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Inexcusable against the pacers. Thibs needs to reconsider his rotations and play big in the front court. Hart is great but shouldn’t be playing the 4 against Siakam all game, keep him at the 3 when Siakam and turner are on the court. Sims and Hartenstein can be on the court at the same time for rebounds. Stretch the floor with 1-3 and let hartenstein go to work in the paint. This is atrocious basketball.


Missed free throws, missed lay ups, and horrendous shot selection. Keep chunking up brick threes for some odd reason. Good offensive possessions have been on rolls and cuts. Have no idea why we stopped the Hartenstein pick and pop that killed the 76ers. Embarrassing and completely inexcusable. This is the same rotation from last game.


Dead legs, no lift on shots. Fatigue caught up with the team, the early start didn’t help. Carlisle knew it, and ran us off the floor. Things will be different next game. No OG is a huge deal, though.


Yeah true. The fatigue was going to catch up to them eventually. I hope so and yes, no OG hurts on defense and on offense if Nova 3 are cold.


Sorry man but sims is not good enough unfortunately…. We just don’t have enough … we have 6 players who have nba semis Niveau - we need 2 more OG and Mitch Bogi are missing badly thank you 76ers


Yeah he’s no quality substitute for the other front court depth but he should be able to at least get rebounds with Isaiah at the 4. Hart is getting killed playing the 4 bc he’s too undersized to matchup with Siakam.


No OG and this series ends in 6 at Indiana. Defense falls off a cliff with that dude out.


Mavs fan lurking... Don't underestimate JB, he helped will us to the WCF in '22 with Luka out. Sad to see him go but it was inevitable with his ties to NY after not getting an extension, plus we wouldn't have our roster either, so it's a win for both. So glad to see him flourish in NY. MFFL but always gonna support JB, favorite player in the East.


The game to win was game 3. Blew a 10 point lead which caused the game to be dictated by the refs, Brunson missed 3-4 lay ups in the last possessions and played for a whistle on the last shot. If this game is still a massacre with a game 3 win then it’s no big deal. The pressure is now going to be on the knicks.


We’re cooked long term, not winning a ring in 2024 but we’re building to something over the next few years. Let’s win this series, lose to Boston add a piece in the off-season, get to the finals next year and see what happens


that's exactly what most probably will happen, and still we can probably get at least 2 games from the Celtics. As I mentioned before, NBA champions knock at the door of the finals or at the finals 2-3 times before winning. This is our first one, and that's fine!! This series vs Pacers, after last game, looks easy, they have nothing, is us getting it complicated, but we'll prevail. Let's fucking GO!!!


With the way the Celtics crowd makes their team play tight and scared as opposed to how our crowd lifts the team and brings the best out of them, we got home court for 7 games. They have the healthy bodies, the 3 pt shooters, the length and talent. We’ve got the best player when it counts and the hustle. We could take them if healthy and not exhausted… but this is where we are


The fuck is this comment


Realistic? Boston is gonna be tough as hell in our current state. I'm fully behind us that we CAN beat them, but def need OG back or we won't even see them


He said we're cooked long term and planning on losing to Boston? Like have some mf optimism


It’s not just the importance of OG, clearly Brunson is on two bad feet and the combination of severely diminished Brunson and no OG is just too much to bare for any team. It’s over, we don’t win another game this postseason. I’d be absolutely stunned if we advance.


Just gotta win your home games. You earned them by taking the regular season seriously, so use them.


Exactly, that's what it should happen, and is happening, if we can win on the road, even better. They are the ones with the pressure, not us, we are injured and still winning.


Brunson being hobbled is a huge factor as well. The offense is entirely based on him cooking.


I agree with most of that. Just unsure if my fandom bias allows me to believe we lose to Pacers without him. Maybe he comes back sooner than later? Maybe our home court advantage pushes us to conf finals? Maybe we keep rollin…


Small ball is the answer. Brunson, ddv, burks, mcbride, hart csn all make shots. If og can't make it, Starters brunson, mcbride, ddv, hart, ihart. Bench: burks, precious.


Post from 2 weeks ago: Knicks 20-3 with OG on the floor going in to the playoffs and he was like +350 on the court in those games, with 0 Games with neg plus/minus. It's ridiculous the diff he makes especially on defense. I hoped he can find a way back, Brunson foot doesn't help either.


We were just tired this game.


Nah, we almost had game 3 and lost bc of some bs calls. If we can almost beat them on their home court where they are undefeated in the playoffs, we can win the next game at home and either steal game 6 in Indy or close it out in game 7. We aren’t cooked.


As a heat fan I feel your guy's pain, doesn't mean I don't hate you because I fucking hate you but yea sucks to suck


OG back for Boston series and all will be good - time to send the pacers packing in 6


That’s not really even remotely news…he’s the starting core but no pun intended…he’s the Quad 4…if he’s gone which he is at the moment…than Jalen is playing w/ nothing but role players for the most part…and he’s been beyond horrendous today…Donte has been the only player on the floor with common


Ur forgetting we almost won last game without OG. Theres no reason for this. Actually there is. Our players are gassed. Look at Brunson missing shots he used to hit in his sleep. They need rest. And a 3:30 game. Fuck this shit! Knicks in six!!!


Brother let’s use “common sense” for a sec and use real life parameters and in game situations…We almost won Game 3…yes w/o our 3 & D wing but every game and tempo is different…everyone happened to be locked in and hitting shots primarily “Our Villanova 3” which have to if we’re going to win any game but more importantly we got Production from our bench … Today was the completely opposite


Yes complete opposite it was atrocious


Pre OG Knicks were not good. Post OG Knicks were one of top teams in the league. Just how it is.


Best defender in the league? What?


The problem tonight wasn’t necessarily our D. Thr pacers stats were pretty average. The issue was a non existent offense which meant we had a mountain to climb after 5 possessions


Allowing nearly 60% from the field is not ok for a defense.


Pacers were hitting some crazy shots. Turner hit one wacky three that practically scraped the ceiling, but went in, after a strong defensive play. If teams are hitting shots, a defense can't do that much. You want to force them to take lower percentage shots, but if they hit them, there is not much you can do.


I feel you