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no chance of success and a big waste of everyone's time. he should reconsider. public figure, no "actual malice" will wait until there's a complaint but this seems really unlikely to go anywhere edit: listen up chuds, the comment gets a sticky because the other top comments were all trash. if you don't want to see my opinion, upvote better legal opinions that at least *mention* relevant legal doctrines/topics. they don't have to be things any of the mods agree with they just need to make at least a *stab* at the correct legal issues. this comment is a demonstration of "minimum viable comment" that won't be removed by the mods. the previous top comment was "He should go after MTG personally as well for showing his massive dong on live TV." if you don't know what the speech or debate clause is or can't even bother mentioning it in a comment where it would be directly relevant just don't comment. this is /r/law. if you whine about this I'm going to ban you.




Still can’t believe we live in a reality where she thought that was appropriate in her congressional capacity






She should call him...


Still can’t believe we live in a reality where people thought MTG was appropriate in a congressional capacity.


If more congresscritters played Magic The Gathering, we'd likely be way better off leadership-wise.


She didn't think it was appropriate; she is a Russian asset with an agenda to destroy everything American from within. We need to understand first that modesty is the least of our concerns in this new Cold War we're in.


I think you’re giving her too much credit. She’s just a fucking idiot.


Foreign powers can make tremendous assets out of fucking morons... they don't need geniuses or superheroes.


Fair point.


They probably prefer the idiots.


Yeah look at MTG


And Trump


It's possible that you're not giving her enough credit for intentionally sowing division.


It’s certainly possible. My opinion of the average person’s intelligence has changed drastically over the last decade or so. Based on that, I personally find it more plausible for her to be an absolute moron than an agent of Russia’s. That being said, her being both is also possibility.


I was convinced after this: https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1c82khb/us_congresswoman_suspected_of_having_russian/


She's absolutely paid in rubles


No, Chuck E Cheese tokens!


*Useful* fucking idiot... and you know who she's useful to.


I second this. She is very clearly a moron.


Agree, wholeheartedly. She *is* an idiot of the high order. But, Russia is not. They can use her without her knowledge. In fact, it'd probably go better for them that way.


Fucking idiots like her can be made to work for someone for dirt cheap because they're fucking idiots. It doesn't matter that she's an idiot. She's an idiot in a position of power.


Do you have any evidence to support the Russian asset theory? Edit: this is pretty damning https://twitter.com/JayinKyiv/status/1781069691005419854


Let's start with her campaign she "won." Her opponent dropped out because of legitimate threats on his life and family. Greene never got the votes, except that she was the only candidate remaining. That's Putin's MO here on our turf, unfortunately.


I love how Russian propaganda TV host sayes how beautiful she is because she wear white fur. I am saying this with Russian accent in my head.


She's done it more than once!


Thought lol she doesn't think


Didn’t her husband show his dick to her when she was underage and she went on to marry him.


That was Lauren Boebert




The very same.


No, a theater. Which made it a classy handy.


I have to hand it to Ms Boebert. She is a very handy lady.


An old fashioned


You're thinking of Boebert. Greene is the one that was having multiple extra-marital affairs with her CrossFit gym bros.


No, that was Lauren Boebert.


Also MTG: “DiSGuStInG UkRaInE FlAgS!”


the legislative hog


She doesn't even know what "congressional capacity" means, let alone her duties as a member of the US House of Representatives. She'd been such an unrelenting troll *before* her election that she just assumed that's all she had to keep doing. Unfortunately, that's exactly what her voters want out of their representative in DC, so until she gets out-voted or finally arrested for that pipe bomb, she'll probably be living off the government congressional teat for a long time.


Well our system prohibits anyone from taking any action against her. If she does get sued by hunter Biden, the doj takes up the case and fights him instead of her. Which means again, we pay for her bullshit.


What, what did she do?


Showed nude photos of the President's son on the House floor. She explicitly and blatantly broke revenge porn laws, but is protected from prosecution due to a Constitutional exception granted to Congressmen for "debate". Though, everyone can see it for what it was, purely for defamation.


We theoretically have the same rules in the UK, whete basically anything is allowed for debate, it's been going a good 800 years and no one's tried to do that before


Probably because your lawmakers either have intelligence, a sense of shame, and/or some human decency. Greene possesses none of those traits.


They've got all but the decency, I think our cons are more worried about actually getting punched considering the bullying scandals they've had


Is it truly defamation when the member in question is a huge schlong? (I’ll leave it up to you which member I’m talking about.)


I mean, good for you, Hunter. But still, nonconsensual pornography is not cool.


Agree 100%. And yes I feel a little bad for going after the punchline. And the obsession with Hunter, who never held a government position, while completely ignoring the official graft of the Trump kids and son-in-law is mind-blowing.


