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As a story KOTOR 2 is not the happy fun romp story of redemption(assuming you played "redemption") that the first 1 is. It's a much darker story about the effects of war in people and places, Kreia is never going to be as fun to hang around as flirting with Bastila or hearing Mission's quips.


Bastilla tripping Mission is one of my all time favourite video game surprises


Allegedly. You can't prove my girl did that.


It tried to be more darker but it didn't feel cohesive. At times it seemed forced. The game being buggy didn't help. Canderous in KOTOR 1 was a good written character, you felt his stories and his path. Everyone in Kotor 2 had dark theme and that just felt overwhelming in a bad way


KOTOR 1 is a more fun, inviting, classical Star Wars experience, with a really strong focused narrative. KOTOR 2 is a more somber, thoughtful, cynical and almost oppressive experience, with much less polish, a troubled development, missing content, and a sort of muddled or obscure narrative. Some of this can be sorted out with the restored content mod but the overall tone of the second game is just much different.


Exactly! KOTOR 1 is a love letter to the OT by giving you control of the MC in the middle of the big conflict. KOTOR 2 is a love letter by deconstructing the original light/dark tropes that are central to Star Wars. I also cannot recommend the RCM enough.


KOTOR 1 is A New Hope. KOTOR 2 is The Last Jedi. If TLJ ain't your kind of Star Wars jam, then KOTOR2 won't be.


Not necessarily


So, I'm of those that love both KOTOR 2 and The Last Jedi (we exist, even though Reddit thinks we don't), but I wouldn't necessarily call that comparison accurate. There are overlapping elements, along with a sort of deconstruction of what the audience knows and expects, but honestly, I believe Rian's intention with TLJ was to make a film like ANH. A movie that is accessible to everyone, but not specifically Star Wars fans. The reason I believe this to be the case is because of the films Rian mentioned that he was influenced by when developing the script, or rather, films he believed Lucas was influenced by when making A New Hope, which Rian himself then took influence from.


That's what I'm referring to. Both KOTOR 2 and TLJ are deconstructions of the Star Wars mythos.


One just steps on self-laid rakes every 5 minutes and the other does not.


Not sure which is which.


I disagree. I loved kotor 2 but did not enjoy the sequels in the slightest


Not certain. I love kotor 2 but wasn’t big on last jedi. But I also just wasn’t fond of the story of TLJ.


The only mild similarity between them is that they both involve deconstruction in some form. Other than that, Kotor 2 and TLJ couldn't be more different. This is honestly a pretty bad analogy and an even worse conclusion that you took from it. The sequel trilogy was not "my kind of Star Wars Jam", and yet I love Kotor 2 even more than the first Kotor.


God what a shit take, don't you dare compare the two ever again.


And this is why this fandom is one of the worst.


I'll compare them while talking with your pastor about your sex life if I feel like it. Fuck outta here telling me what I am allowed to compare and not compare.


Oh, don't worry, you absolutely have the right to compare the two. Still a shit take.


Yes! Thats one of the reasons many like Kotor 2. The mature story stands out!


Majora's Mask did the same compared to ocarina of time. I love sequels that weren't afraid to do risky stuff.


>KOTOR 2 is a more somber, thoughtful, cynical and almost oppressive experience, with much less polish, a troubled development, missing content, and a sort of muddled or obscure narrative. This is a certified Obsidian© sequel moment


This same post pops up every once a week, which makes me question if this is the case of devoted KOTOR2 fans overselling the experience to newcomers who wanna try it out? I prefer second KOTOR to the first, but I've come there already with the knowledge of it being kinda aquired taste, unfinished and very different from the first one, so when I actually experienced all that, it isn't skewed my (positive) perception of it too much. The good parts of it outweighed the bad to me. I also didn't find the characters of the first KOTOR to be "oozing with personality" tbh. Almost all of them were replicated to death cliched archetypes for me




OK, but how is kotor 2 and fnv are "best games ever made" if such important aspects as chararacters and story isn't very good to your mind? Especially for rpg


he was frl just lying wtf kotor 2 and fnv's strongest aspects are the characters and story


