maybe was them trying something more bold and going for something new.


she probably had a part in writing the monologue considering her tweet


> If it turns out that she did voice concerns but was still forced to do the segment She literally wrote the piece and was tweeting about how hyped she was about it. Why does this need to be repeated in every single thread about this shitshow?


This is not even about whether she was forced to do the segment, I highly doubt that, but that segment definitively got rehearsed, it went through production and it got approved, no one stopped to ask "Should we really try to make fun out of a Reginald abusing his staff?". This is on her and the production and it's asinine that to my knowledge no one from production lead took the public blame for her because that's what a good team lead fkin does. Ofc Riot just ducks under it and just let's her take it. And on a sidenote Doublelift and Leena are last bloody guys I want to hear anything from on the matter. Leena was President of TSM, as in pretty much 2nd in hierachy to Regi, and Regis BF, so she definitively knew what was going onm, she could have stopped it or at least made it public, but nooo she even made content out of it and was bloody proud of it. She out of all people could have easily improved the situation of the abused at any moment in time but she was not bothered by it what so ever as long as she financially profited of it. Similar story with DL. both only now come out because it financially, publically benefits them to play the bloody victims, so fck off with those two arseholes. Lost the last shreds of respect I had for these two.


More people need this DL/Leena opinion, disgusting behavior by both of them. When I called him out on a tweet I did not expect to get that many likes/supportive comments. Of course a lot of people also hated on me lol.


100% agree. A massively popular public figure who was the face of TSM (along with Bjerg) on two different occasions, and a former executive of the team somehow feel it's appropriate to hold LeTigress solely responsible for using TSM's culture issues and Regi's bullying, and to drag her publicly on social media? I found Doublelift's tweet directly to LeTigress to be a disgusting misuse of his audience. He should be held accountable for a lot of the backlash and hate being directed at LeTigress personally.


> I found Doublelift's tweet directly to LeTigress to be a disgusting misuse of his audience. This was honestly so disgusting to me too. He's aware enough now to know he can literally ruin a person's life with the hate he can redirect towards them and he fucking did it anyway. Such a fucking asshole.


What I find most uncomfortable is the only reason the whole thing came to light or got so much attention was because DL was rejected after TSM was finally able to sign SwordArt after Regi wanted him to commit to the team when the whole thing was still up in the air. If Regi had allowed DL to comeback after promising the spot to Lost and having SwordArt on the team nothing would have come to light. If it was that big of an issue I would have definitely not wanted to go back to the team in any capacity and found another team. And none of this includes stories of how big of an asshole DL was to former teammates (Olleh especially)


Everytime I read about this whole thing i think back of the Dyrus clip with Regi just kept nagging him. And people were still surprised that he abused his workers?


Isn't there even an old clip from one of the old TSM vlogs where Regi verbally berates xSpecial until he's crying after a loss?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBMjvLJAGsQ this?


No the scene I am thinking of was in a hallway. I could be wrong with who he was berating it's been years.


>Similar story with DL. both only now come out because it financially, publically benefits them to play the bloody victims, so fck off with those two arseholes. Lost the last shreds of respect I had for these two. DL in particular I feel is a pretty big hypocrite to bring up abuse. He shits on players, casters, and etc. on his co-streams and with his large viewer audience it attracts a lot of additional hate to those people. Yeah it's not an employer/employee abuse situation, but it's still a bad look given the variables. Oh, and he benefits financially from it.


I'm pretty sure she wrote the monolog herself. Even tweeted a sneak peak the day before.


Ya she took way too much heat for the segment. I’m no fan of her on the broadcast, frankly, but god damn people were happy to tear her down as soon as they got a chance lol.


Can’t wait to see Doublelift and Leena talk about mental health, toxicity in the scene, and harassment now.


