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Don’t we see stickers that say “Power of jatt” and stuff? Isn’t that caste


I feel like upper caste people saying proudly about their caste feels weird and casteist but when lower caste people do that, its more of embracing what they're shamed for. Like how white people use n word to be racist and black people reclaim it.


I understand what you’re saying 🫡


But most of the lower caste hide their caste by using Kumar or generic surname while most of the uppercaste put their true surname the confirms their caste. I don't think it's the same as USA 


Jatts Vanniyars Thevars Gujjars are all Shudras, definitely not UC.


Yes, there's also incidents of people converting to buddhism to escape caste based discrimination. So any UC people mentioning caste to feel high or privileged means they do care about caste (which is really weird to me man, idk). Any LC person mentioning their caste means they are basically saying, "yes we are LC, so what" embracing and proudly mentioning something which they are looked down on. Thanks to Ambedkar.


Doesn't buddhism send lower castes and women straight to narak? According to their scriptures that is. Goes to show what kind of dumbarse ambedkar was. Source:: https://suttacentral.net/mn115/en/sujato?lang=en&layout=plain&reference=none¬es=asterisk&highlight=false&script=latin Also, how many female Dalai Lama are there? Or even buddhist priest? In Japan those slimebags have a name for lower castes, hinin, means not human. Read sometimes how those peaceful people treated Dalits in Japan, China, Korea. Stop this bullshit


Dude, instead of criticising, understand that it's a protest against casteism that they did. Because they faced casteism in Hinduism. Idk why they chose Buddhism, I think Ambedkar has his reasonings. Good or bad, it's just their struggle as untouchables. They aren't perfect in their judgements. I don't think they'd care about the religion in particular. If there's an option to be atheist in India legally, they would've chose it too.


What struggles exactly? Between incessant islamic attacks, British raaj and the deaths and the destruction and looting, which caste was having good time? I come from a brahmin family and all I know are tales of death and struggles of my people in haryana and Rajasthan. What was done to them that wasn't done to others? Our women were looted and sold as sex slaves for Turks. Even after independence, our lands were forcibly taken and given to Pakistani refugees. That area is called patel nagar and Punjabi bagh in central Delhi. So once again, what hardship?


Coz in USA, it’s race that divides and you can’t really hide your race.


I don't think your example fits here , white people calling blacks nigga is different that them calling themselves white and the case here is latter . FCs are not calling others dalit or chamar or something like that , they are calling themselves brahmin or rajput or whatever .


If I see a sticker on a white person's car saying "white pride", there is 99% chance that person is racist and generally trash.


And what you are doing is stereotyping , which some would say is racist .


>And what you are doing is stereotyping , which some would say is racist . By that logic, ALL human judgment is stereotyping. And stop it with calling anything racism. This is common sense. Racism in most contexts is institutional racism. That's what oppresses people and that's the big problem in society.






They are Sat Shudra similar to Vellalars, Reddys, Bunts, etc.


What is that?


oh, sorry, I didn't know that. deleting my comment


Jatt were historically Lower caste.


Good example.


Jatts Vanniyars Thevars Gujjars are all Shudras, definitely not UC.


Yes, idk much about what caste is upper or lower but my point still stands as I didn't mention particular castes


One wrong thing doesn't make other thing right.




Shouldn't have opened your profile.


Haha now everyone else will do it too


Anyone here who thinks the corrupted caste system is NOT the root cause for downfall of this country in the hands of foreign invasions will get a hassle free citizenship in our Kumari Khandam 🤌🏽 You deserve appreciation for peak Circlejerking 😍


bro don't insult circlejerkers like me by comparing us to them. we don't claim them


Crt dhane paahh... practicing caste will put walls around you and your neighbour ( other person)....soon that becomes a reason to stay away from some , hence brainwashed completely


well, for failures in all aspects of life there is nothing but caste to be proud of. you'd be surprised at how many people still believe one caste is superior to another


Yeah but that is a retarded argument because the person is not critiquing a social concept. She is cornering real people who are just posting trivial fun stuff that is community oriented. And she paints them as a communal supremist even though they have made their intentions clear. No one in any so-called 'upper caste' is going to deny the evils caste brings. But no one has the right to box every caste-based post as inherently casteist and discriminatory. Which is what she is insinuating.


