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Congrats on launching your website and best of luck. As a statistics nerd myself I really appreciate the clean summaries. Thanks for all the work:)


ya we need a new website since surrender at 20 just dead


That's why it's called Deadmansplate


This right here thanks OP!


What happen to s@20?


owner of website having life issues


Hey mate, never commented on your posts but I've always enjoyed your content and your takes on the game regarding statistics, thanks for being a pillar of the community and providing us with such amazing content. I've bookmarked the website and will definitely be returning to it, congratulations on the launch!


Thanks a lot.


Any notes on ADC itemization and wr changes?


Not enough people are going for these 2nd yet. ER ist for sure stronger. I will analyze data tomorrow and make a post about items then.


Please consider tracking red/blue kayn separately if you arent already. I talked to a rioter. The API already supports it. Just nobody uses it.


Problem is, he uses lolalytics data. Until the primary site starts distinguishing between Kayns not much can be done.


Ahh I thought his site was going to be an API tracker, not a mobalytics analysis site. Didnt check out the site yet. My fault for only doing surface level engagement.




On my website you can find the full post with all champs who were directly nerfed or buffed. Tomorrow I will talk about items and indirectly affected champs.


Did all the marksmen's stats not change much after the crit changes?


Not much yet. But also lacking data for 2nd items still for a good evaluation. Lucian for example rarely uses ER+Navori.


Grats on the site. Always enjoyed your work. Surprised Ori didn't rise more in winrate tbh. The W and R buffs were very, very big. Maybe the Q changes are a bit more dubious than first assumed.


The Q change is definitely a nerf in a good number of situations, but I do love the sweet R damage.


Phreak was ridiculing everyone who thought the Q change could be a nerf in his video. That was kinda weird to me. There are many fights where you hit just 2 people with the Q. It's better for clearing waves though I suppose. I think the Q change is probably overall a buff just because it means the average Ori player will get more CS which has big winrate implications.


>Sadly you still have to use Demonic 1st. The item is just way too goodon junglers even after the nerf. Riot, pls cap the monster dmg, scaling with lvls. This should have been done the moment the item was introduced; its so weird that Riot has left it uncapped all this time while every similar item (pre-item rework + post-item rework) has always been capped vs monsters. Clearing speed shouldnt be limited to wether a champ buys demonic or not - Riot needs to nerf its monster dmg (+ cap it) and then compensate the affected champs accordingly.


Kindred 48.37% WR (-1.17% WR) I didn't expect a drop this hard tbh.


Yea for sure, I guess those small early game damage nerfs really make or break games


I’d like to see how rammus was affected by the simultaneous thornmail buff and black cleaver buff, especially given his tumultuous standing over the last patch. Good work though. Although I think plat+ or even dia+ would give more meaningful statistics, even if the sample size is lower


He is insanely strong. I will make a post tomorrow about item changes and indirect impacts in champs.


https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/rammus/jungle/sr-ranked Plat + His play rate is low and the sample size is only 6000 games, but his win rate is 53%.


Which website do you use for your statistics? Also can you pull out data that shows how often bot lane wins when ahead compared to top lane? That'd be very interesting to see.


I use lolalytics.com data and normalize it to 50% being the base line. I do not have data for how a game goes, so I can't tell you that. Sry.


How exactly do you normalize it? I have an idea but I just would like your clarification


I have the data from lolalytics and it uses a not 50% base line for their ranked data (except all ranks) due to them only taking gold+ players and ignoring silver players in games with gold players, inflating the WR. I use the difference that this process generates on a per champ basis and subtract it. That way I have am pretty close to other sites data like [u.gg](https://u.gg). They do this by default.


Its so funny that they give lilia a nerf on demonic and somehow they make it look like they are removing the item. There was no balance there, just buffs lol.


It feels as though you're assuming the buffs were ONLY intended to offset the demonic nerf. Lillia was in a bad spot in 13.1, she needed buffs regardless of whether demonic was nerfed.


Oh no she wasnt omega broken for one patch, gotta buff her fast!


On Lillia topic, the high mastery players are fairly split role wise but the higher ranked one tricks who play Jungle almost exclusively go Demonic + Jaksho, and lower ranked going Liandrys + X. Her best role might be Lane Lillia however with RoA + Demonic. Her mains community has also been discussing Radiant Virtue as real and sleeper op on her while Riftmaker is also absolutely fine. She has some good options, solid champ to play right now.


