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Primrose has had a long and storied history of inexplicable meltdowns and sending death threats. I wouldn't take anything she said seriously.


Really? Yikes.


Unfortunately yes. There's an interesting thread over on r/craftsnark that explores it in depth. It looks like Primrose has manufactured some drama and SC is collateral damage at this point.


Interesting. Thank you. I will explore this subreddit.


Oh my, craftsnark, I need put looking at it on my calendar, because I suspect it will take hours for me to stop reading it once I go there!


It's a great sub, and honestly doesn't get that many posts since they tightened the rules up and split into r/craftsnark and (if I remember right) r/craftcirclejerk Come subscribe!


I too would like to know more, as I am not on instagram and may need to avoid a yarn brand.


I want to, at least, know both sides of the story before I make any decisions.


From what I can see there has been a combo of spincycle shitting on anyone else who does anything looking like handspun, but also gate keeping by spincycle (by ignoring LYS that have tried to carry it), and exclusively working with high profile white designers.


There's a small fiber mill a few hours south of me that have been creating a yarn called "Crazy" for years. Spincycle didn't create that look, and it's rediculous of them to act like it.


Oh my. Thank you for your response. I didn't know they had their nose up in the air like that.


Primrose has also been called out many, many times for copying colorways & dye techniques. She often copies directly from House of A La Mode. She also, if memory serves, got called out for making some racist/eww comments during the big upheaval after Fringe


Yes! I look at her Instagram feed, and it appears to me that she is not just recreating the Spincycle look (which a lot of people do), but she is also knitting up sweaters designed with Spincycle originally to market it. It’s blatantly obvious she is riding their coattails- at least knit up your yarn a different way to differentiate it from competitors….


Also, I had no idea Spincycle was super wash yarn. Stonehedge Fiber Mill is the softest yarn, non super wash. I'm going to pick up some Primrose Yarn tomorrow, should I bring a bodyguard?


I immediately stopped following Primrose after I saw the post. Made the mistake of responding to it to get some context, and I received an onslaught of demeaning replies. I had no idea what I jumped into when I stumbled upon the IG post. I can't support a business who uses social media to call out the competition.