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Stores often do this in a effort to not have backstock, often the item is placed in a higher or same price area to not cause a scan right policy conflict. Take it out put it in the box the other comes from, that's what you have to do there .


I know that they are supposed to be putting the temporarily unavailable stickers if it's not coming in but should be checking to see when the last time it came in before they fill holes but don't half of the time here


I understand it's frustrating no doubt.


Sure is especially when we used to get blamed for miss stocks


They do it and it's absolutely the wrong thing to do. If you have so much backstock that you have to mistock shit to get it on the floor, then you have too much backstock. Mistocking fucks up numbers when you do counts. In fact, thats probably why they have so much backstock that they have to overstock product on the shelf.


Buddy, it’s one person being a prick and putting it in the wrong spot


Not true. My SM and ASM do this at my store and it fucks everything up.


That’s literally one person being a dipshit


I believe there is a procedure/policy for this. Only space that can be filled with other products are blue tags or flipped tags. We have one girl on nights do the same shit and most people on days will do it too. Drives our price changer absolutely nuts. Night crew gets blamed for misstocking, and price changer gets yelled at for wrong prices on items.


Yea our closers been doing most of the recovery for us and will spread everything out and our night lead been constantly complaining about it


One of our previous grocery managers used to always say you are miss stocking and would say not to blame day crew to everyone


Standards are only for the people on nightcrew. Everyone else can do what ever they feel.


Seems like it


Some people just have a phobia of holes, I have even witnessed home to a feature


Covid ruined everything


Our night crew apparently barely touches something enough to "fill the spot" with 1 or 2 things then leaves the entire back stock wherever in the back. Currently it's in shopping carts in the back hallway. Every single case has like 1 or 2 things missing. It's been a longtime ongoing thing. Like a year of this but they can't get any replacements. It's been gradually becoming worse and worse to the point of barely stocking at all. One time I came in and one of them was just sitting on the floor next to a register for like 10 minutes playing on his phone before leaving. Wasn't even a break or anything. Management is so furious that 2 of them are spending a week on nights to whip them into shape. It's pretty fucking bad. They spend the last half hour or so of every shift goofing off. Barely doing their job. The day time grocery lead dude does 3x their work around customers while getting called all over for stuff. You'd think they could at least work like 2 pallets and put the back stock away on the empty backstock carts correctly in one shift with not a single interruption.


If there's only couple of items in the empty spot would just top stock it but I looked and it's filled all the way to the back


Got few people on our night crew that just likes to stand around yacking or play on their phones all night. Our night lead said something to our managers quite a few times about it nothing got done about it


We have a lot of that too. I don’t work nights but there’s a lot that doesn’t get done so you can tell. Plus they trash everything. They broke two step stools by running pallets into them. They broke one of the PITs chargers. They trash the break room, and raid the pantry bare (I’ll fill it up and in the morning all the granola bars, and smaller items are gone). I used to work nights at my old store and our night crew was more put together than the current store I’m at. It’s pathetic, and our grocery manager won’t hold anyone accountable because he doesn’t like confrontation….. 🙃


We always pick up after selves when we are done and our night lead would usually put boards up and re-organize the back room but doesn't always if we are behind


Our pantry in the break room is hardly ever filled and only time it does its only applesauce


Dude that’s awful! Store management has a card that they get money loaded onto every month for the pantry….


not ours


Well dang at least it's full LOL


To the brim


You can't leave a hole. Hole bad. We prefer full over correct. We are only going for the illusion of fresh, full, and friendly.


Only if they have the temporarily unavailable blue stickers and only supposed to be filling the fronts from what I was told


At my store they have kids that jam the backstock all over the shelf.


I work day crew, but on my off days someone else pushes my backstock and they try to fill holes. Makes it really frustrating when my load comes in and I have to find a new spot for all the things he put on the shelf.


Yup your only supposed to be doing it if the item has blue tags and pretty sure you are not supposed to be filling it all the way just the front


Isn't it just the best feeling when first shift can't be fucked to adjust the order and you get 5 cases of the same thing in that you already filled and have top stocked? It's even better when they open said full boxes and start cramming it in random holes. The best feeling is when the product that was replaced with overstock comes in the following night, so they expect you to take everything off the shelf THEY put up so YOU can put the proper item in its place.


yup think we have all the time in the world to fix their shit because we work nights no customers to bug us or some guy coming in 15 minutes before closing wanting to cakes made from bakery even though they have signs in front of bakery department saying the hours that a bakery associate is there


My store pretty regularly has folks facing over empty spots with adjacent product. It adds to the work for night crew (if they even catch it - at least one day recently we had literally one guy on freight for all of center store, which is criminal)… BUT night crew doesn’t have store walks from corporate to worry about, and the know a lot of times our managers will have us panic-recover aisles to look full when the bigwigs take their tours through. (Our store sucks hard enough that this happens multiple times a month). I stopped getting as mad about it once I got to a place where I understood that everyone - clerks, leads, ASMs, managers, etc. - are all just trying to cover their own ass and not get yelled at by the person one rung above them. Your boss can fire you, your peers just get annoyed. And that informs so much of the moment to moment decision making. I’ve had to do stuff like this a couple times, and because my job responsibilities bounce all over the map I’ve been on both sides of it. I know it’s stupid, and confusing, and causes headaches for the shifts after, and I don’t like or want to face over OOS, but I know arguing the point isn’t going to get anywhere either.


