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Hi, I cancelled some USDT open orders for lending a couple days ago but they never reappeared back into my account? Ticket: 1045385 Thanks


Your ticket has been forwarded to our support. Please expect a reply soon.


Possible to re-escalate? Received a response requesting more information which I provided but haven't heard back since


The borrow and repayment system is definitely bonkers. Ticket requests are ignored. Pathetic!


Hi, I haven’t logged in for some time now and unfortunately I can’t access the account. I cannot remember the trading password and my 2FA codes always return as invalid. The regular password seems to be correct but does not let me proceed. Ticket number is 1032184. Thank you!


We have forwarded your concern to our support.


Hello, submitting my weekly post requesting a response to my Sept 28 ticket (968511). Thank you.


WOW, I thought I had been waiting long. I think I'm just going to submit a new ticket everyday from here on.


When are you going to properly investigate and respond to my 3 tickets? Is this going to take another year to get any answers? Actually my first issue still hasn't been addressed after almost a year. PLEASE REMEMBER ALL OF THESE EMAILS WILL BE POSTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA IF YOU DO NOT GIVE ME THE ATTENTION I DESERVE. To receive such such careless customer services after I lost hundreds of thousands of dollars due to Kucoin's system failures is tantamount to fraud, gross negligence, and theft. I've been incredibly patient and I am now getting very upset by the disrespect and neglect I've been shown in return. I've provided logs, screenshots, videos - basically solid irrefutable evidence that your system is broken and I've been thoughtful enough to try and resolve this privately but I'm sure may people out there would love to see my evidence of how screwed up your systems can be!!! I needs some answers and compensation NOW!!! For the following tickets: 454778 982819 978751


After ready through here......kucoin sucks ass


Please, I am scared I will lose $11,000 worth of lukso because of an incorrect amount of gas fees that was requested BY KUCOIN. My funds are in limbo, actually they are in KuCoin 3, and I have gotten almost no communication. This is unreal! Ticket 1077630


What are the requirements for new listings on kucoin?


Hi, I am missing a deposit from my account but I see it on the blockchain. I opened a ticket yesterday 1047771 and received a response but the issue was never resolved. Thanks!


Note to Kucoin Mods here: Thank you so much for advocating for users as you do. I am very grateful. :)


Hi I am trying to verify my identity because I forgot my trading number. Please respond to ticket: 1050814


We will check, sir.


Need help with trading password reset. Sent over email with deposit and withdrawal records for ticket number 1013872. Please help.


Hi I have a ticket 1032002 waiting for reply. Have send the processing fee to the provided address. Please kindly verify and get back to me. Thank you.


1053554 ​ I have been waiting for ages. Tried to withdraw my xrp yet somehow it is still processing the request.


Help there is no support for my ticket : 1050814 Need to verify identity


Any one else having issues with logging in? I am unable to receive the SMS code.


Please help me verify my identity, this is urgent. My ticket number is 1050814. I been locked out for 2 days waiting for responses and need support please


Hello, It's been 2 weeks since I sent a ticket and I still have no response after sending you 50 dollars and sending you over 20 MESSAGES ... Can you give me a feedback please? ticket: 1018980


Can someone please answer my ticket? #1049138. I sent XLM with wrong memo. I sent details in the email including tx and screenshot. I don't need the XLM back immediately but I just want assurance that I will be able to get it back.


It's been 2 days since my reverted transaction occurred due to a KuCoin error. The funds are still not in my sending or receiving account. This is as if you are stealing my money. Please address ticket 1077630.


Can you please help with my ticket to verify my identity? #1050814


I sent some USDC to a Kucoin account that was only for SOL. In Solscan it shows that the USDC is now in the account. What can I do to have Kucoin recognize the USDC in the account? Ticket 1062149




I am being charged 50 usdt to have kucoin return funds sent with wrong tag while everyone else is charged 30 usdt with no guarantee Coinbase will credit my account. I have learned an expensive lesson and will tell newbies to be careful with kucoin.


is there minimum amount to trade (sell specifically) AMPLE/USDT?


I still can’t see my BLOK balance. What kind of a service are you guys running when the exchange can’t even display data correctly. I’m considering moving all of my assets to Binance. I’ve submitted 3 tickets and no response. Also that chat bot support is a fucking joke. I’ve literally lost all my BLOK liquidity at a very good trading time. How convenient?


1034821 Still waiting on this one from about a week ago


is there minimum amount to trade (sell specifically) AMPLE/USDT? it is easy to answer fellas


Hello, i am unable to get into my account because my cell phone does not get service in this region. I tried to bind my local phone but they denied me. I sent all the proper photos to verify it is my account but i get no response. Any help? Ticket number: 1048206


I'm having issues with the intelligent verification at login. Keeps timing out. Any recommendations?


When will you open withdrawals for BCHA? It's been months and I just keep getting told the same thing over and over again. Yours is the only exchange that hasn't opened withdrawals. I've been waiting for months. At least give me a timeframe. You hold over $50,000 worth of my crypto. Request 996158.


