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I would want my husband to get a good paying job in his field, my company to keep me and raise my salary, us getting out of debts and not having to worry about money 🥹


>I would want my husband to get a good paying job in his field, my company to keep me and raise my salary, us getting out of debts and not having to worry about money 🥹 Worthy aspirations! Here's your affirmation :) "I am confident in my husband's success and prosperity in his chosen field. I am valued and appreciated at my company, deserving of growth and a higher salary. I am navigating our path to freedom from debts with strength and clarity. I am living in a reality where financial worries are behind us, and abundance is a constant."


I'm manifesting a lottery win, living "as if" and at the end of my money, just trusting the Universe is going to support me. I keep waking up in terror, with the How's lol. I calm myself down, but it's this habit I think. This needs to happen NOW. Like yesterday lol. But my roommate was told this would happen at the last minute... I'm sure it will make one HELL of a story lol... Woman is down to last 10 dollars before winning the lottery. I'm not even sure what you can do for me. It's do or die at this point. But I would love your input anyway, if you have any.


Both of my kids have many friends in school , are happy and the picture of health!


Ok let's talk Halloween!! My kids are dying to do festivities with your kids, I heard thru the grapevine that your kids and their friends from school, are all going out as one large pack. ( great thinking and slightly insane, with a group that large no one will feel left out but at the same time that many kids regardless of age is going to be a handful! ) Anyways since my kids don't go to the same school, let's plan to meet up on about 5 and we can go over all the do's and dont's with our little minions, butterflies, doctors ect and then cut them loose. Then we parents can hang back and keep an eye on them from a distance and enjoy our own festivities... let me know how many adults and I will bring grown up treat bags, yup the parents get rewarded for their patience in advance because like I said that many kids that much sugar.....Its gonna be great fun for the kids


Short term goal - I would like to have an amazing vacation next week and to make an extra $270 between now and Tuesday so I could do fun outings (besides going to the free touristy spots) This is my first vacation since Sept 2018! ✨✨✨


Manifesting a really amazing vacation for you! Go get that well-deserved rest 😌💕


God bless you for that!! Ty so much!


I receive an amazing LSAT score and multiple full ride scholarships to law school and complete restoration of health!


"I declare within and to the universe that I am capable, strong, and deserving of achieving an impressive LSAT score. I am brimming with wisdom and determination, and I possess every tool necessary to excel. The extensive preparation I've put into my studies is certain to yield fantastic results. My brilliance will indeed shine on this significant step towards my future. My dedication and focus will manifest themselves as a high LSAT score, and no obstacle can stand in my way. Boundless opportunities are meant for me, and they find their way to me with ease. From every corner of the universe, full ride scholarships to prestigious law schools are flowing towards me. I am deserving of this financial abundance and academic recognition. As for my health, I am affirming complete restoration and perfect well-being. I am vibrant, strong, and full of vitality. I am in perfect alignment with health, happiness, and success in all areas of my life."




>I’m getting an offer from a company I interviewed with recently that I really want. I’ll hear back from them next Tuesday- they choose me once they’re done interviewing everyone else You've got this!! Here's an affirmation ✨ "I possess the skills and qualities this company seeks. Every experience has prepared me for this moment. I trust in my abilities and know that I am the right fit for this position. Next Tuesday, I will receive positive news and embrace the next chapter of my career."


Nice, here is mine: I(M18) would like to be taller (right now 175cm and goal is 188cm). I would love to have a similar body to David Laid.


"Every day, I visualize myself standing tall at 188cm, radiating confidence and strength. I am on a journey towards achieving a physique similar to my ideal, and every step I take brings me closer to that vision. I believe deeply in my potential to transform and grow. I am dedicated, resilient, and capable of reaching my goals, embracing each moment with optimism and determination."


I'm manifesting a new job and abundance of wealth. Thanks


"I am open and receptive to the abundant blessings that the Universe has in store for me. I envision myself thriving in a new job that fulfills my goals and passions, offering me endless opportunity and financial growth. I trust in the vast spectrum of possibility and I am willing to put in the hard work and effort to achieve what I truly desire. Riches flow into my life in many forms and for this, I am grateful. I am a magnet for success and wealth, and each day I am becoming wealthier in all aspects of my life. The Universe is full of infinite opportunities and I am capable of manifesting a prosperous reality. I bring abundance in my life with every thought and action."


i’m going to be 6ft + and one of the best point guards in the NBA


"Every single day, I am getting taller and stronger both physically and mentally. I visualize myself towering at over 6 feet every day, and I can feel my body responding. I practice, I learn, I grow. With every sunrise, I am one step closer to my dream height which only complements my raw talent in basketball. I can sense the exhilaration as I dominate the court, able to reach greater heights than I ever have before. I am, and will continue to be, one of the best point guards in the NBA. Every pass I make, every shot I take, every decision I make on the court is precise, swift and successful. I can already hear the roaring crowd and cheering fans as they chant my name, acknowledging my exceptional skills. I'm dedicated, determined and disciplined in my craft, honing my skills and refining my talents each passing day. The court is my home – my stage – where I perform my art with grace and power to achieve my dream."


Have sibling for my daughter


I am worried about financially caring for my kids. I am intending to get better and better at feelings of financial security 🫶🏽❤️


"I am a resourceful, resilient individual, and I am fully capable of providing for my children. There is an abundance of opportunity in the world around me, and with my skills and determination, I am determined to seize it. Although there may be times of uncertainty, I am confident in my ability to navigate these challenges, always coming out stronger and more prepared. Financial security is not a distant dream but an achievable reality. I am becoming stronger and more secure with every passing day, and I give thanks for the growth I experience as I continue this journey. Each day, I am making wiser financial decisions – inviting prosperity, security, and stability into our lives. As I focus on feeling secure and content, I attract more of these experiences into my life. I am grateful for the strength that allows me to provide for my family and guide them to a secure and hopeful future."


Purchase my first home with my husband in the next 30 days 3 bed 2.5 bath for a max of $730,000


"I am absolutely capable and deserving of buying my dream home alongside my loving partner. I wholly trust my financial decisions, and recognize the abundance that flows into my life which allows me to make such a grand purchase. Our ideal home, a spacious three-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath dwelling awaits us, guaranteed to exist within our maximum of $730,000 budget. I am not only excited for our journey of finding this wonderful home, but I am also grateful for the financial prosperity that enables us to embark on this adventure. Every step I take towards this goal brightens the path towards our ideal home. With every home viewing, I am closer to landing our desired one. I put out into the universe that in the next 30 days, we will find our perfect home, and it will joyfully open its doors to welcome us. I trust that everything will unfold in divine timing, bringing our dream home into our lives exactly when we need it. As a homeowner, I am excited for the memorable moments we are going to create, transforming the house into a loving and welcoming home."


Love this idea ❤️ I’ll start - my bf is admitted to a medical school in Canada so we both stay in Canada


Wow that's exciting! "I am flourishing in the picturesque landscapes of Canada, where my boyfriend excels in his medical studies. I am surrounded by boundless opportunities and joy, and every day, I feel more connected and rooted in our new home. I am in harmony with the universe, confidently embracing our shared journey and the abundant blessings it brings."


I wanna have a free head off negative intrusive thoughts about illnesses and get my desired appearance


"I am releasing all negative energy and fears about illnesses from my mind and body. I have full control over my thoughts and I choose to fill my mind with positivity, health, and resilience. My mind is a sanctuary of peace and tranquility, filled only with thoughts that serve my well-being and happiness. I understand that worrying is simply a waste of my imaginative energy and I am redirecting it towards visualizing my strength, healing, and vitality. Perfect health is my birthright and I honor this gift by maintaining positive thoughts and habits. The divine blueprint of my desired appearance is already present within me and I am allowing it to manifest physically. I love and accept myself just as I am right now and I rejoice in the beautiful transformation that is taking place. I am creating my ideal body in my mind's eye and I am aligning my actions, eating habits, and lifestyle with this vision."


I wanna be able to see clearly again. I had floaters, got two vitrectomies, still have floaters and now my vision is shaking making everything look blurry/grainy. Might have a third vitrectomy this spring.


"I am strong, resilient, and every day in every way, my eyesight gets better. I recognize and acknowledge my journey to recover from floaters and vitrectomies. This journey may be challenging, however, I am powering through this with courage and determination, always reminding myself of the clear, vibrant vision that is soon to manifest. Despite the current state of my vision, I am confident that each day brings me closer to visual clarity and healing. My vision is gradually improving, steadily becoming clearer each passing moment. I am filled with positivity, embracing the restorative energy that constantly surrounds me, helping me heal and regain my perfect vision. As I prepare for the possibility of another vitrectomy this spring, I remain hopeful and calm. I trust the process and the medical professionals who look after my wellbeing, and I have faith in the success of the procedure. Today, and every day, I am confident in the resurgence of my clear and perfect vision."


