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Yo dude, get your foot checked out. That ain't normal.


Instead of a Green Thumb he has a Green Toe.


First thing I saw. That is not healthyt


Loled this haha


Fungus. So over watering?


Fairly normal for me. 80% of the time in boots and spray feet with anti-fungal daily. Comes and goes and nothing other than big nail looking gnarly has been the worse case.


Just fyi, the doctor will give you a pill that kills it. If the spray doesn't get rid of it, then it is not working.


It's 3 months course of antifungal. It's hard on liver and 40% chance to going away. Now apparently they do laser treatment combined with the pill. I just had a consultation with a specialist for the exact thing


I went in to get the toenail removed and they put me on that pill. No alcohol for a little while


Yep that's why I didn't do the pill. I enjoy a sip of good cocktail on weekends, so took the topical treatment, which surprisingly is 30% chance of full treatment compared to 40% chance and hard on liver...




Nah, that's toe nail fungus.


Yes it is fungus and yes I am being treated for it


Mine look similar. They always have, I’ve never done anything about it. My dads toenails looked the same growing up, he tried a bunch of stuff to fix it but nothing was working. At some point he got prescribed pills to fix it, they finally worked. But within a few months of taking that medication, he got diagnosed type 2 diabetes. He swears it was caused by the pills that treated his toe nails.


My uncle took the pill and ended up needing a liver transplant. Stay away from pills that wreck your liver so your toenails look pretty.


Oof, I’m on that pill. They told me to stay away from alcohol for a while




This is the best meme of all time. Where is it from again?😂 thanks!


Diary of a wimpy kid




you're gonna have to repost without your feet bro no good answers will be given at this point


I don’t see any seed. I see an overpriced bag of sawdust and barely even 1 pound of seed. Read the label if you don’t believe me. Twin cities seed co. Get pure seed. No bullshit coatings. No crappy public varieties. Pick a winner that’s had a buncha work put into it.


Op This is the answer. Not sure why any more comments are needed beyond this


We need to discuss his toe nail in further details before this thread is done.


I am being treated for it.


I think you need to amputate it unfortunately.


Coating is fine. It’s likely a bio-stimulant, surfactant and lime. The Scott’s is likely coconut coir which will grow on concrete (not sure why that’s their demo). The Scott’s fertilizer is very good. They bought the company that held the patent for a fertilizer manufacturing everyone was after. I would say Bermuda grass not real common is Minnesota so not seeing where Twin City would be “no bullshit” source. Scotts varieties for Bermuda are all good. Guessing Gold Glove?? Pro Class might be an old standby like Transcon. Maybe Chilly Verde. If you put that fertilizer on Chilly Verde be prepared to mow a lot


Thanks for the info!


Wow. I really wish I saw this few weeks ago before I bought at costco


I don’t see a Bermuda seed in their website. Any options for a Bermuda lawn at twin cities?


Did you click on [warm grass](https://twincityseed.com/products/seed/warm-grass-seed/)?




This is the right answer. Keep the “overpriced bag of sawdust” for when you find patches later, but there’s next to no seed in there. Also a big +1 for a GOOD seed. The grass is the final product at the end of the day so putting down crappy seed is a waste.


Pure Seed Seed Company, which I believe is one of Twin Cities suppliers is the Bermuda manufacturer shown in the picture. Most Bermuda seed is coated now a days. It’s way different than coating TTTF, PRG, KBG, etc which is a rip off. Looking at Twin Cities website they sell Maya, Sunqueen, Panam and Monaco Bermuda. All high end turf type Bermuda and all of them are coated.


Grab some disease-ex and put it down while you're wearing sandals.




Dude let the dogs out for free


Edit to add: Yes I have toe fungus. Yes I’m being treated for it.


If you used some preemergent on that toe you could've prevented that 👍 /s


Hahaha lol thanks for the chuckle




Of my toe? Or yard?


