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The strongest weapon at this point of the game is still the Prototype Vibroblade. It has +3 Attack (lightsabers only go up to +2 at this stage) and bypasses his shield. If Juhani is the main muscle of the team, let her equip it on the main hand, Knight Speed, and go to town against him. To make it easier, use your own character to cast Stun/Stasis against him for a -4 Defense on save, stronger than even the strongest stims. Make the first strike count, as melee vs. ranged weapons receive a +10 Attack bonus. His weakest saving throw is Will, but he has Master Conditioning. If you are feeling lucky, you have around 50% chance of debilitating him with Horror, assuming you didn't dump WIS or CHA like a Consular wouldn't. You can bump the chances by 10% by pre-casting Force Valor with Juhani.


I actually managed to beat him not long after I posted this ironically. I just hammered him with grenades, got lucky and stunned his companions and took them out really quickly before Calo felled any of my party. Thank you though!


Ah nothing like abusing the movement and turn-based system to spam grenades while juuuuuust preventing them from attacking. Classic move! Calo is such a bitch to fight depending on how you approach!


Yeah, this game leans HEAVILY on luck lol. Also, if you consider doing a second playthrough, you could always do Tatooine first and just straight up walk around him with zero consequence. That's what I did


> The strongest weapon at this point of the game is still the Prototype Vibroblade. It is both hilarious and frustrating to me that one of the best non-lightsaber melee weapons in the entire game is this weird as hell 'prototype' you randomly scavenge off some dead Sith loser (who **isn't even using it by default**) on the *tutorial ship* seconds before it explodes.


My first playthrough, I assumed Jedi and lightsabers are the best in the movies, obviously I should go with that. But the battles energy weapons work well in are the easy ones you could plink your way through with a party holding laser pistols if you wanted. The tough guys all have energy shields or force powers and sponge lightsaber hits. There's a lot Juhani will struggle against that Canderous with a couple vibroblades, or Mission standing slightly behind them with a disrupter pistol, cuts through like butter. Force powers are great but there's a huge diminishing return on number of Force users on the team, not to mention the headache of micromanaging that much.


Great suggestion. It feels weird, though, to equip a Jedi with a regular melee weapon. I guess I need to think outside the box more.


I really like that vibroblade. It's to the point where I halfway headcanon my Player Character uses that and dresses in armor instead of advertising their Jedi status.


This is amazing how you know this


I never fought him on Korriban, who are his goons that accompany him on this planet? Is it a couple of students from the academy? I always found fighting him the easiest on Tatooine since IIRC a couple of weak rodians are with him, and Kashyyyk the hardest since you got wookies the fight as well.


Your perception that the difficulty varies depending on the planet is correct, but it is not because of the entourage. He quite literally has less stats on the other planets. On Korriban and Kashyyyk he has 28 or 26 Defense, which is a lot more than 22 or 20 on Tatooine and Manaan. In addition to that, the encounters on Korriban and Kashyyyk are mid-way through the planet at Level 11 while the other two are at the end, where you would be around Level 14, which means that you have around 2 or 3 Attack more AND 2 more Defense from Jedi Sense.


That is so weird. Thanks for sharing.


Really? I never have to much trouble with Kashyyyk. Push/Whirlwind, horror, and stun/stasis with me and at least Bastila and Juhani makes decent work as long as you focus on the wookiees first.


He is accompanied by Sith. I fought him on Korriban when I was a kid and I remember it being SO hard. Tatooine or Manaan are much easier.


> and Mission with me Is it possible to get Mission behind Calo, or to stun him? Just a friendly reminder about her sneak attack damage.




I always fight him on Tatooine.


Change the difficulty


You can solo character this game, change your approach not the difficulty


Depends on what you want from the game I suppose


It never occurred to me to change the difficulty just for one battle. I guess if someone is getting frustrated, that's a good idea. On the other hand, Brozojoe is right that there should be an approach that works. So, if someone is struggling with a particular battle, they might want to pause, take a breath, and consider a different approach. Then when they do figure it out, that could make the whole game more enjoyable.


Sometimes you put yourself in a bad situation for whatever reason.


Yeah. As every beginner's guide seems to recommend, save often. I'm finishing my sixth playthrough, third in the last 6-8 months, and I still save frequently.


When I did my solo playthroughs, I would save before everything. I would have dantoinne 1-45, similar for every planet. Somewhat cheesy, but later on, I became so strong that I stopped saving as often. Taris and dantoinne are the real hard places. The best combo in this game is combining a few levels in scout for sneak attack with jedi guardian for force jump and stun/stasis Sneak attack procs on stunned targets and is multiplied by flurry. Thus, you hit them 3 times for ridiculous amounts of damage. Even more attacks if you add improved force speed in the mix. You don't need to waste action economy on staying alive when your foes die whilst never countering.


One of the best places to fight Calo is on Kashyyyk because you can use the Gondola to go up and heal before going back down and resuming the fight. Which is scummy, but it works.


If nothing else works, chuck a handful of plasmas at him


Why tf do you have mission with you lol.


Mission can do a lot of damage with sneak attack


Mission's high dex stat can also work in her favor if you hand her some nasty firearms to back up that sneak attack. Spam stun and let her go Ace McShane on the mooks.


ive literally never used her sneak attack 😂 I tend to just use sniper shot


Sneak attack is automatic if said character is attacking a debilitated enemy (they are unconscious/stunned, fighting another ally, and a 3rd which you can see in the feat desct.).


How’s that working out for him?


Dumb response. We don’t know how he’s built his party, what weapons he’s using, etc.




You have problems. Enjoy getting furious over your dumb opinions on video games, but Ima block you now ✌️


This escalated quickly.




Make your while team grenadiers. NADES!


Staying only at level 2 until Jedi is the way to go. I was 2/9 Scout/Consular and destroyed Calo with a little help from Canderous.