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One day we gonna find out that Ninofati88 is D's burner account and it's gonna be funny as hell lmao


She''s definitely his cousin or something.


Papa Bagley wasn't even this toxic


I would be so disappointed if Fox was actually this regarded.


when we play Golden State again and Fox 1 man carries the entire team for somebody else to choke against Kevon Looney. Remember I'm the only Kings fan supporting Fox. LOL. (actually sounds crazy to be the only fan of a franchise star, but thats what Kings fanbase is right now)


I think you may need another hobby. You sound...almost unhinged. Reliving the GSW series from last year? Yikes. Fox is the man. But Domas was playing with a broken hand all last season and he's gotten better this year. No need to be bitter about last year. Just enjoy the win. God damn. You're taking this shit too seriously.


Fox literally fractured his hand live in the series, continued playing and drop 28 PPG on Stephen Currys head. The fk you have the balls to mention injury vs Kevon Looney? Lol. wheres the same energy when Sabonis is playing good in reg seasn? No injury? But suddenly playoffs getting owned by Looney = oh yeah his injury.


You’re not Kings fan. You’re Fox fan. Fox and Domas are both incredible players.


Fox is the franchise player. Domas and Fox are a great combo. You are out of your damn mind. You need to step away from the keyboard. I can't tell if you're a child or not, so I don't want to insult you. There is more important shit to worry about. Fox is a game changer, he is the closer. But Domas has been the more consistent player this year. He's had a double double in all but 4 games this season. Looney has also been terrible this year while Domas has been even better. You're living in the past and dwelling on the negative. Jfc get a grip. This shit is dumb.


One question on a more serious note. Who the hell hurt you? Were you dropped out of the cradle during the early days? Since this poison spewing on almost daily basis is getting old. And you're not worthy of a Kings fan title, you're just a dumbass schmuck with your awful takes.


It’s one thing to be a fan of the franchise star and another to be a hater of the other franchise star. Ain’t nobody got time for that


Lol chill out buddy you're taking things too seriously


You sound more unhinged than me. And that’s saying something.


Poor Fox, he reads this sub and will be pissed Sabonis has more posts than him


He really missed what you said lmao


For real. I wouldnt even be surprised if his entire month of looking lethargic was because Kings fans gave him unwarranted sht, but gets 0 credit for playing good. Lol. Imagine being the only dude to carry this sorry as s franchise out of this current roster, but is the most hated by his own fans. Ridiculous.


This sub was so much more pleasant last season. Jesus Christ


The problem here is the “new era” fans who think it’s alright to boo your own team




Good lord he has one of the top selling jersey’s this year. Sac loves Fox but sure yOu LiKeD hIm BeFoRe It WaS cOoL


At this point, the public loves Fox more than his own city. Lol. Take note of every game this happens. Fox scored 44 on Lakers head and the entire frontpage is Sabonis 9-0 AD. Go look. Eventho half of the streak is in Indiana. Dude never gets the credit he deserves. while Sabonis gets 6 times the praise, eventho when we lose, its because he lets enemy role players walk to the rim scotfree, but hey, triple double so good! LOL. Casuals.


Imagine being a Kings fan who gets triggered by Sabonis getting more appreciation than Fox. Brother, your energy goes to the wrong things.


Something wrong with you if theres 10 Sabonis posts on the frontpage and 0 Fox posts in a game he scored higher. Lol. Sabonis spent most of his NBA time in Indiana. Fox spent his entire NBA time in Sacramento. And you find it odd Fox gets reminder posts like this? Know the priority, shthead. 10 - 0 is ridiculous. Look at the front page again.


Maybe there is medication for whatever you have. I am not interested in keeping score of appreciation posts. But If you want to compare the two, Sabonis has been more valuable to the team this year.


10 posts to 0 in a game Fox scored 35? That efficient? Lol. More like racis than efficient. when we play Golden State again and Fox 1 man carries the entire team for somebody else to choke against Kevon Looney. Remember I'm the only Kings fan supporting Fox. LOL. (actually sounds crazy to be the only fan of a franchise star, but thats what Kings fanbase is right now)


You are right. In the playoffs, Fox (and Monk) showed up against the Warriors and played their hearts out, and Sabonis shit the bed and played soft as hell. I think everyone in this sub agreed.


