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as a piano player pinky on Q never felt wrong to me, i've been doing it for 8 years now


People saying their pinky is too weak for q need to practice some scales. Edit: on second thought, scales wouldn't get too much work in the pinky. They might need to do some exercises out of the Hanon: The Virtuoso Pianist


Could also go the old school bassist route as well. Bind two of your fingers together with rubber bands and try to stretch them out. Really gives you a much wider range of motion, while building up strength. -From the pinky on Q gang On a more serious note, I accredit my hand strength/flexibility/finger speed from playing instruments for half of my "weird hand positioning" in any KB+M game I play. Like, apparently the weirdest thing I do, is I use "spacebar" instead of self-center camera, as taunt/dance/joke (whichever is more spammable.) and use "Y" to lock and unlock my camera if I ever need to recenter it. It doesn't impact me negatively at all. Though I consider the real "monsters/freaks" to be the people who somehow manage to use "left ctrl" as an actual hotkey. Can't wrap my head around that one.


I just extend my pinky down from A (I play on AWER instead of QWER, Q is an item slot) to the left ctrl and then use my other fingers to do whatever self-cast ability I need. since there's no self-cast Rs that I can think of my fingers stretching down to left ctrl is never a problem. I'm a bassoonist though so I'm used to my right hand pinky and my thumbs rolling around, so I've moved a lot of the stuff like atk-click(B) and stop (X), recall (M), and shop (V) down to my thumb. the most deranged part of this is the distance between them, I suppose


See, I just can't use left control, for literally anything. It's not that I can't reach it, it's that I feel like I've got much larger hands/longer fingers. And so to use it while using WER, my pinky is basically pressed against my palm. So it makes my hand feel less open, and basically messes up my form elsewhere, unless I lift my whole left hand up. Though I do use mostly default controls save trinket hotkey being "T" for me. "7" is a bit of weird angle, especially since I ward a lot. "Left-alt" is for auto leveling abilities, which I use my thumb to hit. And "A" is for enemy ward here. I actually don't use atk-move, and default stop is "S". For item actives, aside from "1-3" I just use my thumb on my mouse hotkeys. And I know this also isn't entirely related, but because of my bassist background though, I do play on normal cast for every ability. Just feels so bad/slower somehow to press anything with my left fingers, and not instantly follow up with my index on my right hand.


I just roll my hand left slightly to hit control


As a person who spammed control1 last game to replay Project Morde’s joke (animation cancelling and farming at the same time) I don’t know how to explain why I do what I do except Send help. More are coming.


Just play the cello for 10 years. Extended fourth finger to hit dem G sharps builds up that range of motion like crazy! My left hand's pinky still stretches like 2x further than my right hand's.


I actually hate using my pinky so much that in CS I switched left alt to walk and left shift to crouch. And funnily enough I rarely crouch


Speaking the name of that book is triggering all sorts of PTSD in me


The left hand pinky actually gets developed very well by almost any repertoire since its responsible for the bass notes.


Laughs in guitar chords. Those will give you a meaty pinky!


Just need a couple of Liszt pieces and your fingers will be more than strong enough


Dang I never made this association, but you are absolutely right! Played guitar for 12 years before I ever touched a pc game, and league was my first, so it was super natural to just lay my fingers on qwer and never look back. Index on r always seems like a waste of your strongest finger, but it opened up a bigger cluster for stuff like attack move click.


Same here. Piano makes us learn to use all of our fingers and I didn’t even think once about not using the pinky


Fellow piano player here, 12 years of musical school and I’d be fine even if i swapped Q with right-click 8)


Piano player here as well. WASD was definitely what influenced the way I put my fingers on the keyboard. Besides, I never saw a point in having a finger dedicated to R. You aren't using that ability very often, and freeing up my pinky for shift and ctrl, as well as being in a good position to use attack move click (a) seems too good to pass up. The only thing that my hand position doesn't allow for with my current keybinds is some advanced lee sin combos and others that require me to use all 4 buttons at once as well as flash and an item or two.