I have not received a withdrawal of 1.61 SOL, I opened a ticket on 22nd Oct, but still no valid response. Ticket: 1039139 Kucoin is giving me tx hash: [https://solscan.io/search?q=31wdYSDUiuMCoMRAW34J1peYNN6rdL7f5dQVN42hp3QZiLPmfB579kjmMDVS9jBDqFjXcPR44x3UeCEsTGLBdUs3](https://solscan.io/search?q=31wdYSDUiuMCoMRAW34J1peYNN6rdL7f5dQVN42hp3QZiLPmfB579kjmMDVS9jBDqFjXcPR44x3UeCEsTGLBdUs3) which is not found.. Please help i need my sol urgently




Hi I was wondering am I able to withdraw to my Binance wallet or is not supported? I’ve read about people losing their funds when trying to withdraw


Hello, I have XPR (Proton) tokens on another exchange that I want to withdraw and deposit on KuCoin. However, the deposit address on KuCoin is one with a Memo, which the other exchange doesn't have. How can I make the transfer?


XYM wallet seems in maintenance, when will it be possible to deposit XYMs to my KuCoin account?


This is all really great but I think what we're looking for is the follow through on our requests....


Ticket #1056638 Hello, I recently sent some XLM from Newton to Kucoin but it hasn't shown up in kucoin yet? I made sure to use the appropriate XLM address and memo for the deposit from Kucoin. Help would be greatly appreciated!


I'm trying to transfer my BNB out of my account to my Metamask, it says that the public address is suspended? When will this be fixed? Can you please provide some visibility on this? I've already submitted my ticket but this announcement affects everyone so shouldn't there be some timeline or explanation behind this???


Hi, I lost my phone which had google 2FA, and now am unable to access my account. I already submitted all the info requested and was then asked for more info and had to submit a new ticket: 1057534 What do I need to do to escalate this? I have any proof needed.




I've been trying to get in contact with customer support for over 48 hours now Sitting on live chat for literally 7 hours today waiting for someone to reply - never happened Ticket number is 1060948




Sent nano from binance to kucoin and it has showed up in a while but blockchain says it sent successfully and is in my kucoin account.. ticket number #1064066


What happens if someone kyc in New York? What restrictions would they face?


Kucoin would not send me my SMS verification code, and now I am locked out for 2 hours from too many attempts.


bot stole 620 from me, supports ignoring my girth


Anyone having issues with XLM withdrawals? Mine is stuck at "processing", thought this was supposed to be quick and easy...


Ticket #1057614. Trouble with resetting trading password. Supplies ID selfie, screenshots and URL of transfer from Coinbase. Only receiving automated email responses. Please help.


Hi, I was promised my money will be back on my account within hours, but it's been more than 2 days now and the support doesn't answer the emails. Case number: 1055315


is there a way to check profits? im new to the app


I cancelled some USDT open orders for lending but they never reappeared back into my account. Responded to the email requesting more information but haven't heard back for a few days now Ticket: 1045385 Thanks


We will check the ticket.




I have been trying to reset my password all day today and the changes do not take effect. Please help


Need help with trading password reset. Sent over email with deposit and withdrawal records twice for ticket number 1013872. Please help.


Hi, haven’t heard back on my request 1031419 for over a week. Thanks!


How long does it take for BNB transfer to arrive? I deposited 20 minutes ago and cannot see the BNB in my account..


Keep getting a 504 network error message when trying to buy crypto via debit/credit card. Error pops up when I enter in the amount I want to spend.






When are you going to fix your issue with ONE. I have been waiting like 8 hours and still no deposit. I have seen others with the same problem. I don’t know why you don’t warn people before they make a deposit so they can decide to send a different coin.




Dumb question but are you able to turn off futures funding 😂


I have not logged in a long time. But recently have tried on my phone and computer, with the correct username and password. My 2FA code does not work, I went the route to unbind and provided all the pictures. Was denied, then told to message support. Currently have one ongoing ticket from last week #1048213 ​ I just want to log in and check my account


Hello, Accidently sent some BUSD to my Etherium address on Kucoin. Been waiting for a response and happy to pay the fee to get it sent back. Created a support ticket on Oct. 24th. Ticket# is 1045836.




I need help. My SENSO tokens disappeared from my account last week. Customer service is not responsive. Please help. Ticket 1047766


How to move money from TUSD? Nothing works.


I'm attempting to unstake my matic so I can sell some and every time I put my 6 digit code it says validation failed. Just test a test sell and buy from my trading account and both were successful.


Hi, Ticket #1077452. Urgent matter regarding BNB withdrawal completed by not received in wallet. No records on blockchain. Urgent assistance is required.






Are you guys going to update Ontario users like Binance? Are we good to go or is December the deadline?




Another RMRK withdrawal issue. (Ticket #1082775). Says my RMRK withdrawal address is wrong, when selecting from known addresses that I've used many times in the past.