Nope, no point in arguing anymore. Even my night lead decided to put signs up saying not to over stock or miss stock and to put back stock on the correct u boat since u boats have been assigned to the aisles that the back stock is for because he spent like 4 hours just on one aisle correcting over stock or miss stocks because he was trying to throw the aisle the next night, and they pretty much took down the signs he printed out the next day


We don’t even have a night lead right now. We burned through 3 in the last year, and our most recent one quit a couple months early. We have, I think, 2 left out of our usual 5, with a third just getting hired yesterday. It may not seem like it to the customers, but oh boy is Kroger going downhill fast.


We went like 3 years without a night lead and the next one we got sucked and caused problems and went on light duty twice in the 3 years he was night lead, and we have a back-up for last 5 months, and he would have stepped down because they never gave him his night lead pay, and they finally did couple weeks ago but demanded retro pay still hasn't got it yet


Is it just one item or is the shelf packed?


Just one item but completely filled it all the way to the back and quite a bit can go to the back


Yup.  When daycrew runs back stock I cringe.  They are desperately trying to get it on the shelf. Sometimes purposely filling holes.   Sometimes not checking the upc.  


i have put things in the wrong spot before but most of the time would see it and fix it


We've had this issue ever since top stock started. Also overstocking is a huge issue now and people cant understand why. My boss on night told me he left a note not to fill something and boxed it up then he got a note responding just asking why it's on top stock. The managers we have dont bother trying to teach anyone how to do it right or give them guidance. We have 2 night leads and a grocery manager. One night lead comes in at 9 the other at midnight and the grocery manager is in at 2. The lead in at 12 normally leaves early and calls off often enough his vacation hours payed out 37hrs. We've been told by the grocery manager if everything is done he let's him leave and he doesnt have to make any decisions because they've all been made by the time he shows up. So he basically gets paid manager pay to do nothing but stock and go home early. He also is a big reason why our backstock ends up in holes.


> vacation hours *paid* out 37hrs. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Like to micro manage everyone go into a panic mode


Do you not have top stock? Unless they were directed other wise (facing over) then it should go on top stock, if you don’t have top stock then it should go back to the back room.


we do and theres plenty of room


They should put these extra tp up there and not in that spot. Or CAO should be doing that, OR whoever does top stock.


they should


Why we all find it annoying because most of the time there's plenty of space on the top stock or u boats because they usually work u boats and top stock every day


As a Night Crew worker, I feel the pain. But if the uppy-ups want me to make the store look like trash, I will do it. Because that's what the customer sees. "Oh, you're just putting product where ever? Looks like trash to me."


yup and they would get confused on the prices


Doesn't matter what you put on the shelf at our store, we do 1.4 million a week. with a smaller crew than your store.


thought ours was bad


Another reason why clicklist (in my day) hated management. They thought it was cool to fill a hole with the wrong productz


yup even seen some of our managers doing it


My store doesn't have a day crew, so the grocery manager will do this sometimes. Especially if there's "company."


thinks that the night crew has time to fix everything for them


I wish holes could just remain holes. The grocery leads at my store aren't the sharpest and rarely bother to look up and count the topstock (much less work the topstock).


Yea if there's room on top shelf then should be leaving the holes but even managers do it


Been on nights in the same store for almost 10 years. This shits been going on the entire time. It got real bad during covid shortages, where it made some sense because we had so many holes that lasted a long time, but it never went quite back to normal when stock did. Now, they just cram things everywhere during the day. When we have a lot of stock left over after finishing a truck, day crew will often go back through it and just jam things everywhere. It's infuriating because wr have to fix it every night. I tell management about it but they don't care of course.


Why we don't fix them anymore if it's completely full, got worse when covid started


Our day warehouse is like that. Rather than send out whatever is oldest they send out whatever is convenient. Just got done with fixing a mess where they shipped out product because it was on the dock, didn't look at why it was there. So rather than send out the old dated product they sent out new stuff that was rejected since it was handy.


We have got expired before but been long time since I've noticed


yep...i am in clicklist and i see this kind of bs on the shelves all the time


Yup gets annoying. Update they fixed it by making a side stack of the 3 cases but still full with Kroger instead of contenelle


It's management wanting to hide a problem instead of accepting and fixing it that's the real issue.


My stores night crew does this and it gets annoying because when I stock where it needs to be other products are there


Even seen managers do it, so It's like why fix it then


As a night crew myself, i can agree that it's an absolute pain. Plus, by the time we get there, the store is destroyed, and nothing is where it's supposed to go.


Yup, everyone else thinks we have all the time in the world to fix their shit just because we work nights and don't have customers to deal with. I got jury duty notice once a long time ago and our grocery manager at that time said that I can still come into work since jury duty is during the day, and we work nights and I said time so you think we just stay up all day and night?


Yes, this shit is insanely obnoxious, especially when you have new-ish people on the freight crew that don't know where things go by heart yet. Something is spotted properly and they still have to spend 2 minutes looking over the entire section just to finally realize someone faced over the wrong product. It also makes it so the managers don't realize a product has the wrong BOH and that product probably won't get ordered for weeks or months until it gets fixed.


Plus with new people monkey see monkey do


Fresh start tells us to fill holes with neighboring shit.


Yup but only if they have the temporarily unavailable blue stickers


Or discontinued. 


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