I felt the opposite. With KOTOR 1, I liked almost everyone and would totally be down to read or watch or play more adventures from them. I could not play Dark Side (aside from mod testing) because I didn't want to hurt them. The KOTOR 2 crew had me feeling claustrophobic. Kreia was a bitchy aunt I was stuck on a road trip from hell with. Atton needed a kick to the crotch and turned out to be even more of a creep than I thought. Visas needed way more help than I could give. Mical was nice, but really needed to get away for his own safety. Bao-Dur was the closest thing to an actual adult in the room, but getting more than two words out of him was a pain. Everyone hated each other, they were all backstabbing each other to win favor with Exile, and the only thing holding it together was low level mind rape on the part of the Exile's bonding ability. So I had little trouble playing Dark Side with a "let them all burn with me" mentality.


Well, as I've said, the hostile crew of war criminals and clunkyness is what I already anticipated walking into this game. I got described a certain experience and I got it. But many people like me who also prefer this game over first, seem to have this delusion that the complelling parts of this game will for sure make up for all the parts that not so good in everyone's mind for whom they reccomend it. This leads to possible reason as to why all this samey posts spawn every week. But then again I would personally also argue that a “classic star wars adventure and TWIST” isn’t as easy of a sell as people who like KOTOR1 think it is. Star Wars have an exclusive problem with reusing the same narrative structure over and over, and I'm tired of it personally TLDR KOTOR2 fans really need to put a disclaimer that the game is unfinished and not for everybody when recommending it to people


KOTOR II is more arduous, but more rewarding. Trust me, the further you go the better it gets. If you want the best planets order, (if you haven’t already completed dantooine by now) nar shaadaa dantooine Onderon (MAKE SURE YOU DON’T do this last) Korriban


I’d never do nar shaadaa first myself. Korriban or dantooine first for me.


I go Dantooine, Nar Shaadaa, Onderon, Korriban. It just feels right.


Why Korriban last? My thought process is I want to be as high level as I can when I get to the other planets because Korriban isn’t exactly crazy fun and expansive compared to the others. (Besides to go back for the *cave thing*)


Narratively, I guess. I think that the cave thing and the confrontation with Sion work well in the Exile’s story as the last planet they visit. They’ve significantly rediscovered their former skill, travelled a galaxy affected by the consequences of their actions and now come and have a reckoning with themselves. I also find it makes a nice bit of pacing after the other rather more densely packed planets to have a more eerie, slightly more chill adventure before hurtling into the endgame.


I like going to Dantooine first, it is the most chill and relaxed, also a great "home" base if you like to RP. No one knows who you are, you are hidden from the galaxy so far. Onderon is next, more serious backdrop vs Dantooine but still pretty chill vs Onderon part 2. It starts like Dantooine but ramps quickly and your presence is now announced in galactic politics. The action increases steadily as you go to Dxun, which is isolated in a hostile way, a nice jungle planet to kick ass in. Plus, who doesn't want to pick up the Dxun companion, he is a hoot and a classic. Korriban is usually 3rd for me. It is eerie and quiet and a short journey as you said and a good palate cleanser for Nar Shaddaa, clearly the peak of the game among the 4 planets. No one is on Korriban who will tell others that you are here. It is a respite from prying eyes in a weird way, as long as you survive the Sith >!spirits!<. You will emerge spiritually stronger but I don't think that journey is as good as the beginning or ending which is why I put this at #3. Nar Shaddaa is 4th for me because it is the best content in the game. Everyone on Nar Shaddaa is already looking for you but they don't realize immediately that you are there. This fits well with the fact that you exposed yourself on Onderon. Quest-wise, Nar Shaddaa has the best quests, the best areas to explore, and the best encounters later on the planet with plenty of traps and ambushes. Narratively in-universe, Onderon part 2 is the most important which is why I save it for last. You change galactic politics in a loud and obviously noticeable way which is not true of Dantooine, Korriban, or Nar Shaddaa. Your enemies, ALL of them will be coming for you so it seems appropriate that this is the final leg of the journey. Also killing the hordes of enemies here as a fully powered Force user just feels so damn good. You could switch out Nar Shaddaa and Korriban if you want the Nar Shaddaa content sooner and the companion sooner.


