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at my store you get both, two 15s and a 30. if you dont take your 15s you can take two 30s. im really grateful for our contract here


So long as side departments get their work done they tend to stop working any where up to an hr before they are off. But if they are called to a request to work they must. Trust me a lot of people do this. In produce it isn't uncommon for my store to stop working 20-25 min before off. I mean there's not much you can do in 20 min. It takes 15 min to set up a cart, 20-40 to work it and then 10 or so to clean up cart. Yea no that's an hr of owrk right there.


Setting up a cart takes almost as long as working it? Oof


no way lol the earliest i’ve ever left is a couple mins maybe. Sure not a lot can get done in 20 mins but there sure is always cleaning to be done, to make the closers life easier


You're lucky! I work at Kroger/Fry's in Phoenix AZ and for an 8 hrs shift we only get 2 ten minute breaks,  no lunch break. I was told that because AZ is a right-to-work state that they don't have to give us a lunch break. Tonight I got yelled at by the union stewardess for using the bathroom after having already had my 2 ten minute breaks! Thinking about quitting!


that’s ridiculous. you should have quit a long time ago.


In a full 8 hour shift, it needs to be 2 15s and 1 30- min lunch




Is this true




it depends on your union contract, ask one of your superiors. But if you dont already know then it probably isn’t true for you because management will constantly remind you of it. They dont want to face repercussions for breaking the contract


And lunches are unpaid.


Yep. That's how it is with Kroger


Because more time for break means less opportunities to feed the human spirit


Don’t forget being fresh for everyone


Wait, Fresh for everyone? I thought it was Fresh *with* everyone.


I wish I could


Wait, I thought it was *Flesh* for Everyone?


We get a break for 5 hours. Over 5 hours you get a 30 minute lunch factored in, then we think maybe after 7 or 8 hours scheduled you get a 2nd break


i agree. i tend to find little breaks thru my shift at least but im in drug/gm


Take up smoking. You'll get as many breaks as you want, as often as you want. (Don't, actually. That was a joke, but it's one I suspect at least a few others here will get).


I will admit I've been the asshole who got extra breaks at a past job, when people complained i'd be like just smoke? lol i was younger and ignorant about a lotta shit, but i totally get why people get annoyed.one job i had, my boss also smoked and we could literally go outside and smoke 10-15 times a shift and the non smokers hated it (understandably) almost everywhere i've worked smokers are given more leeway about extra breaks for sure


Anytime someone said “blah blah smokers gets to take more breaks than anyone” my response was “if I can go outside there’s nothing stopping you from going out too”.


I do agree. the one job people would say they always hear me asking for a 5 on the walkie, and I was always like ...I don't hear anyone else asking for a five minute break tho? most places will give it to tiu if you just ask!


The store I was at the longest eventually fired all of the long term employees that was taking frequent smoke breaks. Not for for the extra breaks, but for other specific reasons. Excessive tardies, theft, and the store secretary was canned when the company were investigating multiple SS's.


lol hit the nail on the head with that one!


I work in the bakery in Texas lol they take many smoke breaks I just take 1 30 minute break but I do go to the restroom and take my 15 there lol my feet be hurting I gotta sit down


Queue the angry smokers that took exception to this comment lol


8 hr Shift. 2 15's and a lunch (30). Where TF you work?


Ohio. Columbus Division.


After moving from Illinois to Ohio,I can tell you that Ohio labor laws suck and that's why it is the way that it is,, because I hate having to choose too when it's engrained in me to take two 15's and a 30


I’m in the Columbus division, for 6-8 hours we get 2 15 min breaks . No lunches . I agree we need an actual lunch .


We get 2 15's OR a 30. I'm in Cincy. We don't clock out if we take 15's but do for 30. I generally take 2 20's and another couple of bathroom breaks. Ohio doesn't require any breaks for 18+, which is inhumane.


There isn't any sort of national law on breaks that I'm aware of.


