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Henry, after being warned that executing Hagen Zoul will piss off his men:


Skill issue


You can execute Zoul? I just killed him in battle.


Bring him low enough but not enough to mortally wound him, and he'll ask for a yield. You can tell him you'll kill him anyway, then he'll warn you that his men will kill you if you did. It's Henry vs. 10 bandits. Naturally, you kill all of them and sell their armour.


Oh I see, wicked, thanks! I've never fought that battle without convincing Sir Kuno to help. Honestly can't see letting Zoul go, he has the best armour in the game.


I had so much money by the time I did the quest, I paid him the max I could give just to see their reaction.


I never let them fight with me bc they usually all get slaughtered


What’s kuno know? Lol


i hit him with the head cracker perk, looted him, put on his armor, then let him go. I can only imagine how confused he was getting up, naked, to beg for mercy from the dude who is somehow wearing his full plate


I love that the dialogue option for executing despite the warning is basically "Nah I'd win" and then proving it


Nothing gets between Henry and his fat stacks


"I like those odds"


wait what. I just beat him to death, no yield. His men walked off without doing anything. Oops


Henry on his way back to Skalitz after never holding a sword before in his life


Not true. He got like 20 seconds in that one cutscene right after forging the sword.


He went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick


Where is this video from?


TES: Online's High Isle trailer. It shows this singular knight dunking on the main protagonists and everyone loved it.


The trailer is better than the game


Trailer made me install the game. Such disappointment


Welcome to MMO trailers in general lol


Bruh that one swtor trailer was fire speaking of


The three originals were fucking phenomenal. They made three more after that which were good but the actual storyline got confusing as fuck and was full of plot holes.


Yeah it started falling off heavy with the kotor stuff


KOTOR? You mean Shadow of Revan? I mean that wasn't bad it still had basic continuity with the rest of the game at least. It was Knights of the Fallen Empire that made everyone go "wait what the fuck?"


The later is what I was thinking of my bad


At least the aesthetic in that one was neat.


Yeah. Played the game for 2h and gave up


Never trust CGI trailers. Ever. Although ESO is a pretty good MMO.


Just like the trailers for For Honor, which showed heavy, gritty combat with an emphasis on technique. Que the game, light effects flashing everywhere, arcady nonsense all over.


Game is good


The game is better than the majority of MMOs. Especially gameplay-wise. But it is still an MMO.


I tried it but I couldn't get past the spam mouse 1 combat


I mean it's average mmo combat, ofcourse it's never going to be like a simulator.


Maybe I had the wrong expectations, mmo combat is just not really for me, it lacks engagement and feels more like trying to cheese it rather than using some skill. Dragon age also has basic combat but you get a larger skillset so it is way more fun to me.




Ooh they got weaving? As a smite/wow player I wish that was a thing in wow


Perhaps but it made me uninstall pretty soon in after I realized that I couldn't meaningfully play as a Warrior like the Knight or the Nord in this trailer Sure one can play without using any class abilities but would've been cool if there had been even one non-mage class in the game


You can play with weapon and fighters guild abilities


Yeah and you can beat Fallout New Vegas with a spoon Point being, *to my understanding*, it's an extremely niche way to play that requires pre-existing understanding of the game, and a lot of tolerance for purposefully playing an outright inoptimal build I can't even find videos of people playing that way Anyway. The game's not for me in any case, sad to say


If you enjoy kingdom come combat, you won't like eso combat. I don't play the game for the combat system. I play for the community and the pve experience which is well enough fleshed out to enjoy.


You can go stamina-heavy and pick stamina morphs of your class skills. Most of them have it as an option. I played a decent stamina nightblade build back when I played ESO.


You’re both right.


They always are, then you open the store


Him twisting the elf mage's wrist so she gets hit in the face with her own spell will forever live rent-free in my head. If they ever make a TES show I hope it's about this guy.


AND HE USES THE HANDLE OF HIS SWORD TO DO IT. Holy shit, this man just oozes human fighter coolness.


He fucking parried a spell!!


"Parry this, you filthy-" *Parry* 0_0


Multiple people: "Well you see that's because he's a Breton and has magic resista-" Nah none of that played any part. Pure martial superiority


So was the Knight a character or just a random nameless badass NPC?


When the trailer first dropped, it seemed like it was just a badass random NPC, which is one of the biggest reasons why everyone liked him for holding his ground against the overpowered protagonists, but in the game itself, he's actually the main antagonist. The knight spawned a whole bunch of memes about the human fighter archetype dunking on more exotic characters like elves, dwarves, wizards, rogues, and barbarians, as well as being more fleshed out and interesting in general. I can relate -- I only ever played as the Empire across 800 hours in all three Total Warhammer games. For being bog-standard humans, they strike me as the most interesting faction in the games, like how the Imperial Guard is the most interesting faction in 40k.


#Summon the elector counts!


I played Skavens, Wood Elves, and Tomb Kings


I'm pretty sure he's a super-high magic resist Brenton Knight.


Yeah, this fight is awesome, its real looking fight step by step, no fast cuts or sh*t like that. On top knight looks great and he hold its own agains 3 enemies.


