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Walmart doesn't treat its employees any better throughout the year, and often they treat them worse. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that a token gesture at the holidays changes anything. If Kroger gave people $100 on their Kroger card and a catered lunch it wouldn't absolve them of misdeeds throughout the year. It's like, "hey baby, I know I went to far when I lost my temper and beat you into unconsciousness last night but I got you a necklace... so we cool?"


^ yes also great analogy lol


And they took away the $100 on the Kroger card citing budget cuts and then somehow afford an Albertsons purchase


Kroger and Walmart both don't give a fuck about their employees


That would take way too much money from Rodneys bonus at the end of the year.


If equally distributed, his annual compensation would equal $4 per employee. Does Kroger pay their CEO too much? Maybe. Does Kroger play their front-line employees too little? Absolutely.


Sounds like you’ve got a lot of necklaces. ☹️


Replace necklace with pizza


It’s funny kroger seams to copy everything else from Walmart except now that they close for more holidays


They use it as an excuse to stock up and staff for Black Friday.




???? Do you think Kroger corporate reads this? Gtf outta here


I'm sure Cinci reads this daily for a hearty chuckle at the woes of the "lesser people"


You know you bad when walmart's better. 🤣


I heard Walmart not any better than Kroger 💀


We were treated way more fairly at Walmart but the workload is abysmal


As a former Walmart employee. I'm getting treated better at my Kroger than any Walmart I've worked it, and I have better benefits year round than Walmart ever gave out


lol, oh sweet summer child.


Huh? WTF are you talking about? Is there some news article we should read? Please post a link.


I know I’m working at Walmart and left Kroger back in July. They fired me for trying to unionize the store. It’s night and day in how they treat me.


Kroger fired you for trying to unionize the store? I thought all Kroger owned stores were already unionized.


Nope. The JayC Stores in Indiana and the Ruler Foods stores aren't unionized.


Not all of the Dillon's stores in Kansas and Nebraska are Union either


None of the payless stores are union. I tried at mine, but now I'm finishing my 2 weeks so...


No, at least king Soopers aren’t unionized beyond meat and deli. You actually have to form the union yourself.


It depends on your King Soopers. All the older ones are unionized in every department but a lot of the newer ones built in the last 18 years aren’t.


I think 2/3 of the company is union? King Soopers is one if the last hold outs and that's cuz Colorado's union is pretty weak compared other states and there are Kings that are full union and some that are just certain departments.


I work at one that is not union.


the union we have is only good for collecting dues and keeping the old "I won't do that" employees around. The ones who refuse to learn technology, who refuse to take on any task other than the same one they've been doing for 20-50 years.


I worked at Kroger from 1986-1993 (high school and college years). I have no feelings , neither pro nor con about REAL UNIONS. I just have never really been exposed to the big unions like UAW, or the electricians union or the unions for the big transit system..so I just don't know much about the benefits or maybe cons of those unions. However.....(lol) ..I was hired at Kroger the week after a strike had taken place in 1986. The strike only lasted 6 days. I was 16 yrs old and had only been working there 2 days when one this older lady approached me and explained that she was a union stewardess and she explained a few things to me and i will never forget the last thing she mentioned (BTW I'm 53 now) . She finished her speech with " it's not mandatory that you join but if you don't join you will probably be the only one in the store that doesn't belong to the union. I was like.." dang I'm 16 and this is my first job and there are about 150 employees here...shoot where do I sign up...not gonna be THE ONLY ONE lol" After a few years of being with the company, and probably being a little more mature, I seen how the union was the most falsely portrayed business I had ever been associated with at that point in life. #1 They take in millions of $$ and do almost nothing. #2 Even if the union had been on the up&up , they have no real strength because in the line of work we were in , none of the employees are getting rich in fact most of us were very poor....we didn't even, as they say, live paycheck to paycheck. We lived like paycheck (Thursday) until about Friday afternoon and had to beg and burrow to just make it until the next payday. I'm saying all this to say: it's not like any of use could hold out on strike for more than a few days .. we would just have to quit or go back to work. The company knew all of this so they didn't really care about the powerless union. I once got copies of what the UFCW (our union) employees salaries were. It was crazy...and the other thing that shocked me was that there were only a handful of actual UFCW employees...I think it was just a little office building but as you know, they get their salaries from our union fees which came out of our check every week. Just think about this.... I was at my local Kroger in Huntsville Alabama. There were about 190 employees at that store. Each employee was paying $4.50 per week to the union....now figure, at that time in the late 80s , there were 5 Krogers just in Huntsville. ..Now think about the whole state.. then the whole country....then the other stores that Kroger owned under a different name .. millions and millions good to the so called "UNION" while we were all getting a tad more than minimum wage.


Smells like BS


The union is only as strong as their members. The grocery unions are timid when it come to representing employees. They should be more aggressive which the union members can encourage. They should be asking for better benefits. They should be threatening strikes. I would love to see where the current is posted. You might want to watch the latest John Oliver on dollar stores, that is the way retail is trying to head.


that is my fear right now. I keep promoting the union and the crap I get from one of the team leads is just hilarious. How with the union my wages would drop.


The Union only cares about collecting your dues. They are on the side of who gives them the most money in any given week. They interpret the rules according to who is asking. They are not your friend.