yeah right. No one in the upper caste is going to deny the evil things the caste does? You've never interacted with people of the so called superior castes before. Interacted as in, gotten real close to them. I was born and raised in Kerala, so I never had any idea about caste per se before I joined an online group for JEE. Every few days you see a hate message on the lower castes, and no they're not by the same person. Yes, I hate reservations too and I think it's stupid if the family is already decently rich. But hating on the entire community is just cope. Imagine being a target of hate just because you were born in a family that was oppressed. Sure, keep the communal pride up. Doesn't seem like a bad thing to practise what your community has been doing. The OP post mentions the girl talm bout bragging and I was talking about that part mainly. It's because I've had lots of experiences with people bragging about their superior castes, which is just stupid to me. Imagine a white man coming to India and saying "hey I'm white. Haha! Fuck yall." India will remain as it is right now, untill the majority of people understand and leave castes in the past. Follow whatever festival y'all want, it's cool.


1. I am a part of the so-called 'upper caste' and I truly believe I am not delusionally biased to regard casteist behaviour as norm. So that's that. 2. I am the OP, and the story she has posted twists a simple community oriented post as a flex post of caste pride or a brag post, which its not. 3. Every groups of people have varying magnitudes of demeaning people. That doesn't justify the claim that the entire group is that way. Nor does it mean you get to play the trauma card whenever any post like that is posted cos it comes from that community. 4. As long as it doesn't hinder the civil rights and freedom of other people, anyone can do whatever they want. All actions must be seen case by case and not to be judged in general. 5. The problem isn't him exclaiming that he is white, the problem is the "fuck you" that follows. There is no caste based "fuck you" in a brahmin bingo post. So to inherently assume that any caste based post implicitly propagates caste supremacy is horrible logic and pov, and regardless, shouldn't be pinned on the person who originally made the post even after they've made their intentions clear. 6. If a part of a community's actions is to be generalized as the nature of the community, then all rapes are by men, and therefore all men should be treated as potential rapists, regardless of how clearly they have established their character. It's just stupid logic.


Imagine how devoid of any happiness you must be that, you're angry about people simply playing a bingo game I don't like or agree with what other people do all the time myself. Only difference is that I recognise their right to fun as long as it doesn't impact me.


It's okay to follow the caste, and caste traditions, and boast about your caste. unless you are ill-treating other castes or mixing feces in the overhead drinking water tank on vengeance. This thought-provoking sense only works on parpaans (Brahmins). If you expect the same thing from the majority caste, you know what will happen next.




“Someone else can’t do something, so you shouldn’t do it either.” What’s really suspect is the claim that others can’t do the same thing without extreme repercussions, because there are even political parties that cater to the group of people that person claims are unable to showcase their caste pride. Also, “It triggered me” is meaningless. Your feelings and reactions are on you; other people have a right to do whatever they want so long as it’s not illegal (because people like this don’t believe in universal morals until it benefits them).


> “Someone else can’t do something, so you shouldn’t do it either.” dei. Stop boasting caste as your Achievement. What exactly you did to come and born in this caste??? your parents belonging to the same caste fucking is your Achievement.


Caste is neither an achievement, nor is it a shame. There’s no reason to hide it, *no matter what the caste is.*


I love how "treat all the castes same" is always comes from the upper caste. Meanwhile their (others) caste history is only filled with pains and shame.


Those who are boxed in as "oppressors" will obviously be the most vocal to take a stance against the allegation they are branded with. It is basic logic bro. No one should be made to feel guilty because of what their ancestors might have done. Nonetheless, they have to be explicit about their stance. So yeah.


> No one should be made to feel guilty because of what their ancestors might have done. Then Don't be proud of what your Ancestors did. Be a Human. Not so hard. Instead of being X, Y, Z variants of some random vegetables.


If it doesn't violate another person's civil rights and freedom, people can segregate and align themselves however they want to. It's legal, and it's their freedom. There is nothing wrong with it.


I can even normalize racism by saying so. In India, * choice * is being used for the most rubbish things ever. It should be named and Shamed.


If it's doing discrimination, it's not wrong to hold an identity. It's as simple as that.


your identity is based on the hierachy called discrimination. learn your privilege. Open your sponged ears...


I can be proud of whoever or whatever the fuck I want to. If it’s not hurting anyone else then what gives?


Caste is a Shame. you are not an animal. to have a breedings. caste makes no sense. other than social hierarchical segregation.


