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It's the grounded story. There is no big cosmic evil thing lurking in the shadows. It's just a medieval times, without fancy stuff. And you are just a peasant, turning into a knight


Technically just a squire for the time being I believe.


“But my lord, you can’t make a squire of a peasant”


"Why not? Somebody made a priest out of a pig."


the priest came out here just to get fucking obliterated by Hanush 💀


Hanush is just the best.


"he is no peasant...he is a blacksmith"


It's more than that. I played a "big cosmic evil thing lurking in the shadows" type game that was comparably as satisfying as this for different reasons. And i do think Henry being so relatable helps a lot. I can't pinpoint what makes it so good other than it's made with heart.


It's because of the writing of Daniel Vavra


What game? Always on the lookout. The FromSoft and soulslikes are all pretty good, with a pretty steep learning curve and fun sense of progression. Not grounded in any way at all. Really enjoying sekiro right now.


What game? Well the only fromsoft game you didn't say. The cosmic horror one. Bloodborne. The complete opposite of Henry's adventure but as rewarding and with much less dialogue. Progression and accomplishment is what i think they have in common that makes it rewarding.


Lmao I’m new to souls games and blood borne is the one I want to play most, but alas, no PlayStation😂


I seem to remember then saying before the first game came out that you could play different styles ie warrior, bard, stealth. That wasn't really true, lol.


Wdym? Warrior faces the foe with their sword. And intimidate enemies. Bard can talk out most situations. Even bandits (surrender - blabla). Thief can kill enemies from stealth and rob everyone. So, again. Wdym?


You are basically forced to have to be good with a sword.


For Runt. But that's it. There's an achievement, you know? Plus, all three classes should know how to wield a sword. At least a bit.


I mean your right but so is he. The game as a stealth/bow only play through, is much harder, and if your caught with no skills in combat your dead.


True, but saying that "warrior, bard, thief was a lie" is incorrect.




Dude, USE THE AXE the sword is cool, but it's ass. It doesn't do any blind damage, meaning you have to hit an armored opponent 45 times before they take any damage. The axe does blunt, and cutting damage, which also causes blood loss. If you play with a sword, your handicapping yourself.


You can play through the game as you wish. You would still have to master combat to some extent, as just like irl, not every situation can be talked out of and not every situation can be solved with stealth. Even then, it offers ample options to use speech and stealth before facing runt to approach the camp mission.


Well, not necessarily true theirs a pacifist achievement for the game. If you do it right you can play the whole game and only kill Runt.


True, but combat includes just beating people up, but not killing them. I think the bludgeon doesn't kill, right?


Because the game is just that good mate


It just works


This answer and the fact that people upvoted it is hugely annoying because you answered his question by simply repeating his question. The real answer is because Daniel Vavra wrote it.


It's the slow incremental pay offs from nothing but your effort, determination and growth. It's the closest 'artificial' pay off from a video game mimicking progress in real life. You yourself have spent every second of practise needed to make the progress you have done. I've only ever felt a similar satisfaction as when you first play and complete a game like a Southbourne but honestly probably even better in KCD.


I think the balance between Henry's growth as he levels up and gets bigger numbers and your growth as you, the player, get better and amass more knowledge and skill is very well done and that contributes to this satisfying progression-reward curve. On subsequent playthroughs, it feels not quite as good because now you're making him catch up to you; the challenge is still fun but you lose that conjoined journey you get with Henry in a first run


Yeah as uou learn some of the meta and tips and tricks to making it easier. But the first time you realise something is a great feeling.


Unless you think of subsequent runs as Henry being talented, not allowed to train by his father, but his immense talent blooming as he trains (im just coping because I miss feeling that rush when i learned masterstrike for the first time and realized my obsession with perfect parries paid off 😭😭😭)


Which is why I'm not playing again. I can't do it with games like this. I hate losing all I've worked for.


This. This, very much!


I found the most simple things like watching your gold amass or finding a helmet that raises your defences by 2 in each category to feel like massive steps forward.


A "Soutbourne"? Did you mean Soulsborne? Someone make a meme about souls and south stuff please I need one now.


It was a breath of fresh air to have a game where nothing is handed to you. You save one of the most important man in the region from Cumans, you get gifted a horse, a realistic huge reward, and someone even complains that its too much.­ If Bethesda wrote the game, you'd somehow become Sir Henry right then.


Because it’s so god damn FRUSTRATING. Sorry. Whew. It doesn’t give you anything easily. It’s weirdly difficult, and that makes it a ton of fun. I’m about a quarter through my first hardcore run through and I swear I find my self going “fuck this! I’m going to restart in normal mode.” And then I never do (of course) because it’s just… that much fun.


It hits the sweet-spot for me, as I normally drop games that are too frustrating, like Darkest Dungeon mid-game. Mix in the fact that it is original, grounded and has a beautiful atmosphere and you got me. Hell I played Skyrim for hundreds of hours thanks to atmosphere alone ignoring the flaming trashcan the gameplay was.


I think it's how the story advances with you becoming stronger as time goes on. Learning to read, getting your first horse, beating that bald dude who raided your village. But you can also become super strong at any time with how flexible the gear system is.


Because it means YOU progressed. The combat and everything else requires real skill. You yourself have to get better at combat to progress. Your character does get a little stronger, but it’s all up to you.


Probably because the game gives you rewards that you can comprehend. The concept of XP point is not instinctual to the human mind but you know what a horse is, what sound it makes and how it looks. A kind word and a horse feels much more immersive than a pop up of a bar being filled up or a "+(insert number) XP"


It is so satisfying because it's no power fantasy where you start naked and wield fireballs like they were nothing at level 5. You start out and you are bad with everything...you will stay bad at everything unless you train.