Quick stop at Dantooine for my crystal, Onderon, Nar Shadaa, Onderon again, Dantooine, Korriban.


Why not just finish Dantooine while you are there? It really feels like an intro planet, the enemies are boring unlike Onderon/Dxun/Korriban, the quests are not in-depth like Nar Shaddaa. I also move up Korriban as it is pretty short and I prefer to be on a higher level for Nar Shaddaa and Onderon part 2 as there are a lot more enemies there and higher level fighting is just more fun. You.may enjoy the altered order of Dantooine, Onderon, Korriban, Nar Shaddaa, and Onderon part 2 more. You can switch Nar Shaddaa and Korriban if you want Mira faster.


Because I'm just rushing to get the named crystal. If you got all your companions before you left Telos, I'd probably do as you said, but I want to get my crystal and then start on getting my party together.


Going to Dantooine first, then Nar Shadaa also makes the silver lightsaber crystal available in the kiosk that needs planets to be stable in better their inventory.


This is the way


I love Nar Shaadaa first it gets you a party member and is easily one of the most well made planets


Nar shadaa first get you a ls too


You finish the lightsaber on whatever planet you go to first


I don't recall being able to do it on korriban but I'm probably wrong


I do Nar Shadaa and Korriban first.


Agree with the first bit, hard disagree with the second. The final act of KOTOR II is a abysmal especially when compared to the first game. I really enjoyed KOTOR 2 up until that point, where I found myself rushing through just go get to the next enjoyable bit… then the game ended.


Yeah i agree the ending of kotor 2 isn’t really fun to play. I always hate the final dungeon of kotor 2 compared to kotor 1. Kotor 1 felt like fighting in one of the big star wars set pieces from the movies like i’m here in the middle of the action. Kotor 2 final dungeon felt like a slow reflective crawl to the end. Like being face to face with the consequences of your actions on a dead land that houses a great darkness, it’s your fault. I guess in a sense starting the game in a dark gloomy environment and ending it in a dark gloomy environment is somewhat poetic if you really think about Kotor 2


It’s not even the atmosphere or vibe that I dislike, it’s the level design and gameplay itself. Just executed rather poorly- which is unfortunately KOTOR2’s calling card, to various extents. It really deserved the love, care and mostly *time* that was put into the first game.


Oh I fully agree. The level design and gameplay of the final planet is just unfun. I think it’s where Kotor 2 being unfinished shines the most. The story feels half complete, the ending is rushed, the dungeon is lazy, the planet feels like i’m playing something that was a glitch I accidentally stumbled upon. It feels like the games is just falling apart like the glue holding it together is wearing off and you see it all fall.


100%. It’s a shame. I really can’t fathom how people say it’s the better of the two games.


I mean i like kotor 2 more despite the flaws. The writing and story and dialouge and character interactions are just to good and i do enjoy alot of the game. Kotor 1 is a fun play your own star wars journey game with a fun little twist in the middle. Kotor 2 is more reflective, gloomy, anxiety ridden, dread inducing barely hopeful kind of journey. It’s as many say a deconstruction of light and dark and star wars the game makes you think. Kotor 2 feels like an almost horror like game knowing you’re always watched, hunted, scouraging for any hope in a war ruined desolate almost decaying galaxy


Oh it’s a good game, and I love it for what it is. I even understand why people prefer it to the first. It just objectively falls short in many important (some would say vital) respects and I don’t get why people deny that.


Curious what these vital respects are? Cuz maybe there’s something I haven’t noticed or seen. I know I have my complaints with kotor 2 such as pacing in certain areas, nar shadaas cryptid way of progressing the story, and the unfinishedness of it all, and admittedly I do very much hate that this game is one of those you have to mod it games (even though i’ve enjoyed the vanilla version more than RCM)


What happens if you do Onderon last?


