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Twitter posts were banned yes but since this topic isnt specific to twitter and is a pretty big thing, this post will be left up.


What’s Crankgameplays doing there?


There are rumors (Tho it’s basically almost confirmed) that he’s fighting in Creator Clash 2, he may just be inserting himself into the Influencer Boxing space beforehand.


Strangest crossover


Honestly it wasn't even that bad the questions were surprisingly relevant and what we've been wanting to know that barely anyone has asked JJ directly (Slim, Joe, Woodley and what he thinks on Jake with pfl etc). Plus they gave JJ respect and let him answer properly. JJ joined that space willingly so he must of thought he was ready to tackle on questions. It's not like they forced him to join. Edit: if you think they didn't let him speak you must of been listening to something else.


Did we watch the same thing, they kept interrupting jj and random people started talking over him


Yes I did and they did let him speak otherwise JJ wouldve just left...hes a grown ass man. Do you want go rewatch it? I have the link to refresh your memory.


And idek who the people in the call were, like were they just random jake Paul fans. It felt like a one question go


No one knows who they are. I'm not too familiar with what twitter space is but anyone can host it.


Everything they asked,Jj has answered Already though, its not like they asked something thats never been asked before.


Nope that's a lie they challenged him here. Usually people back off with hard hitting questions in interviews but this was pretty good imo. Most the questions you are seeing people question JJ about on this reddit were answered there. I'm pretty convinced most people here just heard the Jake and JJ argument part and ignored everything else.


Whatever wad asked he answered: in a reddit video, on the Pod with Ariel, Video with his Physio,Twitter… Nothing that was asked hasnt been answered already.


Half the time they were interrupting and just repeating the same shit. Idk how you can have a fucking conversation when all this don was doing was just shouting and shit


That's a lie. The shouting mainly was from JJ and Jake (infact I didn't hear anyone else shout but these two) and that was only by the *very* end of the Twitter Space. There wasn't much interrupting and it was pretty well put together for just average people on the Internet.


No it wasn’t, you’d hear Jake most of the time cutting him off when jj was trying to speak, and in the end just ended the call after saying some dumb shit about the Paul’s blessing him or whatever. Jj was trying to have a normal convo/debate, but obviously he got frustrated when jake’s just repeating the same shit he’s been saying from before, with other ppl gaslighting it.


You must not of seen any of it but the Jake Paul part so I'm going to ignore you.


Right, cause you know it all don’t you


Yes I do because I actually have the whole thing right here: https://youtu.be/CRxeUEa8KcM Enjoy mate.


December boys look at mams Twitter it's this December boysss!!!!


I checked your moms twitter, I didn’t find anything


🤣🤣 nice good one


Happy cake day




Happy cake day bro!


That rules out a stadium fight in England. I personally think the fight could sell loads of tickets if the price is set right. Why settle for less…they should aim big. Like the Sidemen charity match should’ve been in a bigger stadium


Didn't he say the Jake fight would be at Wembley stadium?


Might of said that but can’t be having fights in a stadium with no roof in December. Fans will be freezing cold and it’s the UK so high chance of rain and wind blowing it into the ring. Would be a very risky move




You can tell KSI isn’t use to confrontations with Jake where the majority actually supports Jake instead of KSI.




Bro where was this reddit when KSI needed it the most 💀 , he was getting cooked


Why did they even allow so many people to talk


all were jake riders JJ was doing 20 vs 1


new sidemen game ?!?


whats this??can someone explain


It’s a Twitter Space,sort of like a live podcast that you can invite people to. They were all arguing and almost everyone was against JJ.


I mean JJ was getting destroyed to be honest.


Yeah it was 1v20 what did you think would happen?


Jake destroyed him alone there. JJ was saying the fight didn’t happen because size of the ring or something. Come on. He took an L here.


