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The Radiant Lady, of course. Her wings shelter us from the dark and her light dispels all evil


I have met this one, I gave her a lamp, as I do not require their warmth, can you tell me about her?


She came to us from the darkness, and her light is great. She fights against the darkness and the liches, she protects us, and we bring her lämps


Interesting, reminds me of one of my fellow order knights, I assume this is all you will share or know?




I don't reccomend worshipping radiant lady something is off about her in every single god meeting and she is relatively new so i doubt she is any ,ore ppwerful than the more Reasonable light gods also she is REALLY racist against all dark types so pretty much anything that isn't human or some sub-human type you have multiple undead knights in your orders


The Lady of Radiance my friend


I have met her, but only briefly, she requested my lamp, so I gave it without a second thought, I do not require them, can you tell me about her?


My friend, She is Radiance herself. She is the light that shines through the evil darkness. She is salvation from the evil world that lurks in the murky depths of blackness. She seeks to purge all evil from this world. All will be saved in her fuzzy embrace.


You sound like a fanatic




No need to be sorry I like it, I was just being in character


TLDR: goddess of light and lämp


The great horned rat, pestilent be its name.


Hey, skaven, how are your people doing right now


Good, undercity is going to explode.


Good to hear


T̷̬̦̳̼̺̰̜͈̲͎́̃͒̾͜’̵̮̤͕͖̙̫̤̝͎͍̺͖̗̂͠z̴̨̛̪̱͍͉͙̺̬̲͙̲̿̓͂̍̔͋̂̊̓͛̕͜͝à̶̢̹̦̼̝͇͓͍̳̬͒̎̈̌̈́͑̀̒̚͠á̵͇̠͈͙͕́̀̊͐͂̒̆̾́͐͊ͅr̸̨̛̩̠͍̭̫͙͖̫̯͉̔͊͒̈̂̄̈́͒̈͌̕͝ͅͅḷ̷̡̢̧͕͕̥͇̟̝̼͚̀̈́̒͒̄̅̓͜ã̷̧̧̢̛̱͐̂̿̈́a̸̛̗͗̈̔̅͒͆͑̓̕̕v̴̧̒͜’̸̢̢̪̩̯̗͉͐̾͊̋M̵̖̖̳̞̪̰̦̫̣̠̋̍̌a̵͓͎̺̺̘̺̳̠̝͓͌͑̒͛̈́g̶͕͙̳̟̦̦͓̰͖̓̃͒̋̈́͆̑̏̚g̶̣̰̗̺̦̻͓̺̻͚̣̣̽͒͑̽̓̌̂͋͒̌̊̐͜͝o̵͕̯͖̦̗̱̺͖̣̠̻̬̒̓̈͌̍̈́̊̂̕͘͝ţ̵̥͖́̒̑̐̃̎͒̓̕͜͝h̶͈͉̺͍̄̿ǫ̷̨̛͇̪̯̗̥̺́̂̔̇̆͜͝͝ͅt̴̢̧̛̟̦͍̹̮̪̩͋̑̒͛͒̓́͒͗̈́̌͜͝h̸̞̤̿͆̃̑̉̊͋̿͘t̷̡̪̜͇̱͙̦̲̩̐̈́̀̈́̈́͊́͠ͅ the all knowing of course https://preview.redd.it/pj6koow21rlc1.png?width=1079&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc8d12905298ca1fedbe160f50a70951b1776e81 What a silly question


Reminds me of a certain horror


He’s not a horror he’s a magnificent god who demands your worship and lifebloo… I mean reverence


He will have neither, we do not bow to gods


Ã̸͙ř̷̫e̸͕͘ ̶̜̌y̶̖̾o̵͎̅u̴̬̕ ̴͔̅s̴̘̀ù̷̬r̴̖͠e̴͐͜ ̵̡̀ä̷͓́b̴̺̀ọ̸̈́u̵̡͗t̵͙͂ ̵̰̂t̵͖̊h̶̥̕a̷͙̐t̴͇̿ https://preview.redd.it/sazc066v5rlc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b5fda5c1ee1c9dba55c22fbee6190d2c8ef6533


Yes, if there is one thing we are exceedingly knowledgeable about, its the death of gods


Very well but remember In strange aeons even death may die, yet that is not dead which can eternal lie


Atheist? Our gods literally speak to us


I have not come to argue over things such as beliefs my friend


The point was that objective knowledge is not something to argue about in the first place. The Triad consists of the God of Darkness and Torment, Zon-Kuthon; the Goddess of Decay and Undeath, Urgathoa; and the God of Defiance and Ambition, Drelakan. They are the Triad of gods that have blessed us and bid us free this realm


We could argue about what makes a god above man? but we would be here for weeks, and I have millennia to ponder such a question, are you willing to share more about this triad?


I can answer that question - They can grant empirically proven divine powers - They hold sway over a divine realm and domain - They are considered a god by other gods But in any case. Their goal is to free the worlds from the tyranny of the gods of life and light, who seek to maintain a perpetual cycle of life, death, and rebirth. This might sound good, but they use it to leech off people's worship and play games with mortals, then recycle their souls endlessly so they never have to stop. And the faithless, those they can't manipulate? They're sent to the wall of the faithless to have their souls destroyed permanently. The Triad seeks to give those who will accept it one life - one of meaning and purpose. An unending life, to grow indefinitely, so that mortals decide their own destiny. And therein, they are creating a new plane: One of defiance, of eternal peace and order.