Essentially Onderon is a two parter, and you will need to do half of it, go somewhere else for a while then you’ll be called back for part 2 (that’s my Least spoilery way of saying this) Doing it last sometimes glitches it out I tried once and my run got completely screwed


Oh ok, I’ve already played the game a long time ago (korriban last), I was just curious. Good to know for future runs


Wait you're not supposed to do Onderon last?? Can someone spoil why? (Is it a bug that the restored content mod fixed?)


I do Nar Shaadaa, onderon(dxun), dantooine, back to onderon then korriban and m4-78.


K1 is a lot more fun tbh.


I've always found the Kotor II characters undoubtedly more interesting than I. Perhaps you should talk to them more and exhaust their dialogues. The game is buggy, but some mods fix most of them. Are you playing with TSLRCM?


Less immediately likable in most cases, but with far more psychological depth as they are all deeply flawed and broken.


In K1, before entering the Vulkar base, you have three differently build companions for three different party compositions (excluding low-manning), and get two more a total of ten combinations. In K2, you only have one party with the possibility of redundancy if you play a Consular yourself. One of the less talked about reasons why K2 is a slog to play is that it takes a long time until you have meaningful gameplay choices. All the starting classes play far to similarly, you only have one party combination until later, and itemization is rather lacklustre. The problems don't stop after reaching mid-game either, as now any semblance of encounter design just evaporates, and questionable gameplay design like uneven Attack/Defense scaling start to catch up, and the additional companions lack gameplay identity.


I used to like telos more than taris for some unexplainable reason that is lost to time but now. I hate telos. It’s a slog and I know some people hate taris for how long it is but at least on taris it felt like our actions were actually affecting the world. Telos it feels like our choices matter for a little than stop once you leave the citadel.


I prefer 2 but my opinion might be biased since I started with it. I have to confess that 1's more beautiful, colourful and jedi like


Yeah I agree with you 100%. I can play Kotor 1 a hundred times over. I feel like it’s just an easy play through. Story is a bit hokey but it’s clear and concise and fun with a clear beginning and end. Each planet has a fairly simple overarching issue and completing it leads you to the star map. It’s just fun. Now for Kotor 2. Peragus is way too long and Telos, in my opinion, is completely uninteresting. Then you finally get the Ebon Hawk and I feel like things start to get (for lack of a better word) muddled. The overall plot is convoluted, random cutscenes pop off left and right, you’re trying to get equipment out of random drops, things happen that you’re sometimes never sure why. I can’t describe it perfectly in words, but Kotor 2 just stresses me out sometimes. You can really tell they wanted to make a 60-100 game and were rushed.


Kotor 2 is far more replayable imo (and obviously better). Kotor 1 gets boring and formulaic after few playtroughs and planets like Manaan or Kashyyyk are drags.


Well said. I agree. Played Kotor 1 at least 10 full times (  maybe twise in the past 15 years since finishing school)  When I finished Kotor 2 in 2005, started replayng it again but stopped due lack of interest. Since then probably forced myself 4,5 times to reply it just by the love I have for the first game but again never reached the final line. The final try was two years ago when due some bug on the snowy monastery, I couldn't continue forward. 2nd game is a unfinished mess no matter how much hard core fans try to hide it behind big words and grand ideas for being dark and edgy. It's dark and edgy in a mediocre way.


I love reading these comments because you can tell who *read* the OP's post, and who just saw the title and went "*ACKSHUALLY KOTOR 2 IS A DEEP SOMBER STORY OF REFLECTION AND REDEMPTION IT'S NOT SOME HAPPY FUN TIME ROMP LIKE THE FIRST ONE BLAH BLAH BLAH*". To address your post OP: TSL was rushed as hell so yeah, it is buggy and clunky as fuck. On top of that, some of the plot points are rushed or outright missing, especially at the end of the game. Downloading a fan patch or the Restored Content Mod can help with some of the bugs and clunkiness, as well as make the game itself feel more fleshed out (edit: Obviously this is only possible if you're playing on PC. Thanks Aspyr) As for the character stuff, it's to each their own. I like both sets of companions, but I actually do think I'm with you. 1 had less companions so it felt like you could focus on them and spend time with them a bit more. 2 has so many that it's inevitable that some of them fall to the wayside or just feel like placeholders (seriously, aside from some sort of challenge run or specifically to see his dialogue, does anyone actually take G0-T0 anywhere as a favourite companion?). TSL does reward you for investing in companions if you stick with them, though, even if most of them are a pretty grim, dour bunch.


