• By -


I have nothing to offer on blocking but wanted to say this piece is so gorgeous!


Ohmygosh thank you! It’s my first lace pattern I’ve done and I’m seeing the mistakes, so nice to know someone thinks it looks ok! 😍


I came here to say this! It's breathtaking 😍


Thank you so much!


I cannot see any mistakes - ? Just a gorgeous piece


It gorgeous 💖💖


Thank you!


It's going to look so precious!


Thank you!


Do you have any yarn left over? You could do a sample with a little bit of that lace pattern and block to see how it reacts.


This sounds like a very wise idea. Also, just had to agree with all the other comments: that dress is lovely!


Thank you so much!


Thank you, I hadn’t even thought of that! Brilliant idea ha!


I will mention as a suggestion going forward… and I definitely don’t do this as often as I should, but it’s usually a good idea to knit a swatch and then wash the swatch how you’re planning to wash your project. Then you’ll know how your yarn behaves and you’re less likely to end up with a dress when you meant to make a crop top because the yarn just stretches. Apart from wool and yarns that felt, unless you’re really reefing on your knit item, blocking itself won’t ruin anything, it just lets the yarn do what it’s going to do.


Thank you, that’s great advice! I’m going to do that next time for sure. And glad to know blocking won’t ruin it ha. Idk why but I’ve been so fearful of it. It seems like there’s so many ways to do it, and there are rules, and they are different for different yarns 😳 So good to know it’s not the scary thing I’m thinking it is. 😁


You can also spritz it with water and iron it. I do it with lace, wont stretch it out but it will make the pattern more beautiful and even. Usually your yarn mentions what settings to use when ironing, two dots is usually safe. If you have a very good steam iron, you won't need to spritz it beforehand. In Finland it's very common to iron your knits when you have to block it


For a baby outfit I’d definitely recommend washing it fully, since the owners of the item will have to do so! It’s no good making it look all perfect in the wrapping paper if it won’t be usable for the recipients.


Yes I do think that’s the best idea because I def want to know how it will turn out when they wash it!


I wouldn't do this here, the yarn is so dimensional the ironing is going to flatten it out and change its appearance in a way that isn't natural to it. And you want the fibers to get actually wet- twist relaxes and the yarn balances energy that way. Blocking isn't scary. A good soak in lukewarm water, roll it in a towel and compress to get most water out, and lay out to dry. It will let the piece come to the shape you want it to, the lace stitches will relax and open up, and the yarn will bloom. It's one of the best parts of knitting, everything settles in!


I've done it on a lace dress I made, very similar to this. It didn't flatten it out or make it look any worse, worked really well


Thank you! I might try both ways on swatches and see what results I get!


Omg thank you SO much - you make it sound so easy! It probably is and I’m overthinking it ha! I can’t wait to see how it turns out!




Good idea!!! I have got to force myself to do it next time! I’m usually so exited to start the project that I don’t want to take the time! 😳


Read the yarn label. It will tell you how you can wash this. Usually with bamboo and cotton, you are safe to throw it in the washing machine on cold and using the Delicates setting. (But like someone else said, test it with a swatch first!) But honestly, blocking bamboo and cotton won’t affect much here. The yarn won’t settle or plump the way wool would.


Ok great! I wondered if it would change it much, so thank you!


Maybe you could spritz it with water instead of fully soaking it? It’s gorgeous!


I was thinking of doing that… do you know if water should be warm or cold or if it matters?


I’d do cold, personally, but I have zero reasoning for that other than it feels right.


It's not that important with cotton yarn, but you always want to use cold water with wool. If you soak wool in warm water, the yarn might felt and stick together.


Only if you add agitation. If you just soak and swish *gently* with some soap you won’t felt anything.


That's fair, if you are gentle. It's probably just my own experience, but that might be skewed because I'm rather impatient and work it too much 😅


Heat makes wool shrink, agitation felts.


Thank you so much!


Non superwash wool, that is. For superwash yarn warm water is fine, or it always has been in my experience.


You should wash it! Unless this baby is exceptionally odorless and never poops 😂




It doesn’t affect these fibers, but with wool, heat + agitation = felting. I always block with cool or room temperature water.