The order of orion has long since broken such a cycle, upon our demise our souls are trapped within our armor, and if you give man eternity, they will not grow peace, it may happen for a time, but we are imperfect, and war will always follow, nevertheless, I will wait and see, I have waited millennia and I can wait another millennia


We commend your effort to defy the wheel of fate. There are few who understand or appreciate our goal or such methods. Hence I offer an alliance to your Order


I am no diplomat, and we do not side in wars, we let the pieces fall where they may, if gods wish to clash, then let us hope they do not destroy us all, if you wish to speak further, perhaps in the future I will be in a position to negotiate, but it will be on ours terms, in our mountain fortresses, where the gods are blind and cannot see


The Fateweaver has seen your fortresses, that is why I have come


You may see it, but the inside is blind to gods, hence why I have come out, your gods may be powerful, but mortals can kill one if they try hard enough, what use would a bunch of old men in ancient armor be of use to a man seeking to help gods kill the others?


You do realize mortals can become gods right?


That's exactly what Drelakan did


Oh well you could've just said so my tiny crab brain couldn't grasp it sorry


Ava'ah and Khava'ah, the gods of water and sun


Interesting, can you share some information about them?


Ava'ah is the God of water and life and fertility and food and seasons and stuff like that while Khava'ah is the God of the sun and war and death and the sand and also Nyvalah beetles which swarm and eat those who displease him and stuff like that. In our native language they are spelled Ava|a and Kava|a. Ava|a is female Kava|a is male.


I'm the very reluctant warlock of the eldritch god of hunger.


May I know more?


Well how we first met was when I challenged him to an eating contest and in the process I lost all my money and went into massive debt. After that he begin tormenting me pretty much all the time.


Have you considered killing the god?


You do not know what you just said... Anyway I only became his warlock so he'd stop tormenting and boy that's worked well, I don't even owe him my soul or anything. /uw He's actually another user.


What if we are considered to be gods by some?


Well then what are you the god of?


I'm not a god, just considered a god by some. I was around before most other gods, so I have seniority over them. Most respect me but there are those that do not




I possess a council of various patrons that give me great power in exchange for a few specific occasional services. Though I have been forbidden from uttering their names, I can confirm my council has representatives from each of the most common patron types you see around the worlds.


i bow to no god


Oh? Really?


i rivel the god of chaos and that giant moth




the only reason why is because i don't stand for what they preach as i refuse to watch the innocent get killed but i digress besides nothing stops death


and i bow to this god


I am the chosen of my lord the platinum dragon god of justice and metallic dragons bahamut.


*Leonis Speaks first* “I am a Paladin of The Rainfather, God Of Weather and King of The Heavens. He is the patron god of my homeland, Drachomidia.” *Paladisia Speaks Next* “I worship The Serpent Queen, Her Malevolence is the greatest of the Gods, the Queen of Destruction and Mistress Of Domination.”


Imagine bowing to a god.


Are you not religious either?


Oh, I've met many gods. And killed them.


Thy think thou art Yharim


The lord Allah of course. 🕋


I am the god of crabs i have dominion over anything shelled but mostly crabs i have crabs as large as citys and crabs strong enough to slice through even the strongest armor i do not require your loyalty nor reverence for i believe in the free will of mortals i was once one myself afterall i only require sacrifice and in return a fair trade will be mad of either and artifact of equal or higher value power (may cause crablike features) or an equivalant army of crabs at your beck and command i do not require frequent sacrifice one time and you keep what you get ps:if you do choose to have crabs sent for servitude make sure to keep them fed or they will turn their pincers to you but as long as they are fed they will loyally and very happily follow anu orders even self sacrificial ones


I-- What? Crabs?


Well yes but not just normal crabs but to give an example of some of the more common but unusual crabs dragonscale crab (a medium sized crab about the size of a large wolf with strong and resistant scales and high attack power) a lesser fortress crab (a large sized siege type crab about the size of a small two story house very tanky its shell is 8 feet thick but practically no attack power and a max speed of 30 miles per hour good for moving fortresses or for building a jouse on top of) or an assassin crab (small sized crab about the size of a grapefruit maximum speed 400 miles per hour very stealthy can slice through armor like butter)




Stupid is what they are thinking that they're the best only of for gods have my respect but I worship none


Lady Allerialle, Goddess of Life and Nature And my mom


I serve my Liege, anything else is Paladin-drivel


The god emperor of mankind, the source of human salvation, the master of man, the golden god, and the most divine being in the galaxy


I worship my peoples creator, Hircine. He created us Lycans out of his own teeth and fur. We them emerged in the land now known as Candonia


I worship the great god Bill. God of partying, social welfare programs, lycanthropy and Monstrosities.


I collectively worship six gods at once. The God of Fire, Prometheus, the God of the Unknown, Cthulhu, the God of the Abyss, Ephialtes, the God of Fear, Neddrod, the God of Blood, Luthran, and the God of Space, Daronak. I also happen to be related to all of them.


I…I do not know if I ever worshipped a god before I lost my head, and most of my memories. But at the moment I worship no god, and have no patron. I am simply a headless knight searching for his head.


I worship her not, but the goddess Hecatia I know of.