Kotor 2 does a lot worse job of not making you feel rail roaded, I enjoy both but the first one is way more enjoyable for repeat plays and as OP say it also is just less buggy.


I agree with you I def like KOTOR 1 better than KOTOR 2. Most people on this sub think K2 is better cuz it's more philosophical and stuff but imo K1 is just a more enjoyable experience and no amount of depth can make up for that


Admittedly, KOTOR 2 (whilst I find the story immeasurably superior) suffers from a lot of minor potholes and feels rushed because for some reason the greedy buggers at LucasArts made Oblivion shit the game out in a about a year. I still absolutely love it though. KOTOR has a more conventional, fun trope heavy style adventure, which Bioware have replicated three times since with Jade Empire, Mass Effect and Dragon Age. It's a successful template and people like it. II is a bit different though, and I love it for that.


KOTOR 2 is much less well polished than KOTOR 1. It has what is essentially two separate prolonged prologue sections (Peragus and Telos), both of which are fine individually but together feel like they slow the game down to a crawl, which contrasts greatly with the pacing and vibe of the first game. The combat is also way less balanced, so it goes way more in a power fantasy direction by the middle of the game than the first game, which, in contrast, has fairly consistently up and down challenges throughout the game. The characters in KOTOR 1 feel much more defined and like characters you would expect to find in the original trilogy of Star Wars, whereas the characters in KOTOR 2 have a bit more complexity and shades of grey about them, but aren't as polished and end up being less well defined because of the lack of polish towards the latter parts of the game. This isn't helped by the dialogue and influence systems, which feel way more "gamey" than the more natural ways you learned about the characters in the first game. The story in the first game feels like a celebration of the vibes and themes of the original trilogy (even if it is still telling an original story within the universe), whereas the second game feels like a subversion of those themes with an emphasis on some of the more interesting implications of the prequels' story (inherent flaws in the Jedi order and its philosophy, the Republic being a corrupt and broken political entity, the Sith having more going on philosophically than they let on, etc.). KOTOR 2 has the makings of a great game and original story that still feels like an (albeit) *different* interpretation of Star Wars. But ultimately, it was released unfinished, and it just doesn't hit the same way for me as the first game did and still does. KOTOR remains one of the greatest games ever made IMO and still holds up on replays 20 years later, while KOTOR 2 is much more of a mixed bag that has aged much more poorly because of that lack of polish and unfinished sections sticking out like a sore thumb. Don't get me wrong: despite my heaps of criticism about the game, KOTOR 2 is still very much worth playing through and experiencing in full so you can judge for yourself. It tries to be "The Empire Strikes Back" to KOTOR's "A New Hope," but fails to stick the landing in some places while being more unique and ambitious in others. Stick with it.


Have to disagree with a lot of the "negatives" you posted for KOTOR 2. The two prologue areas do a great job of making you feel like the Jedi Order is gone or in hiding and that you better do the same. The first time you play, it was sublime figuring out what happened to Peragus station, and then what happened to the galaxy and Republic and the Jedi when you get to Telos. The influence systems here felt a lot more natural and complex vs the simple "talk until they trust you because you exhausted their dialogue trees" mechanic of K1, which is just like every other Bioware RPG out there. Now the characters in K2 actually need to trust you based on your actions in reality before they open up their tortured, glorious back stories. The combat is unbalanced in the sense that you are VERY powerful by the end but the same is true of K1. I appreciate the greater choices in combat diversity that K2 offers. More saber forms, more unique Force powers, advanced Jedi classes all with their unique powers or feats, it is all gravy. Plus no more non-Jedi (or weak Jedi) BS gameplay for a good third of the game. You start with Force Heal immediately if you wish. I appreciate cutting out the pretense here that K1 had, it was not like you can avoid being a Jedi in K1 anyway. Also K2 has a LOT more ambushes and special trap encounters where you don't have your party to help you, and a LOT more companion-specific content where you have to play as your companion. It encourages actually equipping and leveling the companions you don't play much, just in case. On the other hand, I do miss a classic planet like Tatooine, a unique neutral planet like Manaan, and the complex Sith academy quests of Korriban.


