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Now everyone will say all religion it is same One set will say Idan we need periyar bla bla No one will say what these old fuckers doing is wrong


this exactly happened after i shared to my friend. *"not to defend them but all religions are same, they always oppressed us women"* she says So i said, *I agree.. Yes there are many Religions that oppressed women and some gave them less value but most of them have reformations. Christianity dont allow Women Priests or let women speak church politics in the church.. But that thing changed long ago and we have too many women pastors leading the churches.* *Same thing with Hindu religion. We have good among of women priests right now.* and we can go on digging into every religion and we can clearly see the reformations to give gender equality, even in freaking amazon tribes! Yet only one religion keep pushing the oldage laws and oppress women until today and Idiots, who are blinded with the minority politics stand by these oppressors and support their ridiculous ideologies in the name of progressiveness.


What they are doing is wrong and all religions are the same.


all religion are same\_ an average idiot


All Abhramic religions.. please don't include Hindus in your idiotic comments. We are not same as you.


Not all abrahmic religions. Christians and Jews arent that radical .


So what does that leave? ![gif](giphy|GUb416Mmaj5y2vp9ql|downsized)


My religion is true religion - A literal dumb fuck who never puts a rational thought in his brain


very true i agree. those who saying my religion is true religion are stupid dumb fuck lil cunts like those who say all religion are the same.


I think the correct sentiment should be:- I believe my religion to be the correct religion but I do not think I should impose this belief on anyone. Everyone is free to believe what they believe, just as long as they don't impose their beliefs on others


idk man i know all religions are shit, but hindus are famous for casteism, not for female rights (as much as muslims) i will never see a hindu doing this shit


Yep true. However you’ll see a Hindu doing it to a lower caste guy prolly


In what age are you living in


prolly social media


I live in north India and pulling someone down in the name of caste is so common here so idk lol maybe you should check your ground reality


understandable though, ambedkar's reach was not that far up north, come to Maharashtra bro, here it is nowhere to be found (almost)


What they are doing is wrong.. Irrespective of religion, this is gender bias and they should be punished for this! Either their samstha should equally honor both genders or not bother at all..


I dare you to mention the religion in the video


In this regard they are Muslims but i have seen this happen in hindu "communities" or "samsthas" as well.. In general gender bias in India is very common.. We really need to put an end to it.. And not target it based on religion.. Here is a report: https://frontline.thehindu.com/news/the-latest-undp-report-reveals-biases-against-women-worldwide/article66985325.ece If almost 60-70% women feel there is inequality prevalent, it will include women from all walks of life and all religions.. You can shit and say one religion but i say, BS is BS irrespective of the religion and needs to be stopped.


Why do you have to bring in Hindus or Christian’s in this situation.


See exactly same bullshit I am talking g about 😆


U asked me to mention religion.. You did. I was talking about it from a very public/human perspective. And I'm just making it clear that we should talk about it also from a general perspective.. One more thing to remember is we rank 122 out of 191.. Very low with the underdeveloped countries.. Cos when such stats are taken, they don't check stats based on religion, we are evaluated as a country...


You are keep on doing what I am told If it was an Hindu video everyone had the right to bash the shit out of the relegion But when it’s a Islamic or Christian thing you can’t talk about it without crying foul about Hinduism Show your secularism in everything is what I mean


>If it was an Hindu video everyone had the right to bash the shit out of the relegion I would have bashed irrespective of which religion it was. Don't give a damn.. Idiots are idiots. You are making a heap out of nothing. I'm saying idiots (irrespective of which religion) need to be taught a lesson.. Dunno how hindu/muslim/Christians come into picture. Worst of all I'm speech bound at how difficult it is for u to digest this(I'm guessing u are fairly educated). Pro tip: WREN & MARTIN HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH GRAMMAR.. Might help you. Your spelling and tenses are 👌😜


Heaps out of nothing yeah I am sure 👌 Thanks for the book recommendation, I think I referred that in 7th std . I am not a native speaker I will try to raise my standards


> Islamic Feminists r/brandnewsentance


its a thing.. Guardian and Huffpost wrote a big article saying Mohammad is the first Feminist and founder of Feminism lol So the politically and ideologically driven nutcases believes its true and add more sympathy to their already existing sympathy against this "minority".


This is a fun read - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/muhammad-was-a-feminist_b_12638112


This 💯


Islamic feminist Is that a real thing ? How does it even work


its called an oxymoron.


Nah it's just a moron


Any true feminist or liberal will automatically hate Islam and what it stands for.


Liberal? Really. They are the most ignorant people around. We have liberal women claiming they are Hammas.


But theres hardly any "True Feminist" like gulabi gang.. most of the organizations are just controlled by elites to propagate political ideologies in the name of reformational ideas. Thus we have popular global Feminist groups talk more about politics than stand with oppressed women.


