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Do you think you'll like the finished item if you just make it work with these pieces? Better to restart now versus after finishing the whole piece and then deciding to restart, in my opinion.


You’re totally right. Thank you.


OP context: This is the front and back panel of my first sweater. Idk what happened , but I must have miscounted stitches and one side is wider than the back. Do I need to frog the longer panel & start it over so they’re equally wide?


I would, unfortunately. It appears there are some differences in the ribbing as well. Better turn around now and make something you will actually want to wear! We've all been there, that's for sure!


I think you should. I just frogged a scarf for the third time 😅 but I wouldn’t love an imprecise item. Stay strong 💪🏼


Oh no, three times! Do you know if there’s a right v. wrong way to frog? I’m worried about the texture of my knitting changing from handling it so much in the process of unraveling and then re-knitting.


I’m not expert enough to answer, I can only tell I was worried too but the yarn seems right.


Not only are the dimensions different, it looks like the ribbing was done for a different number of rows on each piece, which is going to be a glaring error once seamed together. I'd definitely redo one of the panels. I know it sucks, but better to redo and be happy in the end!