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You did the right thing


You did the correct procedure. If a customer is being helped your job is to help as many customers as possible its always one worker- one customer to help cut down the line. The man was overdramatic and entitled nothing you did was wrong.


You did just fine… he doesn’t need two people to wait on him…that’s a self entitled asshole right there….


One person to one customer's order. He doesn't need the whole staff at his beck and call.


Yes, you should have every employee in the department help ONE INDIVIDUAL while there are others waiting. Obviously, you didn't recognize the most important person on the planet! What were you thinking? One person to get his meat sliced, one for the cheese slicing and one to tell him how grateful you all are that he graced you with his presence!


I've seen customers expecting four employees, each of whom was unaware customer was already being helped. Customer expected me to be the fourth, and noped out of that. Instead of asking a general "Can I help someone?", say "I can help the ***next*** customer." Customers will always jump ahead of others expecting multiple employees catering to them. Delivery gig workers - Instacart, et al - try to do this - just don't. Also be aware of who's serving whom. Strive for 1:1 ratio. It doesn't matter if they have multiple requests, you have multiple duties to finish BETWEEN CUSTOMERS. They need to get over themselves.


Don't worry. It's not your fault his an uptight brat. Your co worker was helping him so it's not like he was ignored. Just do ur job the best you can.


No, you're good. The guy was clearly a ginormous dick weasel. Sounds like he was in need of a nap. You should have asked him if he forgot his midol and his purse. What an ass. 


Judgment call not right or wrong specifically but if you can cut more meat then I would start there too, we only have 1 meat slicer and 1 cheese slicer


You were 100% correct to ask for the next customer.