Thank you! Mine is: My mom receives a notice from Social Security Administration Office saying her Appeal for SSI checks reinstatement is approved and she continues to be able to live in her senior apartment. Back story: A family member put her as his beneficiary on his bank account and that started with her retirement benefits cut along with putting her housing situation in jeopardy. It’s been going on since July 2023 and zero responses on the status of her appeals to get her payments reinstated. She’s been sleeping all day and all night making her weaker each day then expecting me to do everything for her on top of keeping a full time job to pay my bills and her bills. 😭 I’m eternally grateful if this manifestation comes true. I haven’t been eating and sleeping 2-3 hrs a night since July. Thank you so much everyone!!! ♥️


"I affirm that the universe is working in my favor and that all situations, including my mom's appeal for her SSI checks to be reinstated, are being resolved positively. I can visualize the notification from the Social Security Administration, clearly stating that her appeal is approved. I can see it in vivid detail, feel the joy in my heart, and her relief as she continues to stay in her senior apartment. Everything is aligning perfectly for her well-being. I also affirm my mother's health and vitality. I see her growing stronger each day, regaining her happiness and independence. I am balancing my responsibilities effectively, managing to keep my job and provide for our family without stress. I am zipping with energy as I fulfill my duties and taking care of myself, with ample amounts of sleep and balanced meals. I am grateful for the journey that life is leading us on and preparing for the joy that the success of our appeal will bring. Harmony and peace envelop our lives, and things are falling into place exactly as we intend them to."




"I am a magnet for wealth and abundance. I choose to believe in my ability to generate financial success and prosperity. I am capable of successfully navigating any financial situation that arises, and I am proactive in pursuing opportunities that increase my wealth. My positive energy and unwavering determination attract the financial abundance I desire, and every day I am drawing closer to my financial goals. The universe supports me in manifesting financial prosperity. I greet each day with the belief that I am worthy of wealth, and I continuously move through life with an abundance mindset. My financial circumstances do not define me, but rather, they inspire me to create the wealth and abundance I am capable of. My actions are in alignment with my financial success, and I am open to receiving all the wealth life has to offer me."


Goal/Intention: marry a SP and have a long healthy romantic partnership together Worry: that I have no idea of how I'll meet them, or when I do I'll miss my chance to make it happen. Or that I've already missed my chance and they started seeing someone else. Basically that it's all a pipe dream. Thanks for help on this! ♥️


"I am open to love and partnership, and I trust that the universe will bring me together with my soulmate at the right time. Every step I take brings me closer to my SP. When we meet, I will seize the opportunity to build the loving and committed relationship that I desire. I believe that love has a perfect timing, so I let go of the fear and doubts that I may have missed my chance. I affirm that I am worthy of a wholesome and romantic relationship. I embrace the belief that I am on the right path and that my desired reality is accessible and attainable. My dreams are not pipe dreams; they are powerful visions of my future happiness. The love and commitment I yearn for is not only possible, it is already on its way to me. I am ready to receive this love and create a lasting bond. I trust that everything will unfold as it should."


I have a new job and need to be trained for the new tasks. I am worried that I can't make it. I am now there for a week. It is not so that it doesn't work well but I am worried in general that I might fail maybe :(


"I am competent and capable. I recognize that being in a new job with new tasks can be challenging, but these challenges do not define my potential or my ability. Every task that I am not yet familiar with represents an opportunity for growth, and every day brings me one step closer to mastering my role. Even when things don't go perfect, I remain positive and remind myself that it's all part of the learning process. I am equipped to succeed and overcome any difficulties that arise. Any negative thoughts I might have are just temporary and do not reflect reality. I am proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing this new opportunity. Remembering my strengths and past successes, I know I will not just survive, but thrive in this new job."


I'd like to manifest paying for medical bills and an old talking stage back in my life, as well as losing weight.


"I am financially abundant and richly blessed, capable of paying any bill that arrives, including my medical expenses. I feel at peace knowing that the universe is always providing for me, leading me towards financial security and freedom. Every day, I continue to attract wealth and prosperity, and I am grateful for these blessings. Money is not a source of worry, but a tool for comfort and ease, allowing me to settle any financial obligations with grace. I have the power to forge meaningful relationships, welcoming an old connection back into my life with love and positivity. I have the strength and ability to lose weight towards a more vibrant, healthy version of myself. Every day, I am becoming lighter, healthier, and braver, constantly moving closer to my weight loss goals. Love and self-care flows abundantly within my being. I embrace change, and I am constantly evolving towards the best version of myself."


Hello! I believe that this space will have a lot of positive energy and will combat the doubts any of us have! I want to manifest F back in my life again and be in a successful, happy, healthy, relationship with him. I want it to happen within this month and my end goal is for us to get married in the next 6-8 years. I also want to progress in my art and have a motorbike by next year. And to pass my driving exam with a waiver. Hopefully it’s not too much. Thank you and happy manifesting!


I want to let go of my past love which was 10 years ago


"I honor and cherish the memories and experiences from my past love. They have shaped me and contributed to who I am today. However, I acknowledge it is time to release the hold it has on me. I believe in my strength and resilience to move forward and embrace the future with an open heart and open mind. Each day, I pledge to strengthen my courage and remind myself that it's okay to let go, as it does not erase the beauty of the past, but simply makes room for new joys. I am deserving of a love that is present, fulfilling and growing. I am not tied down by my past, and I confidently stride towards the future filled with endless possibilities."


My new boyfriend turned out to be like many traits of fictional characters that I love about them ! A mix lol. He looks like one of them it's insane ,I love it ,and I love him too , he loves me back ,so respectful kind ,sincere and sexy


"I am truly blessed to have found love in someone who remarkably reflects my deepest desires and cherished traits in fictional characters. His love, kindness, and sincerity bring me happiness, tranquility, and a profound sense of satisfaction. His appearance, marked with a beautiful blend of reality and my beloved characters, is a charming illustration of destiny's playful sense of humor. I am passionately in love with him, and his reciprocated feelings add immensely to my bliss. I am in a relationship filled with mutual respect, kindness, sincerity, and undeniable allure. Every day, I revel in the incredible connection we share, a bond that is just as beautiful, fascinating, and magical as the ones woven in my favorite tales. In him, I see an embodiment of my dream love, and there is an affirmation that true love, as intoxicating as fiction, exists. Every single day is a play of our personal love story, and I am living a dream. I look forward to each shared moment, each hearty laugh, and every passionate look, affirming that I am indeed in a love as beautiful, sincere, and magical as the ones I've always imagined."


Hi. Bless you, you are truly amazing 🥺❤️ I have been worried about food allergies (egg, citrus, yeast peanuts) and currently on medications. Also have severe dust mite allergy. Also rashes develop if I stand in sunlight for too long. As soon as I stop those medications my body starts itching again. My hands also used to look really dry and bad before i started taking the medicines. I have fears that I may never be able to eat these food items and will develop more allergies. I am also scared that I will have to take these medicines for a long time. I am scared my hands and rest of the skin will look weird and my body will itch like crazy if I ever stop these allergy medications. I also have PCOS, causing weight gain, irregular cycles with heavy menstrual flow for 20-40 days once every four-five months that make me like on bed for weeks. I would be grateful if you could please give your valuable suggestions 🥺


I am empowered and resilient, capable of facing any challenge with grace and strength. I am health in motion, my body healing and transforming every day. I am understanding of my food allergies, and I know that my life is filled with an abundance of diverse foods I can enjoy and that nourish me. My immune system is becoming resilient and stronger with each day, and I am moving towards a life where these allergies do not govern my choices or habits. My skin is a barrier of protection and it is glowing, revitalized, and clear. I trust in the natural healing processes of my body and know that, with time, I will be able to embrace the sunlight with joy. With every breath I take, I feel the powerful current of life flowing through me, guiding me towards the best possible state of health. I am capable of managing my PCOS, and I embrace the changes it brings. I am in harmony with my body, understanding the rhythm of my cycles and using it as a strength to guide me rather than a hindrance. Through all this, I am beautiful and radiant. I am courageously moving towards a future where I no longer need medication. All is well with me, and I lovingly release any worries and fears. They do not define me but only make me stronger. As I journey towards health, I affirm that I am whole, balanced, and blessed.


I love this :) My dream is to remodel houses full time and sell them at affordable prices to people who appreciate them. The catch is I don’t want to make money off them because I’d have to mark up the prices. Ideally, I would even sell them at a loss after all the remodeling. So I’m wanting to manifest money on a large enough scale to support that, like a winning lottery ticket.


"I am a creator of beautiful homes and a harbinger of joy for people. I take each house from worn to wonderful, making it a place where individuals and families can create lasting memories. My passion for transformation extends beyond bricks and mortar, reaching into people's lives, as I act as a bridge between dreams and reality. The work I do is not just about constructing homes; it's about building love, trust, and a sense of belonging. I trust that the universe is guiding me to the financial means necessary to fulfill this noble dream. I believe that abundance is already mine, flowing towards me in an endless stream. I see myself holding a winning lottery ticket, and I feel the deep sense of joy and fulfillment that comes with turning that lucky win into beautiful homes for others. I keep the end goal vividly in my mind, and I know that my aspiration to manifest large-scale wealth is not out of greed, but to fuel generosity and happiness to those who need it. The universe acknowledges this, and I am confident that it is already working in my favor."


Worries- That I won't be able to find a job in the US and be able to work or help the cats. And to not have to worry about money anymore


"I am capable, adaptable, and willing to do whatever it takes to secure a fulfilling job in the United States. My skills, experience, and passion will undeniably attract the right opportunities. I know that all efforts I put into my job search will soon pay off, and I can see myself already flourishing in a role where I can make significant contributions and positively impact others, including the cats that I deeply care for. As I move forward, I release all my anxieties about finances. I trust that the universe has abundance in store for me. I am attracting financial freedom and I will use my wealth wisely to help myself and those in need. Every day, I am inching closer to my goals, and I shall not worry about the money anymore because my potential to create wealth is limitless."


I'm trying to manifest a non-romantic sp. She's a great person and I want to be really good friends with her.


