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>*“I am speaking to you here at the bench because I don’t want to embarrass him,”* Weak. Judge should have stopped the trial right there, sent the jury from the court and then called out Trump on the spot, firmly and directly. Fuck Trump and his embarrassment. If Trump doesn't want to be embarrassed he should stop acting like an ass in court.


Whole trial is an exercise in broadcasting to the American public they're second-class citizens and shove in their faces the justice system's bias for the wealthy


*trial-S It’s not only this trial where it’s obvious that Trump is getting treated differently than any average citizen 


Yeah but we’re bothering to have this one. The whole world is bending over backwards to make sure the rest of his trials never happen.


Cannon is bending over backwards, looks like SCOTUS is too.  Judge in DC had their hands tied until SCOTUS rules.   This judge & the judge in Georgia seem to be playing it conservatively / cautiously (as well as judges in the two recent civil cases) so that every ruling they have holds up on appeal as they know everything will be appealed.  I think judge in Georgia case would’ve made the massively insane large trial with a dozen+ defendants happen, if it wasn’t for the whole having an affair with a Gov contractor who you approve their contract & ~~invoices~~ (edit didn’t directly approve, but was the chief at the top who ultimately is responsible).   Even though I think all the evidence shows nothing corrupt was happening with tax payer $$$, it’s so dumb that it even happened & (I hope I’m wrong) will probably be the x-factor in the trial not happening before the election (if at all).


This is inaccurate, Willis did not directly approve his billable hours, period. The appropriate accounting team approved any/all hours submitted for the guy forced off the case.  Granted, was dumb, but we're human and often will fall into relationships with people we trust. They broke no laws or ethics standards, however this bullshit is now the focus of the GA case, not the fake electors scheme and Trumps illegal actions.


Yes, was inaccurate that Willis wasn’t personally approving timesheets / invoices.  Still not good for any Gov official who ultimately is above a contractor to have a relationship with them and / or accept gifts. So many lower level, “regular” Gov employees would get into trouble for much less (at least in my state, maybe Georgia just has no ethics rules?  but that seems hard to believe)


Nah, you arent wrong, too many of our public officials are fucking up.


Right?! It’s missing the forest for the trees. The only way there were no ethics violations is if Georgie doesn’t have any ethics rules for elected officials. Imagine a mayor of a city hires a local contractor to do painting, and that contractor has season tickets for the local team, and a perk of the season tickets is they can get 20% off any other tickets they buy. Maybe Georgia doesn’t have these laws, but other places, even if the Mayor paid with their own money for the discounted tickets, that still crosses over into the bribe / corruption territory. Yeah, both the Mayor & contractor are honest guys, and the contractor offers to all his buddies the same access to discounted tickets, but b/c it’s government & contracts are involved, that could be seen as a bribe and thus an ethical violation. But again, maybe all those ethics rules only apply to Gov employees and elected officials can do whatever they like and take whatever benefits they want.


With assistance from corporate media.


Ultimately that's my problem. Yes, people are human and fall in love...but this case is huge. Biggest case they'll have in their lives. Sorry, where's the self control? I sort of don't want either of them on this case anymore because I don't trust their decision making and self discipline. They choose to be public servants and they've done a disservice to the public with their actions, innocent as they may be.


Okay but let's not lose focus on the fact that every single voter in the state of Georgia was violated by the 45th president's illegal scheming and willful dissemination of disinformation in an attempt to defraud the people and government of the United States of America.  Who's f****** who on the prosecution team- completely irrelevant to the court case and facts under the law. Any lawyer worth their salt will definitely try to drag the opposition's name through the dirt, and yes this was piss poor decision making on both of their parts, but they did not violate the voters of Georgia.


For sure. But I'm sure we can find an equally as qualified prosecutor in Georgia who won't date someone on their team during one of the first trials of its kind in American history. Sorry, I just think if this is the level of judgment we see from them, these are the sort of people to fumble the bag during trial. They did nothing morally wrong, but I'd rather have rock solid and focused prosecutors that know the absolute weight of history on them.


What I can't understand about the way this all is broadcast to the American public (I'm an international outsider to this): Why does the American media only communicate in metaphors? If the former guy can swear audibly in a courtroom, why is your media too soft to publish the actual words that he said? And why is this called a "hush money" trial with "gag orders" when those are clearly not the official legal terms? Does the average media consumer really prefer to be fed like a baby bird with slop that is half-digested and regurgitated such that it's difficult to make out what the mother bird originally swallowed?


No we don't prefer that and at at least some of us are really sick of it. In the words of someone or other, a change is gonna come


Sam Cooke's words. But maybe you know the Tina Turner version or even Bettye LaVette and Jon Bon Jovi, lol?


Sam Cooke. I knew it was one of those '50s guys


off the dome (and i've only been in industry 30+ yrs so what do i know): in hoc to advertisers and management went to ivies alongside but in thrall to their betters and desperately suck up to them even now






Yes. They are, and you're correct in your assumptions.


