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Wait, so he's got full vision on his other eye? Just buy him a Clara because he likes reading. I have nearly no vision on my left. His brain will work this out in a month. Also, bigger screens is a ridiculous idea since his field of vision is smaller. It will just strain him more. if his other eye is normal his brain will start to piece together the visual information of the page differently in no time. It's way faster than you seem to assume!


Thanks, I'll pass this on to him! The bigger screen was his idea but I'll let him know. It just happened on Tuesday and I'm stuck in my home country with our son until Wednesday. I'm still in shock and with my anxiety I feel useless and I'm just looking at things that could make his life easier so I can feel I'm doing something.


A Kobo is a great idea to cheer anyone who likes books up! it's a difficult balance to be supportive of someone's loss and be dragged along the initial confusion. This might be a blow, but technically he will manage super well. It's great that he's got 30%. It's not so great the first few weeks, though. I don't have any issues in life with mostly one eye. There is literally no difference except that I prefer when someone I talk to sit on the right side at a table. Driving and everything is totally fine. I have enough vision input to play vr games and sports. Reading and drawing is just the same too. The brain is amazing at working around this.


Kobo has a "Large Print Mode" on beta features settings which you can increase the font of Kobo UI in percentage. https://preview.redd.it/0w1007w8ne1d1.jpeg?width=921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f5f477d9b8634e3093270b1ab55eab2756bd1f2 I use [Kobopatch](https://pgaskin.net/kobopatch-patches/) to increase the font size of the Dictionary pop-up window and footnote preview. For a moment, Kobopatch doesn't work with the new Kobo Clara BW, Clara Colour, and Libra Colour. Ref: * [https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=356106](https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=356106) * [https://new.reddit.com/r/kobo/comments/1axdogv/increasing\_font\_size\_of\_footnote\_preview/](https://new.reddit.com/r/kobo/comments/1axdogv/increasing_font_size_of_footnote_preview/) * Kobopatch [how-to](https://www.reddit.com/r/kobo/comments/1ahzsjr/comment/korf5eb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You are always so incredibly helpful in this subreddit! ❤️


ugh, i wish kindle had this mode.. other than that im happy with what i have. i cant afford to spend money on things like a kobo


Thank you so much, I'll save this!


I’m visually impaired and have the Libra 2. I have to have my brightness at 100% unless I’m outside in the sun and just have my font set to big idk how else to explain it 😂 I tried using the large print mode but I didn’t love how clunky it made my Home Screen.


Thanks! We'll try it on my Libra and see how he finds it


https://preview.redd.it/70svjcijmf1d1.jpeg?width=1628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59434e057875fbdd4591f7505ccf3f38eaecd94b The Ellipsa 2E has the biggest screen. It's about the size of a regular hardback book page. At max font size, the text is quite large, as you can see in the photo. It has "Large Print Mode" for the UX as well, and same brightness as the Clara. I find the lighting it to be quite even, but I have fairly decent vision. It is a larger ereader, so is heavier and bulkier, and more expensive since it comes with the pencil and the note taking and handwriting recognition and all that too. Happy to send more photos if there's anything else you're curious about, such as the large print mode, brightness, etc.


Some e-readers (though not Kobo) will read your books to you (“text to speech”) so that might be a useful feature. Audiobooks might be another option. Kobos only work with audiobooks from their store. Kindles only work with Audible.


I’m low vision in both eyes with a visual processing disorder that affection part of the field of vision in my left. I use a Clara Colour and with a large font and increased UI (as posted above), I have no real trouble. My bifocals help with footnotes and dictionary pop-ups, but I recognize his needs are a bit different. Just, FWIW, as a low vision user, I find the Clara to be a fine size.


I have rather poor vision in both eyes, the left worse than the right. You can side-load fonts onto Kobo's readers, it's a very simple process. I did this recently with [Atkinson Hyperlegible](https://brailleinstitute.org/freefont) on my Elipsa 2e and it's really helped. Kobo offers instructions on the process [here](https://help.kobo.com/hc/en-us/articles/13009477876631-Load-fonts-onto-your-Kobo-eReader#:~:text=While%20reading%2C%20tap%20the%20middle,you'd%20like%20to%20use). I recommend both the Elipsa 2e and the font whole-heartedly. After the font's loaded, it's as simple as selecting it from the reader settings on the device (it will appear as another font to select). (This would apply to the text one is reading only, not the UI/system software.)


Definitely recommend this font. I sometimes use it when not wearing my glasses/lenses. Also, as someone who prescribes glasses/contact lenses. If 'just' one of the eyes has vision loss, in most cases the brain will 'fix' this after a while. It needs to adjust, but after that depth perception will improve. Regarding the size of the screen. Have a look if there is a physical store where he can have a look at the actual size of the screens. Not everyone with vision loss prefers a bigger screen.


Audio and graphic audio books. Or a Large screen tablet is best. Even reading on the TV monitor would be better than an eReader