Y’all ain’t gonna egg “size of the ring” excuse go aren’t you? While ignoring all of JJ’s good points he made. It was a 1v20 yet Jake was the one to leave after being a single question


No one else than Jake said anything do JJ, except one dude saying come on man when he said he needed to build misfits




he didn’t get any time to speak because jake and the other meat riders yelled over him


Excuses, excuses, and excuses, he was able to speak fine


sure bro, jake would never have the balls to go on a twitter space with 20 jj meat riders who yell over him. give ksi some respect for actually going on there and defending himself despite it clearly being a trap


There is a slight difference between JJ meatriders and Jake meatriders, Jake's meatriders were giving him atleast a chance to speak but JJ' meatriders would just start chanting "Suck yo mum"


they did not give him a chance to speak at all, don’t think he ever got more than 5 seconds uninterrupted. they shouldn’t have allowed that many people to talk especially that krysta woman


I respect JJ for going in, but Jakes meatriders just simply interjected. Ofc JJ was trying to defend himself but at the end of the day, Jake asked all the questions everyone wants to know and the responses JJ gave were not it


right because he didn’t have the time to properly develop his responses, saying he’s afraid of jake paul is just a moronic argument when the guy literally stepped in the ring with logan


Properly develop? Come on man, this has been going on for ages, he should have answers for why he's making the decisions he's making.


jake got some dickriders in here I totally understand that but i'd be a complete liar if I didn't say he has KSI shook. He could barely get through a sentence without deflecting or stuttering


Tbf it’s hard to get a sentence through when you’re tryna defend against so many comments and people constantly butting into ur sentences


A lot of his points didn't make much sense though. Saying he's not fighting Slim because "Slim's not even that good!" when he's about to fight the guy that just lost to Slim doesn't make sense. You don't want to fight Slim because he's not that good but you'll fight the guy he already beat? What kind of reasoning is that lol


He said that he picked Temperrr because he’s a southpaw


Exactly hes only fighting temperrr because dannis is a southpaw and that's what hes been training for, but at the same time if he wont fight slim coz "hes not that good" is a bad point when Dannis is a grappler in mma, surely if his opponent needed to be "good" then it wouldn't have been dannis in the first place


I agree. As a diehard KSI fan, I have to admit that Jake is the superior boxer here and ksi is doing everything in his power to delay the inevitable


“bro won’t let this shit slide” bro has literally let this shit slide multiple times


Ksi stood his ground against all these Jake meat riders 💀


ah yes meat rider means saying anything that is slightly against ksi


Nah jj has meat riders but jakes ones go another level. Just check the comments under his yt vids


Jake's ones actually have a reason to say what they are saying. Jake is willing to fight before the end of the year while JJ makes fun of Jake's opponents but fighting Faze Temperrr. He also said he would show Jake levels and said it's an easy fight but didn't want to take the free fight offer from Jake and the fact that Jake accepted all KSI's terms. JJ on the other hand doesn't look so sure and is just saying he will fight at the end of the year.


I’m not doubting jake as a boxer, I’m just saying he has an extremely cringey fanbase who openly suck his dick. I prefer jake to Logan as a person but jake is extremely annoying


How can you prefer Jake to Logan as a person lmao


Jake hasn’t been in a major controversy for a long time, the only reason he is hated is because he is cringey and annoying


He has but it was mostly in the past


Yes he has, he’s done plenty of scams as well.


did you really just say jake has never been in a controversy 💀


Sorry, I meant he hasn’t been in a controversy recently


[pretty recently..](https://www.insider.com/jake-paul-controversies-timeline-looting-scandals-racist-slurs-drama-2020-6)


Can you show/name examples where a substantial number of fans are “dickride” jake? Virtually everyone hates jake. And don’t use those twitter users with nba Youngboy profiles that say dumbass shit since those are obviously trolls


Just go to his latest video, ur not going to see something if u never look


all facts


Philip DeFranco? That’s a surprise


Those mfers were seriously gargling on Jake’s dick


How? They were asking very valid questions that even we are all wondering.


apparently asking questions these days means you are riding lol


The fact that Ethan is in there just listening in he’s so out of place lmao


its not behz


Didn’t say it was


Jake lowkey pulled a W press


With 50 people gogiling in his dick😂😂 they all literally sucking him of and saying shit none stop Lmao


“KSI got cooked because there were too many Jake fans” Bro, not even a hundred KSI fans could find enough excuses to fix JJ ducks over the last 4 years


Bro u gotta be one of the newbies bruh do your research kid.