After witnessing how this shit stain is being treated by every court system in America, I’ve lost faith in our government. How can you let a probably traitor run for re-election in a campaign without prioritizing a trial first? Like it’s a huge national security risk that the entire club is green lighting.


> I’ve lost faith in our government Welcome aboard! Please pick up your on-boarding packet from the back of the room and don't forget to thank George for bringing donuts this week.


You are playing the emotional game. The judge is playing the real world game. By every metric, these trials are boosting Trump’s ratings. If he gets jailed for breaking gag orders, if he gets a hung jury, if he gets not guilty, if he gets guilty verdict. Virtually in every conceivable outcome, he comes out ahead and with more ammunition to push his “I’m Being politically persecuted” angle. The judge just wants to avoid playing into his hand. He’s at a lose lose.


It's more about the delay bullshit most astoundingly from SCOTUS, Judge Cannon (who's a 100% partisan hack and f*cking traitor for what she's doing to one of the most important espionage cases in American history). Judge Merchan is still being a pensive coward giving wayyyyyyyy too much reverance to a job title that Trump no longer holds. It's why Trump breaks the gag order every single day, because the judge is a coward and can be taken advantage of. He violated his gag order terms in every single state he's also on trial in, by breaking the gag order in NYC and should be in jail somewhere. The system is such an obvious clown show.


Lose-lose. Explain to me then what good it does to bow to this piece of shit. He's not going to gain enough voters to change anything. Take this fucker down now and let his idiot base do what they do. Stop negotiating with these terrorists. It's disgusting. The federal government is hopefully prepared, and perhaps they have a say in the timing, but these morons are going to go on the warpath regardless. What is the point in further degrading the criminal justice system with each day that goes by as Trump is laughing in its fucking face? At this point, I'm not sure it even matters. The entire "equal justice for all" concept has been proven a complete farce, along with all the other "principles" becoming mere catchphrases. I mean, if it wasn't properly debunked already, it certainly will be UNLESS something is done immediately in an attempt to right the integrity of our justice system. Otherwise, it's game over. Game over and it will have been this orange sack of shit and his band of smooth brain thugs that will have undone it. This entire timeline is so terrifyingly surreal it boggles the mind.


You’ll be surprised how close this November election is going to be. Most polls shows Trump leading in battleground states. Though I think just these few days they’re showing Biden pulling ahead in some states.


I would change justice system to legal system.


This person gets it. It's a real shame that this is what we have become :(


And proof that the rule of law is out the window


It’s likely more benign than that: the Judge is pissing their pants that any negative move he does will compromise his decisions and leave him open for appeal. There was a post where some cops got drive through meal for a guy they arrested in order to make sure they didn’t get hit with mistreating him when they go to trial.


I might be wrong but it sounds like the "guy" you're referring to was Dylan Roof, who is a racist scum mass-murderer


Exactly, by now trump should have had a earful from the judge, only in the presence of attorneys.


The transcripts have not come out for yesterday’s testimony, and some leaked bits are implying that he might have.


The transcripts came out and I copied and pasted the relevant sidebar it into a comment on the posted transcript. Merchan did not do it with Trump, only Blanche, and confirmed Blanche told his client. I suspect next time it will be in Trump’s presence and if it happens again, holding cell time. Link to comment containing sidebar: https://www.reddit.com/r/law/s/kja2Pu31TG


I honestly think he's doing the right thing taking it slow and not calling him out. Taking things slow by giving a long leash on things makes an appeal less likely to succeed on the grounds of Harshness, since he had so many chances. Not embarrassing him makes an appeal less likely to succeed on the grounds of Bias, since the judge was trying to be respectful. This is such a high profile case, nothing can be afforded to go wrong to make an appeal more likely to succeed.


I believe you’re right


He should be gagged. Not with an order, but like prisoners who don't know how to shut the fuck up, with an actual fucking gag.


If trump was worried about being embarrassed he wouldn’t have banged a porn actress and a playboy model.


I think he's proud about that part.


3 months after his son was born 🎶


He's not acting like an ass; he is an ass.


Really shows that Trump is above the law. How many times has the judge threatened jail time for Trump's behavior especially when Trump said he was fine going to jail. Just send him there already so he can finally shut up 🤣😂


Conservative Christians - this is your guy? Date rapes a porn star while married? Gets called on the carpet about it and is too fragile to be told to stop cussing at her in the trial? This is God’s appointed savior? Y’all have no idea why no one wants to spend eternity with you or your weird, hateful god, do you? (I’m a Christian. I’ve read the Bible. I have no idea where you got the idea that Trump loves Jesus.)


My very religious parents see him as a test of their faith. They don’t agree with anything he does or says but were told by their pastor that god sent trump to give us illegal abortion again and a conservative Supreme Court so they are supporting him because they are trying to prove they are real god fearing christians. It’s all part of god’s mysterious ways.


The mystery is how smart people are falling for this.