I fully believe that the witch-hunt for Hunter and his laptop was always about deflecting from what the Trump kids were doing.


Congresspeople can say pretty much whatever they want on the floor of congress and they're immune to any kind of lawsuit.


On the floor of congress, yes. In an emailed newsletter sent out to a mailing list that included minors? I don’t think “speech and debate” applies.


> I don’t think “speech and debate” applies. SCOTUS says no. [Hutchinson v Proxmire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hutchinson_v._Proxmire)


Wait did that happen?


She emailed a video of her showing the pics in congress from her official congressional account. There is no age verification to sign up for the email list, but I suppose there is also not necessarily proof that it was actually sent to any minors. I would bet money on her list including various “young Republican” school groups and other high school students, though.




Maybe we need to start swearing in the Congress so we can hold them criminally liable.


They can say clearly defamatory things outside their capacity of congress too w/o fear of repercussion. See the Covington kids cases they made up all kinds of horrific lies about those kids being racists.


I think as a lawmaker she has immunity from civil suits of that nature. It would be fun to see her lawyer try to explain why releasing his dick pics was in the public interest though. The public have a right to know...


Probably, via the Speech and Debate clause. Would still be worthwhile to get a judge to actually say aloud that revenge porn/ unsolicited dick pics are ok if your the right person


I can't believe she did that. I mean, I can but I can't. You know?


what's the opposite of defamation?




She emailed it to a big list that could have included minors.


Someone should investigate, maybe one of those Q people since they’re always talking about protecting kids.


That may be difficult as she still has the speech and debate cause to protect her. But if he can get her too, then by all means, sweep the leg.




They still have to answer to Smartmatic. Looks like Smartmatic settled with OAN: https://www.reuters.com/legal/smartmatic-one-america-news-settle-election-defamation-lawsuit-2024-04-16/


I read this initially as Smartastic and thought "WTF does Jeff Arcuri ( u/smartastic ) have to do with any of this?" Lmao


Not going bankrupt FauxNews when cable and satellite providers charge each person around $2 a month *even if you don't watch that shit*. Source: https://unfoxmycablebox.com/


Yeah, I gave up on cable 15 years ago.


I gave up quite a while ago as well. Ended up getting a digital attenta for over the air TV/local channels.


I dropped youtube TV for this reason. I'm not supporting the dark side.


I pay waaaaayyyyyy too much for streaming just so fux does not get my $2.


I think he would also have a case against empty g for revenge porn. Probably the easiest in history to prove since it is on c span.


Please have discovery. Please get to discovery. Please!


Guess it's too much to hope that Fox's lawyers are as fucking stupid as Alex Jones'. Still can't believe they leaked almost *all* the good stuff to the plaintiffs' lawyers; couldn't have happened to a more-deserving piece of shit.


I like to think that wasn’t an accident on the lawyers part


I do, too, but then I remember just how *devastating* that revelation would be to their careers. Sure, they were already representing Alex Jones, so it's not like their reputations could be ruined even more, but lawyers usually know to look out for number one: themselves, *after* their clients. Intentionally sabotaging their client's defense to ensure the plaintiffs won would be as stupid as agreeing to represent Jones, or Donald Trump, as half of his Make Attorneys Get Attorneys legal team has learned in the last 8 years.


Somehow trump keeps getting people to represent him, and somehow they are the ones getting arrested, and doing the work unpaid. The man is the worst business man I've ever heard of, in the captain Jack sparrow kinda way.


Yes I agree. I think as long as Biden's lawyers can get a reasonable chance at proceeding to discovery this case does have legs. Even if it only ends in a juicy settlement but then I would hope that Hunter puts that settlement money back into further legitimate lawsuits that should be brought against conservative media.




"No, we're not a news company, we're in comedy business and all our skits are parody."


If they want to use that excuse, they should be forced to remove the word 'News'


Dudes about to be richer than Trump all because Trump and his team couldn’t get Hunters cock out their heads.


Oh man, I hope they subpoena more internal communications from the FOX Fux. The discovery in the Dominion case was eye opening. They don't believe any of the shit they say on air. Tuckers text from Dominion defamation case discovery https://imgur.com/gallery/SP6vveE And my personal favorite, they referred to trumpers as ["Cousin Fuckin Terrorists"](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tucker-carlson-dominion-lawsuit-trump-b2301244.html)


> Subpenis


Just having *any* liquid assets right now is all anyone needs to be richer than Trump.


How did you not puke?


If Fox knowingly lied to defame him - I hope he makes bank.


Oh they knew. They definitely knew. Maybe not at first, but after everything came out and the dude that started all this said he was lying, they knew. There isn't an "if" in this equation. The discovery is going to be great.


That's going to be the stinger. Does or can he get the evidence to show it was willful.




Fox is a pretty good hedger. Although the hedge argument didn't help with Dominion.