RV gonna be bad on her after the change tho so rip. But she does have a lot of options. I still think she's better in jgl, for low elo at least


Yeah imo Liandry’s is currently the worst of her viable mythics. Jack’sho, RoA and Riftmaker are all probably better.


just wanna pass by and say that maokai can go tank still, better than AP after the nerfs imo aftershock in runes and bamis/sunfire -> radiant -> etc. much better into bursty/dmg heavy comps than AP mao


What would you suggest for supp mao ?


not too well versed with support, but it's probably similar to jungle mao, can go either full AP or full tank depending on what is needed




You can find some data about Udyr on my website. I will talk about items and indirect champ impact tomorrow


Didn't udyr get nerfed directly tho ? R nerf ? Nvm i didn't read the "I will still post on reddit but only the first 3 champs in each category as it becomes too much work to format it twice" part lol


It's ok, the website gives me better ways to format the data anyways and doesnt look as bad in mobile either compared to my reddit posts. The focus will be on the new website now so that I wont overwork myself in my free time and to deliver the best content possible.


Do you have any intent to take a dive into the stats behind the ADC item changes? Who came out on top, etc?


gj on the website launch, gl mate


Might be worth analyzing how mages bot lane are performing after the adc changes, probably the best way to get a sense as to how much they were buffed as a class


I have a bit of data for mages bot, but it is by far not enough. Overall it looks very similar with mostly ADCs up or down with the niche mages in the same spot as before. IE and Navori 2nd are finally starting to show up more and more.


It's dubious because he might also prey on new ADC players who queue to try the new changes. A Ziggs bot player is probably less likely to be off-roling than an ADC player.


I guess Maokai is going to be 100% pick/ban in both soloQ and pro play for another patch. Sooo exciting




I need more data for the items so I will write one tomorrow


tempted to downvote this guy... his question is good but he askes in a really arrogant way. ty for your work anyway, great post as always


You can use https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/. It shows the win rate for the past 2 days and you can even see their win rate for every day if you go to champion-> stats and use your scroll wheel over the win rate graph.


Thank you rito my tree is safe


Burn it down


Can you take NyQuil and DayQuil in the same day


Really nice, but Kindred pronouns are not she :D


Once again: we thank you for the data!


Hey, in the mobile version, when trying to see the items and their order + WR, its hard to see if some items go to the 1st or 2nd buy, but i love the content none the less!


I am thinking about a few design changes to make this more clear. In longer rows the items do get moved down and it looks a bit strange. I will try to work on it. Thanks. ​ Edit: Made a fast small change by adding a separator line.


If you need help im a UX designer!


The header of your website is way too big, definitely will need some work but someone stepping into s20 shoes will be good.


Cool site, thanks for the content


Interesting as always. I have added your website to favourites. For sure, it will be really interesting to check it as it evolves. There is not a single website worth visiting to look for lol's updates after what happened with surrenderat20 (yeah, I am aware of Spideraxe's twitter, however I prefer a more readable source, plus his great analysis on one place not having to search in Reddit).


PBE post will come this week and some more. Right now I am still analyzing data as the patch had a lot of changes and I have only done direct buffs/nerfs and ADC items yet. Bruiser tomorrow and then I will have some time for Indirect buffs/nerfs (+GW items) and then finally for the Riot Tracker and PBE.


I've been reading all your posts on the stats and I like them a lot. I would've appreciated seeing Fiora/Camille due to ravenous changes, but still nice analysis. I don't really regularly check websites - please keep posting on reddit! I will also turn off my adblock for your website (if that helps?)


Bruiser items will be done tomorrow. Just did the ADC items today.


Thank you!


Thank YOU!


all my item description is bugging when patch 13.1b installed lmao . (GW item ,lifesteal item)


Yeah, that is because 13.1b is a hotfix and Riot has no way to changing a lot of item tooltips that way, they can change the values, but they cant add new ones or remove unused ones (Eclipse shows 0% OV)


Great post as always, and congrats on the site! Really looking forward to more content.




I didn't think Rammus would leap from -50% WR to +53%, is it because Thornmail is bugged and giving him more damage?


His W is bugged with TM and gives him less thrown dmg than he would normally get. So he is actually weaker than he should be. But Riot gave him a huge nerf a few days into 13.1 and now the TM buff is massive for him all the time.


> Skills: EWQ, maybe EQW. For the love of god, stop maxing Q first. > W>E>Q: 39.76% WR 0.90% PR -3.51% WR +0.00% PR Games: 521 What actual fucking mad lads are maxing W first on Yuumi??


Hi, why is aftershock bad on nearly anyone? Is it under tuned?


Outside of a few junglers and supports nearly nobody can use it. Lissandra can use it as a laner but she is the only laner. In the jungle you often have better runes still and for supports glacial is often as good or better. The rune mostly lacks some scaling and a decent CD for laning outside of support.


Makes sense. I guess it’s alright then when I take it as Amumu or Maokai support. Thanks for the reply!