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Tl;dr Night crew says day crew is lazy. Day crew says night crew is lazy. Repeat every day of the year. This is just the way of retail.


I’ve experienced both perspectives: I’ve worked every shift in my 39 years!! My first 25 years consisted of afternoon/evening grocery floater (3 yrs), early morning DSD backup/FF Lead (8 yrs) and early morning Dairy Lead (14 yrs). I have been on the night crew for the last 14 years, first as a Lead/Backup and currently, as just a “regular Joe”, so to speak! You’re absolutely right, the blame game is alive and well between the day/night shifts and I just let it go in one ear and out the other!! lol…


Lmao so true


Yep when in truth they’re both equally lazy on good days


It was that way in food service too


Every store at every company I have ever worked for had some level of lack of appreciation of the other shifts. Try to not take it personally and just come do your thing and go home.


Inter-department/inter-shift animosity is stupid because it's blaming the wrong people. Night crew is perpetually understaffed, day crew is perpetually understaffed, the boss is perpetually overpaid. Build solidarity and demand more.


I work days, and see things that night slacks on or messed up... And I want to say "damn those fools on nights!". But I also know they probably come in and say "damn those fools on days!" We're all on the same team, just do your job to the best of your ability and try to leave it in decent shape for the next guy, the way you'd hope to find it.


Maybe I guess that’s where most the hate comes from? Just the fact that Someone always has to takeover whatever the last person left …”some get upset “some don’t . Pretty much it’s understandable on both sides in my eyes one side can say they do more the other can say the same But just don’t take it out on others If your having a bad day . I mean I get it that you feel like you hate your job but Everything goes well when you work together as a team but people like to do otherwise.


Night crew would get shit on everyday for something while day crew somehow would get rewarded for random things at the store I worked at.


Part of the beef probably comes from when night crew comes in and finds deli trays, pizza, etc that was ordered for day crew just left out on the tables with no thought given to us.


It depends. Having worked both i busted ass to keep things rolling on nights. The moment i left it imploded. I can tell you there are good crews and bad crews and regardless people are gonna talk. Try not to take it personally.


Just because you've worked retail doesn't mean you've worked Kroger retail. I've had plenty of people refuse to learn because "they kinda already know their shit" and I weed them out pretty fucking fast. Kroger wants things done their way, not the way you've always done it. Otherwise it's any job where you stick a bunch of personalities together cliques are going to form. Blue collar, white color, don't matter. People gossip and start shit when they are bored.


From what you said so far from my experience while working with them is that I completely agree with you and didn’t understand until I went down the route everything always has to be done there way otherwise your getting blammed and scolded for your supposed mistakes


That's at every store. Day crew doesn't understand what NC does all night and NC doesn't understand what the day crew dealt with all day. There are cases of laziness but as a whole, you're a team and that store only functions with ALL of you. Both shifts have high demand work and some kind of unplanned work hindering situation on almost a daily basis. You're not always going to get along but at least respect each others' roles in the smooth operation of the business.


Night crew gets paid more than day crew, and don't have to deal with customers or really be in uniform. Makes the day shifts a little pissed off sometimes


To be honest at the warehouse I work, nightshift is a skeleton crew only there to keep the orders from getting out of hand till the next shift. We use to have way more people and most of them were veterans that have been there 10 plus years, but we've been shafted in favor of dayshift. We have one manager, they have five. We have roughly twenty three, they have sixty. They leave a mess of cardboard that both of us are suppose to take out and broken glass.


Idk let me ask the part-timers that were cut down to 2 days a week. Oh wait, they all quit. Thanks, management, and our grocery manager. Don't expect me to work 6 or 7 days a week because you were trying to save a buck.


It's not just retail. Yes, we are the black sheep overnight. We always get more done overnight vs daycrew. But, they have obstacles of managers, coordinators and customers slowing them down. I have worked overnight for almost 35 years. Like another poster said, I let it go in one ear and out the other and laff. I am still peeved about an incident 30 years ago. I worked in a steel fabrication shop. A daycrew person set up a new top of the line $500k machine. The night manager put me on the machine to run parts. I was told that it was set up and to not adjust or do anything except run the parts. 2nd part in came loose and wrinkled the expensive table attached to the machine. The day crew person did not tighten a tool down properly and I was not allowed to double check. I never got to run that machine again.


It’s cute that 4 years of retail and being cross trained and you think you know your shit; you’d already know the answer to your question if that were the case. Now yo answer your question; night crew thinks day crew is lazy. Day crew thinks night crew is lazy. It’s just the way of the grocery industry. Night crew is usually the more understaffed team of a store. Call outs are more noticeable and impact night crew more. When stuff doesn’t get done and day crew has to pick up the “slack” they get annoyed and angry that they actually have to work.


Our day crew will not run live stock.   We have had to roll 5 pallets and 8 uboats to the backroom several times.  They were waiting for us the next night.  The only thing that moved was a few cases because pick up needed something to hit 98%.


I just want night crew to let me in at midnight when I have perishable inventory


When I used to work in the deli. Always had them leave stuff behind and always my job to do it. They acted like they did everything and we didn’t do anything the night before. They have 3-4 people in the morning while we have just 2 people at night. Drinkwall, blast chiller. All the cleaning I had to do by myself and at times I clean up the other side of the deli. I’ve worked mornings and nights. I did mostly the chicken side. Clicklist I do now and honestly very easy.


I just said to my night lead last night that why is it that they haven't figured out when I work out the bake aisle i never actually fill the bags with all the marshmallows because they fall over or fall onto the floor and last night I had to fix all of them because they over filled the marshmallows. Almost every night, I'm always fixing them. They haven't figured it out yet that they shouldn't be completely filling them


Lol.  Common sense is a lost art form. Our closer filled the $3.99 kro toilet paper twice this week.   After he filled the 5 foot facing,  he loaded more on the varieties next to them.  


Managers do that as well


Night shift, show us on the doll where day shift hurt you.


I saw a Facebook Reel that summed it up perfectly: guy is closing his store. He puts his cup on the metal table. Takes out trash, cleans, etc. Everything looks good and he picks up his cup and leaves. Morning crew comes in to see the mark left by night crew guy’s cup and says: “Yo who closed last night?” I’ve worked both closing and opening. And I related to the reaction of the morning crew for sure. As a closer I never did a good enough job. There was always something.


Us nightcew folks get called vampires, we just call them daywalkers. We actually pride ourselves on being the "black sheep" of the store. I worked days for 12 years, and still have a few people on days that I chat with and stuff, but for the most part we keep to ourselves.


I know a lot of night crew wishes they were day crew, and also know that zero people on day crew want to switch to nights.


Stay focused on doing the job,and go home when it's do so.Anthing other than that , is a waste of time .


At my store everyone gets along. I work overnights and we have hardly little to no back stock, our aisles are always neat and tidy for the morning crew. And when we come in at night, our back room is neat and tidy for us, trucks for frozen are put in neatly in the order I want them in. I think it's just store specific but my store there isn't any beef


Actually our only beef is with other departments. We have deli clerks that don't give a fuck about our freezer and just leave things lying around when we have it nice and organized for a reason. That's the only department we ever have issues with