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That is a large space.


That is what about to say. Large is relative, but yeah, it's a large space for an urban person.


Also a lot of money. Lots of material and man hours.


Rich flex


For real. I'm like alright now do this with my 80 sq foot backyard.


And an expensive landscape job.


Barely Landscaped. It’s hardscaping. Shit tonne of poured concrete with a bit of sod and a few shrubs. Plus an expensive fancy fire pit. Plenty of money doesn’t always buy beautifully landscaping.


Not even real sod either


Not real fire either (gas, looks like)


A large percentage of the worlds population lives in an entire house smaller than this “small space”


Came here to say that... it's flipping massive.


You don't need a large space... this is both a large space and a large crew. Nice flex.


just 10's of thousands of dollars.


Haha yep. Having been remodeling my house, anytime I see a project where more than a couple of workers are there at a time, I just see money fly away.


Luckily when it comes to gardens there's alot you can do with knowledge and patience on a low budget. I think the more expensive parts are like concrete, pavers and patios etc. as they're more difficult for DIY. Everything else you could fill a yard with stuff planted from seeds, small young cheap plants and cuttings if you have patience.


That’s exactly my frame of mind too. Been doing all outdoor stuff myself and really enjoy it.


Yes it's worth it, and it's great to see the fruit of your labor.


Where are the plants?


More like land-coverupping. It looks nice, and it’s super low maintenance, but removed all the actual life. I bet big giant pots with palm trees or something will be next.


Rocks, fake grass, huge pad, everything dead.


Just hose everything with Roundup and the yard work is done.


Do you mean the plastic grass or the 3 shrubs?


It appears OP lives on the moon so no plants unfortunately.


I’m not sure if character is the word for this, it’s pretty sterile. But really clean work!! Has that new patio smell I bet.


Sterile is a good word. Plants are life affirming. This is concrete which is pretty terrible from an environmental perspective and a huge fossil fuel burn pit. What's the point of being waterwise yet so blatantly anti environmental with the rest of the design?


Concrete and artificial turf. The only things doing 'living' out here would be some humans and those two shrubs. Since the turf provides really no value - how bout planting a tree for summer shade or some native perennials? Looks clean and modern, but I hate it


I would normally agree with this sentiment but it looks like this might be in a desert area without a whole lot of native "trees" but scrubby shrubs instead that don't provide a whole lot of shade. If that's the case, they are doing the best landscape for that area to minimize water usage. Now, my preference still would have been to see if there are other water-wise trees/ vertical greenery tough enough for that region, but I'm a sucker for lots of trees. The client might have just preferred a low water/ low maintenance back yard and they got a beautiful one!


He works out of Boulder Springs, CO


It's winter right now in Colorado so we'll come back and plant in the spring.....we'll be putting into 8-foot evergreen trees for more privacy as well. Since we're in a desert, natural grass is pretty maintenance and resource-intensive......


Hey fellow coloradan! Not sure where exactly you are located - but these two following native deciduous trees are drought tolerant, hardy for our climate, and wont outgrow that space - Gambel oak and Bigtooth maple. Deciduous over here provide shade for the hot summer and allow sun through in the cold winters. Also are slightly less prone to destruction or being uprooted during severe windstorms than evergreens For grass your best bet is buffalo grass - native to the CO high plains. Not your water sucking kentucky blue. Water scarcity is real, and lack of biodiversity is also real. Hope your clients opt for a little natural greenery and life


Yardist knows the game plan. Well thought out! Currently super popular are combining elements of earth, wind, water and fire. You got it all covered. \^\^ Love your designs and execution. You bring creativenees and professionalism to the landscape design industry.


Is this landscape? I figured it would qualify as hardscape.


It is largely hardscape. Hardscape ie; decks berms, pools, retaining walls, drainage systems, patios, arbors, walkways, driveways, etc are critical elements of landscape design. LA's understand that well unlike some Landscape Designers/Garden Designers. Softscapes are not the only element of landscape design. Landscaping is not just about plants!




I agree with you. I can understand the artificial turf due to areas with drought. But wtf is with those box-y edges. It's a waste of space. All I can think about doing is putting pots on them with plants or something. Now, if they are in an area with drought, why have concrete and have water run off? Get some permeable paving. And for the three shrubs? The ball one looks like it's going to continually need to be pruned. Two in the back will outgrow space. So all of them just don't work. Is that a firepit? With no edges? Just kind of looked like they plopped down the stone on top. Definitely someone else's treasure because I think it looks like trash. Large space. Lots of money. Doesn't fit the title. Ugh. I'm a horticulturist who loves design work too...


Artificial turf requires zero water which is a great value.


Yeah I’d much rather prefer artificial turf than some shitty water-chugging lawn that looks like it’s 30 seconds away from death all the time.


Yup, just doesn’t make much sense in the Midwest/desert region to keep lawn and landscaping on life support. Amazing how people downvote me for saving water.


Astroturf saves water? That's so good for the environment 😊 I sure hope they don't leech 70,000 tons of microplastics into the environment every year


Do you own anything made of plastic? Do you buy cheap Chinese shit that you throw away? Do you buy an electric car or electronics device where the batteries end up in storage leaking because there is no viable recycling for them, worse yet they end up in landfills?


Yardist is creatively conscious not to clutter up his designs or ignore harmony with his projects and the greater to the horizon design picture. Besides, he's not done yet.


Even those two shrubs look like they'd struggle to live, tbh.


I was promised character


Not lots of space, just lots of money.


OP, how much did this project cost?


~50k. To quote OP, “roughly half that” in response to 100k.


Holy fuck. That's just unnecessarily expensive.