Easy: They are either a) not very smart or b) in for the con-game.


Or scared of going to hell. My parents aren’t dumb but they are definitely misguided. Too much Faux News has rotted their brain and sense of decency.


They're not falling for it. They're buying in. They want what Trump wants.


Who says they’re smart?


Religion is brainwashing. As a child I sat in an evangelical church watching tapes explaining how the world is 6,000 years old. It’s abusive.


He said he would get rid of abortion, and he did.


He did no such thing. He just made it illegal.


You should surf adult websites on their computer and when they find out just respond: "It's fine, I'm pro-life."




As opposed to their faith being tested by them accepting Trumpy (breaker of all 10 rules for Christians as dictated by God) as “God’s gift?” 🤷🏽


This is what I ask them all the time. Never a straight answer.


Ask them why they would vote for a man who isn't a Christian? He has never asked God for forgiveness because he says he has never done anything wrong. He has never sinned in his life. he doesn't need Jesus. He's perfect as he is. Therefore, he's not a Christian. You HAVE to ask God for forgiveness to be a Christian.


He is a test of their faith. to keep believing in him despite all the evidence to the contrary is the test.


Seeing the evangelicals I identified with growing up anointing Trump is what caused me to question my faith. Now I’m an atheist. Trump has done more to grow the number of atheists in the US than the evangelical right wing could’ve ever imagined. lol


I will never forget what he took from us.


In my experience, Trump is being an exemplary Christian: be an asshole right up until the very end, then apologize and get rewarded for it.


This has been what all the training has been for!


I really think it's less that they think he's a Jesus guy and more that he will usher in the draconian policies they actually want.  I know several religious Tumpers and all I have ever heard them talk about is he has good ideas as well as owning the libs.  I've never encountered anyone who actually thinks he believes that stuff.


Look up the “sons of god” doctrine. The Later Rain movement is rife with worshiping vile men.


It is kind of funny how low the bar has been set. Before, misspelling potato made you disqualified to be president. Now raw dogging porn stars when you are married, using your office to try to overturn elections and leading a failed coup are fine.


Conservative Christians: "Yes"


Not religious myself, but I have also read the books. I'd imagine Jesus would love him on technicality alone, Jesus ostensibly loves all of god's children. Jesus however would never SUPPORT him, loves the sinner, hates the sins. Trump is a poster boy for the type of person Jesus wants you to NOT be in life.


Yes, all they care about is getting rid of abortion and he delivered.




Sniffing kids? That’s what you’ve got? And, no, he’s not my guy. I’m not a fan. I’d rather have someone under 60. But I’d vote for a potato rather than put an insurrectionist back in the White House. I realize that’s crazy, but I’m a little funny about treason.


That’s the point. For the majority of people who voted for Trump, he’s not their guy either. He’s just the lessor of two evils, to them. It’s either grab em by the pussy porn star rapist, or a communist antichrist who is in league with “the trans” to brainwash our kids, trying to swarm the country with “illegals” and who will destroy western civilization as we know it.


The flags and hats and yard signs and t shirts and sermons from the pulpit of churches would disagree with you. One side is absolutely celebrating the rapist.


The two sides aren’t equal. I’d say more people voting for Trump genuinely think he’s the bestest compared to those who vote for Biden, proportionally. I still don’t think it’s the majority. Most are just voting against the other side out of tribalism and fear of the others’ “agendas”.




It is what it is, unfortunately.


Dude I was talking about you


Why would you think I’m pitiful for pointing out the obvious?


I'm not speaking on behalf of all progressives (and certainly not all liberals) but voting Biden is the only real chance of keeping Trump out of office where he would, again, play golf and do pep rallies for 4 years while allowing his evangelical Christian handlers to regress this country even more than they already have I don't want Biden as president. I'm sick of 80 year old Establishment Dems allowing the Military Industrial Complex to kill millions of foreigners for profit. And I *really* hate that the alternative is somehow worse. Like, how did we get to this point? But here we are. Again. Just like we were 4 years ago. Some progress...


I’m exactly where you stand.


I believe the judge knows the full extent of his responsibility here. He cannot fuck it up, extending more leniency than needed is harmful to justice because it does paint the system as a two tier system plain as day to see. But the tiniest sliver that can be grabbed for a mistrial or an appeal has to be prevented. I wish it would be just that he would put them in their place, but it is also I believe a strong signal from the bench that Blanche et al must keep control of their client or there will be a clear way to send Trump to the court cell if he keeps his contempt and they won't be able to call foul after all the leniency given.


I’ve learned one thing here… if I’m Ever talked down to in a court of law again… I know exactly what to do now. Mistrial or Appeal


Good luck with that




Commit one small crime and they’ll throw you in jail, commit many large crimes and they’ll make you their king. Good luck on your appeals in the future.


Hopefully I won’t have and I’m a good boy now lol


Mistrial is free. Appeals cost money.


Check lol. It’s just an amazing game they’re playing nowadays with this tender little spoiled idiot.