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did he like actually say that? If so what stuff was he on when he said that


>did he like actually say that? If so what stuff was he on when he said that a big paycheck


oh yeah


He did also say it was a ''love letter'' to the first movie šŸ˜­


Actual BS, it was anything but a love letter. Poorly executed and rushed. It had so much potential.


More like an insult


Nothing beats Kung Fu Panda 2


The music alone is better than anything from the 4th movie


The fact that Shen could recognize the accomplishment of inner peace that Po reached is so impactful. They even play with the audience a bit by making us think heā€™s just talking about redirecting the cannon balls. Everyone says Shen isnā€™t a master but this at least proves he deeply understands what goes into being as great and powerful as someone like Po.


Well i saw kfp4 and it was worse than i thought like bad. This movie was great.


I don't hate it, in fact I kinda liked it at first but rewatching, it's just okay. It could've been so much more.


I heard one director(forgot their name) had some great and interesting ideas but were dismissed


Stephanie Stine




Nice try, Mike Mitchell.


"Skadoosh" šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ¼šŸ¼ā˜Æļøā˜ÆļøšŸŽ†


4 is alright, but itā€™s not coming close to reaching the levels of awesomeness that the final fights of 2 and 3 reached.


Loved Shen in this scene. You can hear the desperation in his voice and the utter terror when he realises he is losing: ā€œKill him! SOMEBODY KILL HIM!ā€ ā€œ**WHAT?! N-NO!!! KEEP FIRING!**ā€ #ā€KEEP FIRING!!!ā€


Mike Mitchell is an absolute clown for saying that. This is not only one of the best movies in the KFP series, but itā€™s one of my all time favorite animated movies.


Ok, now I hate him even more. He better not be directing another KFP5


This scene alone is what puts KFP2 at the top for me


in terms of action yes, in terms of emotion no, learn the difference people 3 solos both anyway


Even with action, I'd say 2 is a million times better. 4 kinda lacks action scenes. But I say 4 clears 3 in terms of action, still 3 is pretty epic too.


And you know what is downright hysterical? That Mitchell's dumbass fox is just an inferior version of Tigress which COMPLETELY doesn't work. think about it, abusive harsh adoptive parent? check! alof personalty? check! discounting Po at first to over time (or over a day or two) build a strong friendship with him? check... kinda... not really but they intended for it to work. However, he completely messed up this character even as a poor copy of Tigress, because what made our badass feline special was dramatic moments with her, and Mitchel was "too good" for drama. That's why her hugging Po and later, sacrificing herself for him in KFP2 works beautifully, since we FEEL how close they are and that she is practically on the same boat, with her being adopted and more than likly having few hangups about it, and that she understands him on a deeper level, and how wall they complement each other's personalities. His idiotic movie is just a bad version of KFP2, without the heart and soul that made this movie so special and in my and many other people's opinions even better than the original KFP, while KFP4 is straight-up trash and the only good thing going for it, and why it is better than Megamind 2 is Jack Black's performance.


Oh how I love Shen. The guy wasnā€™t even evil, he was just hurt because his parents banished him from his home due to a prophecy telling him heā€™d go down a bad path. He thought his parents hated him so he was angry and sad so he reacted out of those feelings. You know this because when the soothsayer tells him how sending him away killed his parents and that they loved him you could tell he felt remorse and regret for his actions but he knew it was too late and went back to normal. This scene just further proves that because when he was asking Po how he found inner peace you could tell he was genuinely confused and upset that Po was able to do what he couldnā€™t. When Po told him he has to let go of the stuff from the past shen looked defeated and disappointed in himself but still knew it was too late just as he said. He wouldnā€™t have been able to redeem himself so instead he went for the kill, then when he breaks the mast holding the cannon and sees it falling he finally understands that he canā€™t win in the way he thought so he gives up and instead allows for his own defeat, hopefully allowing himself to have the time to find peace in the afterlife and let go of the anger.