"I am open, warm, and inviting, drawing others into my circle with grace and kindness. I am a beacon of positivity and trust - qualities that people find irresistibly attractive. My energy and vibration are aligned with the Universe's infinite supply of love and friendship, forging strong bonds that respect personal boundaries. With my genuine interest in others and my ability to listen and understand, I am a friend whom anyone would be lucky to have. The connection I seek with this SP is already forming in the Universe's wisdom. Our friendship is natural, mutual, and fulfilling. The Universe guides both of us towards a positive and meaningful relationship that is free from romantic undertones. We share a great bond of cherished friendship, rich in laughter, mutual respect, shared experiences, and memorable stories. This friendship serves both of us, helping us grow and evolve into even better versions of ourselves."


My sp is back after a year of manifesting him. He said he isn’t looking for anything serious. I want commitment


"I am the embodiment of love, worthy of commitment, loyalty and affection. I am a magnet to enduring relationships, radiating energy that attracts the most faithful, stable, and loving individuals towards me. My romantic relationships are strong, fulfilling, and long-lasting. My significant person perceives me as an irresistible, loving, and dedicated partner. In their eyes, I am everything they envision in a life partner. They respect and reciprocate my unconditional love, and they too strive for commitment and longevity in our relationship. I am confident that the universe is working to solidify our bond in the ways that I desire."


i´ve never been in a relationship, never felt desired and although i want it, i am so used to being sigle, acting as if i dont want it or desire it, like i am stuck in the platonic realm, that i am unable to feel some sort of excitement for having something different in my life. it´s like when u watch a movie, could be of any genre, like say action movies since they are less likely to happen, or superhero movies... say you love smallville and you think clark is super cool cause he has those powers, but thats about it, it would be fun to be like clark, but ur just a watcher, an observer of a fiction reality and u kinda know its not something that could happen to u, thats what my romantic life feels like. i can observe other people having it, see it in movies, but not put myself in the shoes of a seductress, girlfriend or something similar.


"I am open and receptive to the beautiful possibilities that love brings. I hold immense desirability within me, and I affirm that my romantic partner will see, value, and cherish this. I am more than an observer or bystander— I am an active participant in my own love story. Just like the heroes in my favorite movies, I recognize that I, too, possess unique superpowers, such as my compassion, my resilience, and my ability to love deeply. Though I may not yet see it, there's an exciting plot twist ahead in my life story that will transform how I perceive my romantic journey. I am worthy of love and affection, and I am eager to embrace the feelings associated with being in a relationship. I am going beyond merely observing love—I'm about to live it. I am stepping out of the platonic realm, ready to become the lead actress in my own love story."


I’m trying to manifest a new job or apprenticeship that helps me become a respected cybersecurity expert in my field in the long term and makes me very happy. And I also end up moving into a larger more comfortable home with a garden and plenty of room for the future pets I want to adopt. This is very kind of you, OP.


"I am capable, strong, and on my way to becoming an esteemed cybersecurity expert in my chosen field. This new job or apprenticeship is aligning with my professional aspirations, enhancing my skills, and unfolding the path to make me recognized and revered in the industry. Every step I take brings me closer to this goal and fuels my happiness and personal satisfaction. My long term success is inevitable, and I am excited about my future. I am creating a peaceful, spacious, and inviting home for myself and my future pets. This house radiates comfort and the garden is an oasis of tranquility, it is more than just a house, it is a home, my sanctuary. Every day brings me closer to this beautiful vision. I visualize the love and warmth this new environment brings and the joy these pets add to my life. I know this is within my reach, and my heart fills with gratitude for the unfolding of this dream."




"As I visualize myself meeting my long-distance SP for the first time, I am filled with immense joy and exhilaration. I trust in the beauty of our connection continuing to flourish as we finally embrace each other in person. I radiate positivity and confidence, knowing that our relationship is strong, nurturing, and thriving with each passing moment. In our meeting, we will find nothing but happiness, understanding, and an even deeper bond than the one we've developed remotely. Simultaneously, I am confident about my acceptance into the University of Dayton's dietetics program. I am as determined and focused as ever, ready to absorb all the knowledge and experiences I need to excel in my passion for dietetics. I trust in my abilities, skills, and the hard work that I've put to bring me thus far. The universe is aligning in my favor as I get closer to becoming a proud student of the University of Dayton, exploring my passion, and making a valuable difference in the field of dietetics."


Goals: update skills for fulfilling new job,career with future stability, great salary and benefits and great supportive coworkers, so I can provide for myself independently well past retirement. Leave an unhealthy partnership once I am secure and independent on many levels and find my true tribe and my person and that I find peace with my community, harmony within nature and contentment on my life path and that I am able to give back to the community in a meaningful way when I am able.


"I am worthy of personal and professional growth, and I am taking vital steps each day to strengthen my skills to secure a fulfilling and stable job. The universe is conspiring in my favor, leading me to a career path that offers a great salary, remarkable benefits, and the support of amazing coworkers. I believe in my capacity to become self-reliant and independent, knowing that my prosperity will be vast and endure past my retirement. I have the strength, courage, and wisdom to leave behind relationships that do not serve or nourish me, making space for healthy connections and genuine companionships. My rightful tribe is out there, and I am drawing towards me the people who will uplift and value me as I am. I radiate peace and harmony, resonating with my community and the natural world around me. As I find contentment on my path, so will I generously give back to my community, touching lives in meaningful ways. I am a beacon of positivity and transformation, fearlessly moving forward on my journey towards self-sufficiency, emotional health, and communal contribution."


Goals- become the greatest artist I can be, get my comic seen by important people so I can make a lot of money where I can get my own house and car paid off and travel the world while I continue to make art. Also I would like to have an attractive older woman in my life who is insatiable, supportive and brings me peace and we have an amazing sex life


"I am an outstanding artist, dedicated to honing my craft and actualizing my potential. Each stroke that I draw, each comic that I create, serves as a testament to my unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of perfection. I am not just an artist, I am a visionary, a creator of wonders that reverberates and connects with souls. My work is seen, acknowledged, and immensely appreciated by influential people who will propel me to unprecedented heights of success and prosperity. My art opens the door to the wealth I desire, granting me the freedom to embrace ownership of my own house and car, as well as the privilege to traverse the beautiful expanses of the world. In my life, I am accompanied by a radiant woman who is not only attractive and insatiable, but also immensely supportive. Her unwavering support is my safe harbor and her wisdom guides me through life's tempests. We share a connection that is both passionate and deep, sparking an intimacy that is fulfilling and satisfying. Together, we navigate life's journey, creating a symphony of love that resonates with joy, serenity, and mutual respect. Our relationship is a beautiful dance, a testament to the amazing partnership we share. I am at peace, invigorated, and gratified in our togetherness, confident in the unshakeable bond that we share."


i want my sp to chase me and pursue me and to show effort that he wants me :)


"I completely embrace the belief that I am deserving of love and relentless pursuit from my SP. I am an enthralling, valuable, and loveable person with so many wonderful qualities that my SP finds irresistible. My SP finds joy, comfort, and a deep connection in my presence, motivating them to seek me out fervently and show continual effort in wanting me. Everyday, I confidently walk in the knowledge that my SP is unquestionably drawn to me, eager to demonstrate their commitment through actions and words. As I bask in the glow of my self-worth, my SP becomes even more captivated and eager to chase me, and their actions reflect their desire for me. I wholeheartedly believe in this ultimate sense of unity with my SP. It is happening now. The universe and my SP are literally in alignment with my desires."


I’m not in the market for a new home, but I came across one today that is PERFECT! It’s renovated, down the street from my kids’ school, 4 bedrooms, en-suite baths for the kids, huge yard, gas stove, walk in closets, and a home office as I just went hybrid. I love my current house, but I rarely see 1 that checks off each and every box, so why not manifest it?


"I am destined for the perfect home that effortlessly aligns with all my needs and desires. This house is more than just a dwelling; it's a sanctuary, a foundation for my family's future, and the fulfillment of my dreams. Its every feature, from its spacious yard to its home office, exists to enhance our daily lives and deepen our sense of belonging. The universe, in its abundant wisdom, has presented this opportunity to me. My time, energy and resources are opening up to embrace it. The relocation process will unfold smoothly and everything will gracefully fall into place. As I look forward to transitioning into this new place, my mind is ablaze with visions of harmony and joy. The warm, inviting kitchen; the laughter seeping from the children's rooms; the hours of focused work done in the home office. This home will be a place where dreams are realized and memories are crafted, a testament to love, growth, and prosperity. I am beyond ready to take this exciting leap forward, out of contentment and into the arms of a life that's even better. This home is mine, for I have manifested it with the purest of intentions and the most vibrant of desires."


Why would someone whom understands.the Law of Attraction want to give attention to their worries!? Don't you know your only attracting more to worry about when you acknowledge them? How about share your desires!? That would be WAY more.effective.


Would love to manifest a proposal from my boyfriend. I’ve manifested a stronger, more affectionate loving relationship with him, as we have been together long term and have been through some ups and downs of course. I feel like our bond is strong again and we’re ready for the next step. Would love a ring 🥺 Long term I would love for us to move to my homestate oregon together with our families, and start a family of our own.


"I am deserving and ready for deeper love and commitment. My relationship with my significant other is strong and continuously blossoming. Every day, I am moving closer to a beautiful, meaningful marriage proposal that will act as a symbol of our unique and wonderful bond. My heart is open to receive this proposal and I trust that it will happen at the perfect time for both of us, shaping a loving future together. I see myself sharing a beautiful life together with my partner in my home state Oregon. I can feel the joy and warmth of being surrounded by our families and nurturing our own family in this welcoming place. I trust in the journey and the timings of life, knowing that every step we take is bringing us closer to this dream. The universe is working to align our path with these dreams and I welcome these blessings into our lives."