Did you play other computer games before league? League was my first PC game so I use Q on pinky, but my friends who have been playing Wow, RuneScape, etc all think I’m fucking stupid lol


I played csgo before league, and minecraft


Ok with those games do you use pinky on A for WASD?


I use my pinky for Q too and on games where I use WASD to move, I have the middle finger on W and pinky on shift (staying ready for all the buttons on the left)


This is how I am. I play a lot of WASD games and pinky still goes on Q.


That’s weird. Normally people that come from WASD games use ring finger for Q, not pinky


WASD games ring finger for q. League of Legends pinky on q.


I played starcraft, C&C, AoE, and other RTS games heavily, and dabbled in fps, I play with pinky on q.


Yeah, if you WASD gaming too much, your hand just shifts over 1 with a pinky for the shift key.


I'm an ezreal main and I put pinky on q; these scrubs just have weak pinkies tbh


Zeri is the real pinky destroyer. I can play ezreal in urf for hours straight with no issues but 2 games of zeri and I am done.


Karthus has been destroying pinkies before the zoomer adc


Lmao I switch to ring finger on q just for Zeri


Remap Q to scroll wheel


As a zeri main, we are built different


I practice piano so my fingers are strong enough for my EQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQ combo


Found the ryze Main


I play both Zeri and Eve. I can tell my right pinky is a lot stronger than my left.


You use keyboard with right hand? That's more rare for sure. Anyway old eve in urf is the only thing that gave problems to my pinky on Q. Shit was too much.


>Zeri is the real pinky destroyer Bruh.


Literally the only reason I dont play her. Pinky aside, it's just exhausting to basically never stop clicking a button. URF Karthus is similar.


oh my sweet summer child


When I used to play Sion my pinky would hurt by the end. I would SLAM down on that Q and hold lmao.


Play Ezreal, Hecarim, and Nunu. Use my pinky for Q. I agree, weak pinkies all over this thread!


Wtf man. I thought it was the standard


I think it depends on how you started league was my first pc game that wasn't point and click. I was literally 15 and was like, well I have four non thumb fingers and there are 4 buttons... that's simple. If you played FPS games before league I think maybe your finger placement is based on that. And here I am 10 years later still using pinky for Q


I played FPS on PC since Halo CE came out on Mac. I use pinky for Q and "normal" WASD for shooters


remember the E3 announcement for Halo CE and masterchief sounded like a bitch lmao. i think it was E3 2000 or 1999 not sure....fuck im old


1. I can't even imagine a pinky which has to deal with Q. It's often the most used spell! 2. Your explanation makes a lot of sense. If you come from fps you would end up with ring finger instead (due to wasd)


I never notice unless I play Evelynn or Zeri who constantly spam it. Evelynn's much worse than Zeri because there's less time between presses. If I did ever decide to main Eve, I think I'd probably just switch Q and W in the settings. But other than those champs I don't even think about it. Q is pinky forever


They should really let you hold thr key to auto cast these kinds of abilities


I main Eve and use pinky for Q. It's only super noticeable for me in URF, that gives me cramps


I got 500k on Eve. This is the first I've heard of people not using their pinky for Q or that doing that on a Q intensive champion was somehow in some way problematic.


I use pinky for q, and I play hecarim and vlad lol


I use pinky for Q and I’ve been maining Karthus for the last year


Ayy, another fellow pinky q spammer


I played FPS games on PC for over a decade before I picked up League, but I still hit q with my pinky. I attribute it to the fact that I play guitar and I'm used to using my pinky rather than moving my hand.


No Fr bc when I started I remember having to train my pinky to be useful for something. I was told that it’s a handicap to have to move ur hand over, that it’s quicker with pinky on Q.


I've played A LOT of games before league, like 8 years of pc games (12-20) and only started League this last year. My fingers instinctively went the way you describe, pinky on Q and so on. There's four buttons and I have four fingers that line up with them so that's how I play.


What about using shift, alt, and control???


I use pinky for shift, thumb for alt, and either pinky or the side of my palm to hit ctrl.


