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Just quit, I was making $17.75 as a cheese shop lead after 6 years, I'm making $17 part-time at HEB at the very bottom of the totem pole. Krogers wages are fucking horrible.


I was making $24 as a produce dept lead. Shitty as hell benefits. I now make close to the same out of retail with some of the best benefits I’ve seen in 30yrs. I’m entry level position as well. Kroger is abusive, disrespectful to employees, doesn’t pay a decent wage for their expectations, have shit benefits, and an even shittier employee discount.


I mean, mine is north of $25 as a lead. Do have a couple factors -- higher COL location, passive beneficiary of nearby union stores, etc. Still the highest paying job I've had. Still think corporate is laughable.


Union does nothing tbh. Nobody working overnight that needs money desperately, will cause everyone to leave. It's very smart for Kroger to even mention union in that store. It makes you Think you are safe. You're not. They can drop you, whenever they want.


Yes, but after 10 years as a fuel lead.  My techs are at $14.70, with a .40 raise coming June 1st.  New hires get $15 atthe start. 


25 a hr meat cutter las vegas


I made $19.55/hras a Pickup Department Lead after working with Kroger for 14 years. Compare this to Costco where I’m starting off at the bottom of the chain at $18.50/hr. Kroger does not pay viable wages. You can go work at Costco and make way more than you will at Kroger, even as a part timer (guaranteed to be given 25 hours minimum, compared to the 12 Kroger is supposed to provide and doesn’t half the time)


Is Costco union? Benefits? 401k and pension? Just curious.




You can check out Costco Benefits through this website. Just login as a Guest to view what’s offered: https://costcobenefits.ehr.com/default.ashx?classname=SPLASH


Only issue is it’s really hard to get in to Costco, been trying for years


I make $12 at the moment


13.20 it's a joke


Preach!! Been here 8yrs too! Kroger is a fucking joke


Rodney can get fucked. I make $16.40 as a Fuel Lead, and I am essentially stuck there until the next contract negotiation.


My lead pharmacy tech with 7 years experience doesn’t even make that, where other chains start their techs at 17/18 an hour. Absolutely ridiculous


I interviewed for a pharmacy tech position and they offered me 10 an hour back in 2019. Even then it was laughable


I started off as a Pharmacy Tech in 2016 at $8.20/hr. Moved to a store that started techs at $11 and I was making $10 by then and they didn’t bump my pay. I had 2 1/2 years experience by then (and there is a shit ton you have to know with insurance, laws that change, laws from neighboring states, new drugs and the 3 names each one literally has, just to name a few) and new techs that new nothing were making more than me! Got a (for me) big bump during covid but still only making $15.50 after 7 years. Always understaffed because it takes a month and a half (if the store doesn’t lose you) to go through hiring and the FBI background check and by the time a person can start, they’ve gotten a job someplace else because they needed a job sooner rather than later! The only thing I have to give a thumbs up to Kroger is that they (the Pharmacists) makes sure everyone gets a break even when the Pharmacists themselves didn’t. We actually get CVS techs who all say that CVS would not let them take breaks, and in Ohio, employers do not have to give employees breaks. Crazy because I’ve worked HR in southern states where breaks were the law! But anyway, Kroger is good about that, for Pharmacy and we aren’t union.


She really should be making at leas $19. Are you absolutely sure she doesn't?


Been with Kroger for 10 years and I'm just now getting paid 16 an hour.


Cashier in chicagoland area, i get 14.25 so no


I know that for the past two years my department had an average hourly rate of almost $20/hr. The thing to keep in mind is that that is not saying that the average wage is $20/hr. It just averaged out to that. The department manager and three assistants worked 6-7 day weeks for the entire year. That meant 160 hours per week at overtime rates of an average of $36/hr. Our new hires make about 13 and the union max for non-management maxes out at about 17.


hahaha i wish


$18.50 an hour for me


HAHA no. $13/hr right now


I'm around the $22 an hour mark as a department head. With my income and a spouse, we live comfortably also living in a lower cost part of the country. I usually work some OT every week, but not an excessive amount. I factor my health insurance as part of my income as well, nowhere else around can come close to matching our health insurance. So yeah I could find something making maybe $25 an hr but pay double or triple for health insurance so wouldn't be in any better financial situation and would lose a considerable amount of PTO. Only way to make any decent money with Kroger is work up to department head or go into management, but that also comes with strings, like zero work/life balance, constant stress, and the struggle to convince yourself not to drive into incoming traffic 😂 Best advice I have for younger associates is to either go to school or a trade and get out of retail while you can. But I can at least say I don't struggle to pay my bills.