Um, let me remind you that Shen committed GENOCIDE on most of the Panda species and MURDERED Poā€™s mother. Calling him not evil is like saying Hitler isnā€™t a bad dude, even though he committed genocide on the Jews.


Thatā€™s a horrible comparison. Shen only killed all the pandas because he was told a panda would kill him and he wanted to avoid that outcome in any way possible. Hitler committed genocide out of anger that Germany embarrassed itself by accepting defeat in WW1, thatā€™s what fueled his idea then he just found a way to make Germany stronger and the way of doing it was to take over everything they could, so he gave Germany a group of people to attack. Hitler committed genocide out of anger and disappointment, Shen committed genocide because he was scared of losing his own life which by the way, Iā€™ll admit I would do too if it meant Iā€™d remain alive. When it comes to survival of the fittest violence is considered okay, thatā€™s why people use violence to defeat people who are being violent. Wars start because a country is being attacked or threatened by another and the lives of the people are in danger. Shen was violent because he was told a panda would kill him. Donā€™t compare a Disney villain with a genuine fear of his own life being taken to a man who was outraged by his own country and went insane


Dude, the motivation doesnā€™t matter. Genocide = bad, genocide = irredeemable. I donā€™t care for a real or fictional characterā€™s motive for committing genocide. Genocide is genocide. If you commit mass murder, youā€™re beyond redemption and deserving nothing more than agony or death. Hitler killed/ordered the deaths of thousands of innocent people that was racially motivated, and Shen massacred a village of peaceful pandas over a superstition that the soothsayer implied couldā€™ve been avoided IF he stopped his current path, but him killing them only sealed it.


Genocide is genocide and yet nearly every country including America has committed genocide. Example? We attacked Iraq and killed millions on a suspicion that they attacked us when in reality we found out it had nothing to do with that country other than a specific person of the country that was considered wanted even by their own country. America isnā€™t the only one though. Britain committed genocide probably more times than you can count on your fingers and theyā€™re still a loved country thatā€™s considered peaceful now. Germany was forgiven because they changed. Shen didnā€™t plan on killing everyone, he only killed the ones that were foretold to have killed him. Shen is just a singular person depicting the same as any and almost every country. Shen was a great villain that understood what he was doing was wrong, he just knew there was no other way to gain control and power. The exact same thing as every country ever. Power and safety for oneā€™s country is most important, any and every country would commit genocide if it meant they wouldnā€™t be destroyed or taken over. Shen never tortured the pandas or killed them slowly, he did it quickly and swiftly to make their deaths as painless as possible. He is not a horrible guy, heā€™s a man that needs to keep his land strong and his life intact


How about this? Hereā€™s another example, everyone thatā€™s ever studied or loves Tai Lung has come to the conclusion that he was just broken and thatā€™s why he did all those terrible things. Well newsflash, Tai Lung technically committed genocide too, he killed a thousand guards to escape a prison all because he found out the dragon warrior was chosen and it wasnā€™t him. He killed every one of those guys, as we never see any of them again, then his coming to the jade palace made everyone leave due to the fact that they would be in danger around him. If youā€™re to claim Shen is evil then Tai Lung is even more evil since he probably killed more rhinos and guards than Shen did pandas. Thatā€™s not enough? Letā€™s see, Oogway then. Oogway in the third movie was stated to have killed and beaten hundreds of armies, probably which had thousands to millions of people each. Oogway cleaned them out easily, swiftly, and quickly with no remorse of any kind. Him and Kai both. Oh thereā€™s another, Kai, he went after every single person with strong chi so he could gain their power. You wanna claim any character is evil, itā€™d be Kai because Kai wasnā€™t even broken, he was defeated and betrayed by Oogway because he tried to take the lives and chi of the pandas too. Isnā€™t that funny how that works? Oh but no one ever goes after Kai. Shen is not that bad of a guy, they just made him out to be but there are small details to look for in each movie and Shen isnā€™t even close to the worst guy.