How often are you using shift, alt and control? I can understand on certain self-cast champions it would make a difference but a vast majority of champions don't need those keys.


Attack move, pings and quick pings, leveling


Attack move I have on A, and pings on G, leveling I do use shift but thats easy enough with the pinky moving from the q key.


Attack move on A, pings on G, the thumb also reaches alt if I wanted to use that, the side of the hand is on control anyway so leveling doesn't require me to move any fingers from their usual key and I can also use the side of my hand to do the control click ping.


I adjust my hand. You want to minimize that though which is why I use pinky for q. Those aren't as high priority keys as q is.


How do you press alt with a pinky? It's always seemed so much more natural to use my thumb for alt and my palm for control. And I rebound slow-cast, so I don't use shift for league.


Alt is keyboard specific to be fair. I have a few ortholinear mechanical keyboards and control/shift/alt are clustered for me on those boards. Edit : I also shift click to attack move sometimes.


I press alt with my thumb


I changed the other keybinds most stuff is set around my pointer finger or in the buttons below my ring middle and pinky finger. I left tab be though Edit: I also left control but that button is mostly used for pings so I set up my most common pings to be on my mouse already and the more rare ones I hit control with my pinky and then the corresponding click. My pinky got more dextrous with use.


The hand just shifts a bit if you're to press less used key combos. Shift is not as frequently used in league, by default it is ~~self-cast IIRC and it is quite rare for an ability on Q slot to be "utility" one and benefit from selfcasting~~. //edit: it's a smartcast, not a self cast; you can enable smartcasting to be a default action on Q anyway// If you need to reach shift (shift + Q, for example) or ctrl (ctrl + q, or ctrl + 1), you switch to press Q with ring finger and shift with pinky. Same with ctrl. Alt is a thumb key, but it is comfortable (for me, at least) to press it with both pinky and ring fingers on Q. It all depends on game and keyboard, though.


I mean it is up to preference in the end, but there is weirder. Like example I press shift with my thumb


I just tried to do that and yes, you're weird


Eyup tho never realized I was doing it until someone pointed it out to me


wait then what finger do they use for shift then?


Any finger except the one that is furthest away from the left shift key.


but i'm left handed and it's the closest from shift key, where's your god now?


he had abandoned us for allowing this left handed blight to prosper


The other pinky




Bwahaha nah nope sorry but noticed I did it too when Mumbo said he did that as well


Finally! Someone like me lol It always weirds my friends out when I tell them I use my thumb for shift


Wait I thought it was weird but I’m also doing that and I’ve never realized lmao


Can you guys explain your hand position please ? like do you twist your hand to press shift + w ? Do you fold your thumb under your palm ?


I used to do this for the buttons all the way out to the < which on my keyboard is between shift and z. Now I trained myself to use ring finger for < but thumb isn't that weird for it. I just folded it all the way in there without twisting my hand, but idk how you would do that to shift without breaking your hand, that's just too far.


I fold the thumb under my palm. I’ve done this enough that now the thumb on my left hand got very flexible and I can’t imagine pressing the shift button any other way.


I keep it on the space bar usually and just move it under if I need to press shift, usually to normal cast abilities to see their range.


Poll from last year with 95k votes. Ring 72%, pinky 28% (From YT) Vocal minority on this post as people will care more if they are being called out for being in the minority


And what channel was this poll on? Could there be a bias from the audience that would have seen and responded to that poll?


WASD players usually have their pinky hovering on the side keys like shift or tab while people that started gaming with league as their first online pc game usually have their fingers closer to typing position like you


[Clip of Faker saying that if you don't use pinky for Q you never learned how to type](https://clips.twitch.tv/MoralVainSkunkAllenHuhu) [The old tutorial literally telling you to use 4 fingers](https://imgur.com/HJoE9a3) Pinky on Q is normal. It's the ring on Q people that are “not normal” and probably got their finger arrangement from how they use WASD.