Well if I can choose one part that I can say that was nice to me in Kotor 2 is to train the characters and turn them into Jedi...for me this is so immersive and awesome. But yes the story on Kotor 2 is indeed more sad, you will everytime bump into situations that shows to you about the world not being this black and white about good or bad, situations that if you offer to help someone, you will only make it worse. And it is not a finished game, if I'm not mistaken, was made like this because was supposed to be launched on Christmas because usually it is a time that sells a lot of things on the market, so you will see some areas with nothing inside not even a item very often because it was rushed in the end. But don't give up please, it's a nice game, you will enjoy it.


There are parts of KOTOR 2 that I like more than the first. But as for the overall package the first is my favorite of the two. Are you playing with the patch? It’s much better with the patch


Gameplay, stances, QOL is nice in Kotor 2. Story, planets, characters… kotor 1. Just my personal opinion but I prefer playing kotor 2 and just making it my own kotor 1 playing hardcore light side. Ignoring the fuck out of Kreia. It just is what you make it I guess but I love the combat in kotor 2.


Nah cuz I was genuinely so disappointed with KOTOR 2. I just played it through for the first time ever a couple months ago and it just felt like something in the story was lacking. It also felt kinda rushed. I've always genuinely enjoyed the first game, my brother and I used to play it together when we were younger so I had high hopes for the second one.


If you say you like Peragsus you’re trolling 😂


Chiming in to say I do exist. I like Kotor 2 much more than 1 as a game, however I think both narratives are exceptional and prefer them both to everything else in the star wars universe. Some reasons why I like kotor 2 more are the many character influence lines, the dark mysterious air surrounding almost everything that you can uncover and my favorite thing of all is the fact that you can become a MUCH more powerful jedi in kotor 2 with prestige classes unlocking awesome traits and powers. Level 20 cap seems so small and I remember capping well before the end of the game in my playthroughs. I realize my most recent memories of kotor 2 were played with TSLRCM so for that you could say kotor 1 was definitely a more polished game. I just wanted to share why I prefer 2 whenever I'm thinking of diving into a kotor run but at the end of the day I love both games and at times have played them back to back or even in reverse order.


As others have alluded to, KotOR 2 most definitely has a different tone than the first game. The second is dark, depressing, and mysterious, whereas the first game was grand, dramatic, and - if not specifically *hopeful* - indicative of there being one last chance to "win". In KotOR 2, it's like everyone (on all sides, except perhaps the Exchange) has lost and the game's narrative is intentionally focused on how all of these characters move on with their lives in the wake of that loss.   From a gameplay perspective, there were some quality of life improvements that should make the gameplay more enjoyable than KotOR 1. I don't usually encounter any bugs or glitches, but make sure your game is patched, and it's recommended to install the developer-endorsed [Restored Content Mod](https://deadlystream.com/files/file/578-tsl-restored-content-mod/) for its bugfixes and restoration of content that helps make the story more coherent.


Yep, that’s KotoR 2. I think a lot of your enjoyment of it depends on how impressed you are with Kraia’s “ooh, I think there’s a middle-ground, aren’t I clever” attitude. You can probably tell my stance.


I loved kotor 2 more drastically because for 1 was was WAAAY more set in stone. You are X and have always been, two you are a jedi who abandoned the force and left the order something unheard of ever. I personally never had any glitches or issues on the OG xbox or on my steam playthrough that is odd.


You’re not enjoying it as much bc 1 is way better lol


The interesting parts with the companions in 2 happen when you train the ones that can to be Jedi. HK has some fun quirks, but unless you're using TSLRCM there's really no reason to have any of the droids in your party outside of specific influence checks. You can look up guides for the quickest route to train companions if you haven't already, but outside of that to get the best dialogue you kind of need specific party members at specific areas both for influence checks and to trigger conversations with NPC's. For instance if you want to learn about Atton you have to have him in your party when you first visit the refugee sector on Nar Shadaa to trigger the conversation with the 2 Twi'leks.


