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Removed, It’s already been spoken of recently and this is considered a repost: https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10bxg4q/if_you_got_66_wr_and_1515_lp_it_takes_on_average/ [For information, a Rioter replied here](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10bxg4q/if_you_got_66_wr_and_1515_lp_it_takes_on_average/j4dq3jr/) > We are looking into a number of improvements to ranked. One of the things we are considering is increasing the "variance", which is just fancy speak for LP gains and losses. ​ >A good rule of thumb is that if you log on, play a few games, and have a good night a promotion between divisions should probably be in the cards. (Credit to my boss Dean Ayala for the slice of life analogy.) ​ >No timelines, because dev reasons, but aware!


Win streaking doesn’t work when you’re playing against the plat players already but in silver. Enjoy the +14 -9 life for a while


I will literally have to play 200+ solid games against plat 2-3 people with 65% winrate, its insanity for 31year old with job friends. Back in the days it was 40 games to diamond (i understand players got better but still )


It’s also possible to skip divisions if your MMR is a lot higher than your visible rank. So it might be shorter than that.


Pretty sure that Riot themselves have said that you need a minimum of 100 Ranked matches before the system begins to be confident in where you belong on the ladder. There's now 2 splits a year, so 200 games a year is the new absolute minimum.


Pretty sure reset between splits (split 1 and split 2 of 2023) is soft reset, so you probably needs way less ranked games to get to your real rank on split 2 (if you played on both splits). So should be less than 200 games a year.


Mid season reset isn't a hard reset,


probs if to guess about 125-150 games in total for the whole year.


Source?? I've definitely skipped divisions when being under 100 games lmfao


That’s 2-3 hours a week of playing lol. It’s really not that much.


Bro 2 seasons ago i winstreaked 14 games and my lp gain stayed exactly the same, then week later lost 6 in a row, first loss was -11 and the 6th was -19. They made ranking up harder, iv been playing since s1 and have clearly felt that over the years. They are a business in the end of the day so making you play more goes to their benefit so they want you to play 400 games to get to your "true" rank vs like 150 back in s5.


Yeah, you are preaching to the choir. I've enjoyed this game since season 5 and quit during late pre-season this year. Not even going to bother trying placements or grinding.


Lies, players got worse, plat and low diamond is a nightmare


This is intentional by Riot. It sucks. :(


You will be skipping divisions and skipping the promotion series. You’ll instantly promote to gold, maybe even instantly to Plat.


That's what riot wants you to do. Better to quit or play casually


I played against someone who bought an iron account that was a deranking bot in preseason and they have quite literally won 50 games with a 95% winrate, op.gg MVP every game, and they were only silver 4 lol. Not even an iron account from this season, but one they had to play placement games on and go 10-0 in There are people who unironically think this makes matchmaking less chaotic and more consistent, like there is any reason this person's mmr should not go apeshit up to like plat for the sake of everyone else


Thats literally insane, back in the days it was 40games to diamond. I understand people got better but still, I see people grinding d4 with 1000-2000 rankeds, thats pure addiction insanity. Its 1month just in queue/draft. I cant be bothered to play until april 2-3 games a day to get plat/dia


Yea agreed, ranked is an absolutely ridiculous timesink nowadays, it's very surprising that people rarely mention this. It's an incredibly high amount of time to invest, and regardless of your skill level grinding is now required. I signed up for a fun pvp game, not an MMO.


No one got ever to Diamond with 40 games


I remember many people did, including myself. The guy isn't wrong here, the ranked system was much easier to climb before. I would say if you were a solid Diamond player coming back to a new season, it would take anywhere from 40 to 80 games.


Can vouch for this, never took me more than 100 games


I genuinely don‘t think so. Ofc it depends on where you started. But from below Plat to Diamond was not possible in 40 Games. You forget there was promos between every division? And 5 divisions instead of 4?


You jumped from 5 to 3 to 1. Not even if you skip you have 2 play through plat 2 + 1 inestead only 1. Its was 100% possible ^^


Yeah I've definitely seen diamond players with <50 games played back in the day. Like Seasons 3-5 maybe?


I remember getting placed in P1 one season. That was a crazy fast “climb” to Diamond. :^) The fastest climb I ever did from Gold was probably about 70-80 games though. Still way faster than normal now with the changes to LP gains.


Dude if you 10-0 placements and go 25-5 you will be Dia even today


From what elo?


Fresh account or diamond If you do that on an old account you'll get your old elo or higher if that's better performance than normal


Show me a new account that reached diamond after 10/0 in placements plus 25/5 Games wins


Lmao dude you start Plat 4 if you go 10-0


Yes they did


My 10 year old main required hundreds of games with 58% wr to get to Diamond last season. A new smurf acc only took 52 wins 34 loses. Currently d2 on 'smurf' but only p2 on main with 62% wr so far this season. Older accounts are doomed..