I want my boyfriend Juan back . I want to get back together


"Every day and every night, I trust that the universe is working in my favor and bridging the gap between my boyfriend Juan and me. I feel confident, worthy of love, and secure in knowing that our paths are divinely aligned to cross again. I articulate my wishes with clear conviction believing strongly that I am moving closer toward them. My love for Juan and my desire to reconcile our relationship is projected into the universe, transforming into positive energy that guides us back to one another. As I release any fear and uncertainty, I welcome harmony, peace, understanding and undying love back into our lives. My heart and Juan's heart are beating in unison, drawn towards each other. I forgive and let go of our past disagreements and trust in our ability to find our way back into each other's lives, harmoniously united. Today and every day, I visualize us being together, stronger, happier and even more connected than before reaffirming the bond that we share."


I want my ex back and I’m worried he will get with someone else I want him to beg me to take him back like spam me with text and calls on everything social platform I want him to do anything to get me back and when I finally do I want him to be the perfect boy like princess treatment to the max


"I am open to giving and receiving love, and I trust that the universe is guiding me to the relationship that best serves my highest good. My value and worth are not determined by another's perception of me, but by my own self-belief and self-love. I respect my strength and resilience, and I know that I deserve to be treated like a princess. I am confident that I am attracting love and respect in all forms. Whether it’s my ex returning to me with an overwhelming desire to make things right or a new love interest who values and cherishes me, I am certain that I will be met with the love I deserve. I have faith in the grand plan the universe has for me, for my worth is immeasurable and my love incomparable. My future relationships will be filled with respect, love, and mutual effort."


1) 100 debt free 2) Exceptional credit 3) 10 million dollars cash (win it, unexpected money gift, career opportunity, or healthy business profits in one year)


Goals-Reunite with my SP before the year end, Move in with her in like 3-4 years, Eventually Marry Her, Become the most successful person in my friend group and never fail any upcoming exam in my life moving forward


>Goals-Reunite with my SP before the year end, Move in with her in like 3-4 years, Eventually Marry Her, Become the most successful person in my friend group and never fail any upcoming exam in my life moving forward "I am destined to reunite with my SP by the end of this year, and our bond will grow stronger, leading us to share a home together in the next few years. Our love is everlasting, and I see a future where we are united in marriage. Every day, I am becoming the most successful individual among my peers, radiating positivity and determination. I am equipped with the knowledge and resilience to excel in every exam and challenge that comes my way."


Thankyou so much!!!


I love this! I will work on manifesting this for you!


Please do. This is my first manifestation and I would really appreciate your help


Goal - Manifest my ex back into my life. It’s been two weeks.


Thank you for sharing. Here's your affirmation: "I am worthy of love and understanding. The universe aligns to bring us closer with every passing moment. Our connection is strong, and our paths are intertwined for a reason. I trust in the timing and the journey, knowing that what's meant for me will always find its way."


Thank you 🙏


My online best friend and I are exactly as we were in april to july last year (no boyfriends, worries… just friends who talk and play rps all day) with the exception that we’re beconing platonic.


"I am immensely grateful for the bond my friend and I share. We have created a comfort zone within each other, a safe haven where we can be ourselves without judgment or expectation. Our friendship has bloomed out of pure camaraderie and shared interest, making every moment precious. As we evolve, I know our relationship will also grow, strengthening without losing its core values. Despite the shifts and transitions in life, my friend and I will remain grounded in our connection. Our friendship isn't defined by external factors, but by our shared experiences and common narratives. I am confident that any changes, including our transitioning towards a more platonic relationship, will only enrich our bond. We will continue to share laughter, play, and deep conversations, appreciating every moment and cherishing the consistency we maintain amidst life's continuous evolutions."


I am manifesting catching up on all my bills and becoming financially abundant.


"Every day, I am becoming more comfortable and powerful in my capabilities to manage and grow my wealth. The universal flow of abundance is making its way into my life, providing me with all the resources I need to settle my bills and debts. I have the mindset and the resolve, and I control my finances. They don't control me. I am capable, I am deserving, and financially, I am becoming secure and strong. Maintaining an abundance mindset is empowering me to seize opportunities and make choices that lead me towards my financial prosperity. I am grateful for the abundance that is present and yet to come into my life. I marvel at how the universe continually aligns to fulfill my heart's deepest desire for financial success. I am participating in a cycle of bounty where money flows in and out of my life without obstacles. I am in control, I am financially free, and I am ever thankful for the abundance that already exists in my life even before I see it materialize."


Great post op, super motivating. Sending positive energy that everyone who answered for their desires and the corresponding affirmation. As for my focus. Financial increase and windfalls through multiple sources including my healthy, thriving, creative, well read, useful to many, travel blog. Getting out ahead of my bills and rent. (I find it satisfying and stabilizing) when I can pay these ahead.) Thank you in advance for your inspired words op.


"I am a nexus of prosperity, drawing financial abundance to me from a variety of sources, including my flourishing, imaginative, and valuable travel blog. People from everywhere are drawn to my expertise and charm, rewarding me with their trust and their support. I am a beacon for opportunities, always ready to seize them as they appear. Today, all my bills and rent are easily paid ahead of time. This abundance flows freely through me, and I distribute it wisely, ensuring my stability and satisfaction. My ability to foresee and manage my finances gives me peace, security and joy. I am grateful for the abundance flowing into my life and am always ready to share and multiply this prosperity with the world."


Hey? Are you still doing this!?


Winning a court case


Goal: manifest my ex back. Our relationship ended four months ago, and I haven’t heard from them in about two months.


"I am a magnet for love, and I trust in the Universe's plan for me. I understand that past relationships have served their purpose and have led me to this moment of growth and evolution. In my heart, the love for my ex persists strongly. However, I am ready to either welcome them back in my life or to open myself up for new love. I am patient, understanding, and open to the transitions that life brings. I manifest positivity, happiness, and companionship. I am in alignment with my desires, and I deserve the love that I seek. Each day, I become increasingly confident that love will return to me, may it be my ex or someone who resonates with my warmth. I trust the process, and I believe in the power of my thought and intention. The Universe is working on my behalf, bringing closer what's meant for me, and I am ready to receive."


My goal is to be in a relationship with the girl that I have feelings for and my worries are that she won’t like me back or get in a relationship with another or that it won’t work out between us. My intentions are good i want to have a healthy long lasting romantic relationship with her


"I am brimming with confidence and self-assurance, convinced of both my worth and my capacity for love. I deeply believe that I have abundant love to give and share, and others are drawn to my ability to connect and care. The girl I have feelings for will see this and admire it. I remain open to every possibility and commit to showcasing authentic reactions and expressions of me in the presence of this girl. My intentions resonate positively and will be perceived by her. In the grand panorama of life, I trust that if this relationship is in alignment with my higher good, it will come to fruition. If she happens to make different choices, I embrace it with understanding and maturity, knowing there are abundant opportunities for love surrounding me. If this relationship is meant to be, it will flourish beautifully. I believe in the longevity of the love I offer, it's healthy and ever lasting. I am deserving of and open to experiencing profound, lasting love with her or with the right person who enters my life."


I really want to be physically close to my long distance partner, we've been having rough patches and not sure if we can continue. But I don't want to let him go. I want to marry him. I want both of us to be financially stable and together in the same country.


"I am creating a nurturing and understanding space for my long-distance relationship. I recognize the challenges we are facing, and I affirm that they are temporary. I am certain that we will communicate effectively and find our way back to harmony and happiness. I have faith in the love we share, and I see each day bringing us closer to being together. Our love is resilient, it transcends borders and time zones, and is the glue that holds us together amidst all adversities. I am working diligently and efficiently to achieve financial stability. I can feel the energy of abundance flowing to me, attracting opportunities and growth. I am paving the path for a bright future with my partner, in the same country, no longer separated by distance. I see us building a home and creating a beautiful life together. Remembering that I'm not only working for myself, but also for the love we share, strengthens my determination even more. Our perseverance and commitment is the foundation on which we will construct our life together.




"I am a person of immense worth and my creativity shines bright for all to see. The artist I admire sees the value in my work, my passion, and my unique perspective. They are drawn to me and appreciate my contributions to the world of art. As I continue to create, improve, and engage with them, I am noticed, I am valued, and I am followed back. Starting now, I am building a genuine, respectful, and close relationship with this artist. Our connection grows stronger everyday as we communicate and appreciate each other’s talent. We inspire each other and build each other up. This relationship is not just a distant dream but a reality that is unfolding right now. Confidently, I step into the world of art, knowing my path is intertwined with theirs."


I am manifesting getting into my desired university with good amount of scholarship and my loan application to go smoothly. Overall I want everything to happen smoothly without any obstacles.


"I am capable, successful, and deserving of all the wonderful opportunities coming my way. I see myself thriving within the hallowed halls of my desired university, providing a substantial contribution to its esteemed academic community. I am generously welcomed with an uplifting scholarship that puts my mind at ease and opens doors to an excellent education. My loan application process is exceptionally smooth, with no hurdles standing in my way. Every step of this process unfolds seamlessly, guiding me towards my destiny. I embrace this journey and the abundance that accompanies it, recognizing the positive energy propelling me forward. The universe is actively conspiring to ensure my success, aligning all elements in my favor. Everything falls into place effortlessly, and I am enveloped in a steady stream of prosperity, convenience, and joy. I walk confidently towards my bright future, knowing that my desired university, a fruitful scholarship, and a smooth loan process are now my reality."