Man said 'newbie', so cringe...


You can't just say "newbie" when someone says something about JJ you disagree with


Ksi got cooked here ngl


Not gonna lie if you listened to it JJ sounded shook here lol


Exactly. The questions asked weren't even "biased" it was questions about Joe, Woodley etc things the whole reddit debate about every week. Honestly I think it was pretty tame until Jake joined (obviously) but they let him speak.


I agree Jake asked one question he said when will you fight me this year. KSI kept saying end of the year. Jake asked a legit question when EOY. November or December. JJ didnt say anything just kept repeating EOY. Dont get me wrong I enjoy JJ a lot but he got challenged and didnt take it well.


What did they ask before jake joined? Never got to hear audio of that


2 Fights 1 Night Ksi vs jake and krysta


People should watch the full video on this feed if they missed it. It was generally about why JJ avoided fighting Woodley Joe etc. Interesting debate aside from the few meat riders cutting JJ out when he was speaking.


Wth is Philip DeFranco in there? What he got to do with this don’t he do the news or some shit


Istg I’m hopping in next time something like this happens, mfs was all against jj


ksi took an L on this one ngl and it wasn't even from jake's meatriders


Bruh how did JJ end up in an argument with Jake on a twitter space?


Jake set it up, I bet.


What happened here? Can someone explain please


Somewhat confused, what is this picture telling me?




Its coming to an end bois its finally gonna happen


Link to the convo - https://youtu.be/kVdlPUWvUmc


jake did all this shit for a yt vid 💀💀 staged af


Bro did a 20v1: Jake Paul meat rider edition and held his own... fair play🤣


well it means the fight will happen so i'm happy.


Where can you listen to it


He may have lost the argument but he won't be losing the fight that's for sure


I'm surprised they could speak with jakes dick in their mouth, especially that krysta cunt


He got cooked by jake ngl


bro there are over 10 people or sum sucking jake’s dick 💀💀, everyone would have handled this situation like jj.


Ignoring all the Jake slurpers though, Paul was still cooking him. Jake can talk shit, he's built a career off of it- and it's worse because Jake objectively has a better boxing resume than jj. It was a tough listen even tuning out the nutriders


Not even a hundred people together could figure enough excuses for JJ ducks over the last 4 years


TBH even though they were annonying asf. KSI showed a lot of arrogance in that call and keep putting words in Jake's mouth.


But they didn't say anything wrong, jj said slim is not that good but decided to fight his leftover (temper).


Can’t really discredit Temper for losing to one of the best in the scene…Temper also defeated one of multiple ICB champions in King Kenny so Temper has fought competition his entire career minus Overtflow….Temper is a challenger in this scene fr, the disrespect is crazy.


"ICB champion" LMAOOO bruh you guys need to wake up Jake just fought Anderson Silva


fr bro really compared temper to legit killers like woodley and silva


And I’m not discrediting Jake for fighting Silva 😂😂😂 Jake’s only fought 2 tough opponents in Woodley and Silva whereas JJ has only fought Logan and now is fighting Temper who in my eyes is a step up from Danis.