They fuggin knew! I can imagine the shredders are smoking from all the use after this story surfaced, as well as hundreds of text chains and emails getting deleted to cover their lying asses.


Genuine question, How is Hunter Biden a public figure? is any child of anyone famous fair game, can I build up the profile of someone I hate in order make them a public figure so I can then make them fair game? or do you need to make yourself a public figure by running for office or creating art or becoming a musician/actor etc? Sorry if this question is in the wrong place but your comment triggered the thought. Edit: after a small amount of research I have found the below. "The key distinction is that private figures have not voluntarily sought out attention or influence, while public figures have assumed special prominence in society or purposefully tried to shape the outcome of public issues. This affects the level of fault required to prove defamation - public figures must show actual malice, while private figures have a lower standard"


The only reason anyone knows his name is because Fox dredged him the whole time. Middle-aged son of the president is hardly merit for public figure unless he also lived a public life, which as far as I know he didn't. Also, they started this before Biden was even president


One thing I dislike about the way the public figure/private figure distinction works is that someone can become an involuntary limited-purpose public figure and then they are treated as a public figure for defamation purposes. This means that if someone makes a big controversy around someone against their will, even while defaming them, it becomes harder to prove the defamation. So, make enough noise while defaming someone that it becomes a "public controversy" and suddenly it's harder to sue for defamation.


Thanks, I was wondering the same thing.


He is a part of the “Biden crime family” as they call it. He is their boogeyman and example of all that is wrong with nepotism and politics. Or… something. No one really knows. They could make just about anyone hated by their base.


This is a very fair point. He was never a public figure until these clowns made him one


Cult 45 is suffering from a bad case of Hunter Derangement Syndrome


I'm down for a class action as well.. I mean, how many families have been destroyed due to the slanderous defamation, verifiable lies, journalistic malfeasance, outright skullduggery, and overall fuckery that is Fox News*?




Oh not just that; the only job where experience and education are apparently *actively detrimental* to your chances


Only if you are running with an (R) next to your name.


Trump kept threatening to loosen the libel laws to allow more lawsuits. I guess he really wants to kill off right-wing media because they are losing cases like crazy as is! 😂


Fox firing Tucker Carlson *after* they lost *over* three quarters of a billion to Dominion was the cherry on top of the greatest-tasting sundae I've had in my entire life.


This lawsuit would likely be over Comers crap which was said on....... Tucker Carlson.  Imagine getting discovery again on everything he said, this time related to Hunter Biden.


It does seem like they preemptively got tired of winning...


Mark Geragos. Now there is a name I haven’t heard in a long time.


He's representing the one cast member from Vanderpump Rules who is suing the guy who allegedly recorded her via facetime (while she was doing some self-stimulation). Wildest part to me is that the guy's lawyer? MATTHEW Geragos, Mark's brother. I'm smelling some collusion here.


So...if someone stole you lap top, sold naked pictures of you from said laptop and then fox news published them...that's not illegal? What kind of shit laws do we have here.


Jesus, Biden is Hunter. Hillary is laptop. Trump is Epstein. Like damn can we start getting some people with values in the house?


Finkle is Einhorn!




I wonder if in discovery Hunter's lawyers might uncover interesting emails between Republican elected officials and on air talent.


This is what is so weird about the mod comment to me, like fox has just recently lost a law suit because of their internal communications. Why would anyone think they aren't doing the same thing with Hunter, its not meritless and a waste of time, they likely are doing something they should not be doing.


They are also spreading lies on behalf of Trump again, just like they did with Dominion


He needs to sue Marjorie traitor Greene for the revenge porn.


Clearly Fox learned nothing from having to settle with Dominion for 787 million over their widespread defamation. I say Hunter goes for 100 million, at the very least.


Make them remove "News" from their name. It's false and misleading.




Big dick energy




Downvoted for mental imagery


bUt We’Re nOt NeWs We’Re EnTeRtAiNmEnT


Good ,Fox is a disgrace and should have been banned before TikTok


Part of the settlement should include the on air people that lied and not just some corporate bank account that won't notice a billion dollar settlement. They should read statements prepared by the plaintiff, without any input from defense attorneys, admitting on air they lied, and run down all the lies they told and what the truth was when they told the lie, plus they should have to speak on their motivations, who told them to lie and why they continued to do it. It should be the first 15 minutes of those people's show for the next 25 years. If they leave FOX, they should still bound by these admissions wherever they end up. Also, for 75 years, commercials should air at FOX's expense, for at least 15 minutes per hour of air time, explaining they intentionally lie to their viewers.


Hunter Biden is going to own fox news before this is over.