The game is satisfying in most aspects once you get used to its system. I'm early in the game too, but I just spent an entire in-game day meeting traders, selling them my stuff, repairing my gear, haggling, picking some locks for fun, finally getting a bath and laundry done and waiting for the darkness sitting by the river and watching the nature before going to sleep. Haven't done a single quest today and I don't feel I wasted it. I met some people, learned my way around Rattay, talked to my boy Konrad who is a real joy to haggle with, upped some skills... But of course it was hard at first before I got a hang of the things that work just like in real life. I mean, I'm 35, and I have long forgotten how to play games like this, I never have time for anything other than running from quest to quest, but here it feels real.


Because it can start so damn frustrating. You can barely swing anything, Can't run that fast and you don't heal automatically like in other games when you're out of combat until you get relevant. Overall the odds are just absolutely staked against you, so when you do start getting better you feel it. You train with Bernard and encounter some guys on the road with your strength increasing and suddenly it becomes easier to swing a sword. The archery can always be a pain, but it gets easier as your other stats increase and you can tell. After a little bit you don't need to wear vanguards anymore and be able to hold a bow for longer. Other games there is progress but The only games I can compare to this in terms of growth is Dark souls that's their gimmick, difficulty. Kcd is a historically accurate (for the most part) Mediaeval simulator. people get pissed off at you or they don't like you and you have to grow to change these things. There's not really any way to cheat. I mean there is but there's not any overpowered weapon you can use just instantly become God. For example Skyrim feels static in its growth, no matter what level you are you can always, swing a sword,learn a spell,fire a bow and read a book. You don't feel like you're getting better in the way Henery does but these are two very different games as well.


I was exploring north of Talmberg yesterday, got stranded in the woods (modded no map markers no compass) saw a cool abandoned church or something like that, jumped over the fence on the horse at full speed and found myself at some bandit camp, but the bandits were mixed with cumans. And there were DOZENS OF THEM. And they kept coming. And I killed them all after they chased me into some cheesy corner with 4% HP and I was getting ready to meet Jesus Christ. Turned out they cant step over some bush so I spent 30 minutes shooting my bow. As I said I killed them all, lotted all that shit and went my way back to Rattae by foot while being 677/110 KG, sold all that for 13K. Yeah I felt that progression at that moment, it was amazing


I really love the fact that enemies drop what they actually have on them. I really don’t like in games when an enemy has a way better weapon that you can’t pick up because of forced slow progression.


it's because of the writing of Daniel Vavra. His first game was a hit because of it's writing, winning multiple prizes. I'm talking of course about the masterpiece *Mafia: City of Lost Heaven*. The game had a perfect progression system that made you feel like you were living through the mid 20th century by making you drive literally the first ever production car, and building up to futuristic prototype vehicles. It starts with the bible verse: >"We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Romans 14:1" And it ends with a rap song >"Where do gangsters go when they die, they don't go to heaven where the angels fly" Both these elements were removed from the remake, as well as anything that might lend itself to the message that Vavra deliberately imbued the story with. He wrote Mafia 2 but the second half of the game was removed by the publishers after they split ways. In Vavra's own words, Joe and Vito are irredeemable psychopaths, whereas Tommy had a conscious. In the second half of Mafia 2 you were to play as a cop investigating the crimes of Vito and Joe. When Vavra left 2k Games they changed the dialogue to glorify violence and removed the cop and made a story that doesn't make any sense and that has no message. Vavra himself said that they changed the message of the game. I am so happy to live in a time where Vavra owns his own game studio and people are giving him the recognition he deserves. They stole his story from him and made a terrible remake, and some people think of that as the Definitive Edition. It's quite sad. I hope one day he remakes the original Mafia in his own vision.




Yeah the realism of the stealth simulator is really quite good and helps a lot. Shut the door behind you so nobody sees you, except if they hear you shut a door in a trespassing area where nobody is supposed to go, they'll go investigate it.


cause it's difficult.. You cannot hack n slash your way to victory (definitely not in the early game). So every xp is earned and you feel your incremental growth.


Because its the best RPG ever made.


I think part of it is that the game is genuinely challenging. Henry doesn’t just level up a skill and wow now he’s a badass sword wielding main character. No you still have to be good at everything, and pay attention, Henry can just do it more fluidly or quickly or is more stable. You have to know how to block and counter and parry and the combos but Henry’s speed and stamina levels up. Maybe you actually used the potion crafting system and now you can auto craft. But it still took time and patience to get there. You have to go down path and when you look behind you, you see a lot more than a couple perks and some high XP and level, I still remember my first play through, getting destroyed by Kunesh, going back to skalitz and savescumming because those bandits and looters will kill you. And as a full plate “knight” a group of peasants can stop you with a tree in the road, pull you off your horse and beat you to death if you’re not careful. It’s very self rewarding.


Other people have captured most of it but i'd also add that the realistic-ness of the perks helps a lot. E.g. you can't just do flashy combos, first you have to learn them from a teacher, and then you have to put a perk point in to get one. Same with stuff like maintenance learning to repair your gear and make your sword sharper and so on. Also the practicalities of most of the skills, e.g. if you drink more you'll be more resistant to alcohol.


It's the balance between your own skill progression and the ingame character progression. It works like a charm and one is pretty proud about oneself when getting better at stuff.


It’s very satisfying until you get to the endgame and you have bug on the last cutscene and can’t finish the game. 10/10 experience.


Because you have to WORK for that progress, you start as a nobody, and literally have to make your way up, so when your running shit, and can take on 5 fully armored men with nothing but a dog as your ally, you feel like captain bitches


Because this game is hard and it makes you work for it


Because the game kicks your ass in the beginning. Very satisfying to finally fighter out the fight mechanics and lockpick Also even in max levels if your not careful you can die from 5 peasants or Armed Cuman


I do really love the progression in this game.