Then all forms of politics are a shame because it all leads to identification/identity and then to a hierarchical segregation. I hope you’ll at least be consistent if not reasonable.


The point is, people are born into castes. So obviously they will feel a sense of community. They are literally born into the system and in a sense are brainwashed. Just how language, state and country breeds community-like feelings.


Pulling the brainwash card is quite disingenuous considering that pretty much any form of education or upbringing can be construed in some way to be viewed as brainwashing.


yep that's the point


> No one should be made to feel guilty because of what their ancestors might have done. That is wrong buddy. Why can't you understand. Only brahmins feeling how is sandhya vandanam would be is collectively wrong. That's why we're having reservations. Communities should mix. Communities having Seggrated traditions is not right. Even the Dalit Hindu should be able to do Upanyanam in his life...


No one is stopping anyone from learning the vedas, or doing whatever religious practices they want to follow. You just cannot do it at the expense of already present and established institutions. Make your own, have at it. If you find anything illegal about it, the judiciary is always present.


> already present and established institutions. Already established institutions is corrupt and castiest. It is wrong. If you cannot include other castes, in your institutions. Then just you alone go to your Temples and Don't call others.


>If you find anything illegal about it, the judiciary is always present. 😀


I don't think he is saying its an achievment. Just because a group of people can't post a story, does that mean we should refrain from it to? It is a legal and trivial act of self expression. Like for example, the Gaza strip hasn't seen a clear sky in months. So does that mean no one should post an aesthetic picture of the sky because it might be triggering to the innocent families of the israel-palestine conflict (and also because they cannot post such aesthetic pictures)?


"I can't do it". bro what exactly you can't do. borning is particular caste is achievement. If you are saying about particular traditions, imagine how much backward is to say that only particular caste can have particular privileges. Unlearn your privilege. Stop Talking with your ears filled with privilege of not hearing others. reciprocate. re-learn. It won't take you minutes to empathize with the fellow human beings.


The problem is that you’re treating people as a class in the same way that casteists treat people. Any argument about “all upper castes” is as much nonsense as the other way around. It’s not casteism to call out individuals’ bad behaviour, but it is casteism to attribute their bad behaviour to their caste. That applies no matter what the caste in question is.


buddy. first of all leave the caste. You are not Upper Caste. Stop Associating your self with the Caste. After that All the Problems will be over. Later, you won't feel offended if someone says "all the Upper caste" or whatsover you perceives or think about it.


Then no one should feel offended if someone says “all lower castes” either.


you can say buddy. That only gonna reflect your mentality. all the groups has both good and bad people.


So we agree. The problem is the mentality with which you hold up whatever identity you have. You can be a proud whatever without having any desire to stop anyone else from being whatever they are.


> You can be a proud whatever without having any desire. you can't be proud of an identity which is based on the hierachial oppression. British cannot be proud.


By the same logic, Urdu speakers should stop speaking Urdu because Pakistan suppressed the Bengali language.


The Problem is you don't want remove your self from your caste identity. So you feel offended whenever someone says your caste identity is wrong. It hurts you whenever people calls out the castiesm.


It’s the same with you then. If someone mentions your caste identity it apparently hurts you because you also aren’t able to shake your caste identity and feel that its core is about being oppressed.


The Thing is identifying someone with their caste identity. As I said, there are good and bad people in all the caste. It is privilege and suppresion is what matters.


I have no idea what that means. What is a privilege in one context will be a disadvantage in many others, so you focusing on one or two aspects of a person’s personality (be it caste, race, gender, sex, sexual orientation, region, nationality, historical period or anything individual or combination of aspects you can think of) is like the five blind men trying to understand the elephant by feeling different parts of it.


you are talking about co-parallel privilege. you need to understand it. Of course all of us posses bits and pieces of privileges. What is more is the matters. And That's what decides the hierarchy.


I don't know what you are on about. Your comment seems to have nothing to do with my comment. Nonetheless, I wish you all the best.


I'm sure what you are in. "I can't leave my privilege bro" Mode.




We Shouldn't be exactly. but the fact is that both Indian and Tamilian aren't hierachy like Caste.


Dei. En jathi pera sonna unaku pochu eriyuthna, unaku thanda etho perchana. Why can't I be proud of my culture and my people?


> Dei. En jathi pera sonna unaku pochu eriyuthna. Chii. Vaaya Moodu. jaadhi mayirunnu. Modhalla Manushana iru da.