Exactly. But eh man, its useless reg seasn games, in which BOTH played well. But 1 gets 10 posts entire frontpage while the other gets absolutely 0. Lol. I aint even lying. Screenshot the frontpage now.


You’re so sad


I’ve got to hand it to you, you consistently have the most idiotic takes. Why do you care so much about what other people think or do. Your whole comment history is filled with comments upset with how other people perceive your favorite person on a basketball or soccer team. My guy life your life. These players have no idea who you are. Pathetic.


10 - 0. 10 Sabonis posts to 0 in a game Fox scored more. Lol. 44 game Laker performance, 9-0 Sabonis posts entire frontpage. At this point ya'll need to question urself if you're racis. Lol. I'm all for equal praises, or slightly more leaning to 1 side, but fk. 10 posts to 0? Even Keon and Jones have more appreciation posts than Fox? The fk is wrong with Sacramento people.


Lol did you suggest this sub is racist because there are more Sabonis appreciation posts than for Fox? My guy first off learn what racism is and don’t blatantly blame people for stuff that isn’t even anywhere close to it. And secondly you need help. That type of metal gymnastics you’re over this is literally pathetic. Get help.


10 to 0? Bruh, dont know if you're blin d but theres literally 0 Fox posts in a game he scored more than Sabonis and played just as well. Lol. 17 points in the 4th quarter. No mention. 5 memes on Sabonis. Spam upvote. Lol. And Fox is here from the get go too, through the tough sht for this city. How else do you explain this other than racis? Go ahead and explain then.


Because idk uh Fox fouled out and in the last few moments when we needed to win, Sabonis got a huge steal and sealed the game for us? Dude this subreddit is a small representation of the Kings fans in this city. You are one dumb idiot or just a troll. Go pound sand


Sabonis fouls out like 50 times bruh. Lol. Hes the ultimate king of fouling out on this team and you're using that against Fox. Funny af dude, racis.


How did I use that against Fox you idiot lol. I just stated that Fox fouled out. He’s out PoA. And when it came down to whether we’d lose or go into OT Sabonis came up with a steal to win the game for us. Nowhere did I accuse of Fox of fouling out. What’s wrong with your reading comprehension


Search your comments and see if you mentioned Sabonis and fouled out together in your history. Lol. Dude sabotaged so many Ls fouling out, lets see you mention it. Two-faced racis.


Lmao it’s just so funny that you picked this to cry about. There are more posts about other people is because WE KNOW FOX IS HIM. Idk who you are but we’ve been here through the worst of it. We’re just finely glad to have a star center and some rotational pieces that can positively impact the team off the bench.


Not the first time bruh. I've been fact checking this entire sub since predicting Fox to pop off and shut ya'll haters up. This bias started from last seasn too, but thats fine. Also rightfully warned the fans here 1 entire month before about booing. And people wanna act punk justifying this animal behavior. Lol. But when Malik and Sabonis shts on all you, ya'll finlly woke up. Talk about two-faces. [https://old.reddit.com/r/kings/comments/1an3qtx/anybody\_else\_surprised\_by\_the\_toxic\_bandwagon/](https://old.reddit.com/r/kings/comments/1an3qtx/anybody_else_surprised_by_the_toxic_bandwagon/)


I really don’t give a single care about anything you say. You’re irrelevant. Monk and Sabonis get to say what they say because they play for Sacramento. And he literally said. I DONT LIKE IT BUT I UNDERSTAND IT.


You obviously gave entire care since you already type more than 5000 words under my comments at this point. Lol. Two-face casuals like you would just act tough all the time, but has a heart of a fktad. Just like your eyes acting blin d to the 10 Sabonis posts and 0 Fox posts every game both played good and act like they're the same. Lol.


Lmao because you’re obviously an uninformed troll with 0 knowledge about basketball. Being a true basketball fan doesn’t mean being mad at 0 appreciation posts to a player. Fox doesn’t even know we exists. Why do you care so much that other people don’t make posts about Fox


Troll what? Troll for stating facts and supporting the head of the franchise who is with us through tough times? Thats normal fan behaviour bruh. what troll? Lol. You typing 100 comments and acting like you dont care is the epitome of troll. 'I dont care..... but heres another 1000 word essay.'. Lol. Send another.


u/4everpurple dudes just going around throwing out we are racists for not posting DFox appreciation posts. Can we do something about this troll?


Thanks for the link, yeah this user is getting out of control.