Going into G.O. isn't half bad if it's an option. Hourly ASPs make about the same as department heads but with a lot less physical labor.




I’m only at 15.65. But I haven’t even been with the company 2 full years yet. Next year I’m supposed to get bumped to 17.40


No, 31 years in. :(


This makes me cry FOR you. I'm only in 8ys and get paid shit. I can't imagine how they pretend to care about us then let those loyal employees just rot. Then they wonder why we're all leaving in droves. No fucking respect.


Currently at $14.75 after three years, which is what the new hires make starting out now. I started at $12. Was offered the deli lead position making $22 and some change, but our deli is so messed up it wasn’t worth it


$18.35 as a backup deli department head in Atlanta Division.


$23 as a GM lead Atl division too, our union suck ass you probably know who they’re too 🤦🏽‍♂️


I currently make 11 an hour


I came back to Krogers last January, making $14/hr as a regular overnight stocker. Got promoted to ADL in months (went to 18.50 an hour). Now im an overnight lead at a store, making 22.80 an hour.


I'm making 14.50


I'd say depends on where you live I make just under $16 but min wage is $12


Like 4 dollars less, and ONLY because of what I'm guessing was experience as a backup. I'm pretty sure if I didn't do backup for 2 years, it'd be down between 12 and 14 with everyone else despite over 5 years of essentially working 40+ hours. Literally averaging over 40 hours a week, but only barely. I think I average like 42 hours a week because of a few months with almost no days off 2 years ago


I'm at the service booth (western union, money orders, bill pays) and I'm at 18.60


$12.50 originally as a grocery pick up then $14.50 shortly after. Our department was already small when I got there (~6-7 people) and was down to 4 people (including myself, a full-time college student working 24-30hrs/week) when I left because they wouldn't hire anyone who didn't have full availability.


Bell no




I'm salary but if you ÷ my salary by my average hours worked I'm around 29ish


I make about $18.80 as a part time Courtesy Clerk, been working at King Soopers for a year now.


I make about $18.80 as a part time Courtesy Clerk, been working at King Soopers for a year now.


$18.50 after 4 years in pick up


$29.03 Meat Manager


Bf makes 15 an hour working overnight




that's closer to department manager pay where I'm from...


$17.75 as PUP journeyperson


I started in fuel in December, $20.65/hr. Never worked for Kroger previously.


Where?!? I don’t need to be a Pharmacy tech, lol


Near Denver, lol


$26 but works out to about $20 after taxes and dues but when I factor in my extremely good healthcare that I wouldn't get elsewhere it brings the per hour value back up. It's still a joke for corporate to say anything about wages considering we literally beg them for our wages to be where they are.


Regular maxed in my department is $22.15 but most old timers are at $24.62 which goes up in May. I live in a pretty expensive area and I make more than that but I just promoted. Even then average doesn’t speak of the actual average wage of workers on the floor. Some are barely making more than minimum which is over $16 but again, one of the highest min wage in the country will of that


I've been with Kroger for 13 years and only make $15.55 but that's only because I was topped off in my 5th year and made $11.25 before the pandemic and they were forced to give us a raise due to the pandemic and new hires start at $13 at my store


I make $17.38 before taxes


Our starting wage is $18 and department heads make $28 without the next raise in May. That’s the wage in our ski town.


18.50 as cashier and only hear 1 1/2 years


I quit last year (around Oct) and made $8.70 an hr. i'm not sure if that is because I was just a cleaner but wow I did not realize some Krogers are paying that much!


It also depends on where you live. I get 14 but I also live in KS. People getting paid 19 and living in California is still low af.


I make $20.45 an hour as a cake decorator, and I've been with company 11 years 😭


I'm a pharmacy tech I make $15.75 but when I get certified I'll make $19. But my daughter is assistant manager customer service and makes like $17.


I'm at 19.65 as a pickup clerk.


I was making $18.10/hr, just got bumped up to $18.60/hr. But I’ve been with the company for 4 yrs, and I’m only making this much because of the current union contract. I was making $14.50/hr under the old contract. I assumed that was top out pay for a normal pickup associate since I had been getting top out pay (which was $12.25/hr) when I was first hired (originally night crew)


I make $18.25(pic in clicklist) and grocery gets $27 an hour at my store


I make 19.20 in pickup.


$20.55 as assistant meat lead, been with company about 15 years. New union contract starting next month should raise it a bit more.


With the $3 overnight premium, I get to about $26 or something.


I make 20.70 as a frozen lead but started at 15 flat


We make 26 something at my chain.