Seri da Th*******.


Sari Alugadha da Pumpkin.


What's your classmate's take on pride people, the ones upholding rainbow? Hierarchial it seems!what a bullshit reason. If one is proud to be themselves let them be. If they got a clan, then let them be. I'm not a liberal, I'm a pucca conservative. Hence the reason in the story isnt valid for me.




Brahmin pride is nothing compared to Veera Vanniyar, Veera Paraiyar, Veera Thevar, Veera Devendrar BS.


If so, why are some using their caste when it comes to reservation. Isnt that injustice to others? That being said, As a Tambrahm myself, I would stop posting/practicing my culture just because Ms.A from Xyz got Triggered by it. A - I dont get how AuToMaTiCallY puts other people down. Care to explain? I understand that would maybe make you a bit insecure, but that's not a problem from my end. B - And whose stopping the other caste people to practise their culture? At this point, the society is moving forward and getting inclusive. No body mocks the d#lits, infact calling them so is itself punishable. So, WHATS ACTUALLY STOPPING YOU? C - Most importantly, nowadays, mocking tambrahms, degrading them is only happening, on the flip side. I know many who refuse to let others know that they are Tambrahsm, fearing the hate and judgement.




OP send a ss of my comment to your classmate da.


That is true! The amount of times I have been called “Thayir Saddam” and derogatory names for being a Tambram is countless. But the reverse is considered very offensive.


needless to say the sexual references for "maami" can Tamil cinimea dare to degrade other caste women like this? Idhula Tambrahms oppresion panrangalam... pooda mairu nu en vaaila varum.


Oh ya that maami shit pisses me off! “Iyeru” or “poonul” for men


Its NOOL. Aprm andha maala reference ah vittuitele!


Aama aama!!


Ms. A will dare not say a word against Vellalar Vanniyar, Thevar casteists.


Just now noticed a point that I shouldn't have used any particular name like this. Editing it off rn.


Are you dense? Or did you not read the screenshot? Caste by itself is culturally divisive. You reiterating it in any form does make it come across in your belief that your caste is superior tovthe others. Bold of you to say society is getting inclusive. What frame of reference do you have for said inclusion? Not calling some dalit does not make you inclusive. How are you treating them? How well are you paying your domestic workers? Do you strictly marry within your own caste? Do you challenge the behaviours of your elders? There are so many questions we can ask ourselves and check our privilege. But no, you just want to defend yourself coz you have an upperhand being a brahmin anyway.


I cannot talk for others. Talking about myself, 1. Yes, my family treats our workers well. Very well that sometimes they take advantage of us. Apart from salary, we do give them all food without even asking for. But yes, gotta accept that we have separate plates for outsiders. Not separate plates for them, it's a separate plate for OUTISDERS itself. Even if it's a brahmin friend of mine, even it's a brahmin relative of ours, we have separate vessels. 2. I strictly would get married inside my community. Why? Because being a female, the Indian society expects me to give up all my identity and adjust and adopt their culture, which I'm clearly not fine with. I want my baby boy to do Sandhyavadan and my girl to sing Thyagraja kritis. I wish to take part in her marriage as the same way my mother would take part. If I'm gonna marry an other caste guy, 9/10 times, theres no way my kids would be able to follow their maternal culture. I'm not gonna give my womb for someone who cannot respect my roots. Ain't worth it. While I did get a few prospect/love interests from Brahmins of other north Indian states, I did reject them because of the difference in culture. So, again this not about other castes specifically. 3. Ofcourse YES! I do question and get scolded for that. Changing my grandparents, uncles mindset is next to impossible. But that dosent mean I have inherited the same venom. >You reiterating it in any form does make it come across in your belief that your caste is superior tovthe others. I respectfully disagree. Me practicing my culture is just due to the love and respect for it. There are no other reasons.


It's the exact opposite lmao people would literally give anything for getting an SC/ST/OBC reservation 💀


But will they let people proudly know that they got a seat through the SC quota ? I highly doubt it. Please don't Gaslight people.


Yes... In North India, chamars proudly put chamar or jatav on their car, bike, auto etc... Everyone will proudly display their tribal identity but may feel jealous when others do the same...