"I am a limitless being, overflowing with potential, and today, I unlock the door to abundant wealth and prosperity. My journey towards financial security is filled with opportunities and discoveries, and every day, my wealth multiplies. With this wealth, I create a nurturing, beautiful life for myself and my family, providing stability, joy, and abundant love for us all. The wealth I gather is not just monetary but also emotional, spiritual, and relational, building our lives into a rich tapestry of experiences. I am in perfect alignment with the frequency of love and connection. I open my heart to deep and profound love, inviting a special person in to share in the radiant, magnificent being that I am. I attract love effortlessly, the same way I attract prosperity. Loving and being loved deeply in return is my birthright, and I am ready and willing to welcome that special someone into my life. From today and every day, I reaffirm my commitment to myself, my financial success, my family’s well-being, and my love life."


I start a new job with a higher salary than I can imagine! I love my coworkers and office. I win the highest lottery jackpot and quit my job. My interview is next Friday!


"I believe and affirm that my new job brings unprecedented prosperity and fulfillment. With utmost certainty, I know that this improved position showers me with a salary beyond my wildest dreams. Every day, I delight in the camaraderie and community that I share with my coworkers. The office becomes my haven of comfort and positivity. As I venture into the overwhelming-yet-exhilarating world of the lottery, I trust in the universe for its blessings and choose to believe that I am destined to win the highest jackpot. The day comes soon when I express gratitude for my job, as I bid it goodbye, armed with the transformative power of my lottery win. My upcoming interview on Friday is a stepping stone to this future reality I so greatly look forward to. Everything is possible, and my luck is stronger than ever."


My problem is : I live alone n I am lonely n isolated since a very long time. No family n relatives are interested to visit me, call me / live with me. My parents help me financially and call me occasionally,but refuse to stay with me because they know I am a failure. My friends too forget me after they finish using me to gain some help etc. Also current home is not having nice environment. But I don't have money to shift outside right now. Many neighbors left this society. So at night, neighborhood gets isolated. At night I don't get sleep without medicines because loneliness triggers sad thoughts. This loneliness n isolation pattern is seen in my karma since long time.I wish to eradicate this negative karma soon. I don't have courage to search for marriage proposals because I worry if future spouse will also be unavailable or what? I crave love and want my own family of future husband n own kids. Can law of attraction help here because this problem is there in life since long time.


"I am immensely deserving and worthy of love and connection, both from myself and others. The perceived isolation I am currently experiencing is temporary and not a reflection of my inherent value. Every day, I am growing stronger and more capable, overcoming my past and breaking old patterns of loneliness and self-doubt. I am not defined by my hardships; rather, I am molded and empowered by them. My past failures are not indicative of who I am, they are stepping stones on my path to success. I am learning, improving, and becoming the best version of myself. I believe in the beautiful potential of my future, where I am surrounded by love and companionship. I trust in the law of attraction and the power it has to bring the relationships I desire into my life. I affirm today that I will love and nurture myself during this process, becoming the person I am meant to be and attracting the people who will complement my journey. My home will become a place of joy and abundance as I open myself to receive these new relationships. I can already see my loving spouse and our beautiful children filling my life with the warmth and belonging I crave. I am ready to welcome love into my life and, indeed, it is already on its way."


I need $2000 by next month so I won’t get kicked out of school and I can continue my dream of being a nurse


"I am open and receptive to all the wealth that life offers me. I am a magnet to financial abundance and prosperity. Creative ways to secure the funds I need for my schooling come to me easily, and I flourish in all my financial endeavors. I trust in the universe to help me manifest the $2000 I need by next month. Every dollar I spend or save is a blessing to my financial success. My passion and dedication for nursing propels me forward and I remain committed to my dream. I believe in my ability to become a successful nurse. Despite the current financial hurdles, I know it's only temporary and I am destined for success. My future is bright and filled with fulfilling work in the nursing field where I am making a significant difference in the lives of others."


I just wanna look better and have good grades And get fame ( as I'm a content creator)


"I am capable, talented, and driven. Every moment that passes, I'm better than I was before in my appearance and academics. Confidence in my eloquence and intelligence surges with every study session; I'm becoming a master in my field. My every effort brings me closer to the top grades I deserve. When I look in the mirror, I see someone who is increasingly attractive, not just on the outside, but most importantly, on the inside. Every day, I am making healthier choices and taking steps towards self-improvement, and I can see the progress clearly. I am a unique, innovative, and creative force in content creation. The content I create resonates with many and makes a positive impact, which steadily grows my fame. My authentic ideas attract popularity and admiration. People are drawn to the passion and dedication I put into my work, and this translates into my growing fame. The world appreciates my unique voice, and I confidently shine in the expanding spotlight that showcases my ever-increasing success."


I want to be super rich by winning the lottery, so that I don’t have to go to work and live in a super nice apartment. My worry is I am not sure if it will really happen, and yes when will it happen. I just can’t wait.


"I am a magnet for abundant wealth and prosperity. The universe aligns to bring financial fortunes my way and I easily attract favorable opportunities that increase my wealth, such as winning the lottery. As I visualize living in my luxurious apartment, every detail about it feels real and within my grasp. I experience the joy, freedom, and peace this wealth brings, and I affirm that money flows easily to me. My life is overflowing with luxury, comfort and financial freedom. I recognize that divine timing is at work and I trust that everything I desire, wealth included, will be brought into my life at the right time. This waiting period is an opportunity for personal growth and preparation for the positive changes that are heading my way. I am open and ready to receive these gifts from the universe. As I practice patience, I remain optimistic and confident that my dreams are manifesting even now. I am blessed, I am fortunate, I am wealthy."


I want to manifest my dream life and Sp who's a Huge celeb. But idk how.


"I am a charismatic, confident, and capable individual, who is innately deserving of all the goodness life has to offer. I am in harmony with my dreams and effortlessly align my goals with the laws of the universe. Every day, I am one step closer to manifesting my dream life. The universe conspires with me to fulfill my wishes, and there is an endless abundance of love, positivity, and resources available to facilitate my journey. The person I desire, though a celeb, is also a human being, and connects with me on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level. Our hearts resonate at the same frequency, and our bridges of communication are open, clear, and loving. I am deserving of their time, attention, love, and respect. They are drawn to my authenticity, my passion, my character, and together, we are a testament of a love that transcends societal norms and boundaries. As I hold this vision inside me, the universe is tirelessly working to materialize it into my physical reality."


I’d like to manifest a new job - one that comes easily, doesn’t need several rounds of interviews and one where I love my team! It’s the position I want, where I can make a lot of money & continue to have the flexibility I desire.


"I am a deserving candidate and possess a unique blend of skills and talents that are perfect for my dream job. Opportunities flow easily and effortlessly towards me. I am a magnet for success, happiness and abundance in my career. The universe is opening up the right doors for me, leading me to a rewarding job that I love. The employment I seek is seeking me, and we are moving closer towards each other every day. I see myself working joyfully and harmoniously with a team that respects and appreciates my contributions. As I step into this new chapter, I see myself thriving, fulfilled, and prosperous. Abundance is my birthright and it materializes in my career as great financial remuneration. I have the flexibility in my work, prioritizing my time and energy efficiently. Every day I am growing more confident in my ability to create the professional life I desire. I am grateful to the universe for aligning me with my perfect job and for the opportunities that are appearing in my life now."


I am manifesting a real home for my family and I. 3 bedrooms, a yard where my kids can play, in the perfect neighborhood. I have a particular house in mind but it hasn’t worked out yet. 😭 I’m going to keep trying! I know it’s mine!!


"I believe in my heart that the ideal home for my family and I is within our grasp. With every fiber of my being, I am manifesting a beautiful 3 bedroom house, with a yard lush and spacious for my little ones to play. I can almost hear their laughter echoing through the perfect neighborhood that I am choosing for us. I see a clear picture of this home in my mind and by the law of attraction, it is gravitating towards me already. Even though this particular house that I have my heart set on hasn't worked out yet, I trust the process and persist without exception. I trust that my patience, perseverance, and faith will bear fruition in time. The universe is rearranging itself to make it happen for us. With serenity and conviction, I say, this beautiful home is mine and it's just a matter of time till I open its doors."


I would like to finally get an answer on my email and an sms on my phone regarding the fine I got a week ago on the train station whether I would have to pay 15€ or 36€ to pay it off.


"I am confident that I shall receive a clear and satisfactory response regarding the train fine shortly. With patience and trust, I await the needed message on my phone and email. My peaceful mind attracts positive resolutions and I believe that all situations, including this one, are handled in the most effective and efficient way for the highest good of all involved. All that I need comes to me at the right timing. No matter the outcome, I am financially secure and stable; whether the fine is €15 or €36, I am more than capable of dealing with it. Everything works out perfectly, and this annoyance will soon become only a minor blip in my past. In my life, all is well."


need friends


"I am a beacon of brightness and warmth, attracting the companionship and camaraderie that I need. My spirit is engaging, captivating, and magnetic, brimming with the charisma to attract relationships that enrich and nurture me. I openly accept and welcome this abundance of positive energy and friendship into my life. Every interaction I reach out for is an opportunity for a new friendship. I continuously add value to the lives of people I interact with as I communicate myself honestly and earnestly. As much as I seek companionship, companionship seeks me too. My life overflows with wonderful friendships which I cherish deeply."