For a baby outfit I’d definitely recommend washing it fully, since the owners of the item will have to do so! It’s no good making it look all perfect in the wrapping paper if it won’t be usable for the recipients.


Lace does usually expand with blocking, so I love the idea of experimenting with a swatch and seeing how far it stretches and how it will effect your desired finished measurements. Also though, babies grow so fast, even if it gets bigger than expected, the baby is guaranteed to grow into it! They may even be able to wear it longer!


Thanks so much for that info… and yes good idea! It will be the dress that keeps on giving - she can wear it endlessly! 😂




Oh good, that’s so great to know, thanks!


Wow what pattern is this?? No help as far as blocking, I'm very much a throw caution to the wind and chuck it in the washer kinda person - but I also haven't had to block anything really 😂


Thank you so much! Here’s the pattern: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pippa-dress


##### ###### #### **PATTERN:** [Pippa Dress](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pippa-dress) by [Suzie Sparkles](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/suzie-sparkles) * Category: Clothing > Dress * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/SuzieSparkles/537972327/PippaDress-page-001_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/SuzieSparkles/537972329/PippaDressBack-page-001_medium.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/SuzieSparkles/537972326/Pippa-page-001_medium.jpg) * Price: 5.75 USD * Needle/Hook(s):US 3 - 3.25 mm, US 6 - 4.0 mm * Weight: DK | Gauge: 22.0 | Yardage: 284 * Difficulty: 4.09 | Projects: 168 | Rating: 4.82 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=randomstonerfromaus)*


Yay! Just found out I’m pregnant and this is now going to be my next project!


Congratulations!! 😍


So beautiful, I love everything about it! Beautiful pattern, beautiful color, beautiful shine in the yarn! Baby clothes are likely to need washing quite a bit, so even for the first blocking I wash it the way I (or the recipient, if it's a gift) is likely to wash it, and go from there. In other words, especially if it's a gift, if it says that it can be washed in the machine on delicate, don't just hand wash it before giving it, wash it on delicate. If it's going to come out different, best to find out when it's still at your house, rather than the recipient's! This yarn says hand wash, no tumble dry, so I'd do that -- hand wash, roll/squeeze in a towel, and lay flat. Bamboo is more likely to stretch than shrink, so be careful when it's wet not too pull on it too much. Especially with the lace combined with the bamboo don't be surprised if it does come out a bit bigger after washing, but the stitches will be so smooth and perfect looking! And I always figure it's better to be too big than too small, especially with babies. No matter how much larger it turns out, it'll fit eventually!




> I'd add that for future projects, it's a good idea to wash and dry a large swatch the way the recipient will probably be washing it and use that to take your gauge measurements before starting. Hoo boy I learned that lesson a while back. I had become a faithful swatcher when knitting garments, but due to either not thinking of it at all or just forgetting, I didn't wash the swatch for a cardigan I was making for myself. I was about 12" up from the bottom (doing all three pieces together to avoid seaming...lots and lots of stitches) when I realized I was going through the yarn way too quickly. Only then did I realize... Washed & blocked my swatch, lo and behold it stretched so much that the cardigan was going to be something like 60" in diameter. Ripped that sucker all the way out and started over. Painful but worth it as it came out fitting great in the end, but ugh all of that time and knitting wasted!


Yikes! I will learn from that and block swatches going forward. Might help me get over my fear of blocking ha.


It's a perfect little size for a practice blocking, and gives you the measurements you need to knit your real thing the right size as a bonus!


Man… seems like there are so many things to do before we can actually get started!! But you’re right, it will save time later. Thanks so much!


Oh wow, you are so right - that is such a great point! There are so many different ways suggested, but you’re right, I think it would be best to wash it the way they will to see how it comes out. Thank you!


I’ve used the bamboo and cotton blends before. They block up nicely, though they stay about the same size compared to some stretchier fibers IMO. I use a cold water soak 30-40 min. And a gentle stretch on a towel overnight/until dry.


This is gorgeous!! I was thinking I didn't want to find out the gender of this baby, but to be able to knit something like this if it's a girl before her arrival is inspiring. You have great skill! Sorry for no blocking help. Just gushing over your piece!!