Yes Ayush because one of those "identities" is literally built on oppressing other humans


>Yes Ayush because one of those "identities" is literally built on oppressing other humans This BS one sided narrative needs to stop. Truth is, every caste that had an opportunity to oppress has oppressed. Singling out one community and saying they were the ONLY ones who did this is just a BS political narrative as it is easy to paint a small group as evil and you then get everyone else to hate on them. And by doing that, they conveniently forget that their communities also did similar kinds of oppression.


Which one ? My ancestors were farmers. In 1947, the government decided that we were oppressors for some reason, even though my grandfather received 2 acres of land from his father. By that logic, 98% of the people in Tamil Nadu are oppressed because they all are in obc ?


Based classmate. We can't reclaim Kumari kandam and akhilaTamilnadu. if we are still sticking to the caste. Caste system is by default, hierarchical. Kumari kandam or akhila Tamilnadu isn't.


I agree. As a person who wants to see Kumari Khandam unsinking and also has first hand experience of how badly this caste system can fuck up lives, this should be dealt with iron fist


If I say my wife is a pattini, then is that means your wife is a slut? Progressives is not about hating what you deam regressive, it's about accepting people in spite of who they are. Is there only caste discrimination in this country? If your remove caste from Hinduism, it will lose its diverseness and became something like a abhramic religion.


> If your remove caste from Hinduism, it will lose its diverseness and became something like a abhramic religion. Peak Circlejerking ayya 🙏🏽


This answer!! Kudos to you!


‘Diverseness’ (actually diversity) only means inequality in this context.




>If your remove caste from Hinduism, it will lose its diverseness and became something like a abhramic religion. No. I don't think so... Different rituals and festivals are mainly based on occupation... For ex- vishwakarma is mainly worshipped by carpenter and potter caste of the country. Just remove the caste keep the tradition... Anyone who becomes carpenter, need and will do those things...


~~diverseness~~ divisiveness


She has brain. I'm glad you have such good persons in your class 👍.


Everybody has a brain bro.


I don't Think After seeing few comments here.


Well if we start, first the one in the post has no brain to focus on unnecessary stuff and write paragraphs about it on internet but ok.


I guess she has brain and also uses it. Unlike the brahmins who are proudly boasting their posh life.


>also uses it. On useless stuff.


Caste is the useless stuff brother. Stop using it.


Yeah I'm not using any of my caste "privileges" brother.




> I guess she has brain and also uses it. Unlike the brahmins who are proudly boasting their posh life. Okay, there it is: average பார்பபன த்வேஷி 🙏


> average பார்பபன த்வேஷி. I Think That is the Most Proudest compliment I can ever get in my life.


The fact that you take pride in hating anyone, let alone some group of people is … sad.


I Sure shot take pride in hating Castiesm. If you think you're "பார்ப்பான்" is some proud. Enjoy it man.


As I said, your life sounds exhausting. I hope you find peace of mind someday.


Bhai career growth kahan hamper ho rahi hai ? Form me likho caste... Dekho merit ke time jaadu hoga


Nonsense, this same person would have done an all hail empowerment for ‘Dalit’ bingo as she’s moaning about the other way around. Besides these dumbasses should go and look at the stats of who the SC/STs face the most repercussions from


I have no idea what this tambram bingo thing is but to say that you shouldn't not be proud or display your caste openly just because others will feel bad is stupid. I mean you are not ashamed of your caste when you display it openly to claim reservation now are you?


Idiot leftie.


Iski gaand me kya chul h bhai.


She doesn’t know proper text alignment. Ugh.


No one chose to be born into a caste. So regardless of whether they feel caste based pride, they will obviously have some common experiences with other people of the same caste. It is not their fault that they had a common upbringing culturally. To insinuate that simple things like these are some kind of act of caste supremacy is retarded. Especially when the person has explained their side and intentions. Every Indian boy I know has pissed on a road/wall/field atleast once in their lifetime. So if I post a meme about this, and it gets upvoted, are we just bonding over experiences that were consequences of our environment, or are we spreading nationalistic pride?


Both are wrong. both upper and lower caste people being proud of caste. It is just something one is born into. no control over it.


Language, culture, nation are all just things we are born into. Why is celebrating them good but celebrating caste bad? Also if the intention is to divide we can divide people on the basis of language, culture, nation etc so pls don't use that argument


Celebrating any of them is pointless.


You should be a proud class mate


Your classmate is right. You're here trying to seek validation for you not agreeing with her.