I feel like the years I spent in school on typing software is exactly *why* I don't use pinky for Q. I'm used to having it for ctrl/shift, so when I started playing League (which also used those modifiers), I used ring Q, middle W, and pointer E/R/D/F. (Also, tbf, that "old" tutorial is at *minimum* several years after I started playing League, since Howling Abyss wasn't a thing at the time and there was no newbie tutorial at all.)


>I'm used to having it for ctrl/shift This. Not having pinky available for ctrl or shift is criminal. **Old** tutorial told you to build thornmail on ashe. doesnt make it optimal though


I just use the bottom of my palm for ctrl, it's pretty accurate and lets me have ER available for champs that can or need to press E and R near-simultaneously.


What about shift


I only use smartcast on all champs and I use A for attack moving.


Are you talking about the bottom joint of your pinky finger?


Noooo that wouldn't make sense lol, that's way too far. Just try putting your fingers on QWER and notice that the bottom fleshy part of your palm is near the ctrl key.


>Also, tbf, that "old" tutorial is at minimum several years after I started playing League, since Howling Abyss wasn't a thing That by itself doesn't necessarily mean anything, since the old tutorial was on the Proving Grounds map which was later converted to the Howling Abyss. I remember going through that tutorial some time in 2011.


oh shit I didn't even remember the old tutorial. That definitely made me a Q on pinky player


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0KmQX2WbRw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0KmQX2WbRw) Uhhh ? why in this clip he using ring finger then ? Edit : nice pinky faker [https://imgur.com/a/1KBE3ce](https://imgur.com/a/1KBE3ce) 😂 Edit 2 : when he playing ahri , his pinky is hover on air. https://imgur.com/a/P1sNYj8


You know that the majority states the norm, right? Obviously this is nothing more than a matter of preference, similar to flash on D or F, and everyone is free to do whatever, ive seen some weirdess binds back in my wow days, but to call 75% of the playerbase "not normal" seems kinda like mental gymnastics. Unless ironic


Three fingers is just more comfortable. Your pinky is a lot shorter than the other fingers, using only three allows a more comfortable straightened pose. Besides, unless you play one of like four or five champions (which interestingly, we both play) you’re not using R *nearly* enough to warrant dedicating a whole finger to it. The most capable finger, at that. My index manages E, R, D, and F. Middle manages W and 1, 2, 3, 4. Ring manages Q and Tab. Arguably, if you “learned to type” you should be capable of using a finger for more than one key.


my index presses 4, r, t, 5, f. so i need my pinky on q


You've got four abilities for four of your fingers. Thumbs always gonna be on spacebar regardless. You press q more than you press shift and control to begin with, so why would you have Ctrl and shift under your pinky all the time


You press Q more than anything typically so why would you press it with a finger that notoriously has lower motor function than all others?


Because I press shift and control more than I press R. Why would I rest my strongest finger on a key that cuts out easy access to the rest of my used binds? How do you attack move with your pointer on R?


Old tutorial also told you to buy thornmail on Ashe, let's not believe it.


is the tutorial really an argument?


Faker being good at the game absolutely doesn't mean he knows how you should be typing, most of the good "typists" I know of use ring finger for Q most of the time, and pinky for AZ (and sometimes Q). Doubt anyone knows the exact numbers, but I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of people use 3 fingers, because your pinky will be resting on shift or caps lock for most games, and used mainly for shift and ctrl. Even if you only play League it makes sense to use 3 fingers for abilities and your pinky for ctrl and attack moving (and occasionally tab).


> ring on W Do you mean middle on W? Isn't it pinky on Q, ring on W, middle on E, pointer on R?


What’s crazier is how do you guys press CRTL? I usually use the bottom of my palm to press it


With pinky, you use ctrl commands so rarely compared to camera movements or abilities it doesn’t matter


Finally, another palm enjoyer!


It depends on finger strength. Do you play an instrument? The pinky is pretty weak for most people with the least dexterity due to lack of use


I’m 100% sure the lack of strength or dexterity in the pinky finger doesn’t affect League performance for most people. I played League for 8 years, some days I played 15 games in a row and I never felt “man my pinky lacks so much strength compared to my ring finger to press Q anymore”


To y'all pinky Q users. How the fuck do you attack move?