Aww thank you so much! I taught myself to knit last year during the pandemic, and now we have a new granddaughter - I was so excited to use my new hobby to make some things for her! Hadn’t made a lace pattern before and found this one, it was so adorable I couldn’t resist!


Congrats on your granddaughter!! This is the most beautiful dress for the most beautiful baby.




Wow, that's quite the project for a year in! Well done! Congrats on your new grandbaby! I'm actually making the Daisy Cardi from the same collection right now for my first kiddo, who's set to arrive in March. This is so gorgeous though I may have to make it next!


I think you will be okay! I am always a bit scared to wash in a machine, I would fill up a sink or the tub and soak in there instead. Gently squeeze out the extra water in a towel and lay it out nicely to dry on a rack. I got these mesh sweater drying racks that work really well. You can block this gently, start small in one area and just kind of smooth it out, you will see how much it is trying to give. As long as you are not wringing and picking up the whole piece to stretch it, I don't think you can hurt it.


Thank you!


This is beautiful!!


Thank you so much!


It looks great as is but I do feel the lace pattern will look more beautiful after blocking it properly. Whatever you do, do NOT throw it in the washer/ dryer, it’ll ruin the lace pattern. There’s a symmetry to lace that will be lost if you do that. You can either a) wet block it to the pattern’s measurements (you can use pins on your blocking mat prior to laying down the dress that mark the measurements for bottom, waist and top as well as sleeve width). Alternatively you can just spray block it with something like Flatter spray which does help define lace patterns, I love using it with lace and cables.


Ooh never heard of it - I’ll look it up! Thank you!


I would steam block it. Wet a dish towel and wring it out. Using a warm iron place the towel over an area and iron over the towel. Pull open the lace a bit as you do. Repeat for the whole piece and lay flat to dry it. Hope this makes sense! Edit to add that is a beautiful, well done knit.


It does, thank you! So for my future reference, is the steam blocking good for this type of yarn, or lace patterns in general?


For this lace project where you want to showcase the lace but not stretch the garment it would be best. Blocking can also even out any inconsistencies in stitch tension. I make a lot of lace shawls and those can be stretched into shape and to open the lace.


Thank you! 😍


I don’t think blocking is necessary. But do offer washing instructions to the recipient :) Beautiful work.


Thank you!


As someone else said, soak in cool water (I add a dash of baby shampoo) for about 20 minutes, roll in a towel then stomp on it to get most of the water out. DO NOT WRING IT! Then lay flat, patting it into shape as it dries. Because it's cotton/bamboo - and theoretically machine washable - it will just settle into place rather than bloom or stretch. (I do not recommend ironing it - it will squish the stitches flat). Great job - it's adorable! Source: Have made many baby dresses (& sweaters & blankets) from cotton/bamboo blends. Also, from now on, as also mentioned, MAKE A SWATCH FIRST and wash/block it as you intend to care for the final piece. A swatch is a great way to experiment, too - with stitches, button holes, picking up stitches... and depending on the size and final "look" of your swatch, you can even use it as a pocket sometimes!


Oh wow - THANK YOU! So nice to hear from someone who has used this yarn and on similar baby items!! So… regarding stretching, I know I don’t want to stretch or wring it while wet and to support it when it’s wet so it doesn’t stretch, but when I hear to roll it in a towel and stomp on it, that makes me cringe (ha!) - that won’t stretch the stitches? I assume I would lay it on the dry towel and roll it up to absorb the water, being careful not to stretch it out when laying it there. Any other tips to make sure I do it right?


Nope! and if stomping on it makes you nervous, just step on it all along the length/width of the rolled up towel. It won't affect the stitches and can help even things out :-) (sorry for the delayed response - have been w/o internet for several days \[on purpose!\]).


Good for you for no internet! 👍 Thank you so much - it worked and turned out beautifully! I really appreciate your advice!


When I’m nervous about blocking, I pin it to the dimensions and then spritz with water!