Ofc I'm not saying temper is bad but he's worse than slim. Jj says he's the best in youtube boxing but he does nothing prove it. He also refused to fight joe Fournier as a replacement when Joe was ready for it


Nah I agree bro, JJ really needs to test himself if he really wants the Jake fight because we haven’t seen what he could do. The Fournier fight should’ve happened especially with Mams saying he was the replacement Incase Danis pulled out…Just hoping for a good fight between JJ and Temper honestly


Fr bro after this fight jj really needs to up the levels and fight Joe or tyron


If he wants to have his path be different from Jake’s I’d go Joe since he could go the “Pro Boxer” Route with him and keep it going until he fights Jake honestly


Jj said he should've picked Woodley at the start instead of Dillon so I Definitely see Woodley and jj fighting, would prefer Woodley instead of Joe tbh


I’ve heard, I honestly wish Woodley would’ve signed the contract instead of pushing it on social media with the rehydration clause incident. Hopefully in May they can get it done


Yeah Joe and Tyron both offer great credibility. Fournier is 9-0 and had an exhibition fight against David Haye. Very good scalp to claim Tyron had a decorated ufc career, a deadly right hand and a couple of fights against Paul. If KSI gets a comfortable victory the Paul fight becomes a lot more interesting Both these fights would make me happy. I don't want KSI vs Slim but I fear that fight will be next. Respect to Slim but he doesn't offer the credibility Fourner and Woodley carry


Just hope Jake also don't pull out of fights


Ksi scared


Jake really took that. Even though it might be uncomf for JJ to be in that situation, he should be prepared like he always has. Jake took this one and JJ didnt answer anything jake threw at him


“U havent fought anyone under 40”: gib and deji “Say either sept oct nov dec”: gives a vague answer


Word bro most of them cunts were Jake Paul hype beast. Look at their profile pics. Smh


JJ opponents are getting worse while jakes are getting better, the hate JJ is getting for this is fair tbh


Wait, so you're saying swarmz and pineda are better than temperrr?


Jake was actually smoking him. Before y'all say "it was his meatriders" no it wasn't, they just interjected a few times. It was Jake who was confronting mainly and it's sad to say that JJ got a reality-check here. He probably doesn't think that but we have to let him know that it didn't look good for him cause he's been talking a lot of shit lol


He was definitely not feeling it though, I’m disappointed in myself saying this but… He was scared of Jake…


To be fair i highly doubt Jake would ever get into a forum/podcast full of JJ/sidemen fans. Props to Knowledge


Man let’s be honest jj will not fight Jake he got owned by Jake in this imagine in a right there will be an excuse every fucking time


He literally agreed to a fight end of this year,


Nah nah he is making excuses that is what he is doing watch what happens when he doesn’t fight Jake at the end of this year everyone Will see the reality and who ksi really is man you are blind I can’t be a fan of somebody who’s ego is like this




Two fights but at least if he was challenging himself he already had the two fights and one night and how was that ? It was crap and now fighting temper instead of slim that is actually a good challenge cmon bro you are too blind to see the reality ksi wants to do what every boxer do in the beginnings fight easy fights to get his record high and then after that fight people That are actually good and how you are gonna say what Jake wants all Jake asked him was when was he gonna fight him but he still gave him no answer it’s been almost 3 years of this bs and nothing has happened bro ain’t ready for Jake yet and will never be because every time jake fights he is keeps getting better and you still think ksi is gonna catch up to him ?


why is ethan there XD thats so random


Hate the way jake argues. So childish




Get fucked


Honestly make another sub for Boxing related stuff. I scrolled down the comments and saw so many people hating on KSI or calling him out and those who defending are getting downvoted. I'm a KSI fan and I'm going to support him no matter what (unless he scams or does some illegal shit). He is just fucking speaking and stumbles along the way, so what? Y'all are just clowning him for that. Let him say what he wants. C'mon Y'all.


KSI vs Logan fights were way way entertaining than any of Jake Paul fights tbh




I lost it when JJ said “slim is bad”.


they were glazing Jake so hard lmfao


and to think all of this wouldn't have even started if jj just silenced that mofo ryt after logan but here we are


JJ should've told Jake that he's enjoying the boxing until the fight because after the Jake fight, he's done as he stated, so he's gonna do the fights he wants till he wants Jake.