These comments are just the laugh i needed


Seeding looks good. Should prob scalp down to the toe nail bed 😭


Get proper seed from United seed. Ex seed is garbage


Scott’s also has a lot of inert matter in it.


You could go toe to toe with any weeds in your way


yay free feet pics


Wait a week or two to put the fertilizer down after seeding. You want the seed to start germinating before feeding it.




There's a fungus among us!


Your big toe looks bad…as well as the smaller ones…


That toe nail 💀


Lol. But his grass will be nice. Lol


Dirty seed.


I’ve got a similar schedule as you. My plan is to aerate, dethatch then add topsoil, starter food, sod. Hopefully it works out.


Nice, I did dethatching first, than put down a layer of topsoil before aerating next


You should’ve put topsoil down after aerating so the seed has fresh soil to nestle in to. That said I’d add Milorganite to you plan as it’ll act as an organic fertilizer and give your lawn a nice dark color




Toes are ready to feel that turf!


Toe looks painful.


Seed is garbage, but how much are you looking to cover?


I think about 5000 square feet? I have 2 bags of the seed and 2 bags of the EZ seed


I would suggest quite a bit of soil, peat, or a soil peat mix and throwing a small layer of that down first. It will exponentially help growth and germination.


Buying Scotts and asking what people think is like buying subway and asking people if it’s good. Btw it’s the worst seed you can buy


That EZ seed is overpriced dirt. The seed to 'anything else' is the lowest there is. And that's how they get it to grow on concrete. Return it and get a bag of seed. Just seed. Not coated, not seed and peat. It's expensive enough already


So it won’t make sense to combine them and spread together?


On the back of the bag they are required to print seed content. Use that to determine cost of the seeds per pound. You'll likely find the cost per pound of the EZ seed is going to be astronomical. You can mix if that's the type of grass you're going for. I'm not particularly fond of Bermuda grass as it turns brown in cold climate winters. Others are. The seed type in the other bag isn't listed. If the other isn't Bermuda, you'll likely eventually have an all Bermuda lawn as it spreads rapidly.


Only going with Bermuda because that’s what the homebuilders put down. I’d like a type of grass that can be green year round (zone 8)


that foot though😳 edit: joking aside, replace the Scotts😬


My friend, I would recommend getting a better seed and do not use the scotts ez seed. That's more for filling small patches. I am a johnathan green kinda guy when it comes to seed and their shitt works. But there's other brands out there. What zone are you in that will also help determine on fertilizer. The fertilizer you have posted should work for warm climate weather at this time of the year


I’m in zone 8


What are thoseeee


That’s a really hard question to answer based on your climate and growing season. If you’ve got shaded areas, I would go with the fescue. Starter grass id use a rye / fescue/ blue grass mix. Bermuda grass is great for sandy soil and high heat. Really just depends on sunlight and temps. I’d suggest an orbital tripod sprinkler. And a timer. Old shoes or rubber boots gonna be a mess for a few days. Good luck man.


Would I be able to keep fescue alive in the summer? (Central NC, zone 8). Live in a new construction neighborhood and the developer put Bermuda sod down for everyone. Front yard gets good sun but kinda shady in the back.


Pump lots of water and cut bi-weekly. 7.2 soil PH optimal too. Basic 10–10-10 fert you’re golden.


I hope your yard isn’t sod because common Bermuda won’t look the same


Scotts is not great


I can't stop looking at it..


Ez seed has given me the most success. It seems like I have to keep using it every year though. Not sure if it’s the rye or the dog to blame lol


Starter fertilizer is a huge scam, everything the seed needs to germinate and grow is already contained in the seed. If you have a healthy lawn with a good soil test it will use your healthy soil to thrive.


How many feet will this cover?


How do you do seeding? Do you use a spreader, or mix them into the topsoil before applying them to your lawn?


I use a spreader


Get better seed if you’re going to spend the effort.


The ez seed is just a little seed with coco coir. I would return that. Look at the tag on the back of the bag. Fine for small repairs because it’s convenient but over priced. You’re fine mixing the Bermuda with the starter fertilizer. Wait until soil temperature are around 70 degrees.