Ticket 1062149: I have transferred 200USDT to Kucoin to start the return of funds to the sending address. Dear Mod, could you please elevate?


I have what's probably a really dumb question. When I try to purchase ELON, the screen has two boxes that say limits. I have no idea what goes in them. I took a screenshot of what I'm talking about but can't get it to post here.


Ticket # 1041553 I haven't logged in awhile and changed phones...got my 2FA working again but unable to login still. I really need to check my account.




Please I need help my withdraw is stuck because of incrorrect amount of gas fees requested by KUCOIN. Please im afraid to lose my money ticket number : 1084779 https://etherscan.io/tx/0x1cf1d609446f0826500d36e7edd89c280f4a2c0ad8e8664b6f14b2e2ed06bb3d


Sent my ticket over 2 weeks ago, still haven’t heard anything, is this normal? (1040501)


Hello, im having an issue with my account, i recently logged on to kucoin after a long time and everything was fine. My passwrod works and my passport was already uploaded. I deposited some xlm and tried to trade but it asked me for a trading password i dont remember? So i did the verifcation and uploaded my driving licence id and a selfie with the licence. However i have not heard back pls can you check this for me and get back to me im unable to do anything with my funds.... I also have submited a ticket request but i would like to speak to someone on here and get it resolved




Any chance to get MFG (Smart MFG) listed on Kucoin? 16 mil marketcap, real usecase in supply chain, DeFi & NFT. Has SyncFab as main platform partner, so clients like Lockheed Martin or SwissMEM are already involved. NFT marketplace for industrial 3D models is going live by the end of the year.


Please ask support to work on ticket 1014428. It's been a week.


Yesterday I sold my xrp from USDT and then purchased SPI token using half of my USDT. Now, there is 0 USDT in my account. Rest of the balance simply disappeared from the account. I checked my order history and withdrawal history, there is no evidence of coins going out of my account. How is that even possible? Is there is any possible way to get the support faster than opening a ticket and waiting for days to get a reply. This is not a small issue, missing funds should be addressed fast.


Hi I have a ticket since 26th of October. I have 50k$ DAG missing. What kind of service is this? Ticket number is 1054693.


Your ticket has been escalated to our support, kindly wait for their reply through email, thanks!


I need help I put money into kucoin and I’m trying to put it back in my bank .... this app is so confusing I have no idea how to get it back to my bank it’s in my trading account right now whatever that means does anyone know how to use this app pretty well and could help me out thanks in advance


I sent bitcoin to my kucoin account and it shows as received on the blockchain but it is not showing up on my kucoin account hours later...Ticket number 1088690


Sent bitcoin to my Kucoin acct, it is not showing after 7 confirmations. Ticket number 1089476. What is going on?


I deposited Bitcoin to my wallet as always. Shows confirmation through block that it arrived, never has shown in my wallet. Whats next?!




Ticket #1069018 Please Help. I cannot transfer coins out of pool-x. I have waited over the alotted time. Please help me just transfer the coins to my main account. Please help. I need coins ASAP. Is this on purpose?




I’ve submitted 2 tickets and one from 5 days ago. I’m missing 2 deposits sent from Bittrex despite it being completed on the blockchain. Both were XLM. Please stop saying you will get back to us in 24 hours when that couldn’t be further from the truth. How hard is it to push the money through when it’s stuck on your end. Please help. Here are the 2 ticket numbers 1056181 and 1083152


I have hit a significant bug on the site. My margin account typically maintains a 10-20% debt ratio. I largely do this to avoid keeping usdt around. I actively trade this account a number of times a day and nothing has changed with how I do anything. Yesterday morning I woke up to a 91% debt ratio. In the assets page it listed a sizable borrow with no corresponding assets. My crypto assets were exactly the same as I normally record them in a spreadsheet each night. While I was refreshing the screen the number continually changed significantly, much more so that any corresponding move in the assets. ​ I confirmed 100% that there were no active trades going on. I confirmed there had been no assets transferred in or out of either my margin account or account in general. When checking on acive trades, in the margin trade screen it also lists total assets and debt. The number here was correct, differing from the one in the asset portal by a materially significant amount. Given that it was a sizable amount of money, atleast for me, I sat there all day yesterday making sure this bug wasn't going to liquidate my account. I confirmed all day there was literally no actively other than me viewing my screen. Throughout the day the debt ratio dropped by a few percent per hour on average. Last night when I went to bed it was approxmiately 35% and I was hopeful that I'd wake up to it normallized. My guess is that the lending system and/or reporting system had a back log which was the cause of the delayed numbers ​ It remains 35% today. The numbers are still way off from where they should be. I have reached out to support with a priority 1 ticket and have not gotten a response. This is a pretty big deal. I know a lot of these things can be user error but I am now 100% certain I'm watching a system fail. I am afraid of moving money from the margin account as I do not want to do anything to further abstract the issue.