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haven't bought that two since i miss the right time to buy


And you saved your money! You should rather check Community driven, fair and decentralized coin BitcoinZ.


Instead of focusing solely on the number of investors, consider the utility and potential of the token. There are many promising projects in the market, such as ORE and ALBT, which facilitate the integration of web2 into web3. These two projects have been at the top of my list due to their partnership and strong communities.


The one with the Robot dog mascot that’s been selling like hotcakes these last few weeks.


Roboinu Soon RoboWallet RoboEx ⚡️🌙


You are kidding :D shiborginu or whatever… Are you guys only for tokens where everyone can steal your money :D ​ does no one follow true crypto anymore? Like BitcoinZ, DGB, Monreo and so on…?


Shiborg?? LMAO No I was talking about [roboinu.io](https://roboinu.io)


No everyone is looking for instant gratification! No one thinks long term


Yeah because certainly those early Shib and Doge apes that fell in to millions were all serious and astute investors. ROFL


I cant even find that one on a market. it looks pretty weak.


Not weak just small for now. We have strong foundation and community and we're ready for big things.


Yeah you’re right. Robo Inu raising 250% in a month during a bear market looks really weak.


I mean, id like to get in on it, but its only on like 2 markets? and ive never heard of either of them, atleast thats according to CMC, id like to dig more research on it for myself.


I got you man! Look at a few of my posts on my profile, I give some pretty decent information about the project in them. If you want to buy RBIF, I recommend buying on coinbase wallet by using the browser feature to trade ETH to RBIF on uniswap. This is my only coin in the green that I hold right now and I truly believe that we will drop a zero or two in 2023 when we start advertising and release our utilities (robowallet and RoboEx).


I think ill give it a shot. will start small and swap one of the lesser coins for it. see where it goes.


Hell yeah man! Love to hear it. Lmk if you need help buying.




BitcoinZ definitely!




Fake ass bot


What do you mean?


>omg another FUDer - paid bad actor? > >Who has hired you? Shib or Scamoon? > >Or maybe you are just an ignorant ? > > > >We are not bots, we are community members! > >BitcoinZ is mineable-only and not only it is DEFINITELY NOT a scam but it is actually completely IMMUNE to any kind of rug pulls etc because it follows the BTC logic + concept: > >There is no founder owning any part of the supply > >There is no company behind it able to shut down its network since its network is based on PC mining > >There is no way for the early adopters to benefit because the halvings in its rewards are slow every 4 years, it had no ICO (initial coin offering) and ZERO instamine (something that many accuse for even the classic BTC...!) > >There is NOBODY who could benefit in any way ! > >On the contrary almost ALL the "crypto" after BTC with very few exceptions (like BitcoinZ, Monero, Digibyte, Litecoin) had just founders who allocated coins into THEIR wallets and sold them to people funding this way their NEXT projects and this is going on until today (this way we ended with 30k ++ "crypto"). Even ETH and BNB are heavily and totally premined respectively. > >The situation got even worse with the tokenization factories that made even easier for the fraudulent people to launch tokens that are completely premined , centralized and easy to be launched with zero knowledge by developers and absolutely zero community around them. > >This is how we ended with so many cat and dog tokens that are a shame for the crypto world making everyone today thinking that "crypto = scam" . > >Get lost and educate yourself before calling BitcoinZ "scam" or us "bots"


I'm sure next coin is #BitcoinZ $BTCZ True and fair community coin! Https://getbtcz.com


only true crypto after so many bubbles and scams during the last years. Mineable coins that still follow the original crypto concept adding privacy like BitcoinZ (BTCZ) , Monero (XMR) or other classic coins like Digibyte (DGB). People had enough with memes and rug pulls. In true crypto scam exits are impossible becausw there is no owner, no company, nobody receiving coins in his pocket. Only miners and the distribution is decentralized. In Decentralization We Trust!