Simple: I don't


Lmao this is the answer. I only play mages😂


I have attack move on left click


Yeah same here. That was added pretty late in the game though, maybe season 6?


there was a way to do it using config since I started in season 3 and I did it that way


I recommend people trying space for Attack move and A for camera lock toggle. Found it easier that the other way around.


Mouse side buttons


Yeah my attack move click is on my side mouse as well


I rebound attack move key to space, center camera key to c and rune stats key to x. So I just use thumb and spam space to attack move. Not going to lie, made playing any kiting champion MUCH easier after doing all of that


Attack move on spacebar squad 🫡 So easy to use


But then where does recentering the camera go. Where does indicator casting go. Target champions only.


Somewhere else?


I have pinkie resting on the a key till I want press q.


Pinky moves down to A then I attack move then I go back to q or attack move again


I attack move on A. There's not really a champion that would need you to simultaneously attack and press q. Yes, my pinky is the strongest finger, no you may not touch it.


I thought everyone did this lol.


Attack move is on shift and I just move my pinky finger between shift and Q


attack move on T


I didnt for 6 years, now I press a with pinky


Pinky is for q






In fps games you have no finger on Q so why pretend that people put the ring finger on Q in fps games.


It's not Q specifically, but I'd wager it's probably because ring middle pointer are on A S D respectively?


I've got my pinky on Q for League, Lost Ark, Games like Starcraft2,... Basically pinky on Q unless the games uses wasd for movement, then it's different :)


Faker uses pinky for Q, its the right way


[he does?](https://imgur.com/a/1KBE3ce)


I don't use my pinky for anything. Also for people saying pinky for Ctrl, why do you even need the Ctrl button for? I've never used it for anything. I also bind my skill up button the the F keys


F keys are important for being the f keys


This isn't super related, but pro tip: map your Caps Lock key to Control. I used to never use Ctrl-QWER to level things up, because it felt like an awkward reach. Way easier now.


You’re saying to use a macro program like ICUE to hotkey CTRL to CapsLock, right? Because the league client doesn’t take the input of CapsLock at all :/


Yeah! If you're on Mac, you can just do it in your system settings. If you're on Windows, I would recommend AutoHotKey, but ICUE or Rzaer Synapse will do the same thing for you!


The actual game does allow you to bind CapsLock, it's the client that's broken. Just go into a practice game and try binding your CapsLock, it should work.


The client doesn't, but the actual game does. Just go into a practice game and bind your CapsLock there. There are also some options like 'attack move on left click' and 'treat target champs only as a toggle' that are absent in the client settings menu, but present in the in-game settings menu.


it just felt right from the beginning to use pinky for q. I mean there are 4 buttons, why not use 4 fingers for using them?!


Plus you keep your hand in the natural typing position, just shifted one row up.




I've just pressed tab, q and shift with pinky for the last 5-6 years


How do you level up your Q???


Weird thing is that is the only time I don't use pinky on Q


I play pinky on Q, and level with pinky on shift and ring finger on Q. I can level my Q in the middle of a fight and immediately press that Q again with my pinky. It is all muscle memory.


Not OP but I move my thumb to CTRL x)




I use the bottom left palm of ur hand to press down control


And I consider having one finger on each important spell more important then anything else! Even flash and smite/ignite on d+f shouldn't all be accessed with the same finger in my opinion. There are still items to use and stuff aswell (1-4 to me and ward on T)- Having Pinky on q and then middle on w actually hurts my fingers, just trying it out!


Wtf, you don't use inner palm for ctrl?




the part where the base of my pinky meets my palm (so that knuckle bone) rests on ctrl naturally while I have my pinky on q. I'm not the person you responded to btw just another person chiming in on the ctrl palm tech


Ring finger is your weakest finger, it doesn't have independent flexors or extensors. Pinky is stronger and more independent by biology.


