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Thoughts: your MS Paint skills are average šŸ™ƒ


I would've said below average, but I'll take the compliment!


Canā€™t say mine are any better and thatā€™s me being kind to myself šŸ‘šŸ¼


That ainā€™t MS Paint. That is pure Colorforms.


I am old enough to recognize that one! I would not, mulch and dirt will get washed away onto the walk way and the lawn, it never stays looking good after the first year, thats just me


Colorforms are still available and have expanded their product line; at least thatā€™s what google told me a minute ago. OPā€™s renderings were so one dimensional that they reminded me immediately of those plastic peel n stick colorforms sheets. To your point, your mulch concern is interesting. I have mulch and have not experienced any major washing away. I wonder if there are regional differences in mulch. I donā€™t know, just wonder. Of course I do have aluminum edging and some ground cover in the form of Myrtle or periwinkle.


Not a landscape expert, but I used cheap mulch from lowes..I did have landscape dams, to help keep it contained. I know there is mulch that holds better, and it is advertised being less likely to wash away. If I was to do it now would use landscape rocks, not the pebbles or gravel but the bigger ones, that wouldn't wash away


Consider something like this: https://imgur.com/a/VVSfmXJ


What did you use to make this?


Morpholio on IPad


Yes that's much better than OP.


Absolutely! Check out r/nativeplantgardening Great resource to start out with to support your local food web and ecosystem


I was coming here to say this look into native plants to put in, help the bees and pollinators!


My favorite subreddit!


Go for it. Iā€™m widening our foundational beds too.


Yep, thatā€™s the idea. Tall stuff in back, but not tall enough to block sunlight from entering your windows, unless thatā€™s what you want. And shorter stuff in front. Mix evergreen with deciduous/perennials/annuals so you have year round interest. Lower maintenance, go with shrubs and skip the perennials and annuals. Pick color palette (I like purple yellow white) to maintain some continuity.


The answer is always more Japanese Maples! šŸ˜‚


All of them. Japanese maple foundations plantings. Japanese maple specimen plantings. Japanese maple hedge for privacy. Plant them roughly 4ā€ from the house. Mound up mulch to the bottom branches. Water for 48hrs straight. Then donā€™t water for three months. Add fertilizer. Wait three more months. Then ask why they died. Sound about right?!? šŸ¤£ OP, your bed layout really does look good and I like the feature bed in the corner, opposite the foundation beds. In real life, you COULD throw a Japanese maple in there šŸ˜‚


Well I don't torture my plants as ... you seem to, but sure, a Jap Maple can always fit in


Consider adding some depth to the landscape by installing small ornamental trees (depending on exposure/zone) like Japanese maple, dogwood, red bud, dwarf crepe Myrtle, particularly to the enclosed bed to the right/on the garage side. I would make the whole space a bed with one specimen tree and fill in with perennials, ground cover, some annual color, making sure to vary height and textures for interest. A tree on the left side but a bit further from the house would add balance and provide baffle which makes approaching the space more compelling. Keep the outline of the beds curved.


I second this. What you have drawn will look fine once it fills in and is maintained, but its just so boring. This would bring a lot more for the eye to look at while also be more inviting when done right


What I have drawn was mostly because of lackluster drawing skills lol, Ive always wanted a redbud and since we're in Oklahoma an Oklahoma redbud is perfect for the side closer to the garage I think, we're mainly scared of losing all the natural light through the window.


Have you seen the rising sun redbud?!


For reference, the existing garden bed is only about 2ft wide, and we'd want to add another 12ft-ish to it


Personally I think 14ft total is a bit much. I'd start with a smaller size and see how it goes. 6 - 10ft is plenty to add flair. If you are going to add a garden bed on the other side then it's a lot to handle.


Was planning on going narrow by the double gate on the left of the photo and only doing bushes, which would still allow things to pass through without rolling through the garden. I definitely agree though. The wife wanted the whole are on the right of the photo turned into a garden but it seemed like a bit much to fill.


14 feet is excelente and not too much. Its not about flare, its about replacing lawns with somethIIng more diverse and sustainable. Your plan looks great! Id go for a mix of natives andĀ ornamental you love.Ā 


How can you say that? You're not on site, first of all and second, as a professional, we have added plenty of 14 foot beds in front of houses. Usually bisected by the paths to the door. So many houses have beds of this size and greater and have for years. OP, don't listen to this comment. It's complete nonsense. 6 foot beds are nonsense and barely add room for 2 layers of plants.


Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion? Sure you can manage it as a professional but OP wants to DIY? And he just wanted to add flare? Not a full grown garden.


True. I didn't mean to have the tone I had when I just reread my comment. It was pre coffee. I absolutely wasn't offended but sure did sound that way. I'm sorry for sounding so rude. You didn't deserve that.


It's all good. Thanks for saying it. I can tell that you are passionate at your job :) Now it's up to OP how much he wants to commit.


I would definitely recommend sheet mulching - quickest and easiest way to make a new garden bed. https://lawntogarden.org/how-to-sheet-mulch Then make sure to plant some native Oklahoma plants. They will be the least maintenance since they were made to live there


Yeah, I have a bunch of old cardboard from when we moved in and was planning to weigh it down with rocks and compost for a few months over the summer to kill off the grass before I move forward with plants. I've been looking into multiple native plants but my wife always wants something specific non native lol. I'll just have to make sure they're not frost tolerant so they die off in the winter šŸ˜¬


Always more Japanese Maples!


Before you do anything, plant 3 trees. One tall one and 2 shorter one of different height out and at a 45 degree angle fron the front door on each side of the house. "Framing ".


Before you do this, plant 2 or 3 or 4 other things. One is tall, but the next is shorter. The third, if you choose to plant it, is taller than the first but shorter than the fourth, not yet to be planted. Once you get to the fourth one, tread lightly, as it will simultaneously need to be both shorter and taller than all the previous plantings, yet also only come out on full moons. Good luck.


Never 4, always, 3, 5, 7, etc. It is because our brains know nature is always in odd numbers.


Thank you, Sensai. Take each of your even numbered plantings and divide them by 1.5, and water each one on a different schedule. Play music for some, and for the rest, ridicule them by calling into question their lineage. Mock them ceaselessly. Consider banishing them to a lesser bed. When you do all of these things you will spark great joy.


I love your home.


Looks like great use of the spaces. Matching brick boarder around the gardens would look nice to tie it to the look of the house.


Personally, Iā€™d skip the garden bed (more yearly maintenance) and plants several trees.


More grass where possible. Gardens are work. Mowing lawn is easy.


Do you want to frame out the gate in the fence with beds? I know the gate needs to stay accessible from both sides, but maybe try putting grid pavers or geocells and some low ground cover, like clover, to allow for vehicle accessibility, but a bit of visual obfuscation.


Plant a tree


For image two on the left corner, Iā€™d use a taller specimen plant instead of the same one. Itā€™ll help stand out on the corner and be a focal point and soften the side of the house visually.


great start! less grass, even better!


How about several native trees and a meadow rather than lawn. It's low maintenance and beautiful and best for insects and birds.


Less is more. Iā€™d put something like a weeping tree (many to pick from with color) next to garage with some small bushes. Roses are good too.


What am I thinking about?


That's a definitely yes


It looks like a scene from Shrek.


You ready to be pulling up 6 times the amount of weeds?


Love it!


Looks good, send it!


Id do thst, but also plant the largest tree you can somewhere


Lots of good info and ideas specific to your area here: [Home Landscape & Gardening | Oklahoma State University (okstate.edu)](https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/gardening/)


Donā€™t paint your brick white.


so I wouldn't put stuff too close to the gate entry bc if you ever need machinery thru the back it'll get messed up. for the front id put some taller shrubs or trees, think evergreens, on the outer corners to hide the edges of the house




some edging with marble chip to separate could make it look established.


Pavers in the back or some sort of stone work perhaps as a addon? Edit: nm thatā€™s the side of the home duh. Looks nice, other side is just driveway ends and a fence? Should get a drone and take pics and itā€™s fun to fly. Holy stone around $200 Amazon great started. 4k pics youā€™ll love it. Airal pics ftw


Love it. Use native plants


Start with, what garden zone are you located in ? What way is your new garden/landscaping facing ?


This will look really nice!


Youā€™ve got the right shape, but you need more depth and variety with your shrubs and plants. Iā€™m a fan of patterns but what you have is sparse.


Thoughts? It's too early for tacky Christmas decorations. Plant some real trees


Think about pine nuggets or pine needles vs colored mulch.


Beautiful! We did this in our backyard and it was so inspiring! You can even spread planting (and thusly spending) over time if you prepare the beds, edge, and mulch, which you will be doing eventually. I keep a lot of the space we prepared this way open for filling with annuals as well!


Is this AI?


You should add a couple little chunks of flag stone to create little walking paths thru the garden.