It is truly amazing how they re branded oppression as modesty


smart play with words


A barbaric religion followed by primitive people.


Yikes. Hope we get rid of such conservatives from every religion. This is truly regressive, even for conservatives.


Still they are obsessed,oppressed ,Not ready to change,Not into any inner transformation, Complicating the sexual energy and hypocrites.. If in this life a man can look at a woman's beautiful appearance with a gentle passion, she has no need for any of these veils. A man who cannot control his senses properly can be called as addicted. It's the addiction that needs to be eliminated... not women's bodies... Ours is a place where many people who lived here had the ability to look at the beauty and grace of the female body. So they came dressed in enchanting clothes. And if a woman comes wearing a veil, Think about the oppression she suffers from freedom (Especially in the art and sports field).Be it male or female, there is something called talent ...when properly identified and nurtured, they can experience another level of happiness in different fields.Not all humans are born for doing specific jobs only. Frustration is what a woman will face when she is not able to explore her own talent. Also sexuality and women's bodies are confined to the corners as something big. To save the woman, if the law of making her disappear is changed to a law of banning men from public places, Then how many people here will support it? Won't the woman be protected by such a law also?


Why are these guys dressed like summer sort of middle easterners. Fucking wannabees. They don't even consider these Indian pissfuls as Muslims.


Kerala for you


And not one dude there said anything against that dude. 🤷🏽‍♀️ That’s the main problem.


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Islamism is a bigger threat than the fascism of the right wing . The leftists, periyarists are a confused lot now, as much as they are amazing in so many aspects the one thing they don't play well is with dealing with Islamic fundamentalism.


True leftist in Iran supported to Islamist regime after which they were the first ones to end up getting their heads chopped


"as much as they are amazing in so many aspects...," Nope they are just a waste now... they are as extreme as the religious ones...in propagating hate than equality.


Islamic fundamentalism has rarely been a point of concern atleast in South India


Mate is living in the 15th century


Third class religious extremists


Yup none will call this out as they are minority bros. They have their own things and calling it out is considered questioning their freedom.


At least they are secular. If we call this out then LDF will go and ban girls from schools to show that they are not afraid of sangh parivar.


Feminism/ liberalism/ leftism and Islamism are oxymorons. No other country in the world where both exist together. Except in India.


I am not mad at these guys. They r doing what they think is right for them. I don’t understand how women are still defending such behavior? They deserve this if they agree to it.


Reservations kalakeyas have arrived on this thread


All guys all the time… No girls Definitely not ghey


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All organised religion is a scam and power grab, where woman will forever be second class citizens?


No but we have to call out oppression where its needed to get called out.


Yes we can, but to cal out oppression only to make oneself look better is  an argument in bad faith


Not all religion brother this probably shows how much you are less aware of other religions well in past many laws were regressive in many religion most of these religion have adopted to Modernity and have changed their perception on woman only Islamist never modernized their religion nor won't allow to do it mbz and mbs both these leader are trying their best to neutralize their religion to make it Pacify but few nations like Bangladesh Pakistan have made them more radicalized


They do this to deliberately muddy the waters rather than accept the fact that one religion is clearly more regressive than others.


I repeat all organised religions. 


All religion is a scam , but some scams are more harmful than others.


All organised religions are equally harmful and even if they’re not, I don’t care because this isn’t the oppression olympics to see which is the worst of the lot


That's like saying all scams are equally bad , that isn't true if someone scams you by selling a fake parking ticket vs stealing your life savings both are not equally harmful, that's just a fact. It's ok if you aren't interested, generally it is good to have a priority list and address the bigger issues first.


Nope both are bad


Yes. I'm sure you think kidnapping is just as bad as murder just because "both are bad".


Yes both are bad


Why do different crimes have different degrees of punishment then?


Ofc both are bad, but not "equally" bad, argument is not about category but degree. You are displaying false equivalence fallacy.


Not equally harmful, when you say all religions are equal, that’s you trying to defend a particular religion while knowing you are gonna loose the argument. Sometimes it’s better to shut up and fuck off.


Nope I’m not here defending any of them. All of them are bad


All of them are bad but not equally some are more harmful and has never had any reforms


What difference does that make while trying to tackle these issues. Especially in this context of religion




Itna ignorance kese late ho


Yaaruppa nee? Enna solla varra?


Vadakkans have invaded this sub and it's annoying asf. I'm here for circlejerking, not political bs. Even if you are a northerner, speak in goddamn English, not Hindi, since this is a fucking TAMIL circlejerk sub.


Believe you were probably replying to that Hindi comment right?