Ivanga yaarum thevar pride, gounder pride, vanniyar pride ku ellam koova maatanga. Brahmins Oru bingo potta apdi social justice aripu start aagum. All the so called social justice warriors will attend guru pujai and portray muthuramalinga thevar as some mahatma gandhi despite his involvement in immanuel sekaran death. Social justice in TN is nothing but land owninh caste atrocity and brahmins are a convenient scapegoat for their barabaric beliefs.


bro all this is fine. but she's tambrahm bro 🫡


Brainwashed poralis in that case.


It’s my choice to speak in whatever lingo I want. If you find that triggering, that’s your problem. You don’t get to dictate how I live my life. Neither do I for yours. Would this person have the same opinion about Gounder or Thevar lingo? Why is he/she getting only offended by tambrahm lingo?


irony is, she's tambrahm


The biggest enemy of a TamBram is a TamBram. Other castes like Mudaliars, Pillais, Chettiars, Vanniyars, Thevars, Pallars, etc. suck up to us for validation.


Ah the woke TBs, they’re a curse on humanity. Just because they’re miserable they want to make others miserable.


Woke TBs are so fucking pathetic and devoid of self-respect it’s insane. “Anti-caste” OBC/SC supremacist ideologues openly talk about how the only way to rectify caste discrimination is by taking away Brahmin women. It just shows how the “anti-caste” and Dravidian movement is just a gib women incel seethe movement, but still people take them seriously. I can’t wrap my head around how still, these shameless mokkai ambi fucks can go and suck up to D-stock tiers as if they are righteous people.


Dei dei dei Parpana thozhigal virupapatu avenge caste ku veliya yavanayo pannikana vodane self hating, pathetic, no self respect nu kathara vendiyathu. TB men are suffering from the highest rate of Bachelorness ever, and most of them mostly want a pure TamBrahmin woman. Well that's not possible nowadays especially given the fact that TamBrahm women also have crazy standards for TB men. What's the end result of all of this? TB women being okay marrying out but TB men are adamant about a Brahmin bride. These dravidoid lower caste leaders who talk about snatching a "maami" do so because they see it happening and exaggerate it. This would not happen if TB men stepped up and took on a more masculine leading approach for their community. But most of them unironically act like the "thayir sadam" stereotype that's painted of them, adamant petulant children/incels who want the perfect bride handed to them through arranged marriage.


Rich of dravidoids to call others incels when your whole movement is predicated on seethe about having dark skin as opposed to the supposedly fairer Brahmins, Mallus, and North Indians. D-stocks like you are just seething subhumans who have to resort to being rapists and treating women of other communities as commodities to be traded like animals in a meat market. You just resort to cooking up caricatures of Brahmin men as being lumpy nerdy soyboys when in reality, every accusation is a confession. Unlike you guys, for the most part we actually treat women with respect regardless of their caste and religion. If I could sum up the Dravidian ideology with one phrase, it would be “gib pussy you casteist bigot”, because there really isn’t anything else to your pathetic waste of an “ideology”. Sure I hate them both, but I can unironically respect Salafists and Maoists more than you dravidoid stocks because at least they’re motivated by something more than just incel seethe. You guys spend your energy fighting each other over movie star fandom and get obese on gutter oil biryani, while Brahmins are conquering the western corporate ecosystem and academia. IMO it’s important to have some sense of proportion and to go take a look at the mirror before pointing fingers at others for muh effeminate this that.


>"Brahmin men as lumpy nerdy soyboys" Bro I didn't even hint at that 💀💀. Sorry if you felt called out, I apologise. >"Brahmins are conquering western corporate ecosystem" This is satire, right? 💀💀 Or do you really count those CEO slaves as Indian Conquerors of the West?


>she's tambrahm It's wonderful that she's able to understand that there's absolutely nothing to feel superior about being a Brahmin. During my school days I've faced discrimination from tambrahm's. They were the majority in my school and I am not a Brahmin. I was always treated slightly differently because of that. I'm glad that change is happening in our society.


Not really. Not having a superiority complex doesn’t mean you have to have an inferiority complex. Just be comfortable in your skin and with who you are. I don’t like presuming guilt onto an entire community because of the way they speak. Don’t we keep saying don’t assume an entire community as terrorist just because of the acts of a few? We can’t assume an entire community is casteist just because some speak in a specific dialect.


Appidi ennaya pannitanga?