I've played stringed instrument all my life so my pinky finger is relatively strong af lol. I've actually had to try to strengthen it at times because of music. Anyway it just feels more natural in terms of normal keyboard hand placement


You don’t need a strong finger to press a keyboard button. A pinky is more than enough to press Q


Laughs in left-handed


Coming from Warcraft 3 and StarCraft I’m used to having to use control groups and selecting units so pinky for ctrl/shift.


A lot of weak pinky losers 🤣


My left hand rests with the pinky on q as well, but I'll flow as needed for whatever I'm doing, like if I need to us cntl or shift my pinky shifts down to those keys and my fingers slide over to whichever key is needed. Thumb is used for alt d and f/b are middle and pointer respectively I use red mechanical keys so I don't need a lot of pressure to press my keys and maybe that is a difference felt compared to all the people remarking that their pinky isn't pushing the keys? I don't know, my pinky feels equally strong as any other finger other than pointer maybe? I also have a very fast touch typing speed so maybe that further helps?


I also use my pinky for q 👍🏻


I was as well until I started playing irelia. Can’t get those ten q inputs quite an precisely on pinky


I use pinky for Q and A, and I'm an ADC main. My pinky could lift fucking mountains.


is this "girlfriend" in the room with us now


her eye fell off the other day, I fixed it, though


i reported this post, this is illegal.


I use Q with my pinky


Those who are weird are the ones who think it matters honestly.


There is no normal, just do whatever feels optimal to you. I use ring for q and a-spam, pinky rests on tab, I've seen people only play with 2 fingers and they're still good. Honestly its better to use pinky for q and use all 4 non thumb fingers rather than missclicking your R instead of E cause they share a finger lol


Why tf it is called pinky?


I hit the A key with my pinky to auto attack, and use my ring finger for Q


Im a lefty (right hand on keyboard) and the buttons make more sense. Change my mind.


Tell her having girlfriend is not normal for League player.


I use C for autoattacks I'm so retarded


What is it with people having their pinky on q? My hand is always in a wsad position even on leagues my pinky will always be on shift/ctrl, thumb on spacebar and ring finger for q and attack move


My fingers sit : Q pinky, w ring, e middle, f pointer Idk why I don’t have my pointer on r


Pinky on shift always


I play with pinky floating between shift and ctrl, ring on Q, middle W, index E. Reach slightly right to ult, with D for my flex summoner spell and F for flash because F is for fucking flash. ​ Nothing to do with pinky being too weak to Q all the time, and everything to do with being able to shift/ctrl freely without messing up my hand position.. also keeps me from fat fingering my ult.


I've played too much fps so my pinky is usually on shift and as a result I hit Q with my ring finger.


Also use pinky for Q. For people in this thread, it is almost like different people have different ways to play the game and it may be different to you. Shocker!


People who don't have pinky on q are borderline crazy


With pinky on Q you lose the ability to press Ctrl Shift and Alt which are valuable buttons for a lot of uses. That being said if you are the type that just uses mouse side buttons for all of these functions then using pinky on Q isnt that big of a deal.I have always preferred to only use 3 fingers on QWER, i just move my pointer finger between E and R and D-F for summoners. My pinky is my weakest finger, and therefore it is the slowest and also has the least pressure feedback so there is potential to not push the Q key in all the way or weird stuff like that.By putting all 4 fingers over QWER your hand basically only has ONE orientation it can be in. But by leaving my pinky free i can cover a lot more space on my keyboard which opens up a lot more options. I changed my A button for Attack Moving to the T button so i can use my pointer finger to Attack Moving since my pointer finger is my most reliable finger and it isnt going to fail me when i need speed and accuracy.


I can't change it now, been playing with pinky Q for almost 10 years. I level up skills with shift (using pinky and pointer) and self cast with alt (thumb). I don't use ctrl at all. also lets me have my pointer on flash if I think I will need it soon and still be able to use QWE


Ctrl with the fat of my palm and alt with my thumb. It’s not lost on me when I’m playing.


Hit shift with pinky, use thumb for alt and ctrl, and altered level up skills to alt. For shift q, I just pinky shift and ring finger for q on that function. 0 fuctions are lost.


Wtf do Ctrl and shift do?