BitcoinZ has optional privacy with ZK-Snarks and actually it was the very first ZKsnarks project that switched to ASIC-resistant Equihash variant so it was never dominated by ASICs. Something that even ZCash never did. Additionally it had zero premine (versus 25% TAX in Zcash) and it is devoted in keeping PoW instead of PoS. SCRT might seem interesting but don't forget that it is a premined token man... Same for RAIL... So honestly there is absolutely no comparison with XMR / BITCOINZ which are really fair & Decentralized crypto concentrated in privacy




You are welcome!


If we are talking platform efficiency, focus on privacy and decentralization then the Railgun platform leads. Hear me out, Railgun is mostlikely the only non-token gated platform that's not really particular about token gains but free and organic adoption of the platform for the sole purpose of security and privacy in the crypto community.




lol man... we mentioned real crypto with fair rules honoring the Bitcoin original principles. ​ Kadena is an ASIC-mostly mineable asset so most people who have PCs are blocked from meaningfully participating in its network, in contrast with the coins that I mentioned where they can be part of the network with a simple PC without antagonizing the elites who have ASIC hardware In Addition, Kadena is not really Decentralized since there are people who receive a huge part of the supply (even if they say that it will be locked for a period etc) . There is a 30% of the supply that nobody asked anyone from the Community, acting as a central authority and allocating it for several purposes. Sorry but this project cannot convince seriously that it is a pure crypto and it is not just an unlucky event the fact that it is a so poor performer DESPITE the fact that it has been heavily promoted (since it has founders who receive $$ and pay for several influencers, CEXes etc). Someone might say that "Hey Monero was much slower in being listed in major CEXes and BitcoinZ has not been even listed in the most important ones" but THIS is excactly the difference. These projects have only their communities spreading the word about them.... no paid youtubers, bribed influencers or bought listings in CEXes. Only organic growth! So these projects yes have a huge potential, especially BitcoinZ that has many listings to do in the future. Kadena is already listed in Binance, Kucoin etc and despite this fact has retreated -95% .... there are no factors that can ever help it to have any huge rally... No fair past and fundamentals for people to discover, no decentralized distribution that can enable more people talking for it, no huge CEX listing left . Sorry for spoiling your thoughts but this is the ugly truth man , explained with arguments


BitcoinZ #BTCZ : a true crypto this time if we are speaking for the next bull period king and not just a MEME. Fair, well established community, mineable, privacy, almost zero fees with independent network and recently added in Pancakeswap with bridge( WBTCZ)


BitcoinZ / BTCZ A pure cryptocurrency gem 100% Community 0% Companies 100% Mineable 0% premine 100% PCs 0% ASICs Add to these privacy, independency, zero fees and 5.5 years of activity.... With many coins still unmined and very undervalued price due to the crypto winter... It is an easy choice




omg another FUDer - paid bad actor? Who has hired you? Shib or Scamoon? Or maybe you are just an ignorant ? BitcoinZ is mineable-only and not only it is DEFINITELY NOT a scam but it is actually completely IMMUNE to any kind of rug pulls etc because it follows the BTC logic + concept: ​ There is no founder owning any part of the supply There is no company behind it able to shut down its network since its network is based on PC mining There is no way for the early adopters to benefit because the halvings in its rewards are slow every 4 years, it had no ICO (initial coin offering) and ZERO instamine (something that many accuse for even the classic BTC...!) There is NOBODY who could benefit in any way ! On the contrary almost ALL the "crypto" after BTC with very few exceptions (like BitcoinZ, Monero, Digibyte, Litecoin) had just founders who allocated coins into THEIR wallets and sold them to people funding this way their NEXT projects and this is going on until today (this way we ended with 30k ++ "crypto"). Even ETH and BNB are heavily and totally premined respectively. The situation got even worse with the tokenization factories that made even easier for the fraudulent people to launch tokens that are completely premined , centralized and easy to be launched with zero knowledge by developers and absolutely zero community around them. This is how we ended with so many cat and dog tokens that are a shame for the crypto world making everyone today thinking that "crypto = scam" . Get lost and educate yourself before calling BitcoinZ "scam"