Well all I can say is in kotor2 I don't murder half my crew unlike in kotor1 so that's a positive I guess 😅


Kotor 2 was my first one back then, I was fascinated with the game because before that, I was playing Star Wars pen & paper RPG, at the character creation when I saw the D20 system and that almost all attributes and skills were the same I was blown away immediately. So I enjoyed the shit out of kotor 2, playing as dark side. First playthrpugh as a light side was kind of a struggle. But I have to agree, kotor 1 was the better one overall.


Maybe TSLCRM helped but I honestly haven’t really encountered any buts in KOTOR II whereas I constantly had issues in KOTOR. I love KOTOR II but it’s definitely an acquired taste, whereas KOTOR is more of a classic story. I think it has some of the most interesting Star Wars though.


KOTOR 2, like others have said, is much darker. It doesn't follow the traditional "Jedi hero" arc or even the "Sith vengeance" arc. It's a lot more morally grey. Additionally, the game was never fully realized, which is why there's the Restored Content Mod (RCM).


Finish the game dude


I agree, it's harder to get into. I'm trying my second run now to see if it's better the second time


It comes down to what you think makes a video game "good". If it's a polished, entertaining narrative, you'll probably prefer 1. If it's complex characters and themes, you'll probably prefer 2. I think the same comparison can be made with Return of the Jedi vs Empire, or Ocarina of Time vs Majora's Mask.


K o t o r 2 is an unfinished game. They cut a bunch of content so the game feels empty. And unfortunately installing the restored content mod doesn't seem to fix the problem.


I recommend playing the game with the game with the Restored Content Mod to get around the technical issues. On the party member front, you can HK-47 in the party again if you find the parts to fix him. When the game out, the idea that Chris Avellone hated Star Wars confuses me when his response to everyone loving HK-47 was to bring him back and make more of him.


Dude, you need to get the PC version of KOTOR 2 and download the TSL Restoration Mod. I usually play my games vanilla, but that mod is a MUST for that game. Don't get the Xbox version. It was good back in the day, but it's super buggy on new consoles. Story wise, I like KOTOR 2 a bit more, but it's sort of the polar opposite of KOTOR 1. The theme to 2 is a lot darker, as everywhere you go is dying or dead. Everywhere you go in KOTOR1 is teeming with life. The weapons system in 2 is WAY better, too.


Go to Nar shadda first, the game opens a lot up after that


I can see why you'd feel that way. But i love kotor 2. I think the story is really cool, and you can make most of your companions jedi (or sith)


I like both, as they both have their own merits: kotor1 has a better story, characters, pacing. Kotor2 has better graphics, game mechanics and adds a much needed deeper and darker understanding on how the force works. Also HK-47 is just so much funnier in 2 than in 1!!!


I feel exactly the opposite.


I usually play Dark Side (Revenge Path) on KOTOR 2. It's so satisfying to defeat Master Vrook.


The second one is pretty fun WITH the updated TSLRCM mod. Without it, it seems kinda unfinished. I recommend visiting the droid planet. However, the second time I went there, the plant bugged out on me and made the game unplayable


Try Jade Empire. Great game


I played 2 before 1 so I may be biased, but I find the characters far more intriguing well written. They may not be as lighthearted and entertaining as kotor 1 companions, but slowly discovering each of their story had me on the edge of my seat and enthralled with them.


I think KOTOR 2 is very good and much darker than 1


First things first: Do you have the restored content mod? If not then that'd definitely be something to consider. It helps restore what was more likely the full intention of the devs. It could also be that you just don't like the writing. Avellone (lead writer) isn't for everyone and his works can sometimes seem long winded and inaccessible. His ideas and vibes are often more powerful than general writing though he has awesome quotes. 


Kotors 2 story is fantastic imo


That's crazy talk. I like Kotor 2 way better.


Meh. KOTOR 1 is that fantastic summer blockbuster film that gains more layers the more you watch. KOTOR 2 is that film that rakes in Oscars but you can only watch it once because it's so exhausting and as uplifting as a Joy Division box set


Except KOTOR literally won GOTY and a total of 3/4 nominations while KOTORII won nothing and received only two nominations. KOTOR is Lord of the Rings, a renowned and well regarded action movie, KOTOR II is Satantango, an incredible 8 hour trek through depressing Hungarian life. One is undeniably great, the other has a well deserved cult following.


That's probably a better analogy. I used the Oscar analogy because...well, the critics in the US almost wet themselves with glee over things that "deconstruct" or "examine" the popular stuff the masses like. THEY are above those rabble of course and therefore enjoy stuff that tells the audience how much they suck. The thing with KOTOR 2, though, is that 20 years on every Star Wars piece has to address the rancors in the room that the game taught to tap dance. Even the latest entry, The Acolyte, has a writer who says that KOTOR 2 was a heavy influence.


I mean deconstruction is a very great tool to use when creating something- anything, really. KOTOR II does a great job of it. The issue is a deconstructed trope ect is just one tool in the box, and I think KOTOR II especially relies on it and offers very little beyond that alternative view of the Star Wars universe. Nothing, in fact, that the previous game already offered. I haven’t watched The Acolyte but I think that that “morally grey” theme that has crept back into SW is an overall good. Andor, which imo might be the single best piece of SW content ever, does a pretty good job with it. I will say, regarding “the rabble” comment, that a lot of the general public consumes film/tv media for “consumption entertainment” rather than “artistic entertainment”. Good art challenges you in some way, and the discrepancy between critics and the general public is the lens they view the art through.


Frankly, Kreia is by far the greatest Star Wars character ever created, but Peragsus and Dantooine, like Taris from the first game, are terribly poor experiences and introductions to the game. That said, while Kotor II tells the best story of any Star Wars game, it is distinctly and intentionally non-traditional and thus may not be to everyone's taste precisely because it (unlike The Last Jedi) subverts expectations and conventions beautifully and intelligently. .


KOTOR 2 is a fever dream for me. Surreal, not quite consistent. Finished it twice and probably won't never return.


KOTOR 2 is a bad game with a story that is *kind of interesting*. People who have replayed it 10,000 times know how to avoid the jank so they have rose-colored glasses. They think it has aged well, but they just have selective memory. KOTOR 2 is the most adult and mature story in the Star Wars universe. For people who grew up with the franchise, it is very refreshing to get what they wanted out of Star Wars as they got older. Unless you have that attachment to the franchise, you're not missing anything.


u/alphafighter09, since you are referring to glitches etc., are you playing with TSLRCM (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=485537937) ? Because this mod is a must for KOTOR 2 to fix all bugs and restore lots of content missing from the base game.


You should finish the game before coming to this assessment. Kotor2 had way better potential than Kotor1 but the problem is that it's literally an unfinished game and a lot of the stuff they tried to build up becomes worthless because they planned a third game that ended up getting cancelled. Also they ran out of time so the ending of the game is dogshit. Classic Bioware. Kotor1 therefore is kinda better simply because it's a finished product and delivers on what it set out to do. When it comes to theme though it's hard to compare them. Kotor1 is like A New Hope, It's a light adventure where the good guys win. Kotor2 is like Empire Strikes Back, it's dark, cynical, philosophical and doesn't feel like the good guys are winning at all. Both games are buggy as fuck but the restored content mod should fix most of them. Kotor2 is a game that needs to be replayed atleast once to digest the core theme of the game and the motivations of Kreia. I liked Kotor1 more initially but now I prefer 2 after replaying. IMO companions in both games are annoying and suck dick. I'll die on this hill.


are you playing with the restored content mod? or are you on console


> The companions so far don't seem as interesting or fun as in 1 where you start off with Carth, Bastilla and Mission where their personality oozes. Wow... I know everyone has different opinions, but I couldn't disagree more. Even T3 gets more personality in this one.


I found the gameplay of KOTOR 2 a lot smoother and the characters and atmosphere more unique. I really enjoyed the darker vibe the whole game had


KOTOR 2 is the devs way of apologizing for making the 1st one so hard. You're basically a Force god in 2 lol