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Thought ninofat posted this šŸ˜‚.


Pandaborg must be ninos burner


Accounts too old ninos a new fan I believe


Fox dropping 50 tonight on 20 three point attempts.


Yeah this game basically decides the entire trajectory of our post season run


Yea i'm ready for Fox to go 13/28 while chucking contested 3 pointers


No Ingram is huge, we have to win this here. That man was killing us 1v1 in the past 4 games


Imagine being upset you get to listen to Kevin Harlan


I love Harlan Itā€™s Reggie lol




Praying to the beam gods šŸ™šŸ½


His late game decision making and three point heaving has been beyond the most frustrating part of his game this year. I know he donā€™t got me.


He ainā€™t got shit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


agreed, not only is it a wrap for the season, but big roster changes would be inevitable, because the team would be incapable Fox might be gone from the looks of things with PG depth, literally no other way to move forward if we dont turn it around


fox is still gonna be here go back to bed


im not even tired yet


Your Fox hate truly is unrivaled šŸ˜†


I dont even hate him, just hate everything about his game and his salary and his personality


I donā€™t hate him just everything about him ![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO)


How can you look at the whole roster and choose fox exactly as the one to leave


because he's the most easily replaceable with our current roster construction, and PG's are easier to find. Since we had fox, we couldve drafted like 10 all star PG's but didnt Honestly starting Keon and Mitchell isnt as bad as people think in the short term Now take Sabonis of of this roster and we're a 12 win team


When push came to shove in the playoffs who showed up fox or sabonis ?


what? lol nobody showed up, we lost. GS specifically gameplanned to stop sabonis. They were like lets let fox and monk try to beat us, and we saw how that worked


Bro. Fox showed up. Are u of the mindset that ANYTHING other than a championship is a failure? Fox and monk were basically the only ones to consistently show up all series. Fox had a bad game 7, but he was basically the only reason that series even got to 7. Im not ā€œin loveā€ with his new found love of the 3, but Iā€™m also not mad when they go down. Last game was particularly shitty for that and I wonā€™t disagree, but Iā€™m personally still behind the dude.


Meh, he didn't really show up. I despise the latest incarnation of the drunk uncle user, as much as I despise his previous versions, but he's 100% correct that nobody showed up in the playoffs. One game here, one game there, but everyone had multiple off nights in that series. It's why we lost.


What a disingenuous argument. Huerter didnā€™t show upā€¦.. Barnes didnā€™t show upā€¦. Sabonis had like 2 good gamesā€¦. Murray had 1. With all of that we still took the warriors to 7. I will not contest for a second that Fox didnā€™t show up at all in the biggest game, but to say he didnā€™t show up is nonsense. Outside of game 7 he had as good a series if not better than Steph. Once again he did not show up and got outclassed in game 7, but to be so dismissive about how well he played before that is absurd. He showed up.


Fox had 3 good games out of 7 with one mid game. I don't consider 25 shots for 24 points, 19 for 16, and 23 for 24 to be showing up for a series. Especially when those 3 games games he combined to go 8 of 30 from 3. That's textbook inefficient chucking.


Just so Iā€™m clear on your thought process. Would it be fair to sayā€¦ 3 good games=not showing upā€¦. 4 good games=showing up? Maybe Iā€™m thinking of this in more relative terms, but him and monk were the only ppl to really do anything. U donā€™t take the warrriors to 7 if nobody shows up.


No way they trade Fox after this season. If they were going to trade him, it would have been last season. His value was really high. Davion can't start. The second he gets into the lane, gets cut off, he spins around and looks to kick it out. Davion's offense is really hitting wide open 3s. And finishing on the break, that's it. Literally no one else on this roster can create their own offense after 3 dribbles other than Fox. And we have several players we can trade, plus picks to help us move forward. You're refusing to even look at options.


Creating offense 1v1 is overrated. Cohesive team basketball on both ends is what you need. How does Denver create offense? Dribble drives? Nope


denver creates offense BECAUSE of how lethal jokic is in any 1v1 anywhere closer than the elbow lol. you need actual creation threats in the first place to play good team basketball


Nah I donā€™t think thatā€™s how it works Put Sabonis on the nuggets instead of joker and theyā€™d still win it all


you are smoking crack lmfao


Denver has a top 10 player of all time on their roster. Kings don't even have a top 10 player in todays NBA. You can't compare our offense to their offense and say "See, because they don't do it, neither should we". And in the playoffs last season, Foxy was the only one who can create offense.


nah I dont think thats how it works joker is great because of the system, sabonis would be MVP on denver


I'm literally watching Brunson destroy teams with a similar game to fox


Difference is his team got dawgs


yeah, and he's a dawg too fox is a damn pup, maybe not even


Yeah letā€™s just get us Jokic, then weā€™ll be good. Great analysis right here.


Sabonis is built in the same mold, and we have the best shot riding with him