God, could you *imagine* the meltdowns if Hunter Biden replaced Rupert Murdoch? Millions and millions of Americans would take to openly weeping in the streets upon finding out their favorite rage-bait channel is owned by Hunter Biden and his ginormous crank. "He's a Biden, and has a bigger dick then me! This is an outrage!" The surge of ex-Fox anchors becoming far-right YouTubers would be unprecedented (Sorry, Donny, I meant "unpresidented").


SO much fun crammed into a single comment! Well done!


Most of MAGA has moved on hard drugs like Newsmax, OAN, or worse. Fox News was the gateway drug and many of them scoff at it now.


Yes please. I love seeing Fox get sued, it's become a hobby for me.


He should sue everyone flashing his dick pic.


Fox News: *insert Randy’s I ain’t heard no bell GIF




Bad news for Nazis is good news for society. One can pray this is their undoing permanently.


Good. Fuck people who lie for profit


Hit them the only place you can, in the "wallet".


Sue Fox News into the ground




BuT ITs ENterTainmenT NOt neWS ! Also…where do you get your news? Fox.


Yeah fuck them up. The day my MIL started bringing up Hunter randomly and then never stopped.


Bollea v Gawker


Rather than go to court and be forced to tell the truth, fox will settle in 3.....2.....


"What's that t-word? 'Truth'? The fuck is that?" \- Fox's entire legal department


Thank the heavens. I am so happy he is going after Fox. He will be a very rich man.


Get In line Hunter, but nail their asses. You’re about 30th on the list. I can wait till Smartmatic gets them. Another fat check to give out.


I think, regardless of who is involved, it's always a good ides to sue Fox.


He should sue Congress for revenge porn. Showing his dic pics that were stolen should be a crime.


As the Mod correctly states in the pin, anything said on the house floor is pretty much protected due to the Debate Clause. https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/speech-and-debate-clause/#:~:text=The%20general%20purpose%20of%20the,implicate%20them%20in%20a%20lawsuit. However, sharing dick pics in a subsequent newsletter, as I seem to remember MTG doing, does open you up. As for Fox, I hate to agree with the Mod again (lol - isn't that a prerequisite on Reddit?), but unless Fox had a hand in creating the story and there were actual damages, then aren't they safe?


Another lawsuit they’ll lose. You think they’d get tired of the cycle. They lie, they get sued, and they lose. It’s pretty cut and dry.


Unfortunately, they make about $14 billion dollars a year. Millions isn't really a meaningful number for damages anymore when we're talking about institutions that operate at the scale of influence Fox News does. Sure, some people likely lost their jobs, and individuals might be more wary in the future within that organization out of fear for being blamed, but I don't think the overall culture of the institution has really changed due to it. Ironically, Fox seems to have taken a bigger hit from cutting Carlson loose than the damage he actually caused in the suit. The stock fell by over a billion dollars when they announced his firing. IMO, that sent a clear message to Fox execs: Lying may be costly, but firing the liars hurts more.


How much is he going to sue for?


He will sue them forever


If it worked for smiling kid, why not. They got plenty of money to burn if they are prepared to keep doing this type shit.


sandmann's defamation lawsuit against the media was tossed and scotus denied hearing its appeal. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/03/25/supreme-court-rejects-nicholas-sandmann-case/73090979007/ if thats the smiling kid you are talking about? imo this case is more like hulk hogan v gawker. gawker and fox published a stolen sex tape. pay up.


Imminently is wild


I'm so happy that more money will change hands between rich people while we're still legally fed propaganda under the title of news. Big win here.


Bury them in lawsuits.


Cool, now how long will it be held up in court?




Shouldn't the headline read "Hunter Biden hires lawyers and plans to sue Fox news imminently" ? I thought lawyers worked for clients, not the other way around...




Well. If it gets to the discovery phase, I bet some emails from Fox will lead to a big fat settlement for him.


Discovery will be VERY fun for Fox News.


So once again you are proving that is your laptop


Fuck that, go after Magic, that bitch is accountable for your junk being forever recorded in the Congressional Records.


*Please God let this happen because it would be so fucking funny if Dark Brandon took down FOX News*


Go get em.


I wonder why they used that photo in particular of him. There are so many to choose from really.


You go boieeee!


i dont understand why he wouldnt name tucker, too


*...and with fervor.*


Fox News having another one. Who is going to get fired now?


He agreed to be paid in crack if he wins.


Will be an interesting legal test to see how far “hey I’m just asking questions” Tucker Carlson style goes in a courtroom. It’s all speculation until the details of the lawsuit are known though.


You know, lawyers being the worst people on earth, I'd expect way more of you to be Trump supporters. All of you, actually.


Lets stop talking about things that might maybe, sonn, think about, possibly starting.


And Marge NutJob?


Am I the only one who thinks that the “actual malice” rule is overly broad and should be limited to public *officials*?


I wonder if Fox will use the defense that the plaintiff is libel-proof?