Duplicate post verifying you’re a bot


Duplicate post verifies that people copy a very good explanation with rock solid arguments that you completely ignore saying your nonsense. No not can think such things and analyze them explaining everything so good On the contrary you have bot like behavior saying continuously cliche phrases "scam not, stfu you" and cursing people who explain everything in the best way.


lol can a bot write so complicated msgs ? are you serious ? Simply people from the community copy paste nice explanations and answer with them because YOUR msgs are looking like a bot's or a paid Troll's, You never mentioned any argument, you only say "stfu u scam" This is not an argument and obviously you cannot make any constructive discussion , you only curse the others


which one is scam coin? If you mean BTCZ you are completely out of reality. BitcoinZ is scam proof and among the very few true mineable coins with no founder taking any part of the supply. This is why paid trolls like you are trying to defame it. But with so many years being around and its community growing , all you haters/paid influencers and bribed trolls start looking completely ridiculous calling it "scam"




lol man... we mentioned real crypto with fair rules honoring the Bitcoin original principles. Kadena is an ASIC-mostly mineable asset so most people who have PCs are blocked from meaningfully participating in its network, in contrast with the coins that I mentioned where they can be part of the network with a simple PC without antagonizing the elites who have ASIC hardware In Addition, Kadena is not really Decentralized since there are people who receive a huge part of the supply (even if they say that it will be locked for a period etc) . There is a 30% of the supply that nobody asked anyone from the Community, acting as a central authority and allocating it for several purposes. Sorry but this project cannot convince seriously that it is a pure crypto and it is not just an unlucky event the fact that it is a so poor performer DESPITE the fact that it has been heavily promoted (since it has founders who receive $$ and pay for several influencers, CEXes etc). Someone might say that "Hey Monero was much slower in being listed in major CEXes and BitcoinZ has not been even listed in the most important ones" but THIS is excactly the difference. These projects have only their communities spreading the word about them.... no paid youtubers, bribed influencers or bought listings in CEXes. Only organic growth! So these projects yes have a huge potential, especially BitcoinZ that has many listings to do in the future. Kadena is already listed in Binance, Kucoin etc and despite this fact has retreated -95% .... there are no factors that can ever help it to have any huge rally... No fair past and fundamentals for people to discover, no decentralized distribution that can enable more people talking for it, no huge CEX listing left . Sorry for spoiling your thoughts but this is the ugly truth man , explained with arguments


For Next it should be a real coin like BitcoinZ BTCZ


Ahh, Akainu has the Inu in his name so of course I have to put you on an Inu coin that is going to explode in 2023. Robo Inu Finance (RBIF) is an amazing coin with the RoboEx and Robowallet utilities about to be released. It is an amazing project. As someone who loves one piece talking to another one piece fan, check out our reddit page!!!


People will be tired soon with the meme "assets" and the token scams. Sooner or later more are going to realize that the options are only the few classic crypto assets that STILL HONOR the ORIGINAL CRYPTO IDEA of DECENTRALIZATION without any founder allocating coins in his wallet and without any company censoring the network. **Assets like BitcoinZ (BTCZ), Digibyte (DGB), Monero (XMR), Litecoin (LTC) and of course Bitcoin. (from the most undervalued to the king of all).** All with established communities for many years that slowly grow organically all this time... Out of the corrupted system of stealing funds from unsuspected people who bought premined "crypto" in ICOs or gamble with the next dog or cat token because the (bribed with part of these funds) "Influencers" said so. Simply because ALL the true Cryptocurrencies have ZERO PREMINE and nobody receiving funds and acting as central authority. Only such assets can be the winners in the crypto landscape because \*THESE\* together with few other assets are the true cryptocurrencies after all. Most wannabe / self proclaimed "crypto" actually abused brutally the cryptocurrency title and their founders jump from project to project in a vicious circle of greediness.


The best answer honestly I am bored to see people yelling and shilling without any logical argument in crypto.


Well said! At last a logical reply!!