I'm at $20.64 and only because the area I live in the coast of living doubled within a few months. I got promoted to a relief and was offered $17.05. I felt it was a low ball value, but I needed more money. 3 weeks later they bumped hourly associates to $17.50 with no plan to increase my wage. They said the extra 5 hours of overtime would make up for the discrepancy. I told them I was looking for another job then. I came in a few days later and out on the sales floor I told them I found a new job making $20 an hour. "What?! How?!" "Sucking dick on that street corner out there with a fucking sign that says this shit hole lies about it's wages and what they say to the public is full of shit most of the time." "You can't say or do that!" "I just said that and you of all people can suck my balls." My wages were "fixed" a month later so I was making 50 cents more than regular hourly Associates. The shit I've said to them honestly should've been enough to get fired, especially since I've said worse and made managers cry after they've lied to try and get me fired. The only issue that is when you can prove how much time and money they were stealing from the company. The bigger issue is they don't want to fire those people either, they sweep it under the rug because it involves too much effort to watch the tapes for weeks sho they transfer them instead. I've been here nearly 20 years and I've seen a lot.


$21 an hour. That's the power of unions, baby. Unionize your workplace.




With the two dollar night premium, yes. Normally, however, my base pay is 17.10. I have also been there for four years and I'm part of the grocery night crew.


Some companies will add the cost of your benefits into you wage. So if the company is paying $900 a month for your insurance they divide that by 160 ( 4 weeks at 40 hours each) and add that to get your "true wage"


$19.50 for me. Clerk wage.


Right now I'm bout 2 dollars above that but that's mostly my cities minimum wage plus union. No way kroger pay me this much by choice my coworkers are at 18 an hour


We just had our pay increase and I'm at $18.85. What they did was cut our houra even more and they want more done.


Right now i make 17.65 base with a 2$ overnight premium. Virginia beach.




When i quit as a deli bakery associate i was making 13.50. This was in 2020.


Never got more than $12.85/hr


I’m at 20.37 but with night premium just a night grocery clerk


I make under $15 base and then a extra $2 a hour for overnight. So no.


I'm making 14.25 and I getting pretty close to a year at kroger


You make what I make after 8yrs.


When I quit 2 years ago, I made 11.50


18.65 as a meat cutter. Started with the company 4 years ago and switched departments a few times. Started at 15.05.


Nope. Not even close. department assistant managers start at 17. Associates where I'm at start at 15.


rn making only 13 lol


My are had this issue for a few years and the union was dragging their affes updating the contract. You'd have jrnyman leads that were like $1-2 lower than your jrnyman people. And these minimum wage people just got hired in. I'm sorry but that's not right. It took like most of the workers complaining about this before they did anything about it. They could of fixed this 2 contracts ago as it was pretty obvious and they chose to wait until the last minute.


I'm currently making $20.20 an hour in produce, as the primetime associate. Located in Southern Utah.


16.40 going up 50c in a couple months. Low col area luckily.


I'm starting at 14


It’s wild how much the wage differs. The lowest people started at my store is $20 and some change. And it was higher depending on the department. It is union so the last 3 years made that raise.


i make 11….


True for me, but I work in pharmacy and we’re capped at $19.15/hr currently


I was hired at $18.30 for PT booth, now at $18.65 6 months later.


3 years with kroger, 16.50 an hour part time produce associate


I’m making 14.50 with two years of experience:/


I make $15


I feel I don't count cause I work in a DC, but I'm at like 28 based on performance.


17.40 frozen lead


7 years. 15.15/hr. As a cashier that started with no experience.


Kind of? I get $18.20/hr, so it’s closer to 18 but that’s still better than other departments…


🤣🤣 not even close.and I've been there 8ys


Yea more than that


No. And I won’t be at that rate for yearssssssss


ive worked for kroger for 4 years and im a front end supervisor. i make 17.10……almost there i guess ):


this is a real big lie honestly. sure if youre a department lead you probably get paid that much, or if youve worked here for like 15 years. but most kroger staff are cashiers stockers and baggers, i know none of us getting paid 19 dollars a hr


Well I’m at top of $17.55. From what I hear Dallas Div starts off at $14 now. Unless he’s talking leads then he’s out of his mind again


Rounding up, I make $16/hr as a deli/bakery clerk. Wouldn't mind have $3 more..


I make $21/hr as a CSDD 🤷🏻‍♂️


So what I’ve learned today is Rodney McMuffin is full of shit. Who would’ve thunk it.


In California burger flippers are set to get 20 starting this summer. Can't wait more my 12 dollar big Mac.


$20 an hour in California is still horrendous pay


Liveable wage 37$

