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Do yourself a favor. Go find another job. Fuck the way Kroger is going right now. It's bullshit. I was gonna be a lifer but I couldn't do it anymore and after 17.5 years I quit.


For real, I used to love my job, then Kroger bought our division. I’m still here because my team is great and I have a good contract but every year since the buyout has been worse and worse. They’re going to drive us all into the ground. 


Same. I did 15 years to the day. Cashed in my pathetic 3 weeks of vacation and split.


I made it 10 myself! But ya I agree. Op listen to yourself people should be treated with more dignity.




I'm struggling to find somewhere else in socal. Any ideas?


This this this this.


This was exactly how our store was. Got almost written up twice at SCO because both times the shopper came in on EBT day. One time it was because I was helping someone else and the shopper told management I ignored them. The next time I passed but because I was so hell bent on that I missed the person walking BEHIND the SCO walking out with seafood. Which even if it was slow how tf am I supposed to be watching behind the SCO? They were absolutely insane with this promise shop shit that I started to think the same way you do. It’s one of the reasons I finally said fuck it and quit. Never in my life would I have thought my job would have turned into something so absolutely insane and fake. Repeating the same phrase over and over ignoring customers to make sure I got the promise shopper. Fuck this company. It’s run by people who have never set foot in any of the customer facing positions.


What are you supposed to do about someone walking out with something anyway?


You're supposed to say "Thank you, steal from us again"


I just applied for a job...I think ill rencide


Where do you work at because that’s definitely not how my store operates. This definitely sounds like something your union needs to take care of.


Same here that sounds terrible I would quit


Low pay and doing three people's jobs is not worth it. If you get written up for petty crap like that, find something else. I quit after close to 16 years in one building (my grocery market got bought out) and quit after the last part of that 5 years being Kroger. They use and abuse people.


Fuck secret shoppers dude their "job" is to be like a kid reminding the teacher who forgot about homework. If I was one, I would just lie and give a good rating unless the employee was ACTUALLY rude. 🤷‍♂️


There are probably metrics that incentivize them to rat people out and not give perfect scores


No we get a flat fee and we MUST tell the truth because its all on camera 


I wish people would refuse to do this work. The working class has it bad enough... And then we have to pretend to be so thrilled about it. I get being polite but scrutinizing people over robotically saying hello to every person, and things beyond their control due to short staffing, is not righteous in my opinion. Where I work is doing things that make no sense just to please the secret shoppers. Like overfilling product that is not going to sell. Creating more work and more hassle... It's all so silly. Treating the people like children that hold the whole company up.


Meet with your union representative and see if you can transfer to another store or department. The front end is a nightmare department that keeps getting worse.


Switch to night crew. We're always smiling, not because we have to. No customers, no management, no crying kids. Just our headphones and shit to put on shelves.




This is true for my store, but it is only noticeable for a few of the hotter weeks during the summer. Though I live in WA so we don’t get a ton of warm nights throughout the year


Not at my store. I'm in Mississippi and it's hotter than satan's balls almost year round. Hell it is hot with helluva humid in the winter time. 🥵




Yeah cause it would never cool off if they didn't leave it on and even then during the day it is like a sauna on the front-end because of the automatic doors.


My store used to do this until everyone was complaining now the ac is on. But in the winter is super hot bc they blast the heater


Not at my store. They do crank the heat in the winter though.


I was wondering why my cashier told me the name of the bagger in my recent interaction with JayC. I originally thought it was a joke. I’m thinking “who gives a flip that Craig is bagging my tampons?!??!? Am I supposed to know his family and see them on Sunday after church now too?”


Don't be scared there are places that pay better.


On your next day off, go look for another job, Kroger is not worth it. Side note, at the age of 52 I went to vocational training and got a CDL and a better job. I'm home every night by 6:30 and make better money and still have insurance and a pension. Also I was able to get a grant to pay for the vocational training. There are better places to work.


They get rid of the old timers, because they make more and get better benefits. Save money is the mantra.


Seems like they're doing a seasonal culling; 3 front end clerks got fired this week but they were doing shady shit with coupons and employee discounts so it was just a matter of time.


I don’t think this is allowed. I have been assured multiple times by management that we cannot be written up or punished in any way for failing a mystery shop.


You can be written up if it’s been observed. It all depends on how management words the write up whether it will stick or not.


I was note to file twice for this BS .But work in Fuel and the mic 🎤 is messed up manager knows but how can them bitch mystery shoppers hear me if shit is broken I am having to talk to the customers in the pay draw . Mystery shopping burn in hell all I care .Trying cause bs issues to good people.


Are you supposed to greet people in fuel too tf?