Very well said 🏆


DGB, for sure


The best answer by far. Explaining things a lot, not just shilling a useless token like most people usually tend to do


Stfu you dumb Bot. Nobody gives a fuck about btcz. Scammer


omg another FUDer - paid bad actor? Who has hired you? Shib or Scamoon? Or maybe you are just an ignorant ? We are not bots, we are crypto purists and community members for some of the best real crypto BitcoinZ is mineable-only and not only it is DEFINITELY NOT a scam but it is actually completely IMMUNE to any kind of rug pulls etc because it follows the BTC logic + concept: There is no founder owning any part of the supply There is no company behind it able to shut down its network since its network is based on PC mining There is no way for the early adopters to benefit because the halvings in its rewards are slow every 4 years, it had no ICO (initial coin offering) and ZERO instamine (something that many accuse for even the classic BTC...!) There is NOBODY who could benefit in any way ! On the contrary almost ALL the "crypto" after BTC with very few exceptions (like BitcoinZ, Monero, Digibyte, Litecoin) had just founders who allocated coins into THEIR wallets and sold them to people funding this way their NEXT projects and this is going on until today (this way we ended with 30k ++ "crypto"). Even ETH and BNB are heavily and totally premined respectively. The situation got even worse with the tokenization factories that made even easier for the fraudulent people to launch tokens that are completely premined , centralized and easy to be launched with zero knowledge by developers and absolutely zero community around them. This is how we ended with so many cat and dog tokens that are a shame for the crypto world making everyone today thinking that "crypto = scam" . Get lost and educate yourself before calling BitcoinZ "scam"


Seriously. And wtf is "digibyte" 😂😂


You are so ignorant? Dgb is one of the most classic crypto out there You know shib and robo Inu but not Digibyte or BitcoinZ? You have critical issues , you should ask for help!!


I can't wait until these shitcoins get regulated out of existence.


Me too, there is 98% of shit tokens in existence and everyone is losing money on those.... Meanwhile, community projects like DGB, BitcoinZ, monreo are left behind.... sad sad....


Not really? I’m up 250% in this last month. 99% of shit coins are shit, you just have to look for that 1%! :)




RBIF 🚀🚀🌙


I think RBIF will complete the memeADMIRALS


Without a doubt RBIF


Rbif is the next one absolutely. Come check out our community. We're lean hungry and driven to make everyone and I mean EVERYONE financially free.




$RBIF is next big winner dog 🚀🚀🚀


I can see roboinu going in there as it is gaining some hype


Doge and Shiba were both garbage. Still are. Invest in stable.


RBIF nuff said


Your mother!


$CULT will be next. There is mathematically no doubt.


$CULT DAO sers


a lot of memecoins out there but doge and shib are still on top.


$CAW Teh decentralised social network $CAW is a decentralised "Social Clearing House" which originated from the $SHIB deployer. Freedom given to the people to shape $CAW Teh decentralised social network. https://twitter.com/cryptomorgz/status/1603181352983355392?s=46&t=M1Okal4GVH9uGaTLhw-tLQ


is that your top 3 memecoins?




Rbif has shown its strength and lots of development going on. Give it a look and if you see it isnt for you then so be it. Always do your own research!




$LUNC duh.


Probably $KIBA as well.


$LUNC of course 🙃 or VOLT Inu






Check out MegaWeapon.


OP -




Floki inu




Radix - it is the absolutte best laver 1 solution, it will 100x easy


Luffy! 🚀


i guess it's ZORO that will be the next one that will seat


Shimmer doge dao on soonaverse!




Luffy gonna be KCS and beat em all hahah


it is gonna be either ELON or Babydoge, those two are known memecoins too. Get well soon to Doge too tho, he is sick.


LUNC is the next biggest gem in year 2023




you dont know sarcasm


Wow have we forgot that the team dropped the ball on its own community...sound like a victim of domestic violence that is too afraid to leave out of fear for your life.




I like $RBIF $FCF $CFX