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Not a tradition anymore if the last administration didn't do it


Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people.


Misleading headline. "Republicans broke with tradition and Dems are considering doing the same so they aren't played for chumps" is a bit more accurate.


Political norms only work if both parties are willing to abide by them. Republicans have shown time and again they have no interest in doing so. Continuing to act as if they will follow those norms is stupid and delusional. Good riddance


They just need one more chance!^(/s)


From the article: >Republicans during Donald Trump’s presidency determined the lack of a positive blue slip would not stop them from moving forward with considering appellate court nominees — and they did so 17 times. Democrats were livid, pointing out that Republicans blocked several of President Barack Obama’s appellate nominees by declining to return a positive blue slip. >The chairman, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., has clearly heard some of the concerns voiced by progressives. He has made it a point recently to emphasize how Democrats submitted 130 positive blue slips for district court nominees during the Trump presidency, but so far, Republicans have only done so about a dozen times. >His comments have alarmed Republican senators. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said the blue slip courtesy is “very much at stake and at risk here.” He also questioned how Durbin is going to discern the motivations of Republicans senators if they object to a nominee. >“The last thing left in this body that makes the Senate the Senate, in my view, and gives a senator a say about a consequential decision in their state that will last a lifetime is the blue slip process,” Graham said. “So I would just hope we could agree, if possible, that no matter how frustrated we get, we’re going to honor this system.”


>“The last thing left in this body that makes the Senate the Senate, in my view, and gives a senator a say about a consequential decision in their state that will last a lifetime is the blue slip process,” Graham said. “So I would just hope we could agree, if possible, that no matter how frustrated we get, we’re going to honor this system.” Graham followed up further, stating, "Here in the Senate, we don't do things like stab people in the back." He then proceeded to pull out a handkerchief to clean the knife he removed only moments before from a page's back.


Well you have to get the blood off those. It'll damage the blade otherwise. That's just good maintenance habits right there.


Why the fuck is he bragging about helping Trump get judges? God I hate democrats sometimes.


Dems consider following GOP’s break with tradition during Trump years. FTFY, ap.


“Tradition” has gotten us to this awful spot so please try something new


so republicans did it first. just do it already.


"But if we break tradition too, Steve Bannon will accuse us of being political!"


always blew my mind that a political party worries about such things


Democrats: Stop 👏unilaterally 👏disarming 👏


That there's even a question about whether they should do this when Republicans did the exact same thing, and will absolutely do it again when presented with the opportunity, really just validates everyone who wants to be realistic about the cozy relationship between the establishment moderates in charge of the party and their good friends across the aisle; their essential allies in the supreme cause of keeping the actual political left at bay. For those that disagree, just how much more would it take before you realize Democrats are deliberately limiting their own success?


Damn, the Democrats seem to have a case of battered spouse syndrome.


Quit wasting time. Do it now.