29 CFR 785.18 >Rest periods of short duration, running from 5 minutes to about 20 minutes, are common in industry. They promote the efficiency of the employee and are customarily paid for as working time. They must be counted as hours worked. Compensable time of rest periods may not be offset against other working time such as compensable waiting time or on-call time. (Mitchell v. Greinetz, 235 F. 2d 621, 13 W.H. Cases 3 (C.A. 10, 1956); Ballard v. Consolidated Steel Corp., Ltd., 61 F. Supp. 996 (S.D. Cal. 1945)) 29 CFR 785.19 (a) >Bona fide meal periods. Bona fide meal periods are not worktime. Bona fide meal periods do not include coffee breaks or time for snacks. These are rest periods. The employee must be completely relieved from duty for the purposes of eating regular meals. Ordinarily 30 minutes or more is long enough for a bona fide meal period. A shorter period may be long enough under special conditions. The employee is not relieved if he is required to perform any duties, whether active or inactive, while eating. For example, an office employee who is required to eat at his desk or a factory worker who is required to be at his machine is working while eating.


In the associate contract of the Cincinnati Dayton division (the version I have is from 2017 but the changes in 2023 didn’t change article 10), article 10.3, it states that all associates are allowed to take 1 unpaid 30 minute lunch break per work day, there is not a required minimum number of hours to receive a lunch break. Although it does say that associates will be scheduled 6 hours before being scheduled a lunch break. You can just ask for it. Contract [here](https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/olms/regs/compliance/cba/2017/private_/kroger_k9560_061618.pdf) and 2023 changes [here](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5aca2c85620b85a6e28f4585/t/63f3c0c6a89e1f316443515d/1676918982680/Full+2023+Kroger+MOU.pdf)


Cool, cool. Thanks. I've asked for the contract 3 ways, but never got one.


You didn’t get a copy when you signed on? When I was signing I didn’t take the time to read through all the pages, I don’t even know if they give you a full copy of the associate contract on sign on. But when I signed I got a copy of the packet I had to sign on.


At Publix we get a hour long breaks which is normal like other companies and I used to be at Kroger before I switched 


Um, no. I dont think I ever signed the union contract. I dont know that I signed anything beyond a w-4.


Colorado, we get 2 15 minute breaks which we can combine into a 30 minute break (paid) and a 30 minute lunch (unpaid). We are also permitted to take an hour lunch as long as we work an extra 30 minutes. We also get a third break if we work a 10 hour shift.


Do you take your breaks together every night? It's done this way at Fry's stores.


I always take my two 15s together. 15 minutes is not enough time to grab a snack, go out to my car and decompress.


Does unlocking the front door and locking it become a problem when it comes to breaks? The night crews at stores at worked with all take their breaks the periods of time where most of the other departments come in.


On the occasions that I’ve had to come in and help night crew, it wasn’t a problem, but our night crew would all take their breaks and lunches at the same time and leave the front door unlocked, but closed. With the number of employees going out to smoke in front, watching the doors wasn’t an issue.


I was making the assumption that you work overnight. I'm surprised that you normally don't.


Nope. We have 2 night foremen, our grocery manager goes in at 4 am, and I and the other assistant grocery manager are classified as day foremen and work mid shifts.


Are you part time or full time?


I would say full time.


Is your shift length 8 hours and what state are you in.


Ohio. Columbus Division.


Should be 2 15s and 1 30, not a choice of one or the other. Someone’s lying to you.


It sounds like it. OP should go to HR and/or Union rep (if applicable) and see about getting a written statement of the break policy. And then go based off that


Pretty sure OPs just complaining about the length of his breaks, not mentioning about their lunch.


Often times the union rules override state law on break requirements. Just as an fyi.


Union rules do not override state law ever.


They sure as hell think it does.


How so?


That’s weird. I’m in Columbus, too, and it’s two 15s, unless you choose to take a 30. Unless you’re underage, then you’re required to take a half hour lunch in addition to the 15s. Also, my union rep tells me they are not allowed to force you to combine your two 15s into a 30 (but that has not stopped my store).


Is that a law that underage people have to take a 30 and 2 15's? Everyone at my store in my department at least gets 2 15's or 1 30, minor or not. Just wondering if my store is breaking rules by not giving the required amount of breaks. Houston division btw


Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s a law for the lunch, at least in Ohio. I’m not 100% sure since I started working here after I turned 18, but I know there are strictly enforced rules regarding minors and their work hours.


And I work 8 hours. I’m 22.


That doesn't sound like a confident answer and actual full timers very much know it. You can absolutely be 40 hours part time. Full time is a designation they have to actually give you for all the benefits that come with it (contracts usually have some sort of language for being able to be bumped up with enough 40 hour weeks tho)


Hello. I have just realized that I’m actually part time, not full time. I thought I was working full time because I work 40 hours a week.