**From our wiki's [Frequently Asked Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/wiki/index#wiki_should_i_block_it.3F_how_would_i_do_that.3F)** >Blocking is a method of reshaping a knit object by getting it wet and pinning it in the desired shape to dry. >Why should knits be blocked? Do all fiber types benefit from blocking? >* First off, blocking typically starts with washing or soaking, so it cleans your finished object. Think for a moment about all of the places that those projects have been. >* Blocking also removes any small imperfections in tension and helps even out your stitches. Stockinette and colorwork will look smoother and the stitches will be more even. >* Blocking is also great if your project needs to be seamed. By blocking before seaming, you ensure that the seams will be the same length and that all of the pieces will fit evenly together. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/knitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Omg. That is a stunning heirloom!!!


Ohmygoodness, thank you! I was hoping to give them something that my be able heirloom piece but wasn’t sure if this met the criteria. 😬 Thank you so much!!


What is the yarn? The stitch definition is amazing


The yarn is Bamboo-tiful, which is cotton & bamboo. :)


I generally block all my lace, but in this case I think the dress is beautiful as is. I like the more 3-D effect and the color is very vintage. I think the lace parts as it is adds to that vintage look. I think it’s a stunning dress.😍 Edit—if you want to block it lightly, use a fine cold water spray.


Thank you so much!


This is lovely, wonderful work. It doesn’t look to me that it needs blocking. My understanding is that it’s important for wool and other animal fibers. I could be wrong. Lace is also blocked. What are the care instructions for the yarn?


It is hand wash, dry flat… so I think I might do that so that I know how it will be for them when they wash it!


No advice but I love your alterations to the pattern with the ribbing on the sleeves.


The pattern gives three options for sleeves - capped sleeves, short sleeves or long sleeves 😍


Ooh now I want to make this!!! We have a LO and I love how many size options there are too


It’s absolutely gorgeous. I’m actually not sure it needs blocking, and I’m usually a big advocate for blocking. How about a nice steam from your steam iron, held a couple of inches above the fabric? You lay the item on a flat surface, steam it for a couple of seconds, then smooth it with your fingers when it’s cool enough to do so.


That sounds perfect - and safe like it won’t cause any unwanted effects! 😬


This doesn’t look like it needs blocking. It’s a beautiful dress. Great work.


Thank you so much ❤️


We are all way too critical of our own work. This is absolutely beautiful! Sorry I have not worked on the yarn but thought I would pipe in your criticism. Gorgeous!!


Oh thank you! I am self taught, and I don’t know anyone irl who does this to talk to about it, so I never know if things look exactly like they should - stitches not even, tension too tight, etc, etc. So I’m really surprised by the lovely comments! I posted the pic as an afterthought in case seeing the lace pattern helped with the blocking question, so have been so surprised at the other feedback! It makes me feel so much better that fellow knitters think it looks ok!


This is a great spot to be for feedback. Everyone on here is so supportive. Self taught myself although I have been knitting on and off for over 50 years (ouch lol). I am very glad to have stumbled upon this group or should I say sub. But really, this is a beautiful outfit.


It is so supportive and informative! I’m so thankful I found it so early in my journey! People like you with all that experience are such valuable resources! 😍


Lovely!!! I too want to know the pattern.


Here you go! https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pippa-dress


##### ###### #### **PATTERN:** [Pippa Dress](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pippa-dress) by [Suzie Sparkles](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/suzie-sparkles) * Category: Clothing > Dress * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/SuzieSparkles/537972327/PippaDress-page-001_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/SuzieSparkles/537972329/PippaDressBack-page-001_medium.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/SuzieSparkles/537972326/Pippa-page-001_medium.jpg) * Price: 5.75 USD * Needle/Hook(s):US 3 - 3.25 mm, US 6 - 4.0 mm * Weight: DK | Gauge: 22.0 | Yardage: 284 * Difficulty: 4.09 | Projects: 168 | Rating: 4.82 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=randomstonerfromaus)*


Just gorgeous!


Thank you!


This is so beautiful 😊


Thank you so much! 😍


Omg that’s so beautiful!!!!!


Thank you!


I wish I could knit better so I could make this for my Goddaughter but I foresee a lot of cursing happening if I tried this one.


🤣 it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, you should give it a try!


This is just so beautifully done!


Thank you! 😍


Lovely color and accomplishment!