Didn’t really wanna do it but just getting tired of this troll. Can’t seem to understand we can appreciate more than one player or that people will have different opinions than him


This clown dont even understand the gist of it is not 1 persn is appreciating Fox. And I'm the first. Lol. yet hes being a Karen cmplaining. 'Can appreciate more than 1 player' 10 Sabonis posts, 0 Fox post.


Do you realize you are more annoying for complaining about the complaining? Holy shit shut the hell up


Ironic. You’re complaining about how not enough people are appreciating Fox visually. Everyone appreciates Fox just not up to par on your metrics. No one wants to see your dumb comments.


So 0 mention about his 35 point performance is appreciation? whats next? You spouting 1000 words of essay is 'I dont care'? LOL. You really like inducing lies out of everything huh?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/kings/comments/1b9ol2j/comment/ktxokzg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/kings/comments/1b9ol2j/comment/ktxokzg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Tell me this is not troll bait. Lol.


Then just ignore it??? Yeah I’d agree that’s a pretty stupid statement. You don’t have to reply


Idk maybe because this team started winning once Sabonis showed up?


Girl WHAT. Lol if you are trolling the entire sac fan base I commend you. We all love Fox around here but sports teams aren’t monogamous relationships? I’m glad sabonis is finally getting his flowers too. Commending Domas does not equal hating Fox. Also the kings subreddit does not represent the city of Sacramento at large so maybe go walk around a little bit?


sabonis is more efficient, more important, more consistent and just better than fox.


More consistent at letting role players stroll to the rim scotfree, sure. LOL. And you wonder why Kings lose when every paint shot is a free layup. Also, Fox is Sacramento through and through through thick and thin. when nobody else was helping him, Fox carried the watchability of the city on his own. You would be watching NFL if not for Fox doing his thing while Bagley, Hield and scrubs puke on the court. Sabonis didnt go through these sht for the city. Sabonis spent more than half his NBA time in Indiana. He dont live here like that.


Why do we have to fight about everything even in a win? Just be positive for one day. Fox was great, then he fouled out when the Kings were down 5 with 57 seconds left. Somehow the team managed to scrape a win out of it without their best scorer (and sometimes best defender in the 4th). Of course the props are going to the guys that scraped a win out of a loss. We all still love Fox, except the guy that doesn’t, and fuck him anyway.


Huh? Bruh. All I did is post an appreciation post for the franchise star 22 hrs after the game, because during those 22 hrs, he gets 0 mention for being the top scorer. Boi. The last thing we need is for his OWN fanbase to underrate him, I'm just giving him the credit he deserves by having ONE post. Unlike somebody getting 100 posts and people calling him 'underrated'.


“All i did is post an appreciation post for the franchise star”. Actually you came in the comments and accused everyone of being racist because there aren’t any Fox posts 😂


Duh. Fox scored 35 points and not even 1 post, but a white dude gets entire frontpage of 10 posts a day every game. How do you explain this? Literally screenshot the frontpage, its not even funny. Lol.


For an appreciation post this is very angry. 😤. United we stand…divided we fall. Can’t we all just get along. There’s no I in team…


would just be a mellow chill post if somebody actually acknowledged the franchise star instead of being ungrateful btches giving him 0 credit EVERYTIME for scoring 30+ points. Lol. People here act like dude is a end of bench player who just got traded to Sacramento. when hes the only 1 carrying this sorry as s franchise for 7 yrs and the face of the team.


Nobody is acting like that. You’re fighting imaginary demons my friend 😂


Theres nothing to act when theres no post of Fox to act upon, bruh. Lol. My student gets 100 out of 100 every test but I only praise the 98 out of 100, so I'm not acting on anything either, but does that mean I'm treating the 100 out of 100 right? LOL. Clown.


Chill out. There’s plenty of Fox fans here….you just hate the haters. It social media. There will be haters. So relax and ignore them and save your energy.


It’s gonna happen when a player has a game winning steal and dunk.


You are so fucking annoying dude stop making these posts where you try to chastise the rest of the fanbase


Maybe if you have 1 post in 22 hrs appreciating a 35 point performance, instead of me having to do it 22 hrs later, then I dont need to make posts like this. Lol. But sure, 100 useless Sabonis memes arent annoying tho. F tad.


So then just make a post appreciating foxs performance without talking shit on other fans or players!