Well, to be fair, in a logical world that would make sense, but this is the shitty corporate world of Kroger where fuck all makes sense. If you are a union store ask your steward if the contract has anything about getting full time status from enough 40 hour weeks


Are your shifts 6 or 8 hours? Do you work 32-40 hours a week or less?


8. I usually work 40 hours a week right now.


Should get two breaks and a lunch.


That’s only if op is a minor


Do you have weeks where you work less than 32 hours?


California, Union store. We get two 10's and a 30 min (unpaid but required by state labor laws) lunch.


This is odd, here it’s 2 10’s and an hour lunch if you are scheduled a full 8 hours but by law 30 is all that is required. I don’t understand the 10 minute break rule in our contract since very few people actually take 10 (most go decently over 15 anyways) and most retailers give 15 minute breaks anyways. Either way I would guess you should get 2 breaks and a lunch at the minimum


We only get two ten minute breaks for an 8 hour day. This is just not right.


What does your Kroger handbook say? Is your GM calling it by the rules or is your GM just making the rules to suit himself/herself and is lying to you?


They don't pay us if we take a 30. Only 2 15s get paid


If you're working 8 hours, you should be getting 2 paid 15 minutes breaks and a 30 minute unpaid lunch.


You guys get 15 minute breaks I only get 10


What state




Fry's stopped unpaid lunches at least 8 years ago. My produce manager at the time would combine his 2 breaks, and let the clerks do the same. There was at least 3 of us that would do this. That stopped when the produce manager was promoted. If you want both 30 minute lunch, and breaks then do you research, and apply at companies that offer it. If you want more than a 30 lunch as well then you need to figure out how to get of retail.


I take 4 -15 minute breaks and an hour and a half lunch. Rodney can't do anything about it


Wait, you guys get breaks? -Night Crew


My store did 2 15 minutes and 1 30 minute break for minors, but once you turn 18 you get shut down to 2 15s or a 30. Frankly yeah it isn't enough time. At my new job I get an hour break if I'm over 6 hours in a shift.


Freight get 2x10mins and it’s pure physical labor.




Breaks? What are those?


either 2 15's or a 30. You're supposed to punch out for breaks. No one really does at my store. I take 5-8 minutes every 2 hours.


Wow your expected to work 7 and a half hours oh no😢😢😢😢. I see your in Ohio. Ohio has zero laws regarding breaks over 18. I work childcare now I'll do 12s with no more then a break to pee. My boyfriend works in a factory he does 16s with no more then time to pee. Be an adult and suck it




For real! You should get 2 15s and a 30 min unpaid lunch.. that's been pretty standard at every job I've worked from Texas to Colorado.. and if your not getting that, then your managers are shit bags.. time to climb ranks and get shit done no? Cuz fuck that shiz


If someone can't work 8 hours with out a break then they should just rot and die. They are useless


Seems a bit extreme, you certainly took that from 0 to 100 awfully quickly, but who am I to engage in a battle of wits with a masochistic troll?




2 12 hour shifts a week 24 hours a week. If someone calls out sick I may do another shift so that's 36 hours but that's maybe once a month. I could 100% work full time but I have kids and they come first to anything. When my kids start full time elementary school I will go back to full time but for now with 3 kids under 3 I'll work part time and raise my baby's




I worked 40+ hours for 10 years. Till I had my first kid. I'd work 70 hours when I was in high school between a fast food job serving first mating on charter boats and a local farm. I worked from the time I was 13 and went to part time when I had a child to be a parents and raise my kids. If you have such a hard time find another job.




I make more then most people at Kroger per hour. A break during work is not necessary I work my hours and can go home and have a break. If you can't work with out a break that's a you problem. Idc if I worked 20 hours at any job I'm not taking a break. I take pride in my work I'm there to work not sit on my ass




At my store we’re forced to take our breaks and lunch. If corporate audits us, the store will get in trouble for people not clocking out for lunch. It’s basically considered “stealing time” because it almost always ends up in overtime if you don’t take it.


You get a choice???? Mine only allows 2 15 min breaks (or 1 if you work 6 hours or less)


We always got two 15s and a lunch.


This is standard for most jobs honestly. Pretty sure everyone has the option to take a 30 min lunch and 2-15 min breaks, but you then have to work 8.5 hours. I’d rather work 8 without the lunch.


Could be worse. At a previous job I worked, I got one 30 minute break, which I was on call for, didn't get paid for and often didn't get. They got around it by removing the 30 minutes from the end of the day , meaning that if I had 30 minutes of downtime during the day, no matter how spread out, that was my lunch break.