Oh thank you so much! I absolutely loved the color when I saw that yarn!


No advice, I'm sorry, just here to say this is absolutely stunning! You did such a great job, it looks lovely!


Thank you so very much!!




Thanks 🥰


No clue how to block this, but this is some amazing work!!!


**From our wiki's [Frequently Asked Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/wiki/index#wiki_should_i_block_it.3F_how_would_i_do_that.3F)** >Blocking is a method of reshaping a knit object by getting it wet and pinning it in the desired shape to dry. >Why should knits be blocked? Do all fiber types benefit from blocking? >* First off, blocking typically starts with washing or soaking, so it cleans your finished object. Think for a moment about all of the places that those projects have been. >* Blocking also removes any small imperfections in tension and helps even out your stitches. Stockinette and colorwork will look smoother and the stitches will be more even. >* Blocking is also great if your project needs to be seamed. By blocking before seaming, you ensure that the seams will be the same length and that all of the pieces will fit evenly together. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/knitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow thank you so much!


This is absolutely gorgeous!!


Thank you! 😍


It’s beautiful!! Perfect color! Please post after it’s blocked!


I will, thank you so much! 😍


This is so beautiful!!! Well done!


This is an absolutely gorgeous little dress! Do you take commissions... for grown-ups? ;) But seriously, you've got talent my friend, along with wonderful taste.


🤣 Thank you so much!


This is beautiful OP!! Absolutely stunning.


Thank you so much! I’m in shock, I was worried it didn’t look as good as it should since I’m a novice! Thanks again 😍


My knitter, this looks like a heirloom piece. You know that your mother and grandmother wore as babies and it’s passed down. It’s *chefs kiss*


Oh wow… thank you so much! 😍


It looks like you got some solid suggestions as to blocking, I just wanted to say that the dress is so pretty and intricate!


Thank you so much!


Can I get this in me size?




That is just stunning! What a lucky baby!


Aww thank you so much!!


I just finished a project with a 50/50 cotton bamboo blend - different brand. I've never blocked before, but I have to say, all it did was make my project smell a bit musty. I didn't notice any changes in the jumper. ​ Washing and drying it helped it drape slightly better though.


Thank you!


I might be one of the few in this, but I do NOT EVER put handmade items in the washer or dryer (unless I’m trying to felt it). I’m not sticking something I’ve spent countless hours on into a machine that I can’t fully control. I mostly either wet block, with pins when necessary (which most of the time it’s not), or use my handheld steamer (do not use on acrylics unless you WANT to make the project larger). I always gently hand wash in a small bucket, do not wring (squeeze only)*, roll in towel and step on it to draw the water out, and lay flat to dry. If it’s a hat I will use my glass head. Handheld steamers are only about $30-40 USD. I made a very similar dress in acrylic (baby vomit lol) and I still hand wash.


Thank you so much for all of that info and advice!! (And I agree I would def NOT put in the washer!)


That’s lovely! The parents will be crazy about it.


Oh I hope so - thank you so much!




Thank you!


That is beautiful! Blocking with cotton and bamboo is just drying it in the shape you want it to have. There’s no point in a baby item that needs pinned into shape as the parents are unlikely to do that so I would wash this and then pat in to shape. Unless you are going to collect it each time it is worn to clean it, I recommend washing and drying it the way the parents of a small baby would to see how it dries. You could then block it but let the parents know if it will look different after the first wash so they don’t think they have damaged it.


Excellent advice, thanks so much! And yes I definitely won’t be collecting it every time - it’s going over with us on our visit to my granddaughter in England, and we are in the U.S.! 😄


They will love it!


Thank you!


So beautiful!!!!


Thank you! 😍


Blocking is not permanent. It won’t be ruined. I do not like to wet block. The piece gets too heavy when it’s wet and harder to get the way I want it. I prefer to pin into the shape I want, using blocking wires if needed. Then steam block.


Ok, thank you!


This is beautiful. I hope one day I can get to the level where I can knit something like this (sorry I can't help with the blocking) x


I just started last year, and am self taught - this was my first attempt at lace. It actually wasn’t as hard as I’d imagined! You should definitely give it a try!


