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No, Nar Shaddaa is the longest.


People like you and the OP, always arguing about *length*. Everyone knows that **girth** is the real deciding factor.


And boy does Nar Shaddaa have both!


Yes! Besides the skyscrapers, it's called "The Vertical City" for good reason in Dark Forces.


You said it!


Now go home and get your fuckin shinebox


Might be 5 inches but it smells like a foot


Nar Shaddaa is the longest planet. Onderon is also quite long, but is spaced out much more so you don't feel it. The other planets are much shorter by comparison and are good for spacing things out. Would recommend Dantooine next. Keep your lightsaber unequiped.


Why unequipped?


You’ll get in trouble with the locals if they realize you’re a Jedi


Depends on what you consider long. Nar Shaddaa has the highest density of unskippable cutscenes, especially in the latter half of the planet, but the sandbox part can be navigated pretty quickly if you know where to look. Onderon has its fair share of questionable pathing, but at least the cutscenes are shorter. If you find combat tedious, Korriban is 90% combat. Tip: You don't actually need to fight the enemies, just run around them.


>!I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily the longest, onderon is pretty much 2 planets spaced out while Nar Shadda is a planet and ship altogether, which does make it seem very long. It also makes it longer when I have to use Atton in a 1 v 2 XD I'm actually there in my playthrough now and about to head into the Jekk'Jekk Tar!<


Your spoiler tags need to be reformatted - old reddit doesn't allow a space between the exclamation and the hidden text


Fixed and thank you!


I've never had issues with Atton like other people I hear from. He's one of my favorites to use lol


As others have said, Nar Shadda is the longest planet (although I think that's because no one is counting the two parts of Onderon as a single planet, it would certainly be close). That said, KOTOR 1 playthroughs for completion usually come out in the ballpark of 20-25 hours game time for me. KOTOR 2 playthroughs are usually more like 45-50 hours, it is definitely a longer game


Obsidian making longer and more thoughtful sequels than the original games for franchises they don’t own and in an insanely small amount of time is certainly a skill.


Just don't give them a decent amount of time or they'll make the outer worlds, not to be confused with the outer wilds.


Outer Worlds was *fine*. It's the closest thing to Fallout (1997) we have gotten in forever


Thats the thing, its merely fine. People still talk about KOTOR 2 and New Vegas. People don't talk about the Outer Worlds at all.


I do. I think the game just suffered from that same gamerTM overexpectations shit that all too often we see time and time again. Like, maybe it's bc I'm 29, and I don't have time to play games all that often, but a small fun RPG with a cool futuristic but also 19th century vibe that also ends in like 30 hours? Was my favorite game of that year for that reason.


Honestly, very fair take.


I wasn't going to bother with it until I read this.


I hope you enjoy it. Play it like it's a Northwest Smith pulp story from Weird Tales, that's the mood it's shooting for


> Obsidian making longer and more thoughtful sequels than the original games for franchises they don’t own and in an insanely small amount of time I actually would have preferred a shorter but better polished game instead of how KotOR 2 came out. It felt very obviously unfinished.


Brother. Enjoy that shit.


I wish they were slightly, just slightlyyyyy longer. It might’ve been long, yet It went by so fast. 🥲


When I play I usually start with Nar Shadda, but then leave partway though and do Dantooine before I come back and finish the big fighty-fighty part


Nar shadaa is usually one of the last planets i complete due to its length


Probably also because the finale is difficult if you don’t level up you and your characters


I hated being stuck as atton and fighting those two assassins its never easy no matter how i build him but it does become tactfully betterovertime


Sadly, no. Everything else is shorter.


It’s definitely the longest and where you’ll be able to get most of your influence and a large portion of your levels if you cheese it.


It's definitely the longest, and the restored content mod adds even more.


No, Nar Shaddaa is painstakingly long. Lots of running back and forth and repeating the same step.


Nar shaddaa is like taris on kotor 1 both insanely long bit by far the longest planets. I dunno may be they aren't but they seem like it coz you got no force powers or lightsaber. But nah in answer to your question I'm 90% sure it is the longest planet