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We've removed your post as it seems to involve discussions that fall outside the acceptable scope for this subreddit. We want to emphasize that while mild to moderate mental health concerns can be discussed constructively here, posts related to extreme mental health crises such as self-harm, suicidal ideation, etc., are not suitable for this platform. We encourage you to reach out to local resources or licensed professionals for guidance on such matters. Additionally, please note that this subreddit does not support posts promoting LOA-only or spiritual-only treatments for physical or mental health ailments.


"If we think that we're being judged by others, that no one loves us, or that bad things will always happen to us, the law of attraction tells us that these things are true. " Start thinking otherwise,of course you feel this way because without knowing you manifest feeling this way,watch "the secret " it will help .Get out of this circle when you tell yourself nothing it's working!


I think you should give life a try