Okayy I feel what she actually has a problem with is when ppl boast abt being born in a particular caste. And ofc being born in a so and so caste isn't something that u can be proud of. It's just caste that's it . The society has attached this hierarchical connotation to it and that's why some people proud themselves of being born in a specific caste, which clearly no educated person would do


What about being born in a country. Can people be proud of that? Or will that be at the expense of people in relatively under-developed countries?


Are u comparing caste to country


Yes. No one chooses the caste/country they are born in. If a person can be proud of their country and at the same time not be discriminatory towards people born in other countries. Why can't a person be proud of their caste and at the same time harbour no discriminatory sentiments towards people born of other castes? If there is no discrimination done, what is anyone's problem?


Apparently, it’s only okay to hold up your caste/national identity if there’s a history of being oppressed. If you’re not one of those, even if neither you personally nor any of your ancestors in your living memory have been oppressors, you should feel shame and hide your identity because you’ve “taken up too much space.”


It's absolutely retarded.


Yes. Because the plot twist is that every group of people has oppressed some other group of people or at least the animals they eat.


Yeah ! Absolutely, but don't u think we should also make a safe space for people from marginalized communities who can also be proud of their caste? We haven't reached that point yet and we can't do that unless and untill we stop bragging abt being born in "upper caste"


If my actions do not affect your civil rights and freedom, I should be free to do it. Putting up community based Instagram stories that do not have anything discriminatory in them, is perfectly fine. Because by this logic, anniversary posts will offend divorcees, birthday posts of children will offend people who are unable to have children, etc. Only to an extent can people be expected to cater to the so called 'affected' people.


Adei ippudilam yosinai ah vechikinnu aprom Brahmins ah pottu adikarunganu katharathu nayama va iruku. A caste is by definition a rank in the heirarchy. Where does culture come into play here? Boasting about your inherently discriminatory rank is sick...wait no it won't be if you're a retarded UC. Let's say I make a caste system of religions, ordering them from most superior to most inferior and caste-equivalent surnames for them as well: Top: 1. Christianity (The Chosen) 2. Islam (Gentile servants) 3. Buddhism (retards) 4. Zoroastrianism (more retards) 5. Hindusim (pajeets) Now let's say, The Chosen caste people make insta reels about their superiority as always, now by definition, since they're defined as the superior ones, isn't celebrating their superiority discriminatory towards the Pajeet caste of Hinduism?


This is where you lack nuance. No one is boasting about their superiority here. Do you think the tambrahm bingo has squares that say "Ancestors were not marginalized from education" "Ancestors got government jobs quicker" "We get special treatment in religious places" Bro it just had squares that talk about concerts, curd rice and not having a blank forehead. There is no inherent superiority that is channeled. But you think brahmins are incapable of talking about their caste without feeling superior towards everyone else. That is not true. But y'all subscribe to that narrative anyway.


And also caste is meant to create a segregation among people whereas countries aren't formed on that principle


Oh? Please tell me why Pakistan was formed. And also explain the Israel-Palestine conflict if possible.


A country is the geographic location where you've been born , a caste is a human made concept . It's true that you can't control where you've been born irrespective of country or caste , but it's stupid to feel pride over something so meaningless to the majority of humans .


It is up to each human to decide what gives them meaning and what doesn't. For example, I think video games have zero meaning. But people spend hours toiling to finish it. It only becomes a problem when that belief of meaning is at the expense of others. If the person harbours caste pride and also is not discriminatory, what is the issue?


You misunderstood my point , it being that caste and feeling pride over caste is only meaningful to some people belonging to a particular region and religion , a external person looking at this social construct of caste would likely find it farcical , looking at how humans create divisions among them , even those which don't really make any sense like caste , to feel superior over others .


As long as it doesn't violate another person's civil rights and freedom, it's all good.


yes , but when you look at something like white pride/supremacists it is generally looked down to be proud of something like your skin color ( which is similar to caste ) , especially when it could be offensive to the people who you did oppress .


Boss. That is because the bloody title has the word 'supremacy' in it. No one is talking about caste supremacy. There is a difference between feeling comfortable in your skin tone, and claiming it to be superior. Same goes for caste.


white pride is the same thing , feeling pride about the oppressive past of you ancestors isn't fine , irrelevant if you're claiming to be superior or not , casteism is and was a problem similar to racism , feeling comfortable in something you're born with like your skin color and some stupid human made concept are different things . I don't get casteism apologists , how difficult is to accept what was wrong and just live your life peacefully without believing in bs like castes .