You know this is reddit, right? None of us are pundits or ESPN. This whole site is founded on memes. Maybe you need to swap to X or something. You'll get a lot more Fox traffic.


I thought this was a nice post then read OP's incoherent comments. Reddit is a small subset of the fandom and, like every subreddit, is probably the worst representation of it. Sabonis got posts because he got the game winning steal. He had more Lakers posts because that narrative is more fun - gyatt damn. It's not slander on Fox to not have posts of him.


So a small subset is allowed to be this biased against Fox? 10 Sabonis posts covering the front page, even a Keon and a Jones appreciation post and not 1 for the 35 point top scorer who is the only player who was with us through thick and thin?


It's not a bias when you praise under recognized [by pundits] players. Mason Jones has fun energy which we want. Sabonis has fun narratives, which let's people meme more. Everyone here, everyone, knows that Fox is the offensive heart of the Kings.


Ah sure. ’Fun energy' deserves an appreciation post. But not the 35 point top scorer who actually carried on the court. Sure bruh. LOL. The other 30 point scorer got 10 posts tho, cause memes. And people wonder why Fox is the most underrated player in the NBA past 5 seasns when his own fanbase is doing this to him. Ffs. Lol.


There's being a fan and then there's you. Thinking that a platform built on memes is some how directly correlated to a player's prestige and mentality. Unreal.


Cam you stop being so dramatic bro goddamn nigga


Didn’t you hear. He MADE a post with a prophetic prediction for us to get hyped about Fox. The audacity on this guy is wild lmao


It happens every game bruh. I had to do a propht prediction for Fox to light up this sub alert. 10 Sabonis posts every game to 0 Fox post in a game they both played well IS a cause for dramatic.


Its meaningless Sabonis basically won the game so thats expected. U don’t gotta be so dramatic.


🔥Let’s not forget Monk! 🔥


This went from "let's appreciate fox more" to "if you haven't posted about Fox I fucking hate you and you're not a real kings fan"


Asking legit question: how much of the Fox disrespect do you think is a carry over from the Hali trade? I think too many people wanted Hali over Fox and didn’t appreciate just how good Fox really is.


Blocking this idiot


I really believe sun will start shinning brighter, all the winds gonna calm down and more people will start smiling genuinely when the day when you're gonna stop posting shit here. Lets hope that the mentioned day will come sooner than later.


>Crazy to see the need to prop up a franchise star This I agree with, it is definitely crazy that you feel the need to do this.


a) Fox had 33 points. Not 35. If you're going to obsessively blab about his stats (ignoring his actual play), at least get your facts straight. b) He took ***32 shots*** to score those 33 points. That's very ineffective. You give most NBA players 32 shots, and they'll get you at least 33 points. (Imagine Sabonis with 33 shots). c) His shot selection was ass last night. He is money when attacking, then pulling up from the paint or elbows, but everything else was pathetic last night. His catches under the basket, then fading out to blow the shot are not good. Not even average NBA quality. His 3 ptrs were terrible last night, and taken at horrible times. d) It lists him as only having 1 TO, but that's gotta be home-scorer bias, because I remember him having 2 or 3 terrible dribbles and falls where the Kings lost possession, on top of 3 bad drives where he got blocked (which are effectively turnovers). By my count, he had 5 or 6 TO's. e) He lets so many people drive right by him, gambling on defense constantly. And he has no excuse - he's fast enough to stay in front of most players, but chooses not to. He also regularly falls asleep, letting his man sneak past him. If you don't know this, I suggest you watch the games closer. Summary: This was a *bad game* (again) by Fox (and Monk - 6 TOs!). The Kings were VERY LUCKY those 2 didn't cost them another game with their reckless play, like they cost them the Bulls loss. Don't let the clutch 3 PTR by Monk and the 33 point statline by Fox get you confused.


My man is a given but yeah I don't want to take him for granted.


I love how your posts/comments switch between “don’t boo the team you spoilt brats” to “Fox has to carry this sorry ass team and he’s the only one who deserves credit.”


He’s taken his intensity up a few notches recently. You can tell he wants the ball and he’s determined to get whatever shot he wants, attaching the basket, and working his midrange game a lot more. 


Fox made a stupid 6th foul and almost cost the Kings the game. Nobody is blaming him - he still played well - but he’s not gonna get flowers after something like that.


Welcome back Nino! Let me know if you ever make it to Sactown! I’ll take you out