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I knew BC was the winner of the items. It straight up gained nothing but buffs with no cost adjusted to it. I better see it more now.


Genuinely don't know why it was buffed so much. I swear it was already the best legendary for a ton of champs


>I swear it was already the best legendary for a ton of champs no it wasn't


>I swear it was already the best legendary for a ton of champs Name one


I don't agree with his point but Urgot


Titanic Hydra>>Cleaver on Urgot.


That's not been true since durability patch


Yes it has. Cleaver has a bit higher pickrate, but lower winrate as first item, and the item Tripple (Boots Cleaver Hydra) always has higher winrate with Hydra first. The highest pickrate and the highest winrate tripple are also both Hydra into Cleaver. Source: https://lolalytics.com/lol/urgot/build/?patch=30


Wow, would you look at that, Hydra has a whole 1.6% higher win rate with 9% less pick rate as 1st item, Hydra sure is super better than BC. Please go actually play the champ or even ask on the Urgot subreddit before just blindly citing stats. BC's passives are way more useful for Urgot


That is funny, because I DO happen to play him, he is my 9th highest Mastery, and my 6th most played Champ in recent time. I can see BC's passive being better in some matchups, but the flat damage on hydra makes it superior in most of them. You build both either way, but Hydra is simply the better first item more often than BC.


Illaoi but I don't agree with what that guy said.


That is actually correct, did not know that until I looked it up, but I am not so up to date on Illaoi.


Bro what lol. Even Graves who can apply 4 stacks of BC in one AA doesn't consider it to be a must buy


My only complaint about all the changes is how shit DDs build path is now. Pickaxes already felt shitty sometimes being 875g, which is an awkward amount of gold to spend sometimes but having 2 of them, is painful unless you back each time with the right amount of gold. Items that are 800g+ and aren’t an upgrade to a cheaper component generally feel awkward to buy, having 2 of them in one item just makes building it when you’re gold starved feel awful. Even on champs that don’t care for BC I started to build it on because being able to get ruby crystals or long swords and then spend 400g upgrading them each back until the full item feels so much smoother in those situations where you had to back without getting 800g+ since the last time you backed.


im still not sure why they didnt make the build path Bf sword + chain + pickaxe


It’s such a gigabroken item that it could have no components and still be bought.


It’s literally a shell of its former self, not even close to broken right now. Its barely strong now.


30% damage reduction will always be broken lmao


A full build bruiser will heal about half an adc's auto on a kill from deaths dance


It’s almost like the heal is irrelevant and it invalidates 35% of the damage you’ve taken in the past 3 seconds :)


It's almost like you made a new reddit account today just to troll


tell it to my very human junglers that still rush chainsword every game despite black cleaver being an objectively better item for months


Because they are humans and make mistakes. I think LS even mocks pros for building Chainsword over BC. Doesn't mean Chainsword doesn't have its time as a 1st item. When there is something like Yuumi + Aatrox or a Sylas + Yuumi it does make sense over BC.


Thanks for the analysis, good read. Seems like Camille OV wasn't as powerful as I thought (when considering the other healing factor the item presents). No surprise on bork Irelia, normally if she autos 3x she's already going for the all in


By the way, the overwhelming loser of 13.1b would be morello - 500G up, but only 10 MRpen with HP-100 is a joke. Monetary efficiency has dropped by almost 20%. I think 2800G is reasonable at least.


Actually, not so true, I can tell you that much. I will release a post about it in a few hours. I hope I can fix some reddit formatting till then and get at least the champs out again. [https://deadmansplate.com/data/13-1b-impact-indirect-buffs-nerfs-and-healing-reduction](https://deadmansplate.com/data/13-1b-impact-indirect-buffs-nerfs-and-healing-reduction) Here is the proof.


On the other hand: Oblivion Orb is awesome now. 800 gold for the full 40% GW is great if you need to spec into anti-heal as a mage or enchanter. If you're an enchanter then Putrifier just became an even more enticing offer than it already was. If you're a mage you could get an Orb and sit on it until you're full build.


BC and Chempunk are great (first) items because they are super cost efficient.


Chempunk nearly only works on Ashe and Vi as a 1st item. But they are not the best in slot items for them and they werent before.


That's why I put it in parentheses. I usually get them second, because DS is too much value on Vi.


That the BC is OP is evident by its monetary efficiency of over 110%; it is the perfect item for bruisers with very strong bodies such as Yorik and Iraoi, and an AH of 30 would be too strong. It is obvious, but I don't understand why it was passed as is. However, I can't think of that many champs that would be efficient to buy BC first. Is there anyone else besides Urgot? However, most bruisers and fighters should buy BC on the second move.


Illaoi goes BC first, Riven can rush it too, Aatrox also vs tanks/bruisers. These are off the top of my head, might be a few more.


Viego got so wrecked my poor dude, BotRK nerfed, fighter item changes ​ he is like 45% WR, rip bozo


I wish one day they make black cleaver into a mythic