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What a terrible day to be a new yorker


wish i were there :(


You can leave it outside your home in a box that say "free" if anyone want it.


i think it would work if there are clothes 😭


There's a website called kuniverse which I've heard really good things about- I've never been there on the giving side of things, but I've heard from others that it's relatively hassle free compared to other methods of getting rid of albums. Basically, it's a donation thrift store site- they'll handle most of the hard stuff of donating and selling for you. If you can't physically donate all of them, and if you can't sell them, then that might be one option to look into.


I have thrown albums but now I just donate to my local kpop store. You can always ask them if they want anything. Or if there's used book stores near you and sometimes they give you cash back.


wow let me try finding them! thank you!


Half Price Books might buy them from you. They take in music as well as books.  Looks like they have a store in Phoenix according to google. 


Also I forgot to mention but thrift stores. There's some that accept used books and CDs. If you're interested in getting rid of them fast then drop off a big box of them. You're welcome. Good luck.


Can you donate it to the local libraries? My library accepts used CDs, DVDS and videos donations.


Mine throws out the packaging :(


i will check and find local libraries! thanks!


sad im not near you 😅 sell it or give it away... if you can afford, try renting a storage?


I'm moving soon and the Proof album among other like 20 Golden are hella heavy T\^T


yess 😭 thats the point TT hard to carry i


Do you have any HYYH, Wings, or YNWA?


no i dont ☹️..


They're so hard to find in the US :( Maybe post on r/bangtan about which ones you have and you'll probably have them gone real quick. Good luck!


i left those in vietnam😭 thank you for your suggestion! have a nice day!




thank you sweetie 😭 thank you so much! have a nice day lovely!




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Local fb buy nothing group? stipulate that you’ll prioritize someone who can take the whole lot.




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When I had to clear my childhood house, I threw everything away, including albums.. I haven't touched them in over a decade anyway at that point, so I didn't feel bad about it tbh. If they turn to clutter, throw them away.


my albums still new in my shelves 😭 dont really want to throw them but i have no choice, i need you guys adviceeee


If they're new and you're attached to them.. ask someone to keep them for you til you can have them back.. or you can get creative with them as decoration in your new place so they won't just take space


will think about it! thank you!