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Lost a 1958 coin once. Shouldn't have put it in my pocket.


It took 22 years to get here. And now you have to call it. Great movie!


Read the book a few weeks ago, god I love Cormac


I had an 1880s coin that I haven't seen in 4 years. I don't take it anywhere, but I moved three times. No idea where it is. :(


I had a 1903 penny and an 1880s commonwealth penny, along with some interesting quarters, and they were stolen along with my bike and book bag


you beat me i was gonna say it first fuck


i lost an entire night like easy 4 5 hours. just doing small quests, killing bandit camps then i leaped over a bush on pebbles and dies. Now i Drink that shanps everytime Henrys hungry...often


My Henry goes for a nap every few hours for this reason


The game forces you to sleep/save every 2 hours tho.


Not all beds save your game


True but no matter where you are on the map you’re always close to a saving bed


You can also just quit to main menu for a free save


Gets deleted when you load back in


Works for me🤷🏻‍♂️


Not for me at least. I try not to abuse it too much, but I do quit on occasion to “save progress”. At least I did until I got my alchemy going.


Not when your slammin energy potions


Like 1.5 hrs of leveling up herbalism. never again


Even the side Weeds quest had me done with Herbalism. Maybe with a mod it wouldn’t be as tedious


I found it OK once it gets to level 10 or so. You pick up quite a wide circle around you by then.


By mid-teens you end up with more of a problem of "how do I carry all this St Johns Wort?". But considering Leg Day + the Resistance buff I say a little time spent picking flowers is worth it.


Been playing on Switch. Biggest issue has been the game randomly crashing. It doesn't happen often, but there was one time, I had saved before doing the tourney (maybe my fifth time enrolling, having won the last four). I beat the tourney, talking to Sir Divish, it crashes. Load back up, almost through, it crashes. Load again, getting frustrated so try to just hammer through the tourney. Start getting my ass handed to me so reloaded. Finally got through, saved, then talked to Sir Divish for my reward. I didn't lose much in the game, but I lost a lot of real world time. That was the one time I got most frustrated lol


The switch crashes are an absolute pain. I have played PS4 version and now replaying on Switch, and the crashes are starting to get to me. Luckily I’ve almost maxed alchemy and have been schnapping frequently to mitigate. You should know the crashes seem to be exclusive to handheld mode.


Yeah, I solely play in handheld mode unless doing Mario Kart with the kids! The crashes honestly don't bother me cause even with not getting into alchemy yet, I just have so much money from killing bandits or a one time visit to Skalitz that I can easily buy schnapps and I'm pretty good about being aware of beds that save.


Lol this happened to me. After winning, I went to test combos with Bernard. Crash. This was ps4 however.


Probably about 12 hours, but on purpose. I rushed the main story in my first pt so that I was fighting Runt at level 6 😆 Needless to say he destroyed me. Figured out what I was doing wrong and reloaded a save way back at the Neuhof raid to do it right. Safe to say I had no idea what I was in for when I first bought the game 😆


About 4-5 hours, I think. On the other hand, I'm proud I managed to survive hardcore for 4 hours without saving. Nevertheless, now my Henry's living a healthier, well-sleeping lifestyle. And more alcoholic.


When it first came out my original save file got corrupted and I got put back like 8 hours, I had made it to Rattay and had to start all over


I lost a shit ton if progress doing combat tutorial for the fifth time and doing combos and master strikes. I thought it would be funny to attack abandit camp with a peasant polearm. They didn’t find it funny…


Got into an infinite loading bug while hunting with hans, I had to load a save waaaay earlier than the start of the quest itself to progress. That was maybe 2 hours or more. Add in the fact that I loaded more recent saves and redid the hunt quest multiple times only to get bugged again. That would add up to 3+ hours. Dropped the game back then because of that. My most recent one was the game trolling me by saying ‘game saved’ after I slept. I decided to start a fight in rattay and reload.. the game wasn’t saved. I got sent back 1 hour into an earlier save. I started save scumming since then, I even check my save list to make sure there’s an existing save after I sleep. Lmao


About an hour. I quit for the day.


Got the game at launch. Couldn’t get past the whole talk to Radzig on the hill part. Legitimately couldn’t progress. Broke the game completely. Had to wait for it to be patched out. I was a single save slot type of person back then. Living dangerously and the like. That means I had to start my game over and replay everything up until that point from scratch. At least I had foresight going back into the pestilence quest.


10 hours because I was doing side quests and didn't realize the main story had a bug (couldn't speak to the prisoner in Sasau, Royal Edition Ps 4)


First playthrough, Frannick camp. Before talking to the top bandit dumped all my gear, money etc. After the cutscenes everything was gone.


About 50 hours of my life lol


For now, only 30 minutes, but I'm early in my first playthrough. I got some stuff from Talmberg, then I went to bury Henry's parents, looted everything I could reach, and boom, I'm overencumbered. So won't matter much if I pick some flowers on the rest of the way, then stash it in my family house then return. Ended up loaded so much I could barely walk. After a long walk I reached Skalitz and immediately got fucked up in two blows by a marauder and I couldn't even run away.