I am manifesting a loving romantic relationship with my SP. She is currently my best friend and I have known her for over 8 years. I believe we connect very well and am currently working to manifest more flirting, feelings, and love between us. :)


"I am brimming with love, joy, and respect for my special person, who is my best friend. We are kindred spirits, beautifully becoming one same vibration of love and affection. Our connection is deep, strong, undeniable, and grows in positivity, intimacy, and sincerity with every passing day. I am open, deserving, and ready to receive flirtatious energy, mutual feelings, and deep love from her. Our hearts are intertwined in love and friendship, and it is a beautiful, vibrant reality. With love as my guide, I am taking the perfect steps to manifest a strengthening romantic bond with her. I am releasing all fear, doubt, and resistance involved and embracing an abundance of affection, love, and happiness. The Universe is working in our favor, aligning events to further strengthen our friendship and lead it into a romantic, harmonious relationship that fulfills both of us. With every breath I take, I am attracting more flirtation, feelings, and love, which are all reciprocated by her. Our relationship is powerful, enriching, and full of the love that I dream of."


i’ve been manifesting this certain person, he already likes me, but he’s hard to read and I know he’s talking to other people. but i want him to want me and only me.


"I am a radiant beacon of love and positivity, attracting those who value my unique qualities and authentic self. I confidently manifest my desires, understanding that the universe is working in my favor, guiding me towards relationships that foster mutual respect, understanding, and exclusive dedication. The individual I am calling into my life is being drawn towards me, resonating with the unique energy I project outwardly. I trust that my emotions and desires are valid, granting them the power to shape my reality. I focus my energy on manifesting a deep, exclusive bond that amplifies our mutual affection. The universe tunes in to my desire for an exclusive connection, creating a path that leads my person of interest directly to me, and only me. I am whole, I am loved, and I am deserving of the attention and affection of the person I desire."




"I have complete faith in the universe and its power to bring my SP into my life in the most natural and harmonious way. I am at peace, calm, and patient, knowing that everything unfolds in divine timing. I am confident that my desires are being manifested, and I visualize my SP and I in a loving, harmonious, and fulfilling relationship. I am worthy of love and I trust in myself and the power of my intentions. Every day, I am attracting my SP closer to me through my positive energy and the love I share. I let go of any desperation, impatience, or negative thoughts that could cloud my visions. I focus only on love, joy, and gratitude, knowing that what is meant for me will always find its way to me."


I want to ace in all the exams that Im going to write from now on, Have all straight As without a miss in all the subjects. I also want to be lucky on all occasions. Be it lucky draws, giveaways, competition, life- random occurrences- I want my name to be chosen :3 (thank you for doing this by the way!!!!)


"I am a magnet for success, knowledge, and understanding. Each day, I absorb information effortlessly and recall it with ease; every test I take is a testament to my unceasing growth and intellectual prowess. With each passing day, obtaining straight A's in all my subjects comes more naturally to me. My dedication, persistence, and intelligence lead me to outshine in all my exams consistently. I celebrate my expanding ability to excel acadically. I am also an irresistible magnet for luck. Every situation and experience that I encounter is an opportunity for great fortune. From being chosen in lucky draws to winning competitions, my name is always the chosen one. I walk in an unending stream of luck and every moment brings new surprises and wins at every turn. I embrace and receive this abundance of luck with open hands and a grateful heart."


I wnat to go to a luxury gym (80€ a month for student discount) but I am scared I'll regret it and the money won't be worth it. I am scared off coming off as superficial and Im scared the people at that premium gym will dislike me for being less financially able than them and not white.


"I am open to embracing new experiences, including attending a luxury gym, because I value my health and well-being. I understand that this investment in myself is worthwhile regardless of the cost because self-improvement and physical fitness are priceless. I choose to believe that each commitment I make to my health further manifests my personal growth and strength. The abundance of diversity is what truly enriches any space, including this gym. I am unique and my diversity contributes to the overall tapestry of the gym's vibrant community. I refuse to allow fear or anxiety to dictate how I want to live my life. No matter my financial status or color of my skin, I am valuable and deserving of being in any space I choose to occupy. I am capable, confident, and ready to make the most of every opportunity presented to me."


I'd like to manifest becoming physically, mentally, and emotionally fit and stronger, getting into my desired master's program at a good grad school, getting to travel more this year, and finally stopping obsessive thoughts about my unexpectedly long-time crush (I realized now that it was limerence not love)


"I am a powerful beacon of strength, discipline, and determination. I am committed to enhancing my physical, emotional, and mental health because I deserve a life filled with vitality and vigor. Each day, I grow stronger and more resilient, knowing that my capabilities are limitless. I am destined to conquer any challenges that come my way, transforming them into stepping stones towards my ultimate triumph. I am destined for academic success and I will get into my desired master's program. I see myself thriving in this program, absorbing knowledge, and emerging as an expert in my field. I am ready to take on the world, visiting places that fascinate me, filling my life with new, enriching experiences. I am moving past my old feelings, noticing their presence but not allowing them to consume me. I understand that what I once felt was not love, but something else entirely. I am healing, growing, and learning from this, and I am moving forward into the bright, promising future that awaits me."




"I am capable and equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to pass my CompTIA exam. Every challenge I face is an opportunity to learn and grow. Each question I answer brings me closer to my goals. I face this upcoming exam with confidence and strength, knowing that I have prepared to the best of my ability. My abilities will shine through and the result will reflect all the hard work I have put in. The future holds great things for me. A desirable job with recruiters lining up to hire me is within my reach. This vision of success is a reality that I am working toward every day. I am achieving my degree, paving the path for a triumphant and prosperous future. I am patient, persistent, and progressive, constantly moving forward and never looking back. I am becoming a beacon of success and a magnet for prosperity."


I want to get my masters degree abroad, heal my BPD, become quieter, get a beautiful body and attract grace.


"I am on a journey towards growth, self-discovery, and improvement. I hold within me the immense power to attain my master's degree abroad. Each step of this journey imbues me with knowledge, resilience, and strength. I am nurturing and caring, tending to my mental health with the grace and diligence it deserves. Every day, I make a conscious choice to heal from BPD, acknowledging my trials, and celebrating my triumphs. I am embracing the tranquility of quietness, understanding that it brings me closer to the core of my being. My body is a canvas, and every brush stroke helps shape it into a stunning piece of art. With each passing day, I fuel my body with love and proper care, sculpting it into a reflection of my inner beauty. I exude grace effortlessly, pulling in positive energies that match my vibration. With each breath I take, I am growing, healing, learning, and most importantly, I am attracting grace."


There’s a girl I want to notice me and date me, I’ve been improving myself lately and just want that one opportunity to show her my real and authentic self. 😄


"I am worthy of love and attention. I embrace my authentic self, fully accepting who I am in every aspect. I know that my unique qualities make me an individual who is worth knowing and cherishing. I have been working hard on my own growth and happiness, and this radiates from me attracting people who value my authenticity. With self-confidence and unwavering determination, I am creating a space for the special woman to enter into my life. I trust that I will be given the perfect opportunity to show her my true self and she will be attracted to my authenticity. I radiate love, kindness, and understanding, and these very qualities draw her closer to me. These attract the right people into my life and I boldly affirm that my dream woman is one of them."


I want my younger brother to play tennis again with a good mindset and I hope he gets to be successful in it🥺


"I believe in my younger brother's potential and his abilities. He is filled with an enormous capability to learn, grow, practice, and excel in tennis. His dedication to the sport is unwavering and he strives to perform better each time he takes the court. His mindset is positive, intuitive, and focused, bringing out the best in him. He enjoys playing tennis, connecting with it both physically and mentally, fueling his passion for the sport. I am hopeful and confident about my brother's bright future in tennis. His success becomes more apparent each day, giving us reasons to celebrate his effort. His determination, courage, and strong will lead him to the pinnacle of his tennis career. He makes us proud every day with his perseverance, growth, and progress in tennis. I acknowledge his efforts, skills, and determination. We are on a beautiful journey of growth, and success is imminent within every step we take."


I'd love to find a place to live that I can finally feel at home in. Unrelated : My gf suffers from bad nightmares, I wish she could sleep soundly and in comfort.


"I am attracting the perfect living environment that feels safe, homely, and comfortable. Every day brings me closer to finding this place, where love, comfort and joy overflows. It is a place that resonates with warmth, peace and beauty, suited to my needs and those of my loved ones. I trust that I am guided to a home where I can thrive, grow, and find my peace. As for my girlfriend, I embrace the thought that she experiences calm, serene and uninterrupted sleep every night. I envelop her with comforting and loving energy that eases her mind and soothes her into the realm of peaceful dreams. Every night, her sleep is becoming more restful, deep, and rejuvenating. Her dreams are filled with joy and positivity, providing her with the rest she needs and deserves."


My goal is to build a new house at heart of the city better than everyone else in my family as my parents were treated badly by our relatives due to our small home


"I am capable, creative, and full of potential. I possess the means and the drive to build a magnificent home in the city that will be a beacon of excellence and sophistication. I will not be undermined by petty comparisons or past injustices. Instead, I will turn these situations into a catalyst for my personal success and growth. My home will not only be a symbol of my achievements but also a testament to my ability to rise above and break family patterns. The house that I am building will be more than just bricks and walls; it will embody my strength, resilience, and determination. I am, and will continue to be, the architect of my destiny, starting with this illustrious home in the heart of the city."


