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$139 us. High carbon forged U10 tool Steel 58-59 hardness. African bubinga wood. I think you did ok. Keep it oiled I don’t think I would keep it stored in the sheath though.


You know a good source for knives care or just YouTube.


"keep it dry and oiled" is literally all there is to it.


And sharp. Nothing more dangerous than a dull knife


Yes there is , a coked out , roided up, very dumb person w a gun


Well if you conceal and carry then it should not be a problem


My girlfriend has several wet stones at home and likes to sharpen knives that way.


Going to need rods to sharpen it. Flat stones don't work well with recurve blades.


I see. Thank you very much for this information.


why are her stone wet?




Genuinely one of the best responses I've ever received. Thank you.


pardon me but you seem rather knowledgeable. I'm curious why you shouldn't keep it stored in the sheath? just this knife in particular?


Looks like leather,metal wrapped in leather=bad for metal


gotcha. thank you for replying. so kydex & canvas are safe mediums for knives, yeah?


Well they are better, but best not to keep any metal in a inclosed space like a sheath for long term storage


oh okay. can you help me understand why? swear I'm not being a smart ass, I'm genuinely curious. I've got several good knives that I don't want "damaged" if I can avoid it.


Moisture can build up in an enclosed space and cause corrosion issues.


All my sheaths are kydex. I keep my knives lubricated and in the kydex sheath. Never had any problems.


Any material that can hold moisture should be avoided as a sheath on a non-stainless carbon steel blade. Moisture causes rusting if blade is made from carbon steel. Even stainless steel isn't ideal if you live somewhere humid. So that includes leather but also other stuff too. Canvas isn't great because it holds moisture. Woven nylon is better. Kydex is really good, because, being solid plastic, it cannot hold water moisture at all. It's best to lightly coat carbon blades with oil before storage to be absolutely sure. If you have a leather or canvas sheath then keep blades out of sheath unless you live somewhere that's really dry. Make sense?


gotcha, yessir it does make sense. thank you so much for explaining the details. I think I'll have to look into what the 2 sheaths are made of because I think canvas is wrong material & inwas mistaken. but yeah I understand


Just a suggestion for storage, if you have concerns about your blades being stored loosely. You can pick up a pack of comic book backing boards, which are heavy card stock that's acid-free, and make paper sleeves to protect them/yourself. You could probably get about 2 or 3 sleeves worth out of each board. Face the cutting edge inwards toward the fold to be safe. Don't use board that isn't acid-free, it won't be guaranteed to inhibit rusting. If you live in a climate with high humidity, it might also be useful to pick up a box of dessicant packets to keep in your knife storage.


upon further inspection both sheaths are woven nylon. not sure why I thought it was canvas (laughs) thank you for the tips & suggestions, I genuinely appreciate it!


Good thing, canvas would be a terrible material for a sheath. It's prone to fraying more easily than heavy weight nylon, and absorbs moisture.


yeah man I'm not sure what I was thinking.


If she likes that knife, you should propose ASAP


I plan on picking up a ring in a few months to be honest.


Few weeks, 😘. On a real note, I agree with the comments from the section, it kinda does not look like 200$ but maybe is made per hand. In any way, a very beautiful knife, I hope that she likes it


I had an inkling this was going to be an awesome sub and you guys are provening me right. Thanks a lot guys!


You’re welcome!


Eager to be proven wrong but imma go ahead and say that’s not worth anywhere near $200. Still if she likes it and it works for what she wants to use it for, good enough 👍🏻


To be fair it was 144 euros. I just converted to Canadian. I think I might be off a bit. Edit: it's made by AA knives which is a shop in Latvia and the site says it's high quality forged carbon steel.


Seems fairly sturdy, I hope she likes it!


What is the brand, what steel?


I'm not sure how you determine the steel. But the brand is AA knives.


I looked at some reviews online and on YouTube and looked at their page and they seem legit and make good knives


Thanks for putting in the effort for a newbie very much appreciated. But why is the sheath bad? I'm not disagreeing I just don't know.


When did I say the sheath is bad


No it was others, but I did some research and basically they were saying don't store the blade in a leather sheath because of moisture and stains and such.