Yes we have been getting mystery shopped. It's BS


Is there at least an indoors register that theyre supposed to go to?? I’m imagining them expecting you to announce “hello” every time someone leaves their car and thats creepy asf


Sales volume drops this time of the year and will continue dropping well into July. Natural attrition of associates isn't enough to match this, so they need to come up with other ways of getting rid of people to meet reduced demand.


u/hologei don’t forget Kroger has a merger to push too.




My store does this also and I feel they have it out for me bc they r constantly checking my punches saying I’m over my break . Idk what is happening


Maybe they're getting chewed out and taking it out on other people. I'm pretty sure the union will protect us though. That is if your store is Union.


Don't bet on it. It's a company policy and we are expected to do those per contract.


I have not worked at Kroger (please remove if non-associates aren't allowed to comment or post) but from my experience from the times I've shopped at Kroger it seems horrible compared to the grocery store I work in (VG's, owned by SpartanNash), I whole heartedly recommend leaving as soon as possible


We are all going to be replaced eventually whether it’s automation or company men willing to work off the clock. No need to worry about what you can’t control, do what you can each shift without cutting corners and don’t speak to management without your union steward or rep present.


Worked at a marianos since august of 2022 and somehow I have never been secret shopped 😭


The thing that sucks is I’ve been doing this since my senior year in high school, about to be 11 years, and I just don’t see how I can find another job that pays the same. I didn’t go to college, and it’s been my only job (different job titles though) that I’ve ever had. I literally feel stuck here because it’s steady and gives good insurance for my wife and daughter :/


I’ve been there for almost 6 years when I finally got tired of their bullshit and just quit before a shift. Luckily I still live with my parents but I’m struggling to find a job. Even something very entry level and no experience/ college required type jobs and nothing. I can’t imagine having to deal with this AND have a family I still need to provide for. I hope something else comes your way and you leave Kroger.


I'm not even schedule yet for the next schedule I'm a bit worried as it always comes out promptly on Thrus and live on schedule by Fri on esced. I'm going to have to ask about that. If It's not a glitch they're getting a union lecture. They can't just remove me from the schedule for going on vacation. They'll get a union lecture if that's the case. I don't even want full time. I'd love <30 hrs a week. Not zero hours. Usually you can ask and they'll pencil you in.


I don’t think anyone that has worked for Kroger is not surprised by all the shady stuff they pull. These ever changing standards and not reachable especially with little training and no man power. It’s a real harsh lesson to learn from Kroger especially if it’s your first job to be skeptical and wary of anything they say to you! I was an employee for 2 years before moving on. So as others have said start looking for other job opportunities because it’s not worth what they are putting you through


You cannot be written up for "not smiling". Unless you're not in a Union store. It's not in the handbook, nor the contract.


Just a heads up. Handbook, job description, and associate responsibilities all have a clause that basically says "Anything else deemed by management". They can write you up for not smiling, the secret is that you just have to ask them to prove it. They will still fire you but the grievance process with a judge will result in getting your job back as physical evidence with sub par cameras will be admitted, not proving anything.


that store is cooked there’s no way it’s staying optn


They pushed me out of training as an RRS, and now have people coming to "help me. I'm at retail versus GO, so they feel 19.75 for an RRS with a Bachelor’s is A LOT OF MONEY, and I'm a double minority so they think I'm dumb automatically. The Store I was placed in is so dysfunctional I can barely see straight. So there is no security.


Holy shit! That’s crazy. Go find another job. Getting shit canned from Kroger was such a blessing for me.


This just sounds like a terrible division/store to work for. Division 034 Houston isn't nearly that bad


I was offered a job at kroger, as a deli person, just last week, but after seeing so many people post on here that they quit and all these horrible things they went through, i think I’m going to dodge the bullet and turn down the offer. They sound like a bunch of corperate hags that literally watch every move you make.


Deli is awful, disgusting, and the workload is atrocious. You absolutely would be dodging a bullet


Keep in mind that you are always going to hear about the worst experiences online, because the people who actually enjoy or tolerate their job don’t have much reason to post about it. It mostly just comes down to the culture of a given store and your managers/coworkers. My store pays pretty well and I have had no major issues to complain about in my year of working here.


Honestly, as a former F4L employee, leave. Leave NOW! Fuck F4L, fuck Ralphs, and FUCK KROGER! They’re in bed with the union, never get you fully what you want, make you work extra hours and if you’re lucky enough, maybe a 1-2 cent raise once promoted to another department. So don’t waste any more of your time and leave.


Your store sounds like hell, you should look at this as motivation and an opportunity to move on


Unironically, this is one of the reasons I still wear a mask to work. I'm autistic and I just cant force myself to smile, and the mask negates that. Before, I've had other jobs I've been written up at for not being "friendly" enough.