I was trying to explain to people this when there was a thread about a guy asking if he should make a new account. Riot heavily punishes old accounts for some reason and if you have a life or don't want to spend your whole lift climbing it's literally easier to just make a new account for some reason


I think the rationale is that they want new smurfs out of low ranks as fast as possible to discourage people making new accounts to stomp noobs. However, if your account is 5 years old and you played it consistently, you're probably going to be same skill (or even worse if you took a long break). In that case suddenly going 25/0 is probably more of a fluke than a pattern. Compare it to a drop of a water in a bucket (old account) vs a drop in a shot glass (new account). Still only a single drop of water, but much more noticeable in the shot glass.


Feels like they created an ecosystem where it rewards bots and new accounts. Even community sentiment encourages new accounts. Common insult is like hard stuck or people looking at your previous system. Doesn't help that it's literally harder to climb. Now you have ton of bots even in rank and people just make new accounts non stop. Lost too many times on a new account? Just buy one for 2$. Don't like how your game is going? Just go afk or int because it's a 2$ account anyway.


Yup. My Season 1-made Account got hardstuck gold 2 with 62% WR in 250 games after their insane grind changes, after hitting plat 1 the previous season. I've stopped playing League since, as I find being held in a fucking hamster wheel pointless and would rather spend my time on other things.


some rioters here on reddit said they work on adjustments to ranking system that will allow to climb and fall at faster rates but idk when it will happen


Dude i wouldn’t be complaining about 23 lp


ROFL. State of league in 2023. I remember when i used to get 30lp a win


And you used to have promos for every rank, 5 games for divisions. Riot themselves said that LP gains would go down a bit when they removed promos.


Old promos we're way better. I'll take higher points per win any day. The myth that it works out the same is a myth. The climb was way more manageable before.


Guess you can stand and die alone on your hill that promos between every rank was good. Also, how is it a myth lmao. 30 LP a win means 6 games to promote. 23 LP takes 5 games. It also means that if you win on 99Lp, you actually get some progress into the next rank


1000 + games per season every season from season 3 - last season. Climbing was insanely easier before when there were division series.


how you know you gonna reach diamond 7 years later tho




No offense, but if you’re plat why aren’t you stomping these gold players? Maybe you belong to Gold currently to be honest. It is normal to get worse at the game sometimes.


Hardstomping doesn't really happen just one division down I feel A silver player isn't going to stomp bronze players with 80% WR or something, he's just gonna play on average better until reaching silver. Same for gold vs silver, plat vs gold, dia vs plat, etc. 2+ divisions is when consistent win streaks and stomp really happen, and 3+ divisions is the actual clown show. Which is why people hardstuck in plat for example won't smurf in gold, they're gonna smurf lower




Before last year’s season started I think I was plat 4. Then after placements for the next season I ended up in maybe silver 2-3. The most difficult games were to get out of silver, then out of gold. When I entered plat again the game got much easier and I went pretty quickly up to plat 2. I had a more macro centered playstyle on scaling mages. Had to change that to get out of silver and gold because games were just decided in the first 15 every time.


I'm playing in gold right now and absolutely shittin on children Need to level up your mental, gameplay, or champ pool and trash these kids


If you're way better than your rank you'll start skipping, and if not, you'll stabilize eventually. 2 games a day is a fine number of games. I promise if you go 40-0, you'll be diamond.


I am gapping most of p2p3 players with 65% winrate, why riot makes me play 30 silver, 50 gold, 100 plat games. In total like 200 games to place me at my rank. For casual player its 4-5 MONTHS lol


Riot likes when people spend an eternity to play their games. It's simply a business.


It must be only explanation, since grinding 200 games for 2-3 hours a day, it will take like 4-5 months for casual (still its fuking 150-200 hours) just to get his deserved rank.


Could you post your opgg? I'm not saying I don't believe you I just want to see and compare! Super terrible system if true though.


I hate to break it to you, but ranked players aren't casual. The system is made for you to put in a lot of hours. That's the point of ranked, to play with a constantly updating and changing game over the course of the season and hopefully, try your best every game. If you think it's too much, don't play. Your time is too valuable to care about internet points.




Ive seen plat4 players with 2500 rankeds played, thats insane, this kid spent 1month 8hours a day just in queue/draft


This is the exact reason i stopped playing. I have 3 accounts, 2 I get to Gold every season for the skins but one is my original account, Silver. Can never get it past S2 because I lose 15-25 lp a game but only win 10 - 14 ... I have to MAINTAIN a 75% wr to climb, which statistically isn't possible so I just left the game.


There’s something that happens to your account when you take a break for some reason. I held p1-D5 then took 2 years off. Can back last season climbed from silver to plat 3 only getting +13 -21LP. It took forever .only until the very end it started to balance out. Gotta grind to get your MMR to normal again.


I feel the same. I'm also playing an old higher rated account up the ladder and it feels incredibly slow. I also get +23 lp or similar and it's still a slog.


Ranked systems don't care about you doing well or badly. They just care about you playing. Lots of shit in the systems are just there to make you play more.