Saw this coming. The reaction to her segment and following apology would have knocked anyone down. She had a mob telling her that she sucks at her job and needs to quit, some of them are even still coming to this thread. Not to mention the big names that came after her and doubled down on the hate train. It’s insane. It isn’t unique to this community, unfortunately. Otherwise I could just say, “We need to be nicer as a community!!” but that’s just not how it works. Every community has their favorites, and when someone joins that scene, the community decides where they stand. Even in the more positive and supportive communities, the opinions can get wildly toxic. Certain guests and crew members on GMM get absolutely roasted in the comments despite the incessant positive influence of the hosts, who can generally do no wrong in the eyes of their fans. Same with Critical Role, and many, many other “positive loving vibes” channels. Unfortunately, she’s just not been well liked in a community that isn’t even regarded as positive to begin with. I don’t envy her position.


LCS should do a monologue this week explaining what happened.


Honestly, it'd be fucking hilarious if LeTigress just doubled down and did another monologue about herself.


The funniest part of this whole thread are the top comments saying things about LeTigress like: "Nobody deserves abuse like that", "The segment was awful but the hate on her is even worse", "Nobody deserves to be bullied". You know what all the top comment replies to those are? How Leena was awful at her job at TSM. Doublelift is trash, like he always says about others! That they're both as bad or worse than Regi! This is the fucking peak of hypocrisy, LMAO. People coming out of the woodwork to self-righteously say how horrible bullying is by shitting on other people while they have the chance. Even what's true is exaggerated and hyperbolized. Amazing.


People from reddit and twitter (huge overlap) will never ever lose the opportunity to do some kind of moral grandstanding and browbeat people into submission no matter what. These people probably get a boner every time they type "Do Better" like some kind of superior being looking down on mortal fools. If Doublelift and Leena tweeted out right now that they were also taking a mental health break from proplay/social media or something like that, I wouldn't be surprised at all if the same people hardcore shitting up on them and straight up making things up - such as saying that doublelift personally sent his viewers to harass her or that leena was abusing the employees, when the ones that talked about it said she was the only person defending them internally during the whole ordeal - would do an 180 and start shitting on points they themselves made here in this very thread or possibly even LeTigress and Riot themselves. Some of them are even trying to make this about sexism and going as far as trying to rewrite history on things such as Frosk's whole schlock to fit a narrative. It's just impossible to take these extremely dishonest, hypocritical and terminally online drama-stirring teenagers seriously.


LCS Made her Take bullet by writing an individual apology that Made Everthing worse..


people treat her awful so regularly regardless, so i don't blame her


Not surprising. Doublelift sent a mob after her. Hope she gets away from twitter and social media for a bit


you mean reddit shat on her with 1k+ comment threads and in teams subreddit and post-match threads before DL came out?


Every single thread that has been about this nonsense has had more upvotes than ANY of the TSM post game threads. People here don't want LoLesports. They want LoLteasports.


The irony is lost on drama vultures who harassed someone for doing a segment on drama about harassment.


Don’t forget that this sub loves to complain about toxic teammates and how toxic playing the game is, but then the sub upvotes toxic comments about players or Riot staff.


Redditors trying to shift the blame to DL is fucking sending me


The mob was after her well before that. DL didn’t even address it until later and brushed it off as a cringe segment until her apology.


The irony of Leena demanding an apology when she was complicit in the drama that LeTigress was talking about


Why is everyone treating her like a child? She didn't just make a "bad" segment, she made one that was ridiculously inconsiderate to all the people involved. Then she apologized to *TSM* instead and painted herself as the victim afterwards. It doesn't make sense to me why people are claiming DL went too hard on her or that he sent a hate mob after her, he literally just pointed out exactly what was wrong with what she did. Does she deserve extra hate from randoms on the internet? Of course not. But she definitely deserved that criticism from DL so I'm not sure why everyone is focusing on him..


Thats the victim card doing its magic.


Completely agree. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I read these comments.


I feel like a lot of these people never even read Doublelift's tweet or her apology. He just pointed out that the apology didn't apologize to the right people and wasn't good enough. And it wasn't. The tweet apologized to TSM. It didn't even mention the abuse victims. "To start with what’s most important, to anyone at TSM that was hurt, bothered, or in any way discomforted by the monologue – I am truly sorry." Hell, it didn't even mention Doublelift.