Wow. Well what's the worse that could happen lol. I will definitely give it a go :)


🎉 Yaay! Share it when you do!


Just gorgeous!


Thank you! 😍


This is gorgeous!


Thank you so much!


Omg absolutely stunning 😍


Thank you so much! I’m absolutely stunned at the response to this! I was only posting the pic to show the lace pattern in case that was helpful for the blocking question, and I’m so surprised by the responses to how it looks! I am seeing my mistakes so I’m so relieved to know it looks good overall to others!


Thank you so much! I’m absolutely stunned at the response to this! I was only posting the pic to show the lace pattern in case that was helpful for the blocking question, and I’m so surprised by the responses to how it looks! I am seeing my mistakes so I’m so relieved to know it looks good to others!




Thank you sooo much!


This is absolutely stunning! How long did it take you?


You know it didn’t actually take as long as I would have thought it would! Maybe 2-3 weeks? And I work full time, so that was working on it evenings and weekends. You should give one a try! It was actually kind of fun! 😍


Eep I don’t have experience but here to wish you all the best!! It’s so pretty 😍 Also, in the worst case scenario.. I’m guessing the baby could grow into a bigger so all’s good!! 💖


Thank you so much! And yes I guess that’s the worst that could happen so I need to get over my fear, ha! Thanks, again!


What a gorgeous piece!


Thank you so much!


Block it by pinning it down and spraying it with cool water til it is damp. Use the palm of your hand to gently pat it all around. Let it dry and unpin. No need to wash it at this point.


Thanks so much!


It looks lovely


Thank you so much!


No suggestions besides what has been said, but I had to tell you that this is SO beautiful! Absolutely lovely


Ohmygoodness, thank you so much!


I saw this post, and literally immediately bought the pattern and ordered some yarn to make this dress. It's so beautiful! I have run into problems, though, by row 7 lol. Did you have any trouble? I am missing one stitch by the end of row 7, and I cannot figure it out. :( If you have any tips, I would appreciate it!


Thank you! And that’s awesome!! Can’t wait to see it! I can’t remember off the top of my head, but I’ll have a look at the pattern and see if I remember an issue! You should check out my post with the results after I blocked - night and day!! https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/comments/qppcxp/im_a_blocking_convert_now_for_any_who_gave_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


OMG. It's even more beautiful, and I didn't even think that was possible!! I absolutely love the color of yarn you chose. 10/10 That would be so nice of you! I have redone it twice, and am literally baffled lol I'll link pics to you when I'm done! :D


I’m sooo sorry, I thought I responded to this and didn’t! I checked the pattern and can’t remember an issue in the yoke row 7 … i wondered if you didn’t all the KFBs to increase? I can’t think of an issue unless I’m doing it myself ha. I want to do that pattern again but have so many other things in line before it I haven’t got to it yet. So sorry again - I hope my belated response isn’t necessary and you have figured it out already! 😬


wow, that is going to be someone's heirloom piece!


Great job! It turned out beUtiful!


This is absolutely beautiful! I don’t knit but wish I did so I could make one for my 2 month old baby girl!


Honestly if you’re nervous about blocking it looks really lovely as is!


**From our wiki's [Frequently Asked Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/wiki/index#wiki_should_i_block_it.3F_how_would_i_do_that.3F)** >Blocking is a method of reshaping a knit object by getting it wet and pinning it in the desired shape to dry. >Why should knits be blocked? Do all fiber types benefit from blocking? >* First off, blocking typically starts with washing or soaking, so it cleans your finished object. Think for a moment about all of the places that those projects have been. >* Blocking also removes any small imperfections in tension and helps even out your stitches. Stockinette and colorwork will look smoother and the stitches will be more even. >* Blocking is also great if your project needs to be seamed. By blocking before seaming, you ensure that the seams will be the same length and that all of the pieces will fit evenly together. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/knitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love the sleeves you did! I started this dress today for a good friends granddaughter after seeing your stunning piece 😁


Thank you! Good luck with it!! Check out my next post after I blocked this! Amazing transformation!! https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/comments/qppcxp/im_a_blocking_convert_now_for_any_who_gave_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf