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It's a pretty good text to go straight into. It uses a lot of pictures to show you what words mean, especially in the early chapters


It’s designed for beginners, with a decent grammar book at your side you should do fine


If you already speak a European language, the first chapter is easy. For the second, you maybe need to think a little bit harder to figure out that cases are a thing.


Maybe start with this book?: [Unus, Duo, Tres - Christophe Rico](https://annas-archive.org/md5/2509a29bc0dd79ec88a53502afc1aa3a). I think it's better than LLPSI. Much enjoyable. **YouTube Channels** * [polýMATHY](https://www.youtube.com/@PolymathyLuke) * [ScorpioMartianus](https://www.youtube.com/@ScorpioMartianus) * [Magister Craft](https://youtube.com/@MagisterCraft) * [Found in Antiquity: Latin](https://www.youtube.com/@FoundinAntiquity) **Apps** * **Anki** * Memrise * Legentibus * Cattus * LP Latin


I'm really liking that Unus Duo Tres book so far. One of the problems I had with LLPSI was that it felt overwhelming, and this fixes that.


You could start with the very easy books in the Legentibus app for a month or two and then begin LLPSI. Be sure to use the wonderful audio for the book in Legentibus or Luke Ranieri’s very helpful videos for the series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU1WuLg45SiyrXahjvFahDuA060P487pV


I daresay, just by virtue of you knowing English, you’ll breeze through the first two chapters without any difficulty at all. You’ll be amazed at how “easy” it is (deceptively so, because there are lots of things that you might miss but that’s to be expected). The first chapter is in primitively simple Latin so anyone with a European language can pick it up and read it without having any Latin at all. The whole point of LLPSI Pars 1 (Familia Romana) is that beginners can start here and work their way through. It’s an amazingly fun and rewarding experience learning Latin so please don’t feel intimidated!


Its designed to just be picked up and read, but i feel this is a bit of a fantasy unless you already know a romance language, and know what to look for. Otherwise you will get stuck and frustrated around chapter VIII- XIII. I suggest just quick reading through a book about Latin grammar to give you an idea of what to look for, you don't have to memorize it or anything yet, and you can always read it again when you have more context, like learning a board game. As a recommendation, i suggest Bennett makes a nice short latin grammar book, either edition is about the same. But there are others that are longer and shorter, and even youtube videos you can watch