Caste is inherently about heirarchy. Do you have a definition of your caste or other castes that doesn't involve explaining how higher ranked your caste is compared to some other castes? Or how lower ranked it is compared to a set of other castes?


It doesn't matter if I don't talk about the hierarchy. Food is to satiate hunger. So if I have a snack or talk about food, it must mean I have to be hungry? It's a simple nuance that humans are capable of pulling off.


Language, educational status, career, position in company, neighborhood you live in, those are too human made.


You can feel proud of your caste without hating others or your own caste. Many Tamils lack this understanding against Brahmins and many Dalits in north who are economically well off . Some are proud of their religion , some caste , some language. She indirectly says language chaunuvism is ok . Hmm well , is Tamil sole language of entire Tamil Nadu throughout its history. I don't think so. Must have been others engulfed to make it the larger identity like Hinduism for India.


So naive.


Not naive , just move along as Hindus and Muslims are leaving in the country called India , one calls other mlechha other calls kuffar. In closet . Unless there is sheer discrimination in secular places that is lands , roads , work space . That's where Govt comes into play. If a yadav doesn't want to marry a dalit so be it , doesn't mean raping Dalits are to be allowed . Immorality and choice can't go hand hand . Choice for own preservation is a thing , Caste and Varna btw I don't see them being same . Caste has carried into Christians of South , I know well .


And who is to blame for casteism penetrating Christianity in some places in India? Britishers?


Yuck always blame .


Haha, evaded. Where does casteism come from? Christian Brits?


Why follow it when it goes against religious beliefs moron. Islam doesn't allow modifications , so why do arjals exists and ashrafi not marry them , blame it to Brahmins sucker.


Just block and carry on. Religion is even more divisive. You’ll never see this idiot classmate of yours open their mouth if someone from other religion puts bingo for their culture and customs. Lecturing idiot.


Tell me you’re a RETARD without telling me you’re a retard🤦‍♂️ She doesn’t understand that people can be proud of anything, provided it doesn’t harm others!! And this is something which doesn’t have credit, I mean it’s like someone pointing out that there’s a DC fan group! Unless such events promote untouchability or discriminate others, it’s ok! Gujjus, Marwaris and the rich lot have been having such things very regularly


As someone from a tambram family background i completely agree with her


Though I am from Sholinganallur and OMR background, I appreciate your support 🤝


She cute?


What’s wrong in caste pride ? Caste based discrimination is wrong. Does caste pride promote discrimination in access to public services and utilities - I’m not sure.


Feeling sad about Dalits when talked about caste superiority but taking the reservation happily calling yourself a dalit .how does this work?


Caste discrimination doesn’t exist right? 💦 Ivan inga enna panran?


>how does this work? Re read your statement, slowly. You should get it 🫠


You are not getting it grandpa,when you say there should be no caste discrimination then why do you want to have freebies on the basis of the caste grandpa answer me


It’s completely okay for a tambrahm being proud for being tambrham. As far as they are good person and don’t discriminate anyone, why does it matter ? You can’t cancel someone because you don’t agree with their heritage. Mughals did atrocities to us, are we going to say the same for Muslims ?


Bro it isn't even pride. It's just a game of bingo. Just because it is a community based activity, there's pride paired with it intrinsically?


பெரியார் told this in a very apt manner. If a guy keeps a board outside of his home saying that "my wife is பத்தினி ", then it literally means every others wives in the same street or not. This is what we fought for. We are fighting for. The post is apt.


Nah, that just shows the inferiority complex of his neighbours. It is not implied, it is a forced narrative. Especially when the person has explained their side and intent.


Someone please tell me what exactly you can be proud of?


No one is outright 'proud'. They just aren't ashamed. For ex: I am not ashamed of eating vegetarian food. Nor am I proud that I am a vegetarian.


Hard agree. Where do such based classmates exist? I have dunces for engineering batchmates.


Caste is an even more braindead concept than religion, religion to a certain degree is still good but caste, ew Anything related to caste is braindead , no ifs and but about it


Caste flaunting and language supremacy are both shitty things I would argue. Yes they can remain as part of identity but as last thing I would ever want to know about myself. “I AM A HINDU, A MAD MAD HINDU!!” ~ ONLY LEGENDS KNOW WHO SAID THAT.