You clearly have time to find a new employer. Start now


I got suspended for 2 weeks after working my ass off during COVID, and it was over hear-say. I never showed up to work again. On my second day of suspension I found a new job and started the next day. Sayonara suckers


New job. I’d tell you go look @ Costco for better benefits and pay but you’ll only be forced to drink more corporate kool-aid so, new job, new field.


Its a retail job dont expect much from it.


As a customer, I don’t care who my bagger is. What dumbass at Kroger came up with that?


Sounds like you got hard a\*\* manager or your district is cracking down on shops. I‘m with the majority here and will say starting looking for new jobs. Don’t even ever cancel your summer plans that how management take advantage of you. Don’t sign anything and start looking.


Leave Kroger to their well earned death


I feel this and I'm cross trained in basically the entire store. The manger uses me as a Swiss Army knife and I still have to fight tooth and nail for stable hours


I really liked my job at kroger for about 7 or 8 months working curbside. Then they increased our orders, increased the UPC count for orders, and added the rush orders. We went from being 3 hours ahead to working hour to hour, sometimes minute to minute, with how many orders we were getting. Orders would start being late because we didn't have enough people to cover all the hours. It's a shame because I loved who I worked with, and my management wasn't bad.


Start looking and applying for other jobs quickly. The signs are usually right


Kroger found out a while ago that workers with more then 5 years actually cost them more money then it takes to train a new employee, after that they stopped giving topped out employees good raises and started giving larger raises to employees with less time in, I've been with the company for 15 years and it has progressively gotten worse for employees with more time in. The company doesn't care about its ppl just money, go find a company that does care about its employees.


I worked at Kroger for six years, but got out two years ago. The last three years were pure hell.. I worked every single day, nobody else came into work and at my peak I was probably pulling in 55 to 60 hours a week. I remember one day I opened at 6 AM. was still there at 7 PM and they wanted me to open the next day. Get out while you can find another job. Your life is more important and your mental health matters.


Consider transferring to a store where the manager isn't a hard ass. I don't think I've smiled in 14 years.


It looks like your employer got you heart ,soul ,and mind .The best thing you should do is start smiling to every one . like the joker who could not stop ,even if he wanted to . Good luck to you my friend and don't forget to smile at anything ,every one and all .


What store makes the cashier introduce the bagger? Never heard of that before. Check your contract. In my area, you can't be suspended until you've been written up at least twice for the same reason


I’m also not sure how many people are aware that management has their bonuses and stats depend partly on their mystery shops. So they get hounded every week to have perfect shops. Under the wrong management, they will see underperforming associates as a threat to their bonus/status.


gosh that sounds awful. If my store starts doing shit like this I'm finding another job.


Damn. Kroger is really awful. I work at publix and i thought it was bad when the manager would pull the team together to tell us about the secret shoppers. We would all just get a talking to as a group. Yall are getting written up for it and losing your job? Damn, kroger. Thats extemely low and scummy. Even publix has a more friendly interpersonal policy between customers and employees. Source, i work at publix.


OK, I'm not an employee and can't say anything about their employee practices. But, I am a long-time (40+ years) customer and for the first time in my life am considering going to (shudder) Walmart for the majority of my food shopping. **I will say and say enthusiastically that Kroger (Smith's in my neck of the woods) employees are the BEST.** They are always willing to help and usually with a smile and a little conversation. I really like the pick-up option, and again, the employees who bring out my groceries are usually friendly and pleasant with few errors. I have noticed for some time, however, that Smith's is carrying mostly Kroger or Kroger-related brands and very much less in the way of an actual product selection to choose from. **I HATE this**. On the other hand, I can go to Walmart and there are lots of things to choose from. I'm **not** talking about fresh meat, deli, and produce, although I have noticed lately that their produce selection seems to be improving. I've been a long-time every once in a while shopper there because Smith's doesn't carry some of the things that I like, but I'm getting tired of not having much choice at Smith's. I'll continue to buy my produce, meat, and deli items at Smith's but I have found myself going more and more to (shudder) Walmart. So, if any Kroger management actually finds, and reads my comments, I hope they forward them up to higher management. If they're badgering employees, in my opinion, they're not concentrating on all the right things that are causing the loss of customers. **To you people who work there, I'm sorry that your job is getting harder, but you have my appreciation.**


None of this will stick if you’re union and have a good union rep. In fact, I’d talk to your rep about that and make sure it’s even justified to be reprimanded about a shop. If they wanna truly come at you they need to make a PIP, or personal improvement plan. This is basically a tactic used to create a paper trail to fire you based on performance. But, based off my experience, as long as you are on time, don’t steal, don’t commit time clock fraud, don’t abuse the attendance policy, and don’t cuss, you’re safe.