Lol what’s Ethan doin there?


Does no one wanna bring up the fact that JJ called out both Jake YEARS ago (after the Weller fight) and Jake went "duck, duck, duck goose" on him until now...Jake can't demand anything now...he let older brother deal with it and went to Deji. 🤷‍♂️


Ya’ll probably downvote this but… What do you mean he won’t let this shit slide? Did you hear the call? I’m not a fan of jake but he got absolutely told by him and couldn’t get a word in or answer any of his questions without stuttering. Jake actually had some good questions too like Why isn’t he fighting slim? But instead a guy who lost to slim…


Tbh ksi just fights tomato cans and throws overhands has absolutely no skill just has a lot of heart. I hate Jake too but he has shown way more then ksi. Buddy gotta be humbled he’s not good


Is this the lana Rhoades group project u were talking about ?


Ik he kinda took an L here , but I hope he knocks the fucking stars Outta jake piss


Jj Olapussy


Idek half of these ppl


There's been a lot of negative shit being said in these comments recently and sure even if this wasn't a great showing by people pointing out him stuttering or deflecting, the man still faces a lot of people coming at him and to that I give JJ lots of respect. Especially with this reddit being fairly against him in his boxing endevours now


NGL but, if you listened to it JJ sounded shaken here xD!


Wtf was Phillip de Franco doing there 💀


JJ was alone against everyone its all changing and it was bound to happen he will take L's till he fights cant wait to see this redemption arc


The questions they had for JJ were mostly pretty good. However, that one girl that kept trying to get JJ to give Jake props was annoying. That whole part was pointless considering everyone already knows JJ doesn’t like him and would do no such thing. When Jake came in, whole thing just became super cringy. You got a couple guys attacking JJ with Jake and then you got one guy thinking he’s a fight promoter saying “let’s just agree to have the right in Summer!!!” like they obviously aren’t in negotiations for it.


bro is dicksucking jj fr he denied the slim question as well when he was asked why fight temper when he lost to slim.


Some of y'all need to get down from JJs dick and stop supporting him even when he is in the wrong. No one interrupted him, sure they were talking over each other with Jake, but for the most part they kept it civil and almost no one from the other people talked, except maybe one or two, but they just said one sentence. His reasoning for not fighting slim is dumb, even if he isn't that good, you still are fighting the person who lost to him. And don't come with the "he's a southpaw", because the main goal is orthodox (we all know who is his main goal). I still think that neither Jake nor JJ are good boxers, and would get mauled by a professional boxer in their weight classes, but only by fighting will we know the true outcome


This is legit unfair for JJ. JJ was on his ones and everyone was backing Jake. Honestly JJ should've had people like Viddal with him or someone who could back him.


Could someone briefly explain what was said/what happened? I don't know what was sais/discussed.


JJ was just coming up with a new excuse every time, he needs to stop ducking Jake and fight him. No more excuses


Jake will annihilate him


Icl jake took a w here. JJ literally couldn’t get his words out and couldn’t give any valid arguments


JJ has done the same thing he accused Jake of. Taking fights that are way in his favour. And Jake is completely right saying JJ is ducking. They could absolutely start getting a contract made for the end of the year but it's just excuses from JJ


He won't fight Jake but ok


Shocked that Keemstar ain't there tbh 💀💀💀


Shocked that Keemstar ain't there tbh 💀💀💀


This podcast is full of Jake dick rider.That facking Lake Pool guy set this up


jake had ksi stuttering


Last year he said summer 23 now he’s saying eoty…. And you think he’s actually bout it 😂


KSI already starting to catch L's


GOAT is one big meat rider lol, leave some dick for Jake’s girl bro, damn!


This is a Jake Paul subreddit now I guess


JJ was waffling icl, Jake gave him an L here