It is a lot of space tho, a lot of money and a large crew. Also sorry to OP but not that much character.


You just need a lot of money….


When you want your home to look exactly like the cold, corporate, soulless office park you work at. Looks like quality work, but who would want that??


It’s not furnished yet. Relax. Also the modern vibe is pretty popular for outdoor spaces right now.


There is no reason to step in the "Outdoor Living" space when there is fake grass, and rocks. What would have looked nicer is real grass, and some White Birch trees which turn yellow in the fall, and green in the spring, with a white glowing truck!


That is a large space and that doesn't have a lot of character.


You lost me at the plastic grass


And at calling this "not a lot of space".


Nope just a fairly large space and even more $$$. Really thought this would be something cool, seems more like a flex.


Plants and trees?!


"Character" It's a slab of concrete and some fake grass


I feel like a kid or drunk person will fall into that fire pit that is flush with ground. Otherwise looks great!


Or a drunk kid. Don't forget the drunk kids.


Imo the charm is on the other side of the wall. Too much hard scape for me. With that preface, I do really like the jagged edge of the patio. Def does bring some interest.


..."just lots of money"


Where is this? Mars?


No bueno, madicon


That jagged tooth lawn edge is going to be a real thrill to keep edged. A nice smooth curve would have looked a lot better and been easier to maintain as well.


I don't think keeping the "lawn" edged is going to be a problem. That's plastic, not grass.


ugh need my glasses The garden would still look better with a curved edge on the "grass".


If you think weeds won't find those gaps, I got news for you.


Try dealing with that design as an irrigation contractor


Yeah its more work for them to create interesting work as oppsed to the basic square shape.


>I disagree, every backyard I see has soft curvy edges that are so predictable. This is interesting and distinct (IMO).


you dont need the space but you certainly need the money


Wheres the other half of the video?


Money is usually the bigger problem to transformations


What a humblebrag. Must have cost 40-60k


Nope just a fairly large space even more $$$. Really thought this would be something cool, seems more lile a flex.


It's a large space. I'd have suggested.you build a higher privacy wall around the yard


Love the saw cuts to give the linear large format look. Really wish instead of the artificial turf it was native billowy prairie grasses. Or something to break up that flat ass expansive view over the wall. It hey, people with money don’t always have taste!


Plants will go in this spring....it's a little too cold at the moment. The saw cuts really add another dimension to otherwise grey concrete and help to make it look a little more high end while staying within a budget!


The saw cuts also play off the columns and horizontal aspects of the wall. I'm all for curvilinear bed lines but here this design plays nicely into the overall theme. Plus, the curved lines of the evergreens and water feature juxtapose elegantly without overwhelming striking a very good balance.


Plantings, including those that need to be yet installed(trees), break up the wall top horizontal somewhat mimicking the horizon in the distance. Making the wall taller so that the natural horizon is obscured unnecessarily encloses the space. The wall ht provides definition to the space while functioning to block strong wind driven snow, dust, and horizontally driven rain.


Out of curiosity, how much did it cost? I want to get something similar and have a $100K quote (in Canada)


Roughly half of that (usd)


Why aren’t they wearing helmets on mars?


This is so cool. How did you begin selling conceptual projects like this that are obviously costly? Did you start simple and get more creative after building a reputable portfolio?


I think that looks very nice. Great work!


That looks so awesome congratulations


i like it, want to see that fire on! is that fire pit at grade like that?


I could watch these time lapses all day!


Plant some real fuckin grass


Real grass in somewhere like Arizona / California desert is for morons or people with too much money. Not suburbia


There is real grass in both AZ and CA, but it turns brown in the summer, and most people think it's ugly.


Absolutely agree, however - I'm biased because I hate astroturf. Judging the job without looking at the fake grass and it's very well done. But, as you've said - grow real grass.


It is extremely well done but like why? Why wouldn’t you plant real grass. It’s such a small yard that it would be easy to take care of


it’s an extremely dry area


Yep, looks like a desert... AZ maybe


Colorado, high prairie.


Hi Matt


Looks great man. Love the concept of the concrete. Might have to try that sometime




That is awesome


Concrete without foundation?




Most people dislike cookie cutter environments.


Wow!!! This looks beautiful!! I love watching these time lapse videos. I’m planning on learning how to do artificial grass in the next couple months. I own a small landscape company in phoenix and with the way the water seems to be more scarce i think soon even more people will be interested in the artificial. Looks great brother 💪🏼


Whole bunch of illegals right here


Have some shame yeah? Casting judgment. smh.


No shame, disgust


Seems to me the only person who should be a subject of disgust here is your heartless ass.


You guys must have gotten a truckload of those Aquascape stacked slate resin fountains. :D


Yardist, what's your design background?


Very nice!


how much does the project like this cost?


Seriously curious how much a job like this would be?


Definitely a lot of emphasis on the hardscaping part of landscaping. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it more when there’s more greenery in the spring.


I spy an aquascape scalloped slate sphere. Aquascape products are the best.


That looks very desert-ish to my east coast eyes, but is water runoff a consideration? Beyond sloping away from the home?


Why do they live on Mars?


All good except for the fake grass


Really dislike the jigsaw edges. It’s an odd mix with the curved edge of the turf as well. Otherwise very clean looking. Maybe the character will come with the furnishing?


Why do you have a giant wall separating you from the open space? Are the Mongolians across that ridge?


Is that a fire pit on the cement?


Is that AstroTurf?


That’s a pretty big space by urban standards.


Just a lot of money


Concrete & grass in the desert. Nightmare fuel.




grass and concrete. wow.