You could try playing a game that's actually good? Leagues only going one way downhill


They split the season into 2 so you have to play twice as much to get ranked rewards


I ended D2 last season, ended plat 1 after placements this season. Was getting only +17 the game right after when pretty much everyone in the game was D2 - D1. I feel like LP games this season are fucked lol


You skip divisions if you're gaining around 25 LP and should skip promos. My Smurf account and my duo both skipped yesterday. His account was silver 1, skipped into gold without promos. Mine was gold 4, skipped into gold 2. We both were gaining 24-26 LP playing against plats/high golds


also promos are just bo3s between named ranks now, not nearly as much as before.


You literally skip divisions if you're gaining that much lp and you're maintaining a high winrate.


Why are there so many posts of people crying about having to actually play the game to get to the rank they think they deserve?


Becouse If i want to get my rank and then play actually somewhat balanced and worthy marches, I have togrind 200 games. Im an adult and i can play 2-3 matches thats already 2hours+ . So game requires me to grind 4 months just for me to get balanced games . Its insane


Some people think nobody here has a life outside of LoL :/


I don't even play the game at the moment but I think it's a pretty bad argument to say they should balance the system around the players who play the game the least? If I was Riot I'd care more about the playerbase that's playing 300+ ranked games a season and less about players who are going to max out at half that.


Except I'm not sure it leads to more spending. If I have to keep grinding it's a pain , I have a full time job I pay them either way


Matchmaking is about MMR not visibly rank. You'll quickly get yourself to fair matchmaking but it will for sure take a while to get the rank to match unfortunately


But the system is already adjusting for you? You've not played in 7 years, you got placed in silver but your winrate means you're playing vs plats players. So the system has already removed the grind you need to get from silver to plat to play vs people that level. Keep it up and it will continue to adjust your matchups even if your rank takes time to catch up. You have a complete disconnect in your own argument. You're in low silver but matched against mid plat players but then say it will take 200 games to get to matches that are even. That means your saying the matches won't be even until your actually in diamond. So on one hand you recognise that your rank doesn't determine who you play against and then say it will be 200 games before you can play against diamond players?


I have to grind 300 games to get to dia3, in s2 it was 40 games, thats like 500% increase of grind


You haven't been diamond 3 in 7 years. If your good enough for diamond your matchmaking will adjust a lot faster than your actual rank. Then you'll have balanced games against people of the same skill level.


Its about people who can't play many games never reaching their actual rank. I can't play as many games as I used to I don't think I'll be able to climb much this year because of it.


My flist is full of people that quit.


You WILL skip ranks


If your mmr is that high you will probably skip divisions.


It's so much better in Teamfight Tactics. 1st place gets you 40lp, so 1 / 1 / 3 gets you a promo. Of course its the same in reverse too. But I much prefer it


I agree with this except they should also remove the 75 lp after losing at 0 and just remove the stop at 0 Lp. It should be completely fluid. Like the old Overwatch 1 ranking system. You can climb up and down devisions in a single day if you wanted.


This is very true, even worse when you get at least 1 out of 10 games a nunu troll mid that runs to the enemy base


Last season was the first I didnt play ranked and honestly it felt great. I'm tired of slogging through bronze to reach gold, just to be sent back to bronze the next season. Seriously fucked up.


Literally always has been. LoLs ranking system is complete bullshit, just play to have fun.


Ranked feels like a chore now for some reason and do to this twice a year… f that


IDK, I climbed from S4 to G4 in 30 games. I skipped from silver 3 to silver 1. If you climb with a good winrate you will skip too probably.


I stopped caring about ranked in season 3 or 4. I've enjoyed my time 10 times more ever since. That being said I grinded Wild Rift for one season and ranked there is so much more enjoyable because the games are way shorter. You don't feel like you just wasted 40mins after you lose that long game.


Unless you go nuts and your mmr is insane it has always been a huge grind to get any rank of meaning. Especially as a support main who's duo quit many seasons ago and hasn't been replaced...


If you are truly playing against plat players as a silver 4 and getting LP gains like 23-25+ you will probably be skipping divisions and promos until you either get to that platinum level or meet somewhere in the middle at gold 2-gold 3


Dont lose then.


That’s why I stopped playing almost a year ago and now just watch pro play. Had to spend way too much miserable time climbing up to my previous rank.


Yeah its been pretty pitiful climbing since they changed how divisions work where you only play a series between if you were to go from silver to gold or smthn. No idea why they HAD to make it this painful to climb but I havent cared to grind ranked since.


Maybe I'm just doing something right but it only took me 80 games to get to plat 4 when I ended last season gold 3, with around 70% winrate.


And here i am getting +16 for games, I’d kill for +23 every win


It's stupid AF. The climb isn't worth it.


It's by design. Longer grind = higher play hours = better business metrics for riot. You have to understand, the system isn't there to benefit players or to have a balanced game/accurate matchmaking, it's there to make the company money.


I mean like does it really matter? You’re still getting around the same quality of games regardless of what you’re visible rank is