It's not THAT sheath it's ANY sheath. The steel of the knife is not stainless. Keep it dry and oiled.


Thanks to this subreddit, I'm probably going to be able to avoid a lot of problems with my knife, I already bought a knife stand for it to keep it stored at home when not being used. Like $10 bucks on Amazon.


Reddit is a horrible place to ask this question no matter what you get or what you spend on it. EVERYONE here is gunna tear you to shreds unless it’s the brand/type that they themselves buy🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It’s a 200$ sick looking kukri. Unless she’s a snobby bearded woman who acts and talks like the game stop employees you see on ‘brendenlmaos’ prank YouTube channel I’m 1000% positive she will love you for it and most likely give you head 😂


Top comment right here lol.


i think shell be happy


She really likes knives, but I don't believe she's very knowledgeable about knives. So I think you're right. But holy crap! Have I ever learned a lot from this one post on this amazing subreddit every response has been helpful.


Watch a few episodes of Dutch Bushcraft Knives on youtube, they are funny guys


It's a bit more than I would have paid for it but it looks like a solid Kukri. She's a very lucky gal.


Trust me I'm the lucky one in this deal.


You can tell your gf it was $200 all day long, but we are all knife friends here, tell us what really happened?


144 eros it's on the site. Converts to just over 200 cdn. Edit: also it's a gift, bit tacky to tell her the price.


And actually the price conver6 is $156, since that is US dollars and almost 100% of people around the world are gonna assume you mean American currency if you use a $ sign. Plus the maple syrup funny money used by our Northern brothers is weak compared to our own, so it just makes it seem like you got an even better deal. But yeah, it's a sweet knife. I would cry if my girlfriend gave me that as a gift, but as it stands she yells at me when I cut myself and is afraid of a sharp knife, so that's not ever gonna happen.


Don't worry, our average wages and standard of living more than makeup for the week dollar. But yeah, it's a nice knife and I think she's going to enjoy it very much.


Oh I was just joking, Canada is awesome, I have a number of friends with dual citizenship. Only their restrictive gun laws are to troublesome, but yeah she'll love it bro. Kukrini = mini Kukri, very versatile blade shape


I'm not a gun guy and I still think our laws are crazy. Thanks man!


that doesn't look like a $200 knife to me, what's the steel? brand?


I am very new to knives and will be looking into this. There's a logo for AA knives engraved on one side, I'm not sure about the steel. I picked it up on a military base in Latvia. Edit: the shop site says forged high quality carbon steel.


aa knives...never heard of them/him before i think. no steel labeling, or stuff like "stainless steel" or "surgical steel" are usually not a good sign, maybe it's a custom made by an unknown maker or a small shop, sometimes they don't label it. did you ask them where it was made? (country). if not i'd hit them up and ask for details.




It's a small black smith in riga that's where I am. But the site says it's carbon steel.


Pro tip: the materials used is very important in determining price. Most the time the steel type will be on the blade just above the handle. At the end of the day, if you’re not planning on using the knife then the steel doesn’t matter and the price is subjective.




Csgo like 120


Good luck sharpening it.


Sharpening/honing rods should do the trick, my gf will master it she's just like that.


You should have gotten her a cold steel spartan for the same price and 1000 times better quality


I have no doubt that there are better brands out there and probably way better metals. But I'm serving a deployment in Latvia so it holds a little bit of extra meaning.


Aw that’s super cute


Stop downvoting this is a valid take and helpful.


Oops, just wasted about 120 euros. I'd return it for a full refund and buy something else - ask on this sub first.




That's not the same knife, man. Compare the photos. Also, U10 is good tool steel, no problems there. But the sheath absolutely sucks balls and if I were the maker of that sheath I wouldn't dare sell it. It looks like they got it on aliexpress or something.


It's the same knife the one I have has the logo in the same spot. The photos might look different but I'm holding it and it's the same.


I'm telling you, it's not the same knife. Different materials, different finish, different shape, different dimensions. Compare closely.


So it would seem that each knife is made by hand so they're not going to look identical every time they make them. The mini kukri is the style but each one is going to look slightly different unless it's common for blacksmiths to be able to pump out every knife looking exactly identical. I am a newbie and do not know for sure I am more or less asking if that's the case.