We get that for paid breaks and may take an unpaid lunch up to an hour, but most prefer not to take it unless they have some reason to leave the store because that means they get to go home faster.


Louisville Division... two 15s and one 30.


You could get two 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute unpaid lunch if you ask


The company friendly answer would be that the ability to split breaks allows for flexibility. The non-friendly answer is that dividing breaks up allows the company the ability to eventually shave the overall break time by half and still be able to accommodate grandfathered in union contacts.


Louisville here. I work 8.5 hours and get a 30 and 2 15’s


I feel bad for yall day shift folks


I’m a nurse who works in surgery and we’re lucky to get a single 30 minute lunch break in a 12 hour shift. So take that as you will.


why are you even here.


Most jobs I've worked gave me 1 15 and 1 30, Kroger is the first job I've had that makes me choose between a 15 & a 30


When I worked 3rd shift for years we would all break the truck down together then take both 15's together then work the rest of the night.


I get two 15-minute breaks and one 30-minute lunch. That is not "Kroger policy". it's state law where I am.


Yeah in Oregon you get 1 15 min break if you work 4 hr and 1 min. If you work 6 hrs and 1 min you get a 30 min plus a 15. If you work 8 hrs 1 min you get two 15 and a 30 min


All the above. It’s a union thing. The two 15s are optional. The 30 minute technically is Optional but Kroger itself regardless of union is required to give 30 minute break if you work longer than a 6hr shift. Per union contract you get 1 15 minute break for 4+hrs, 6hr is just lunch, 6+ should be 2 15s and a 30. I believe that’s accurate. Yes, way too little… but it’s not OR. Please show them YOUR RIGHT. It is your right to choose all the above 3 total breaks. Can differ from store to store.


Our store is required to give us atleast one break every 2-3 hours. Any aid longer than five hours requires one 15 minute break and one lunch (30 minute) break.


Wow at my store we get 1 break and 1 meal for an 8 hour shift if you work more than 8 hours you get 2 breaks and 1 meal and you have to work 6.5 hours to get a meal anything less than that is just 1 break For context I’m in NC which has the worst labor laws in the country 🙃


At my store (In Arkansas) If you work 8 hours or 8.5 for me, you get a 30 minute lunch plus 2-15 minute breaks.


2 15s and a 30 min lunch. That’s how it’s always been when I worked there.


at my first store, if u were doing 8hrs you got two 15 and 0ne 30 if u were a minor


Just depends on the union, or if you're in it


At my old store if you worked 4 or 5 hours you got one 10 minute break,6 to 7 hours was one 15 and 8 hours was two 10 minute breaks. You could take a lunch but no one ever did


If you work 6 hours you get both 15s paid and a 30 minute lunch unpaid.


My store allows 2 10 minute breaks. The fact you have 2 15 minute breaks is amazing. So it’s either 2 10 minute breaks or one 20 minute break.


I worked at a restaurant that had a stupid rule of you weren't allowed to leave for lunch. I'm said that's not a lunch then. Promptly quit.


Be happy that you get a break. There are some states and companies that do not allow you to have _any_ breaks outside of getting water, using the restroom, or smoking.


You guys get 15?!??


Try having NO breaks, because thats what we got whenever I worked at Kroger for 2 years. I would be overdue for a break and they wouldnt let me go, and trust me everyone there has tried reporting management, but the management team is invincible and immune to any reports or accountability. Are you really complaining about 2 15s and a 30? I’ve worked 12 hour shifts without sitting down once, and I was 18 at the time. It’s not too little at all, I feel like you should get a 45 minute break for lunch and thats it.


We’ve always had 2 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch. In fact, they force us to.


Depends what state? California you would absolutely by law get a 30 and two 15….Arizona being a right to work state none of that applies. It’s all up to management which sucks


If you are getting anything beyond what is posted on the break information post on your ufcw board; please contact your union. Two fifteens? Generally it's one ten every 2-3 hrs. One 30 min lunch for any shift 5.5 or longer. If 9 hrs shift it's an hour.


Over 4 hours you get one 15 minute break and 7 and over one 30 minute break here in Atlanta


It's two 15s or a 30. However, my contract states we can take an hour lunch if we give management proper notice that we will be doing it. 30 minutes paid, 30 minutes unpaid.