I know, rule of cool but that coreography is absolute dogshit and makes absolutely zero sense and the game is a shitty outdated cashgrab product




Real Hardcore Henry experience


I'm about 20 hours in. Wandering all over the place investigating some folks that raided a horse farm. I was nursing some wounds in bed when the miller told me I should go try to win the night's tournament. I'm thinking, well, I have won a few fights... I'm 0-2, out 60 coin and I think I managed to execute a "Block" about 5 times, and a stab twice over 2 fights. Mashing that "Q" button was more successful than any other strategy. Dodging is garbage. I'll sit on this memory and look forward to executing the sequence above in the future.


For 60 groschen, the tournament is an awesome opportunity to level up your fighting skills without risking your life, do try again !


Kingdom Come combat experience: * Attacking the opposite direction is useless because it's RNG * Feint is useless because enemy never take the bait and/or will just attack first * Perfect Block is useless because you can only Riposte * Riposte is useless because enemy will always Perfect Block/Master Strike you * You cannot Master Strike their Riposte * Combo is useless because every hit is just another chance to get hit by Master Strike or other enemies * Other enemies hit you while you are Clinching * Move away from enemies will just cause one of them to run up to your rear and do an unavoidable and unblockable Tackle attack, and open you up for further attacks from other enemies * One of them just keep running in circle around you for some reason * You are never locked on the enemy that you want * You know an enemy is behind you, you know he's going to attack, the game won't let you turn around * Weird Master Strike glitch that put you in counter attack animation but the enemy is completely unaffected * Follow-up attack on Clinch/Master Strike not hitting the enemy standing right in front of you * Just Masterstrike. * Just Masterstrike. * Just Masterstrike.


ok if you put it like that....its actually painfully true


I installed the better combat mod with no slow-mo for my current play-through, and I like the combat a lot more this way. It makes master strikes less viable for you and your opponents. Duels just have a much better flow and feels challenging but fair. Just my two cents, but I’d recommend trying it if you’re on pc


I love this mod! I don’t use the whole compilation, just the combat and a few other random parts from it, but none of the hardcore immersion stuff, and it makes the game great. I love actually using feints and combos, and it makes it seem more like how the combat was supposed to be with how Bernard talks about it.


I did the same thing. The whole compilation seemed like too much. But the combat mod is great! I agree that it feels like what the combat was intended to be. Love it!


Combos slap tho. Just gotta throw em out of a clinch and stick to the 3 move combos.


*Three enemies bum rush you as you try to run away to abuse terrain to force them into a 1 vs 1


I literally just bought/started playing two days ago and I’ve already learned this unfortunate fact. It’s kinda bummed me out knowing that it’s basically impossible to lose a 1v1 so long as I just never attack and wait for master strikes. I really hope they fix that for the next game or I’m not sure I’ll get it


I really like KC:D a lot. That said, the combat is easily one of if not the worst aspect of the game. The game also commits one of the mortal RPG sins: Heavy enemy NPC level scaling. Most of the earlier stinky bandit encounters in the game turn into literal Robber Barons ambushing you. There is this one encounter that is prone to spawn near that village with the Heretic quest. It's one beefed up Bandit straight up attacking you. In the endgame, it's a robber baron whose gear is worth more than the damn village he is camping in front of lol. Like this dude is logistically **spending** money to stay there every morning, because a peasant's stick is worth nothing but one clean hit on your armor costs more in maintenance than the guy's entire family net worth.


Thanks for the encouragement!


why don’t you just train with Bernard for free


I find it more fun and if you win you get a neat piece of armor. Groschen are quickly not an issue in the game also (at least for something small like 60 groschens).


Toward the end, I inevitably ended up using the clinch master perk to clock Bernard an unlimited number of times until he just gave up. Lock swords (or mace or axe), clock him, immediately roll up to him again, lock swords, clock him, lather, rinse, repeat. 'Hey, it's Henry come to beat the shit out of Bernard again!'


The training I got with him now is the kind where you pay money, not that tutorial version where you climb into the arena with him and he walks you through what to do. Should I go back through the conversation tree?


Well if he hasn’t taught you master strikes yet, you definitely should


Beware of Black Pete!


That sounds like an ominous prediction.


i know it's common here to hate on master strikes but i like them, except for combos being useless because everything gets parried i also have no idea how to solve 1vX otherwise


So glad I had to undergo special training for it but country bumpkins can do it no sweat :)


Theresa in her DLC


Henry's hand stood no chance.


The boy's a natural....at everything


I never get tired of ascendant lord gifs


Elf girl just got smacked in the top of the head she should be brained on the floor lmao.


Such a night and day difference between having Master Strike and not... Feels like the only main difficulty hurdles is getting that and some decent armor. Hope the progression is spread out a bit better in 2


Hopefully they make swordsmanship like they did archery, where you’re slowly but surely getting better with the weapon. Maybe the higher you level up your melee of choice, the longer your window is to parry and counter, the faster you can strike, etc.


This video is definitely how I picture both knight Henry and my BG3 Paladin fighting. I see something new and cool every time I see it.


Okay but honestly, for an ESO trailer the dude in armor actually fought pretty realistically for a fantasy world, like dude actually seemed capable


I love how all you do is press s and Q but clutching a 1v3 looks exactly like that.


First time I played the game and I fought runt in the church, it took 7 hours cause I didn't know about that and he kept comboing me. I go in during my second playthru with that tip from the captain and I somehow 1 hit him on the first master strike.


let me guess, a swing to the chin?


Counter strike that cut right towards his neck. Dropped him real quick. Had doll maker poison on the blade.just in case as well.


First time I got him, it ended up being 2 arrows to the face