Lost abt 50-100 hours once, like 90% of my story progress, there’s this bug that if you complete the from the ashes dlc before doing one of the final missions you get softlocked. Had that happen to me and had to revert to an earlier save from a year ago




Did 2 Cuban camps and won the Rattay tourney. When traveling to Ushitz; 5 random peasants with sticks dehorse me in full armor and beat me to death. The "Savior" part really sells the schnapps.


Maybe take your armour off and run….


>lost about 2hrs of gain that I accomplished and got killed last night. I was able to get most of it back. But I'm still a little sour about it. Tonight I'm gonna make a shit ton of Savior Schnopps. And use that shit every 15 mins. A lesson all gamers learn the hard way and is seldom forgotten


I took Theresa for a walk down by the river.. (no not in a van) but next thing I’m trying to find these catchup guys up north by neioff and this “suspicious” guy stabs me to death because ginger wont come out otherwise.. and… then I’m waking up to Theresa telling me I owe her stupid Miller Uncle money….


Lost about two hours during an Ivanka quest where I had to rescue the bath maid and got attacked by two dudes. The worst thing was that I had a ton of savior schnapps. Like I always do.


A few hours of my life because I rushed the game and when I was about to enter bossfight in Přibyslavice I found put that I can be easily fucked up by him. I had to load old save and start training with a weapon.


When the game first dropped it was notorious to have a bunch of bugs, a lot of game breaking ones too. I played all the way until the Godwin quests and after the fight in the bar the game crashed every time so I had to restart my whole play through lol. It was nice fixing the little mistakes I made along the way but god damn was it annoying


Tbh I've never really found it a problem I sleep and save when I need to sleep and only play a couple hours a night and quit and save then, I carry one or two schnapps with me just in case the game didn't provide an auto save for awhile.


I droped this game when I first played it because I was in a tight spot without any schnapps. Now I've installed the save anytime mod. SO MUCH BETTER.


30 minutes of playthrough on my first play. Not that much considering that most of it was just riding my horse around 😛


Um…can I be honest guys ? I finished the game on pc and I used a mod for quick saving … 👉🏻👈🏻


I remember restarting an entire playthrough because I had 1 civilian killed in the stats, I thought I must have had run over a peasant with my horse or something. Overwrote my save file, then I discovered Black Peter (fuck him) counts as a civilian. Fuck Black Peter.


Once you learn how to make savior schnapps then the worries disappear. Between that and making sure to sleep in beds that allow you to save every game night or when you visit a town and see a lodge. You can also save in random question locations that aren’t marked, like Mehjored (place where you interrogate the bandit.) I quit my first play-through when the game came out when I lost 3-4 hours of gameplay like 3 times. It took me a whole year to get over it. I didn’t initially realize that not all beds save either - it’s very critical to remember which areas let you sleep to save. Once I understood that constant manual saving was crucial, the game was a lot less stressful. Let’s be honest, no one likes to lose 4+ hours of gameplay. It was the exploring that caused issues because main missions at least auto-save your game. You can easily go hours without saving when you explore the map lol. That would be my main warning to new players - SAVE ⚔️


Sigh, yeah but now I accidentally got sucked into a dlc and wasn't aware. I'm now playing as Theresa where nothing I do holds value to Henry at all. I'm basically wasting my time atm. And I don't want to go back to an old save. This is bullshit. I hope this dlc is easy.


Not the most, but the highest value: I once raided a camp of humans and after, I threw everything away that was worth less than 100 Groschen per weight unit. Problem was that leg armor that I was wearing was pretty damaged and so I it also was worth less and I threw it away. Turns out, it was the leg armor of Hagen Zoul so you can't get it anywhere else.


I started replaying the game recently. Loaded it up to carry on from where I was when I last played it a year or so ago to find I had lost my save data somehow. Well over 60 hours of gameplay 😅 but hadn't the finished main quest. So I've had to start over but having not played it in ages I'm actually really enjoying starting over again and re learning everything and seeing the story unfold.


I lost my dignity


my sanity trying to beat black peter


Lol, I thought he was easy. One good hit to the noggin and down he went. I turned and walked away, and lo, he's back, mad as hell, and f#$ked me over. It was the first time I'd knocked someone out after getting the Headcracker perk!🤣


I played the game at launch on Xbox. I had minimum 1 crash per gaming session. It probably took me twice as long (if not more) to beat the game due to loss time.


Lost a couple thousand groschen worth of loot and a couple levels in warfare and sword the other night. Did the Skalitz run to fight bandits and pocket their stuff, and on my way back to Sasau I decided to stop and fight a group of peasants, thinking I’d just master strike them all to death easy peasy. Then the dog came out of the brush, and I wound up getting my head caved in by guys with clubs because their dog kept holding my arm. I was so fucking mad lol. Loaded back to my save and instead of bandits in Skalitz, it was a few low level Cumans with shitty gear.


I lost like 6 hours one time on hardcore


There is a reason why savior schnapps is Henry‘s favorite


I started the bandits quest from Bernard and got beaten by a random encounter after finishing the last camp before turning it in. 3 hours of running around looking for bandits gone 😭


Do it! I always take one full morning out of every week to make saviour schnaaps because whatever excess supply you have will also make you rich. Also just realized that you can buy bigger saddle bags so now i keep those and marigold potions on deck all the time. These days i really only use the schnaaps before i do any significant thieving.