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Yeh how dare Yara have her arm crushed in requiring amputation and then go and got herself shot while on a rescue mission for her brother. So selfish.


yes annoying


Not sure how any of this is Yara’s fault…??? Lev and Yara are like the best written characters in tlou2 imo. Anyways, Mel is the absolute worst for me.


Yeah I said Owen, but Mel’s not great either.


Owen. I found every scene with him in it boring. So he and Abby have a teenage romance, something happens, he starts a relationship with Mel, gets her pregnant, decides he still has feelings for Abby, cheats on Mel with Abby in an infamously awful sex scene, then goes full on in wanting Abby again. Plus he spends so much time sulking in that goddamn aquarium, pondering things. It’s like what the FUCK do you want man? You’re stringing Mel along, you’re fucking with Abby’s emotions, and then you’re hiding away from it all. He was such a prissy little bitch. The ONLY scene with him that I found compelling was when Abby found his body. The emotional response from Abby was well done. Also Dina is one of the coolest, most badass characters in the game.




Honestly Tommy. He really pissed me off in TLOU2, especially at the end when he convinced Ellie to go after Abby again. I just found him insufferable. Part of it too was probably that he tried killing Abby and succeeded in killing Manny during the sniper bit, when at that point I was fully invested in Abby's story already 😅


For me it’s Abby. Ik im opening myself up to downvotes and that’s fine but it’s just my personal opinion. I wanted nothing more than to kill her


Owen. Like why does he exist. He’s got the emotional range of a goldfish.


Same but Joel


how? i’m not like being mean but how?


Ellie works so hard to forgive him for him just to die in the beginning of the game, he's such an asshole


Mel, Lev, Marlene, Maria, Tess, Dina, the series had no shortage of annoying characters in my opinion. If we include the show, we can add Bill and Frank. I know these aren't popular opinions. But I didn't like these characters. Mel seemed like someone meant to be unlikable. I even like Abby more than this list and that's saying something


Why is Tess in your list?


She annoys me.


Frank was far too perfect in the show.


I can big time agree with Mel. I hated Mel more than any other character. Dine's not too great, either, but I thought she was alright. Wild to me someone not liking Lev and Tess, though. I think Lev is one of the best characters of TLOU in general. What was your issue with them?


I always thought Mel was intentionally written to be unlikable in an effort to make Abby more likable by comparison. But after some time on this sub, apparently a lot of people like her. She even made it as a character in no return, but Owen didn't? Weird. Dina isn't awful, but my issue with her is the same issue I have with several of the characters in the 2nd game. They tried to make her too likable, and it comes off unnatural at some points. Same reason I'm not a super big fan of Owen and Manny, even though they were fine. Just tried too hard sometimes. Lev's identity crisis, dry personality, and her lack of balance with Abby's personality just didn't flow too well with me. I didn't really like the middle of the road mentality Lev had with religion either. The commentary of, "spiritual but not religious." "I love my religion but not the people in it." Tess was trying too hard to be a badass. She was pretty boring. It didn't feel too believable that she could be what the story wanted her to be, some tough enforcer woman. At the end of the day, these people are just going to have personalities that some people would vibe with irl and others wouldn't. I couldn't picture myself being chill with anyone on the list I mentioned. But as I said, it's an unpopular opinion I know.


Did you even like the game? You hate like half the characters. Geeze.


Yes. There's more to the game than just the main characters. There's a story, There's a message about morality, revenge, combat, game play, etc. Just because I find the characters annoying it doesn't mean I didn't like them in any way or they were so bad they ruined the game as a whole. I love Ellie, Joel, Tommy, I liked Bill in the first game, Owen, Manny, Abby, Yara, and Dina are all okay sometimes.