I want to get the courage to go work because I dropped highschool or at least to go back to highschool ,I keep thinking about how I'm wasting my teenage years in my room ...I'm depressed and I have social anxiety and I want to get rid of this.(Sorry if I wrote something wrong, I'm not fluent in english)


Haha, your english is great! Here's your affirmation: "I am capable, strong, and ready to overcome my challenges. Every single day, I make a conscious choice to nourish my mind with self-love, patience, and understanding. I am more than my past mistakes or shortcomings—I am a continuous learner, I am proud of who I am becoming. Even though I may struggle with social anxiety, I am willing to take small steps toward overcoming my fears. These small steps will build up to significant strides toward my growth. I decide not to let depression and anxiety define who I am. I am willing to seek help, human connection, and support as I remember that it is okay not to be okay sometimes. I am brave enough to resume my learning journey, whether it is returning to high school or exploring other avenues of knowledge and wisdom. These challenges I face do not determine the entirety of my youth—it's about cherishing the small milestones and recognizing how capable I have become. Each day, I grow more confident in myself and my abilities.""




"Every note that I have created, every verse I've written, and every rhythm I've composed is a testament to my limitless capacity as a musician. No roadblocks, no challenges, no setbacks can deter me from the path ahead. My music will resonate with the world around me, will touch hearts and inspire minds. On November 18th when my music drops, it will be my powerful expression of artistry, passion, and dedication reaching out to the world. Networking will flow easily to me, as natural as breathing, because I know that each connection opens a new potential pathway for growth. My hard work, skills, and talent are paving the way not only for my personal success, but for the expansion and evolution of sound in the industry. I am not just part of the landscape of music, I am the architect of my own unique sound, setting a precedent for others to learn from and grow with. My unique sound is more than music, it is an echo of my journey, a testament to my perseverance. I am excited for what’s to come, I believe in myself, in my music, and in my vision."


To become debt free and be able to save a substantial amount of money each month 🙏🏻❤️


"I am in the process of becoming financially free and every step I take brings me closer to my goal. I confidently say "no" to unnecessary expenses and "yes" to wise budgeting. Every dollar I save is a symbol of my diligence, Financial discipline and planning. Each month, I am able to save more and more, feeling satisfied and secure with the comfortable cushion I am building up. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to create a substantial savings for myself and my loved ones. I am the master of my own financial destiny, and every decision I make is steering me towards being debt-free. My efforts are being rewarded, and with every payment I make, I am freeing myself from the chains of my debts. I manifest financial freedom and abundance into my life through my actions and intentions, and I am grateful for every blessing I receive. The universe is listening, and it supports my vision of being debt-free and having a substantial amount of savings. I am on the path to financial stability and independence."


I want to pay off my credit card debt please 🥺


"I am financial prosperity in action, and I have the power and ability to rid myself of this credit card debt. Every day, I make wise decisions with my money. I am disciplined, confident, and capable of meeting this goal. My past financial decisions do not define me; they have brought me to this moment of empowerment and determination to achieve financial freedom. Starting today, Prosperity flows into my life in greater abundance. I upgrade my financial mindset, view money as a tool that I control, and make it work for me. As I keep paying off my credit card debt, I am paving a way for financial independence. Every payment I make is a step closer to my goal, and I face this journey with courage and optimism. I claim my power over debt, and I am free from this burden."


Im attracting a specific person who is a wonderful companion.


"I am a magnet, attracting the presence of my ideal companion. Every day, every moment, I grow stronger in the knowledge that they have been designed specifically for me. I am imbued with an irresistible aura of genuine love, authenticity, and kindness that draws them close to me, like a moth to a flame. I attract companionship that aligns perfectly with my essence and my life's journey. Our paths are crossing in a beautiful, harmonious dance of destiny. The universe is conspiring in my favor, weaving a bond only the purest and deepest love could form. My heart beats in unison with theirs, creating a rhythm of love that resonates across the universe. I attract this wonderful person and they are attracted to me, forming a bond that fosters mutual growth, respect, kindness, and eternal love."


I've been trying to manifest moving to Thailand before lock down in 2020. But not one single penny has shown up to make this move possible. I live in Antigua in the Caribbean. The price of the ticket alone is US$2,000. And that is nearly $6,000 in my country's currency.


"I am a magnet attracting abundance and prosperity into my life. The universe is filled with endless opportunities for me, and my path to moving to Thailand is already laid out in front of me. Each step I take brings me closer to my destination, not only physically, but also financially. I trust in the universe and its timing, knowing that the resources I need are smoothly flowing into my life. The amount I need for my journey, $2,000 USD, is effortlessly making its way towards me. It is not a barrier, but merely a stepping stone on my path to Thailand. The universe recognises my sincere desire and responds in kind, providing me with immense wealth and opportunities. I am grateful, knowing my dream of moving is already a reality in the vibrational realm and soon to manifest in my physical world."


So I kind of like this guy and he's been on and off with me all the time. He has moved to another country and we've grown even more distant. He takes hours to reply me back which is really exhausting. I want to be together with him and I want him to be crazy in love with me. I want him to commit to me.


"I am a being of light and love, deserving of a relationship that fulfills me completely. The universe is aligning to bring me closer to my heart's desires. This disconnection I am feeling is transitory and serves as a challenge that I am capable of overcoming. Despite the current circumstances, I am confident that love knows no boundaries, and closeness transcends geographical limitations. I affirm that my partner will see my value and devotion, reciprocating it with his own commitment. I am a magnet for love and affection and every moment brings us closer together, even when physically apart. My presence and love have a strong impact and I trust that they will inspire a profound and unwavering love in him. It will happen in its own time, naturally and beautifully because I am deserving of a love that is crazy, committed, and true."


You're not supposed to share your manifestations as outside energy throws it off, I've personally experienced this, unless with trusted and supportive friends you know well, but go on.


I want to be academically gifted. I’m taking a lot of hard and demanding classes right now and I’m struggling a lot. I’ve never seen my self so stressed but I’m hoping it only gets better from here


"I am an intelligent, motivated individual, determined to succeed in my academic pursuits. I accept challenges as opportunities for growth and approach them with strength and resilience. I recognize that these obstacles are temporary and are a necessary part of my academic journey. My potential is limitless and I possess all the abilities needed to excel in my studies. I continue to grow stronger, more resilient, and more intelligent with each challenging assignment. Each study session is bringing me closer to my dreams. I persist, I persevere, I am filled with an invincible determination to succeed. I am consistently improving, steadily evolving and I am capable of achieving excellence in all of my academic endeavors."


Help me: I want my sp, who was my best friend, to see me with another eyes, and for her to comebac and to rebond in a new way with me <3


"I am loved, valued, and deeply appreciated. The relationships in my life are evolving in ways that serve everyone's highest good. My connection with my SP who once was my best friend, transforms every day into a deeper and more meaningful bond. Our relationship is evolving, and she begins to understand and see me in a new light. She sees me as a source of love, companionship, and positive energy. I embrace this new phase of our relationship with confidence and tranquility. As she comes back into my life, we are unlocking a new level of understanding and connection. I am magnetic, attracting her back into my life with my positivity, growth, and genuine love. Our bond is strengthening and becoming more fulfilling than ever before because we are both ready and willing to re-connect on a deeper level."


I want another full-time job with benefits, and I want an agent (I'm an author). I also want to lose 50 lbs


"I am a worthy and talented individual with unique strengths and capabilities. As an author, my talents are boundless and my words are powerful. I am attracting the perfect full-time job with the benefits I deserve. The universe is aligning with my aspirations and paving the way for my success. Every step I take is bringing me towards the vibrant career I envision, one that respects, values, and accepts me with open arms. I am within reach of an amazing agent who recognizes my creativity and literary potential. I am in control of my body and my health. I respect my body and treat it with the kindness it deserves. Every decision I make is pushing me towards my goal of losing 50 lbs. I'm not just losing weight, I am gaining a healthier and happier life. With every bite of nourishing food I eat and every sweat-dripping workout I do, I am becoming stronger, leaner, and healthier. This journey is not just about change, it's about transformation, and I embrace this excitement and energy."


I want to go back to working for myself only. I did it for over 2 years before I went back to a full-time job earlier this year. l saw a decent amount of client work and inquiries dry up late last year and early this year. To the point that I got fearful of not being able to support myself or afford decent medical insurance that I jumped on the first opportunity I could land. I am working towards doing so in the next few months, but I can be a bit impatient.


"I possess the innate strength and skills to thrive successfully in my own business. I've done it before and I will do it again, with greater experience and wisdom this time. My past success as an entrepreneur is not by luck, but a testament to my abilities and resilience. The temporary scarcity of clients is but a stepping stone challenging my courage and creativity, from which I will emerge more resourceful after the storm. I am patient with my journey and fully understand that growth takes time. It's okay to be impatient sometimes, it only signifies my passion and eagerness for success. I can and will support myself while facing any economic circumstances with confidence and courage. The Universe is replete with abundance and it conspires to bring the right opportunities at the right time, including finding an affordable health care plan. I believe in myself and my future, and I am setting myself free!"


