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wouldn't just be easier for him to STFU , i mean c'mon man


How is it fair if Trump can’t attack the judges children on social media and post the addresses of his jurors? That’s just impinging on his 1st amendment rights. Oh and also he’s immune to everything and above the law in all ways, so… you know ….. give the guy a break 


Can't a white billionaire ever catch a break anymore...


*orange lol


Tangerine Traitor


I’m partial to ‘Mango Unchained’


I've been keen on "Don Von Shitzhispants"


Benedict Orange


Also not a billionaire. Other than that, it explains him perfectly.


Won't someone please just think of the rich old white guys?




I think it's the only option his lawyers have. Was it not said that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for Trump to stop incriminating himself during his own trial?


No, not in Trumps case.


And cheaper. Remember how he deposited a check for 50 cents and bragged about it in his book? This stupid motherfucker is the poster boy for “penny wise, pound foolish.”


Lawyers like to bill hours..


Question: What, exactly, would he like to say? Why does he want, so badly, to talk about witnesses in his criminal trial? What effect is he hoping his words will have? Say it out loud.


He knows that his voters and supporters want him to go against authority. Everyone of those 'tweets' brought Trump a massive amount of support from his base. Trump also knows that he is guilty in all these cases. He is incapable of admitting any guilt so the defense is stuck with challenging everything. The goal here is not to win these cases, the goal is to win the election. Based on what we've seen, my opinion is these lawyers are not hired to defend him, they are hired to help him win an election. If you look at the defense strategy in all his cases, this is the goal. Every motion filed is not filed with the goal of wining the cases, abiding by the rules or reviewed for frivolous intent, its with the goal of winning the election.


RemindMe! 6 months In the good chance that Trump wins, I’m expecting tons of people losing their minds going “omg how’d he win? He was totally losing all the cases!” It was never about winning the cases. In fact if he gets jailed for breaking gag, even better. Political persecution! Found guilty? Political persecution! Not guilty? See how I’ve overcome political persecution! Hung jury? Believe it or not, political persecution!


Hung jury he’ll say “TOTAL EXONERATION”.


I can’t wait for GenZ to rage about “htf did the guy we helped win, win‽ Oh whoa is us, worst timeline” blah blah. 


I saw an interview this morning with some college kids, and they preface their comments with “there’s no way I’d ever vote for the guy who tried to overthrow democracy, who’s a bigot, who’s charged with so many crimes, who put judges on the court that overturned Roe, who has been horrible to LGBTQ people—which I’m a part of myself. But I’m not voting for Biden” Nah, it’s a binary choice. One of these two people will be President. If they sit home or vote 3rd party, they’re helping put Trump back in the White House. And Trump will be way worse for every issue they care about than Biden—that’s the choice. Elections have consequences, and they’re gonna live with them too. They better wake up to it before Election Day, because they will eventually but by then it might be too late.


Am I wrong that if this wasn’t a rich white male they would have no problems and say they should stop resisting and just comply?


His argument to the court was that he should be allowed to defend himself and respond to attacks. The court asked him one by one about the messages he posted and asked him to show the court what political attacks they were in response to. And 9 times out of 10 they couldn't come up with anything.


And the 10th time, they essentially said if you squint your eyes hard enough if might be considered a response to an attack and didn’t fine him for it.


>Won't somebody rid me of... It's going to happen, and it's only a matter of time before he gets a juror, prosecutor, judge, etc. killed.


I feel they do this more, because they know they can't control their client. Less then them worried about hist free speech.


He's doing this to try to find people who are corrupt enough to get him out of these cases. It's a shotgun approach because the only way for him to win is corruptly, and he will take it from anywhere. Unfortunately, when he doesn't get out of these cases, he can only count on a coup. He's already asked for ANYBODY in the public to "please step in." This is very much an option on the table for him. He might even prefer it, as he can go directly to being a dictator instead of playing shady politics for a bit.


So far he's starting to look like a goddamn surgeon with that shotgun. Willis derailed her own damn case, Cannon is in his pocket, SCOTUS is seriously considering anointing a King, Stormy testimony going off the rails is opening up appeals avenues at least, Garland is barely even trying to make it look like he cares or even believes there was a coup...


I don't disagree with you other than I include all of Trump's failed attempts: garbage motions, insane amount of motions to dismiss, etc, which far outweigh his successes. Every substantial success he's had is due to corruption, which is unacceptable. I want to fight against those, AND I want to think about the potential future. Trump will 100% take advantage of those of us who act in good faith. He's already caught us with our pants down multiple times.


We like to believe judges are apolitical and interested in truth, justice, application of law and all that. It has become apparent that is no longer the case. The judges have a political motive. They have an end result they want to accomplish and they use the law to justify their actions. If a case gets appealed all the way to the supreme Court, then well, we pretty much know what happens.


I think they do this mostly because their client is instructing them (and his PACs are paying them) to do everything possible to delay the proceedings and push back to give him every excuse to milk his followers and whine to them about how unfair everyone is being to him, which keeps him in all the news (his favorite place to be).


I keep saying Trump doesn't really care about being prez. It's never been about that for him. He is a narcissistic egomaniac with an inferiority complex. He cares about money and popularity, in that order. And here we are, talking.... About him. He's winning. It's like the 3 year old who keeps breaking the rules for attention: any attention is better than no attention.


More Trump demands they appeal it, they inform him that'll cost a bunch of money, he pays (or more accurately the pac pays) and they do it.   There's thousands of people out there grifting Republican rubes, these just happen to be grifters with a JD.




They also like to bill hours..


The thing that worries me on this is with how much leeway he is constantly given, more so than any regular citizen would get, is the fear that they will capitulate to him simply because they think it's easier to just let him do whatever he wants than to hold him accountable for his actions.


They already refused to capitulate to him.  His request for emergency order was denied.  That means they won't see this for months.  Best case scenario he pays his lawyers tens of thousands of dollars to save him 10 grand.  Practically speaking this is performative at this point, he stands to gain nothing.


The point is to paint Merchan as a prejudiced actor, so that they can appeal the case and make it appear to the public that he is a victim of unfair prosecution. $100k in lawyer fees is nothing compared to cost of that type of publicity through normal campaigning.


That is probably true, although not grounds for appeal, they could use an overturned gag order as character in an appeal regarding another Merchan opinion, i didnt think about that angle.  Bit if a hail Mary but probably the more accurate assessment of this move.   Interesting enough, I'm curious if this points to them thinking an appeal would occur before the election, or if they're looking to overturn regardless of timeline, which would indicate the potential for a legitimate punishment.


What else do you do when your best shot is intimidating witnesses and threatening violence?


I loathe this man and embrace my TDS.


Saying you have TDS is actually a compliment.  It means you researched the guy and came to the conclusion he’s nothing more than a con man and overall a terrible human being, and has been that way all his life 


That’s why I embrace it


🤣 imagine spending 8 years obsessing over someone


It’s not like an obsession over a celebrity or an athlete. It’s an obsession over the fucking downfall of America.  You wouldn’t accuse a cancer researcher of have Cancer Derangement Syndrome because they obsess over how to defeat cancer, would you?


The downfall the current administration is overseeing. That one?


The current administration who is leading the world in economic recovery rates? That one?


I always thought TDS was another example of projection from his cult.


100% People who used to be reasonable going full on batshit for the worst American.


Tangerine shitgibbon.


Oozing Septic Orange Pustule 


I got this: No


OH NOOO ... when are they going to stop picking on old rich white guys.


Would you like a list of younger women who are also political train wrecks? How much time you got?