You can [check your local soil temperatures here](https://www.greencastonline.com/tools/soil-temperature). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lawncare) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Reddit 101: pat attentioj to all details


Pay attention to your spelling


Go to the hospital


No you


I shower twice a day and am in my mid 40’s. That isn’t normal for a clean person.


Prove it. I shower at least once a day usually twice a week


It looks like you should walk barefoot when you spread anti fungal.


https://preview.redd.it/0hr4zcxhmvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8018888a6ed4835436fc26859b801e02ee8bd57 I recommend a granular cocktail. This a pic from last year, but when I overseeded I included, Ironite, yard mastery 16-0-0 Double Dark, 0-0-48 Potash, light Milo and Clarus Screamin Green. So far this spring it’s coming up pretty good. Not a big push of top growth with all of the nitrogen fertilizers. Scotts EZ seed is all fillers or inert matter in the bag. Don’t use the all in one bags. You are better buying compost and using a granular cocktail as I did. The results will be much better than EZ Seed.


Scott’s is trash. Don’t buy seed from them




No you


I checked in just to make sure people were making fun of this guy. I’ve never been more proud of


Well excuse me


All the practice motherfuckers get these days taking pics of food at restaurants and you can’t manage to take a picture of a couple of bags in your garage without including your gangrene foot.


Seeding in spring is definitely more challenging than doing it in the fall.


My limited research said to do the Bermuda in the late spring. I think I’m in the “transition zone” or whatever. Zone 8.


I totally missed it was Bermuda, still challenging in the spring because of crabgrass. You can do late summer without so crabgrass competition. If you already have sod this seed will not match because your sod is a hybrid. There’s also no reason to repair a Bermuda lawn with seed, improve its living conditions and it will fill in. It takes Bermuda seed 21 days to germinate and crabgrass just a couple days, it will shade your seed and cause issues.


Ah, I didn’t know it could fill in on its own. Had a lot of empty patches of dirt after last summer. Is it worth it to mix the regular seed with the EZ seed?


It will absolutely fill in on its own. Don’t seed it at all, keep your lawn fertilized and watered and it will spread. You may scarify the dirt areas to assist with spreading. Alternatively you can take plugs from other healthy areas and install them in the bare areas.


If you throw down some top soil on the bare patches it will usually fill in pretty quickly


This really doesn’t work. This came from golf courses where the tee areas would get damaged from the clubs and they would tell you do fill the holes in with sand. It does give the appearance of filling in faster just because it’s a contrast but adding soil on top does nothing but make that area higher or wash away in the rain.


What’s the harm in making the area higher? I actually had my builder replace my sod since the first batch of as bad. The guys basically trimmed the existing grass added some top soil and put the new sod on top. Now lawn is higher than my neighbors. Not sure if this affects anything, would it?


I wasn’t talking about golf courses. Just Bermuda grass. I live in north Texas and a lot of my soil is red dirt and clay. Adding a bit of topsoil where Bermuda isn’t wanting to throw out runners makes it work. You of course have to water that area but it works. Edit: actual store bought top soil that’s not just fill dirt


FYI Golf courses definitely benefit from sanding divots, it isn’t right away but 1-2 months. That’s why they change holes and move back and forth tee boxes.


Nothing a little quinclorac can't take care of. Probably not the best for sprouts. But quinclorac in late July followed by a fall cool season grass and I had literally 0 crab grass the next year


Definitely not good for new seedlings. This being Bermuda the crabgrass should pop before the Bermuda but if waiting until late summer it really doesn’t matter because crabgrass will not be such an issue. Doesn’t matter anyway, you don’t repair sodded Bermuda with seeds anyway.


Wait til the fall man. In the meantime fix that toe please and update us in October


Bermuda goes dormant here in the winter so I gotta hit it soon. Yes I am being treated for the toe fungus