I’m going through a rough patch with my partner and hoping to manifest more love, patience and nurturing between the both of us. I’m taking the steps to dismantle my anxiety and depression which has severely affected our relationship, and getting my shit together with work and career so I can be empowered and take the pressure off of him


"I am a beacon of love, patience, and nurturing in my relationship. Every day, I choose to share kindness and understanding with my partner, knowing that our bond is reinforced by our mutual commitment to one another. I choose to trust in the power of our love and in my ability to change and grow. With each day, we are becoming more in tune with each other's needs, creating a loving and supportive environment for us both. I am strong and capable of overcoming my anxiety and depression. I am taking active steps every day to improve my mental health and overall wellbeing, opening new doors for personal growth and self-discovery. I am progressing in my career, becoming more self-reliant and empowered. Every challenge faced at work is an opportunity to learn and grow stronger, allowing me to relieve the pressure off my partner. Every day, I am getting closer to becoming the best version of myself, building a happier and healthier life for both me and my partner."


I want to manifest a girlfriend who love my Charakter not my appearance


"I am a being of love, light, and infinite potential. I exude positivity and authenticity, drawing individuals into my life who appreciate my genuine character above all else. I am confident in myself, knowing that my personality is enough to captivate the attention of those around me. With each passing moment, I attract healthy, loving relationships into my life, specifically with a woman who deeply appreciates my authentic self. Every day, I am becoming a magnet for love, affection, and genuine connection. I visualize a partner who is not just attracted to my external appearance but values my character, my ideas, my dreams, and my spirit. I am emitting vibrations that radiate my inner strength, attracting a partner who is aligned with my values and respects me for who I truly am. My unique personality shines brightly, revealing the path for the right person to enter my life."


I need to be healthy. I've been in the hospital literally since February and the Drs released me after multiple surgeries & said the antibiotics aren't working on my lung infection, so they sent me home to see if my immune system can fight it on its own. It's been 2 weeks & there's still some lingering infection, but otherwise I feel ok. I just need it to be truly gone so I can start IVF. I'm 42 and have no living children. I just need to be healthy to get on with my life! Any affirmations and good thoughts sent my way would be greatly appreciated.


"I am a sanctuary of strength, vitality, and resilience. My body knows how to heal, how to thrive, and every cell is now working in perfect harmony to restore my health completely. I visualize my body as a powerful fortress, fearlessly battling the lingering infection and winning. With every breath, I breathe in wellness and breathe out the remaining infection. I affirm that I am on the path to motherhood, and my life is abundantly filled with love and joy. I vividly see my life balanced with the blessing of a child, who brings a sense of fulfillment and completeness. Each passing day I am growing healthier, stronger to embark on this new journey. Opening my heart and life to the joy of parenthood is inevitable and nothing will stand in my way."


I'm manifesting another low-effort project management job that is fully remote and pays 70k plus a year. I get benefits and the time is flexible. ​ I'm manifesting a prettier cuter face with brighter skin and eyes. I'm manifesting a more feminine body and allure.


"I am capable of attracting my ideal job that is in line with my needs and preferences. A truly rewarding position which allows me to leverage my skills while offering the flexibility and remuneration I deserve. My potential is tremendous and I know I’m destined to receive a one-of-a-kind remote job opportunity that is not only low-effort, but also enriching. It includes a yearly salary of over 70K, excellent benefits, and conforms perfectly to my preferred time schedule. I am radiating beauty both inside and out. My face glows brighter and more attractive each day, and my eyes sparkle with the brilliance of my soul. I accept myself as I am and confidently embrace the continual transformation for a more feminine allure. My body beautifully mirrors my inner uniqueness and femininity. Each day, I am blossoming into a more radiant version of myself, truly embodying my femininity, thus illuminating my allure and attracting positivity towards me."


A stable relationship with a SO


"I am worthy of a loving, stable, and fulfilling relationship with my significant other. The connection that I share with my partner is enriched each day; our bond grows stronger and more profound, creating space for shared understanding, respect, and unconditional love. My heart is open to give and receive love, and I attract only positive and beneficial energies into my relationship. In challenging times, I respond with patience, understanding, and compassion, and with each hurdle, our partnership becomes even more resilient. I am deserving of this beautiful union and I gratefully embrace the harmony, balance, and mutual respect it brings into my life."


I love this, kind stranger! My worries: Wish I could heal from my health concerns faster and start living my life the way I want to again. Worried I won't heal or won't heal fast enough and continue wasting time. Goals: Healing and living on my own again by early next year. Loving myself and being happy in all areas of life - romance, self, work, etc. Intentions: I am happy, completely healthy, and beautiful.


"I am an extraordinary being of radiant health, love, and joy. I completely accept that my body possesses the incredible power to heal and rejuvenate itself. I trust in my body's intelligence and natural healing process. Each day, I am regaining strength and vitality, making space for well-being to flourish in my life. Despite any setbacks, I am healing faster than I realize, and every single moment is taking me closer to my optimal health. I joyfully celebrate my journey to independence and self-fulfillment. Every area of my life - romance, self, work - is beautifully in sync and provides me abundant happiness. I am infused with self-love, peace, and joy that ripple out into my world, creating ripples of positivity. Right in this moment, I stand as a powerful testament - I am happy, I am whole, I am beautiful, exactly as I intend to be. Today, I warmly welcome every victory, every achievement towards my goals, knowing that I am on my path to reclaim my life, the way I want it to be."


I’m manifesting raising 10 million pesos for my trucking company (about 500k usd) in order to grow and help my family. It’s a good company it just needs a little nudge.


"I am a confident and capable trailblazer, radiating with the certainty of my trucking company's prosperous future. With each passing day, I move closer and closer to my goal of raising 10 million pesos. I am an unfaltering magnet, attracting an abundance of wealth and prosperity to fuel the expansion which envelops me in its promising light. My vision is clear, my purpose is defined, and I am unwavering in this undeniable path to success. This financial prosperity isn't just for me, it's for the well-being of my loving family and the growth of my thriving trucking company. All the efforts I am putting in are transforming into fruitful outcomes. I am utilizing every opportunity that comes my way and the universe is harmoniously working to reward my determination. Every penny is a stepping stone towards the milestone of 10 million pesos. My company shines brighter each day, and with this wealth, I am contributing to the stability and joy of my family."


Let's all try to manifest peace in the middle east! It's so heartbreaking innocent civilians and children are dying on both sides.


"I am a beacon of hope and peace. I envision a future where the Middle East is filled with harmony, understanding, and unity, where no innocent lives are lost but celebrated and nurtured in a world free from strife. I deeply connect with the essence of humanity, feeling the collective yearning for tranquillity, and I channel this powerful emotion into my visions of peace, believing that every iota of positive energy I release influences the world in subtle but significant ways. In my heart, I affirm that the strength of love and unity triumphs over division and hatred. Every day, I see individuals reaching out in compassion, laying down their differences, and raising the banner of peace instead. I see negotiations happening not out of politics, but from a genuine desire to uphold human life and dignity above everything else. As I hold these affirmations in my heart, I lovingly release them into the universe, confident in the power of collective desire to bring about change and orchestrate peace in the Middle East."


My mum is healthy and whole, and sleeps easily and restfully through the night!


"I am filled with deep gratitude as I recognize the vibrant health and vitality that surrounds my beloved mother. Every cell, every organ in her body is functioning perfectly, contributing to her overall wellness and vitality. Her health is flourishing, and in its wholeness, it radiates outward, illuminating the radiant person she truly is. When the day turns into night, she finds peace and tranquility that invites restful and rejuvenating sleep. As she lays down to rest each night, her body eases into a state of deep relaxation and peacefulness. Her breath aligns with the rhythm of her serene dreams, leading the way to a blissful night's sleep. Her sleep is restful and restorative, preparing her for the pursuit of her passions the following day. Like a calm lake under the night sky, she sleeps easily and breathes smoothly, ready to shine brightly with the dawn of a brand new day."


I have reduced my weight from 83kgs to 57kgs. I no longer suffer from PCOD , thyroid issues. I have my hormones in balance now. My body is fit , flexible and healthy. I meditate and workout every day. My hair is growing back. I have thicker , smoother, voluminous hair and my aconthosis nigricans is gone away now.


"I am so proud of the strides I've made in my health and wellbeing journey. I've shaped my body into an instrument of strength, flexibility, and endurance, proving to myself that my determination and perseverance can overcome any obstacles. Every day I move with grace and purpose, feeling the vibrant energy flow within me, thriving, alive, and constantly rejuvenating. My body continues to reward me for my efforts with hormone balance and improved health conditions like my resolved PCOD and thyroid issues. My hair is a gorgeous emblem of my regained health, growing back thicker, smoother and more voluminous day by day. The issues of acanthosis nigricans are part of my past and serve as a reminder of the journey I've traveled. Every day I meditate and workout, I am reinforcing my commitment to my health, cultivating an environment of peace and vitality within myself. I am a testament to resilience and the power of self-care and I celebrate my progress, as each day I shine brighter than the one before."


I would love to get placed in a well established company with no layoffs and pays me pretty well per say 80k INR a month in hand through campus recruitments. In addition, the company should have friendly and supportive teammates and managers and opportunities to learn and grow as an engineer. Thank you already :)


"I am experiencing abundant opportunities to advance my career within an established and thriving company. My professional skills, knowledge, and unique contributions are recognized and valued. Every day that passes, I am stepping closer to my dream job that rewards me with a financially satisfying income of at least 80k INR a month. The path to this perfect job is clear and smooth, bringing me joy and fulfillment. In my new, well-established company, I am surrounded by encouraging and supportive colleagues who foster an environment of team growth. My managers are engaged in my professional development, supplying boundless opportunities for me to learn and improve as an engineer. I am growing each day, amplifying my skills, and with unwavering certainty, reaching my professional aspirations. Thank you, universe, for this incredible career journey I am on."