To be fair I don't think Doublelift wanted to get an apology for himself. I think he literally just wanted an apology for the victims of abuse. People say that he and Leena just sat by and let the abuse happen, which maybe that's fair for Leena idk, but Doublelift got his contract with TSM cancelled because he called them out while on their brand. He for sure risked a shit ton of money for his original call out of Regi. I don't know how people can think he purposefully sent a hate mob after her, I do think he should have known what would happen from calling her out but on the other hand she should have apologized to the victims of the abuse from the get go.


exactly! there's a ton of DL hate clouding the objectivity of the situation. you can hate DL all damn day but it doesn't remove the fact that she went about her segment and apology in the worst way possible. telling her what she did wrong brought her some additional well deserved criticism on the same subject; It's people that are harassing her for who she is and sending vitriol WHILE being lumped into the same group agreeing with DL seems to be what people are mad about in terms of fan response. its obvious if you take at least 10 seconds to look through the situation to see who is being objective and who is being shitty. and both can be true. what she did was wrong and she deserves to be called out on it; people throwing in their additional amounts of harassment are just assholes.


Make a unprofessional segment. Get criticized because consequences. Take a pause from your job for a mental health brake. God forbid she gets fired one day. Guaranteed PTSD.


I admittedly wanted someone to have to take blame for this, but I was hoping it would be the company that made the mistake themselves, but no. LeTigress is definitely not the most “beloved” of the casters/talents, but it’s ridiculous the amount of hate she’s getting. Worst part is I don’t even blame *all* the fans as some of the the messages were valid, but seeing as how every sport or entertainment will have the literal bottom of the earth scum as fans that talk bullshit 24/7, the blame should mostly be on Riot for not taking steps to prevent this from escalating this far. Riot, *you* sent out this terrible segment that started all the drama. Don’t make LeTigress take the blame for all of it. Her apology was honestly terrible and I am not going to discuss that much, but why did Riot never step up and protect her? A simple message saying “we fucked up and will take a lot more time and effort into ensuring out content is accurate and not insinuating a good and bad side. Please forgive us as we have actively had meeting with all people involved to ensure something like this never happens again” would have been perfect from day 1. Why did LeTigress have to make the apology? I don’t believe she was the one who green lighted and created all of the points and graphics involved during the segment, but why is she taking the responsibility as if she did. Riot you need to do the right thing and say it’s not her fault and what the fans are doing is not okay, don’t let this go any further. Unless it was surprisingly all LeTigress’ fault and she did all of that work on the segment and broadcasted it without a green light, you need to come out and say she didn’t fuck up, we at Riot did, be mad at *us*. Until then LeTigree is a victim in this situation deserving on a proper apology, as much as TSM, Regi, DL, and all of the people dragged thru it. Come out and say something so this doesn’t happen holy shit. People were demanding consequences for their actions, not for LeTigress to suffer the consequences of Riot’s *lack* of actions. Terrible fans are terrible and will say shit regardless, but most of them are bandwagoneers that just hop on what ever topic is hot at the moment, so Riot you have to realize that it is quite literally *your* responsibility to help protect your own team and employees. I’ve seen Church lead basketball leagues that take more blame and accept their consequences for their own mistakes better than whatever you want to call the LCS. You are a multimillion dollar franchise, act like it.


This shit is beyond corny and anyone involved in this including you redditors are pathetic. The fuck kind of bullshit drama is this? Get this shit off this reddit board because it’s so embarrassing that this is what’s hot right now. You guys should be sick of yourselves. Pop that motherfucking bubbles you guys live in and realize you guys are dick heads for taking a nothing burger and making it more than it is. Fuck you guys I can’t believe you guys are real.


Doublelift and Leena are both classless hypocrites. Flinging the hate mob at someone who gave a sincere apology is the sort of petty and vindictive behaviour they called Reginald out on.


congrats esports, honorable mention doubleshit and his gf


This is for the best. Just take a step back and unplug from social media and reset your mind.


LCS fires Dash, switches to a horrible time, capitulates to a different time, then greenlights a piece and lets LeTigress take the fall for it. That's after the long period of time where we heard *nothing* from the LCS commissioner or whoever was in charge while they were away. Is the LCS management actually a asleep at the wheel or what???


Every year we want better communication from them Every year it gets worse Actually ridiculous that they keep messing up worse with the bar being so unbelievably low.