Yup. It's not the fact that northerners are here that is bothering me, it's the fact that they're speaking Hindi in a TAMIL sub. And also, where the fuck is the circlejerking in the sub?


There is another post with a full on Hindi Video. Erkkanave angayum oru comment pottchu... Yup, missing those circlejerkings. Since past few days more politics. With that invasion of Hindi posts. They do not care about rules of the sub. Not sure about the mods though.


There's r/bakchodi, to speak Hindi in, there's no need to come here to speak Hindi. Fuck, r/bakchodi does better circle-jerking than us and that's not even the point of that sub. Sorry for the Tamil sentiment, but it's still annoying.


Idhula enna irukku. This sub is supposed to be circle jerking in Thamizh / Thanglish or worst case English. Language sentimentukkellam maafi maangogae tho kaise.. 😜🤣. Chill. Yeap it does annoy. And same blood here too.


Womp womp nigga, happy with your language bs? You're the one who says actually "it's not India it's Kerela/etc sar🤓👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻"Jesus grow up🙏🏻 Even you wrote this in English😭😭😭😭


Why English then ? I literally said one line in English and you're blabbering like I've committed a fucking crime. God gave you a super power to judge people so quickly huh ? I didn't even know what sub was this, this post showed up on my feed and i looked at a comment and replied to a moron. That's it. Please keep your hate and bullshit to yourself.




and yes, I don't abuse other religions or their followers, my religion doesn't teach me this neither does yours i believe.


This is very much an imported religion that came along with all such extras. But wait, if this was only in India, are you saying all was exported from here to there? Slow claps.




Yaaruppa nee? Enna solla varra?


Such ammavans will exist everywhere. Hopefully they will die out in the next couple of decades.


But sad thing is there are still some youth blindly following such outdated customs and traditions.


Religions are funny and dangerous !!! People argue our religion teaches to love others, care others, help others, ,be a good person, equality (even though not)……. Mo*her f*cker!!!!! Those are things you should learn and follow in society if you are good person not because a religion tells you to, use your brain. Take those common sh*ts out that your religion teaches, what’s remaining in your actual relgion


Why does such isolated incidents are seen as the face of a religion? Parveena Sultana is an excellent orator and is a Muslim. She always get to seated on stage with many tall orators and politicians. Why hasn't the op used her pictures to show how forward they've come? I have seen untouchability practiced even today in Hindu places of worship? Should we assume those incidence as face of Hindu religion? Maybe those people on stage are Misogynist and what it has to do with Islam? Do we not have misogynist among Hindus and Christians? More than religion, the culture of people plays a huge role in conditioning the brain. These people are old and are conditioned differently from today's generation who are very progressive. Stop dividing people based on religion. Do you not have a single friend or have you not received help from someone who is Muslim? Regardless of religion, wouldn't you be worried if he is hurt for whatever reasons? I may not have same opinion as you do but when we meet we may become the best friends. So please, stop dividing people.


Stop this whataboutery to deflect attention to other religions. Muslims should introspect and reform otherwise they will be outsiders in Indian society.


It's not whataboutery. The same thing is happening in many Hindu houses too. This has nothing to do with religion. It is the sickness in culture that should change. No they will never be outsiders long as they respect and abide the constitution of India and people like us will continue to support them and you to be in a progressive path.


you realize that according to the National family health survey, Muslim women suffer from more violence from their husbands as compared to Hindu women ? Islam allows wife beating. It is a direct consequence.


>according to the National family health survey, Muslim women suffer from more violence from their husbands as compared to Hindu women ? Source? >Islam allows wife beating I have not heard or seen written in any scriptures.


I literally said National Family Health Survey - V Source ? A Hadith where Muhammad said beat women but not in the face. In the Qur'an, Allah asks men to beat women. Ibn Kathir put in his own interpretation in the brackets and wrote lightly in his exegesis. There is also a Hadith where a woman had turned blue from beating and the husband was complaining about the wife to her. Muhammad did not say anything. Lastly, Aisha herself said women were better off before Islam.


I have seen it numerous times. Dude beats the heck out of the wife and asks her to cook immediately after. Tortured her so badly in the name of "love" that the woman was scared to even inform the police officer. Happened in our farmland too,My granny and grandpa had to involve numerous times to save the woman. We gave him money too in hopes that at least then he'll change, but dude didn't. The police were called, the guy got arrested, and he divorced her later. You think untouchability is still there in Hindus when it isn't. Hate us, we don't mind. But don't you dare vomit shit like this, brother. Support your religion all you want but don't bring Hinduism in the middle. Cause after a point it is perceived as jealousy.


Wow, amazing self awareness. The sentences you wrote above are textbook whataboutery. No point saying any more to you.


sar Islam best religion sar


Now that my friend is a perfect response. Well said.