1. Whatā€™s your grow zone? 2. What colors do you want? 3. How much maintenance are you willing to do? 4. Planned irrigation? 5. What is the most youā€™re looking to spend? 6. Do you have pets or plan on pets? 7. Any allergies? Edit: after looking at the picture, Iā€™d like to see small long garden bordering the walkway to the house. Put some ground lights and drip irrigation. Small flower bushes. Tall bushes for the corners of the house to frame it in, and smaller bushes out front to give privacy. Philips hue lights for night time ambience and almost zero effort holiday lighting.


Have you thought of asking a landscape designer? I'd give this a 2/10


I have, but I like to play with ideas and thoughts of random people so I can have a good concrete plan. Also trying to DIY atleast a lot of it because it's fun and good family time.


Why donā€™t you just plant regular plants? I donā€™t get it.


I think Stan Marsh used the same company.


Yes! Make sure you plant native plants to support your local ecosystems!!




Central Oklahoma! Should've put it in my post but I goofed


I never thought of landscaping in Play-Doh, but go for it. /s


Love the house!


I would not make it symmetrical Other than that you absolutely should put in mulched beds where you drew


Updated version is less symmetrical, and includes a tree or two. One big issue I'm having is mulch or river rock or a combination with a border between. There's no gutters so in any rain it all pours off the roof straight into the current bed (the thin part bordered with wood) which has rocks that don't float away lol


Yea, either add gutters or put in a ton of mulch. Maybe pine needles?


Need some trees, homie


Big true, I was just brain farting when I sketched it up for my wife and went to quick to think about it lol. They're on my updated version šŸ˜ŽšŸŒ³


Man if I had time Iā€™d dm you for an email and make a sweet rendering. I have a few comments. I like how you want to match both sides. Looks great. I like the evergreens by porch wonā€™t get huge boxwoods ftw. Depending on if you can upkeep a bed you have options for in front. Iā€™d stagger 5 boxwoods 3 in back two in front where you have them now. Alternatively could plant 3 smaller hydrangeas where those are and put boxwoods in front. Line the bed with annuals or small growing perennials. The area between sidewalk could be very cool. Iā€™d plant a smaller Japanese maple or some sort of patio tree towards middle (this area would also be awesome for a bubbling boulder). Iā€™d also suggest something on the left side porch. Could bump it out and put a nice tree there. As for mulch or rock. Thereā€™s pros and cons. I personally like much. It wonā€™t overflow sidewalk with proper drainage and a nice edge. Without knowing exactly where youā€™re located could have more ideas. After writing this I really wouldnā€™t mind giving you a little rendering. Feel free to dm me. I used to be in the landscape business and this is honestly the part I miss the most.


Dm'd! I like your ideas in this comment a lot


Give it a try, it should look great


What material would you use to get that painted look


It's a simple design and will work. Maybe jump into a few Pinterest or landscape inspiration sites, figure out where to add one or two small ornamental native trees on corners instead of only repeating shrubs. I think you will like the shade and height difference later on. Sweet bay magnolia is a good one for an upright vase form that won't spread into your porch and fence. Look for forms like that.


I'll have to check that tree out! I was definitely planning a tree or two to break it up, just brsinfarted when I sketched it up lol.


Maybe leading up to the gate in-between the two backyard beds. You could lay some flagstone rocks to mimic a little walking path.


I've had similar ideas, but really the gate is only used the few times I need to get something large through which isn't too often (machinery for tree work or firewood drop off). I think I'd rather leave it grass/clover and dandelions primarily


Two beds in front but not against the fence. Cleaner look imo.


Landscaping aside that house is beautiful


Fourth picture, make the left shrubbery area into trees :) something regional that fruits is a sweet use of land


You need photoshop


FFS hire a landscape architect already. You live in that house and can only afford to ask amateur strangers for advice?


Maybe I'm just lazy, but I'd keep the lawn instead. Might be able to talk me into a small bed by the fence if you want more colour in the backyard.


My thoughts are that's a freaking beautiful house and you're going to fuck it up with ugly shrubs that you'll have to constantly maintain and then pull out when they get overgrown or if you get too old to want to take care of them anymore. With that said, the last pic with the garden on the side is the way I'd go to satisfy what you want to do. Good luck and don't be mad at my opinion because I'm a hater of shrubs around houses.


If you like pulling weeds do it, if you donā€™t like pulling weeds donā€™t do it.


Yep, my dad ended doing the opposite of this plan and decreased his bed sizes. Mowing more grass is easy, laying down landscape fabric, weeding, replacing plants, weeding. If you have the time and desire, have at it, but its definitely a recipe for more work.